Eating Disorders - Livonia Public Schools

Michigan Merit Curriculum
Strand 1: Nutrition and Physical Activity
1.2 Distinguish between unhealthy and healthy ways to manage
1.3 Identify and locate valid and reliable resources in one’s community
and on the internet for nutrition information, nutrition services, and
help with weight management or unhealthy eating patterns.
What is an eating disorder?
Why do some people have eating
List the health hazards of anorexia,
bulimia, and pica.
Describe the characteristics of
individuals most at risk of anorexia or
145 lbs
101 lbs
11 - 14
36 – 37”
29 – 31”
40 – 42”
About 60% of Americans, both males and females
are overweight. About one-third (34%) are obese.
Anorexia and bulimia also occur in children as
young as six and individuals as old as seventy-six
About 72% of alcoholic women younger than 30
also have eating disorders.
An eating disorder occurs when a person’s life
revolves around weight and food
◦ Some people eat too little. This is called restrictive
◦ Some people eat too much at one time. This is
called binge eating.
◦ Some people binge and purge. They vomit or use
laxatives to get rid of the food they eat.
◦ Some people exercise to excess (also called
obsessive or compulsive exercise). They feel
anxious or angry if they miss a day, even if they’re
injured or sick.
What is an eating disorder?
• Anorexia, bulimia, and binge
eating are all eating disorders.
• They involve serious medical
and emotional issues. A
person with an eating disorder
needs help.
• Many people have eating,
exercise and body image
problems that are unhealthy
but don’t fit the criteria for an
eating disorder.
What is an eating disorder?
Disorders eating, female athletic triad and
muscle dysmorphia are examples.
Problems with eating and exercise can be
treated. The sooner people get help, the
more likely they will recover fully.
Causes of eating disorders:
• Dieting may be the
first step in some cases.
But many people diet
without developing
eating disorders.
• Body image is a big
factor. Society’s focus
on thinness has a big
impact. Many people
risk their health to look
like the models and
actors they see in the
Emotional issues are
behind most eating
Some people use
food and exercise to
feel in control. Others
eat in response to
stress. Some people
switch between eating
too little and eating too
It is very important to
get help w/ the issues
behind an eating
Who’s at risk?
 Young women are at highest risk for eating and
body image problems. But women of all ages, as
well as men, can have problems too.
People most at risk may have:
Low self- esteem and/or depression
Problems with family or friends
A desire to be “perfect”
Family or friends who focus on weight
Activities or careers that require a certain body
type or weight (modeling, dancing, weight lifting,
What are the Signs?
 A person may not be happy with his/her body…
He or she might:
Hate the thought of any body fat
Exercise often to burn calories
Use steroids or supplements
What are the signs continued
 A person may have odd eating habits
 She or he might:
Skip meals often
Eat at meal times, but cut back a lot on
food at one or all meals
Eat the same thing day after day or meal
after meal
Have conflicts with family and/or friends
over how much or when to eat
What are the signs continued
 A person may have issues with food
 She or he might:
Think about food all the time
 Have secret eating binges and feel unable to
 Vomit or use laxatives and/or diuretics after
*If you or a friend has some of these signs, talk
to a counselor or other health professional.
They can help
If you think a friend may have a problem, there are
things you can do to help.
 Focus on the positive:
▪ Express concern. Talk about your friend’s health &
happiness rather than his/her eating behaviors.
▪ Be patient and be there. Listen & care. Point out
strengths & praise talents.
▪ Encourage your friend to seek professional help.
Offer to go along to the first visit.
 Avoid the negative:
▪ Don’t give advice (unless asked for it).
Don’t nag or criticize.
▪ Don’t be part of talk that focuses just on
food, body size or weight.
▪ Don’t expect your friend to change
overnight. Change can take time.
 Some
or all of these people may team up to
Internists & family practice physicians can
check health status
Therapists, social workers & counselors can
help people deal with the issues behind the
Dietitians can help set new eating patterns &
increase the variety of foods eaten
Support groups can’t replace professional
treatment. But they can provide contact with
people who understand
Hospital care may be needed if there severe
medical or mental concerns.
Anorexia: not eating enough to keep a healthy body
weight. Can be life threatening.
• Warning signs
– Physical/feelings
• Weight loss to below 15%
or normal weight
• Extreme fear of gaining
• Loss or menstrual cycle
• Sensitive to cold. Feels
tired & weak
• Depressed, low self-esteem
and/or poor body image.
Anorexia Continued
• Warning signs
• Eating & exercise
• Eats too little at one
• Denies hunger and
skips meals
• Some must exercise
every day
• May binge and purge
Anorexia Continued
• What can happen over time?
– Damage to heart, brain and
– Not able to have children
– Brittle, weak bones
– Problems w/hair, nails, and
– Death from cardiac arrest,
starvation or suicide
Bulimia: What is it?
 Eating too much at one
time (binge eating.
 Then purging by vomiting,
taking laxatives or
exercising a lot to get rid
of the food.
