1st Community Meeting - Conservation District of Southern Nevada

Community Garden
Steering Committee
Formation Meeting
March 27, 2013
“The single greatest lesson the garden
teaches is that our relationship to the
planet need not be zero-sum, and that as
long as the sun still shines and people still
can plan and plant, think and do, we can, if
we bother to try, find ways to provide for
ourselves without diminishing the world. ”
Michael Pollan, The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals
Cool T-Shirts!
 Name?
 What kind of work do you do?
 What is your interest and experience
with community gardens?
 What is the single biggest reason you
are interested in community gardens?
Multiple Benefits
Municipal Costs
“Pocket Parks”
Improved Diets
Urban Ecosystem
Youth Education
Cultural Opportunities
Horticultural Therapy
Crime Prevention
Cool T-Shirts
First Steps - 1 of 4
 Organize a meeting of interested
people and Stakeholders
 Choose a well-organized garden
 Form committees to accomplish tasks:
Funding & Resource Development;
Youth Activities; Construction;
First Steps - 2 of 4
 Determine if there really is a need and
desire for a garden
 What kind of garden--vegetable, flower,
trees, a combination?
 Who will the garden serve--youth,
seniors, special populations, people
who just want an alternative to trash?
What Type of Garden?
 Sponsored
 Fee-based
 Combination
Approach a Sponsor
Contributions of land, tools, seeds,
fencing, soil improvements or money are
all vital to a successful community
garden. Churches, schools, citizens
groups, private businesses, local parks
and recreation departments are all
potential supporters. Community
Development Block Grants are
sometimes available
First Steps - 3 of 4
 Make a list of what needs to be
 Find a garden site
 Obtain lease or agreement
 Establish mailing address
telephone number(s)
First Steps - 4 of 4
 Set and monitor community
garden budget, keep
administration in the hands of
several people
 Choose a name for the garden
 GO!
 GROW!!!
Meeting Agenda
 Jon Wardlaw -Conservation District of
Southern Nevada
 Ciara Byrne – School District Gardens
 Brian Villenga – Gardens that Work
 Assess Interest
 Next Steps
Community Garden
Steering Committee
Formation Meeting
Thank you for
March 27, 2013