Key 6 See the World in Yourself U

Know that your outer world, reflects your inner self.
Deepak Chopra
Mechanism of Consciousness
In everyday life we have lost the understanding about what consciousness
is and does. Wisdom traditions have always understood that consciousness
has an energy and power of its own that shapes our lives. Awareness heals.
To harness the healing potential of awareness, which is the doorway to the power of
consciousness, we need to believe three things.
1. That consciousness is everywhere, not just confined to the brain.
2. Consciousness is infinitely flexible and ever changing.
3. Reality changes with different states of consciousness.
The energy of whatever we are experiencing inside, becomes a crisis, opportunity or
event in our material reality. The mechanics of consciousness are not theoretical. We
can observe them in our daily lives. When people are making decisions from that
highest consciousness, their true being state, they create positive lives.
When people live from the level of
unconsciousness, they frequently create chaos and
can’t understand how it happens. When living
from a state of fear or resentment, people are
making decisions based on negative perceptions.
Our inner world is reflected in our outer world.
So trying to change external things, is like trying to
change the reflection by polishing the mirror. The
source of the reflection – our inner world – our
level of consciousness, is what needs to change.
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When we come from
the higher reality or
our true self
When we come from
the anxious, angry,
fearful ego
We can recognize and
release the “story”,
the mix of old stuff
and future fears
We are hopelessly
tied up in the
“story”. Believe it’s
true and don’t see any
reason to let go of it
Strong negative feelings
flow through our bodies
creating unwellness
Strong positive
feelings flow through
our hearts
Bringing integrity
to our thoughts
repairing our
brains and
connection to true self
Bringing confusion to our
thoughts, holding to the
belief that we are all
powerful and struggle
is necessary
Action from this state
Our Doing
is Aligned
with our Being.
What is beneficial for everyone occurs!
Not much long term benefit occurs
for anyone!
Action from this state
Our Doing
is Misaligned
with our Ego.
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Spiritual Growth
So how do we get and stay rooted in that deeper reality of our true being?
Spiritual growth. First to have the desire to grow spiritually and then to have the
understanding that it will mean facing our unruly thoughts and feelings.
Most of the work of spiritual growth, is the recognition and release of what blocks our
access to higher levels consciousness. We have talked in previous sessions about many
of the blocks, but basically they come down to just four; rigid beliefs, past unresolved
trauma and biological barriers like brain chemistry imbalances.
So what do we do when we are struggling in a situation because of these factors? Deepak
Chopra tells us, we just stop. I laughed out loud when I read that. It reminded me of all
the doctors that told me to just stop overeating.
But he acknowledged the difficulty in just stopping and has some suggestions. Just as I
found that there were ways to stop the eating, I was able to find ways to stop acting from
the ego or lower levels of consciousness.
The first and most common, but also most powerful, is to make that subtle shift into the
witness position in the situation. Sometimes especially in the beginning, we can’t
witness the situation without being drawn out of witnessing and back into the struggle.
One beginning step is practicing mindfulness, firstly at home under no stress, then as we
get better at the compassionate observation of the witnessing position, practicing in
difficult situations. Just watching things as they appear in our experience.
Breath is the traditional and still number one focus for mindfulness. When we can just
watch the breath, our body and mind will calm. Not necessarily quickly or easily, but
practice in small increments, staying with whatever the practice triggers. Sensations,
emotions and thoughts get triggered, because nothing can fool or hide from the breath.
It is like the WD40 of spiritual solutions. What that means, if you don’t know the
reference, is that breath will loosen all that blocks our access to higher consciousness.
What happens typically is that all that disturbs or distracts us comes up when we try to
settle into watching the breath. We think we are doing it wrong because we’re supposed
to be getting calm. We do get calm, but not until after recognizing and releasing what
comes up.
So then you need to just meet whatever comes up and doggedly return to witness your
next breath. Not in an ignoring way, but with compassionate, understanding this is the
way it will happen, gently persistent way.
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Typically we all have some mix of all the blocks to higher consciousnes. For example,
our typical compulsive addictive eating client will have; rigid ideas that they should just
be able to change quickly and easily and they’re bad if they can’t, unresolved trauma
from childhood with parents that had lost to their own struggles with wellness and then
brain chemistry imbalances that predispose them to have sensory regulation problems
and a depressive mental state of negative perception about the world.
We would have them try out the following things: Note what you might apply.
1. Assess or reassess brain chemistry and other medical issues – are they getting all
the assistance they need to address these blocks to a higher more comfortable
and compassionate state of consciousness?
2. Outline a plan of eating that will help detox their body of unhealthy substances.
3. Help them craft a spiritual intention that will be able to clarify for them what they
are doing all this higher consciousness work for!
4. Practice paying attention in their body and mind for any sign of ego or resistance
to accepting life on life’s terms and teach them how to release that energy.
5. Teach them a mediation and breathing practice they can do daily and in times of
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Qualities of the Heart
Since consciousness transcends personal identity, living from a level of
higher consciousness or pure being arouses the deepest values of life. Four of these
values, that constitute the highest level of feeling and are most harmonious to human
existence are:
1. Loving Kindness
This is both a way to relate to our selves and others and a practice.
For more information check out this YouTube with Pema Chodron
2. Compassion
Being open hearted, instead of being judgemental.
3. Joy at the success of others
Envy is a soul destroying emotion that we can reduce in ourselves by noticing
when it comes up and working with our minds to wiggle them into a better feeling
place with the success of others. Perhaps considering their success as proof that
it is possible for us.
4. Equanimity, peace
This is the state of allowing and accepting everything that comes up. There is
nothing that is better or worse, right or wrong, everything just simply is.
All of these qualities of the heart, spontaneously
manifest as we stay in that ground state that is
found in higher levels of consciousness.
However, we can prepare for and practice these
heart states as well.
Practice simply by noticing when you are not feeling them.
Explore, how you do feel and let that all go, one sensation, one feeling one thought at a
Contemplate how you might feel if you were in those higher states.
Imagine feeling that way in your body and mind, Ask for this experience in prayer or
just in a request to the universe.
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