 Can be life-threatening
• Warning Signs
 Usually at or near normal
body weight
 Teeth lose enamel. Cheeks
swell. Hands and fingers
get calluses
 Loss of menstrual cycle
 Tired and weak.
 Fainting spells
 Depressed, low self-esteem
and/or poor body image
Warning Signs
Eating and exercise habits
Eats too much at one time.
Eats in secret.
Purges by vomiting, using
diuretics or laxatives, or
exercising too much.
• Thinks a lot about food
and weight.
Bulimia: What can happen over time?
Erratic heartbeat and heart
Irritation or bleeding of the
throat from vomiting.
Cramping, constipation or
Problems with hair, nails and
Brittle, weak bone.
Death from cardiac arrest or
ruptured stomach.
Binge eating/compulsive overeating
• What is it?
– Eating too much at one time on a regular basis
• Warning Signs
– Physical/feelings
• Usually overweight or obese
• Feels out of control
• Frequent weight changes
• Depressed, low self-esteem
Binge eating/compulsive overeating
Warning signs:
Eating & exercise habits
• Must eat, even when not hungry
• Eats too much or too little at one time
• Eats late at night
• Often doesn’t exercise
• What can happen over time
– Frequent weight changes can damage health
– Increased risk for type 2 diabetes
– Increased risk for heart disease
Disordered eating
• What is it?
– Eating too little or too much at one time. Unusual
food and exercise habits.
• Warning Signs
– Physical/feelings
• Poor body image
• Tired and weak
• Weight changes
Disordered eating
• Warning Signs
– Eating and exercise habits
• Skips meals
• Eats too little or too much at one time
• Thinks a lot about food and weight
• Some must exercise every day
• What can happen?
– Shows early signs of an eating disorder
– Can turn into full-blown eating disorder
Female Athlete Triad
• What is it?
– Seen in physically active women. Includes
disordered eating, loss or menstrual cycle & weaker
• Warning Signs
– Physical/feelings
• Low body weight
• Tired and weak
• Decreased athletic performance
• Frequent injuries. Stress fractures
• Depression
Female athlete triad
• Warning signs
– Eating and exercise habits
• Restricts eating
• Binge eats and then purges
• Thinks a lot about food and weight
• Must exercise every day
• What can happen?
– Can shorten or ruin athletic career
– Has medical problems that go with an eating
– Brittle, weak bones. Unusual fractures.
Muscle Dysmorphia
• What is it?
– Distorted body image. Person feels small, in spite of
being muscular.
• Warning Signs
– Physical/feelings
• Muscular build
• Uses anabolic steroids
• Feels ashamed of body
Muscle Dysmorphia
• Warning signs:
– Eating & exercise habits
• Weight lifting & related activities become the
focus of life
• Restricts diet. Eats a very high-protein diet
• Must exercise every day
• Uses herbal & diet supplements
• What can happen?
– Steroids can damage the heart, brain & other vital
– Unknown risks from using supplements not
approved by FDA (food & drug administration)
Steps to Recovery
• An eating disorder can be life-threatening.
• People who get better usually take these
– These notice they have a problem with
eating & body image
– They get professional help from someone
trained to treat eating disorders
– They learn about eating. They learn how
to nourish their bodies with a wide
variety of foods. They learn how much
food their bodies really need.
Steps to Recovery
– They learn about feelings.
They learn how they’ve
used food to cope. They
learn other ways to
express & deal with their
– They learn to accept their
bodies. They learn to
value themselves for who
they are, not for how they
look or what they weigh.
To learn more…
• Academy for eating disorders
– 718 920 6782
• Anorexia nervosa & related eating disorders
– 847 831 3438
• The national eating disorders association
– 206 382 3587
• The national eating disorders screening program
– 781 239 0071
• An eating disorder in
which a person eats
nonfood substances
like starch, clay, or
• This disorder usually
occurs among
pregnant women.
• The health dangers
result from eating
February 19, 2004: Western France
French doctors were taken aback when they
discovered the reason for a patient’s sore,
swollen belly. He had swallowed around 350
coins – $650 worth – along with assorted
necklaces and needles.
Doctors we awed when they took an
X-ray. They discovered an
enormous mass in his stomach that
turned out to weigh 12 pounds – as
much as some bowling balls. The
weight forced his stomach down
between his hips!
The patient’s rare
condition is
called PICA, a
compulsion to eat
things not
consumed as
food. Eating dirt,
ashes, chalk, hair,
burned matches
and many other
He died 12 days
later. His family
tried to keep
coins and
jewelry away
from him. When
he was invited
and came in
some homes,
he liked to steal
coins and eat
PICA is best known in children and pregnant
women but also linked to psychiatric illness.
Things To Say and Not Say to People With Anorexia
NOT SAY: “You look so thin!” They will interpret this
as a compliment and victory!
“You should get help.” Anyone with an eating disorder
clings to it like a lifeboat. “Help” suggests taking the
lifeboat away, and they will resist and restrict more.
SAY: Feel free to share your PERCEPTIONS AND
“I’m really scared about how you look.”
I’m really frightened about what you are doing to
I really miss the fun friend you used to be.”
YouTube - anorexia and bulimia