Slide 1 - Maine Military & Community Network

Rural Veterans Coordination Pilot (RVCP)
Assisting Veterans Transitioning to Civilian Life in Rural Maine
RVCP Grant Award
Organizational Chart
Goals and Deliverables
RVCP Next Steps
Veteran CareerCenter Help
November 22nd, 2010
Maine’s RVCP Grant Award
• Funded by: The U.S. Department of Veterans
Affairs’ Office of Rural Health
• Grant Award: $2,000,000
• Project Period: 9/15/2014 – 9/14/2016
• Purpose: To assist Veterans who are transitioning
from military to civilian life in rural or underserved
communities and families of such veterans.
Rural Veterans Coordination Pilot
November 22nd, 2010
RVCP Organization Structure
Rural Veterans Coordination Pilot
November 22nd, 2010
Transitioning Veteran - Defined
• Veteran who is transitioning from military service to civilian life
means a Veteran who is separating from active military, naval, or
air service in the Armed Forces to return to life as a civilian and
such Veteran's date of discharge or release from active military,
naval, or air service was not more than 2 years prior to the date
on which the RVCP grant was awarded (08/26/2012).
• Veteran's family means those individuals who reside with the
Veteran in the Veteran's primary residence. These individuals
include a parent, a spouse, a child, a step-family member, an
extended family member, and individuals who reside in the home
with the Veteran but are not a member of the family of the
Rural Veterans Coordination Pilot
November 22nd, 2010
RVCP Goals and Deliverables
1. Outreach to transitioning Veterans and their
 Peer Support Workers will reach out to 90% of targeted
households, (3,600 – 4,000) of transitioning Veterans and their
family members (DVEM/MBVS)
 A trainer will do outreach and trainings on Veterans’
benefits/services geared for public and non-profit service
providers and businesses so they can provide referrals when they
encounter a veteran in need of help.
 New informational materials will be developed to provide
Veterans and their families with accessible information on benefits
available to them.
Rural Veterans Coordination Pilot
November 22nd, 2010
RVCP Goals and Deliverables
2. Increased coordination of healthcare and benefits
for Veterans
 Approximately 300 transitioning Veterans and family members
receive intensive case management services (ESME)
 Regional service coordination teams will work to identify better
models for service delivery in most rural areas of Maine and host
two resource/job fairs in rural areas each year. (NMDC/MMCN)
 The Maine Military and Community Network (MMCN) has
established workgroups in six areas around Maine (Bangor,
Augusta, Lewiston, Brunswick, Portland, and Springvale) in an effort
to coordinate activities of Veterans’ service providers to provide
more efficient service delivery and address gaps and barriers for
Veterans accessing services.
Rural Veterans Coordination Pilot
November 22nd, 2010
RVCP Goals and Deliverables
3. Provide assistance to transitioning Veterans and
their families
Job development services in Congressional District 2 will generate
1,500 job opportunities for Veterans in that region. (MDOL/BES)
Flexible Employment Fund, administered by NMDC, will help 200
transitioning Veterans and family members achieve employment
goals. (NMDC and ALL RVCP Partners)
Development of an education data base will allow Veterans to
leverage the skills/training they received in military and apply
toward civilian degree, trade or license. (MMCN/UMA)
Rural Veterans Coordination Pilot
November 22nd, 2010
Maine’s 2 Congressional District
Veteran CareerCenter Help
November 22nd, 2010
RVCP Next Steps
 Staff Hiring – Completed February 2015
 Work plans have been developed. Tasks and
activities are being identified and added as
needed – Current and on-going
 Transitioning Veterans and Family Members being
served by RVCP Partners – March 2015
 Launch of Flexible Employment Fund – March 2015
 Education Database in Development – March 2015
Rural Veterans Coordination Pilot
November 22nd, 2010
RVCP Grant Award
Organizational Chart
Goals and Deliverables
RVCP Next Steps
Veteran CareerCenter Help
November 22nd, 2010
Thank You!
Rural Veterans Coordination Pilot
November 22nd, 2010