Data for Costing Data for Parametric Costing Mort Anvari Director, Acquisition Costing (SAFM-CEA) 2008 Cost Research Workshop Acquisition Cost and Earned Value Reports: Data Quality Issue May 22, 2008 Key Points Data Recognize the DCARC Data Collection Enforcement through Defense Acquisition Executive Summary (DAES) and the Success in Collecting Data for Costing at DCARC, Services, and PMs. We have Several Data Quality Issues and Potential for Type I (α) and II (β) Errors in our Cost Estimating. Examples include: STRYKER, FCS, and GFEBS. Opportunity for Cost Analysis Enterprise Resource Planning (CA-ERP) and Data for Costing Architecture. Need Data for Costing: Future Technologies; Processes; Performances; Products; Services; Personnel; and Schedule. 2 May 22, 2008 Army DAES Group A CSDR Issues & Actions May 2008 Program ATIRCM/CMWS FMTV Patriot PAC-3 Missile Segment Data Status Issues (as of May 7, 2008) Actions (as of May 21, 2008) G G N/A N/A N/A N/A G N/A N/A JLENS Y UH-60M Y LUH Y CH-47F R 1. DASG60-98-C-0001, plan A-04-I-C1-S2 R; 1. Report will be resubmitted by June 7, 2008. Preliminary Design Review cost report submitted May 7, 2008 was rejected. 1. W58RGZ-08-C-0003, plans A-06-A-C1-S1,A- 1. WBS dictionary for plan A-06-A-C1-S1 was 06-A-C1 S2 and A-06-A-C1S3 WBS submitted on May 20, 2008. WBS dictionaries for dictionaries, due February 29, 2008, has not plans A-06-A-C1 S2 and A-06-A-C1S3 are been received. complete but contractor is having uploading difficulties on the DCARC website and is working with DCARC to resolve. 1. W58RGZ-06-C-0194, plan A-07-C-C1; initial 1. Report was resubmitted on April 21, 2008. report, resubmission 2, was rejected on March DCARC is reviewing. 20, 2008. 1. W58RGQ-04-G-0023: Subcontractors not 1. Cost reporting was not place on contract for providing CSDR for Lots 3 & 4. Lots 3&4. PM and Contractor legal offices are reviewing. 2. W58RGQ-04-G-0023; plan A-05-E-C1: Lot 2. The Contractor cannot resubmit the reports 3 completion reports resubmittal, due until the PM has formally reject the initial Lot 3 December 10, 2008 have not been submitted. completion reports. The PM will submit the rejection letter to the Contractor by May 23, 2008. 3. W58RGZ-04-C-0012; plan A-05-E-C2(R1): CWBS dictionary, due January, has not been submitted. 3 Patriot MEADS CAP Fire Unit R 1. No CSDR plans have been received for the Surveillance Radar. 3. The CWBS dictionary cannot be submitted until the New Build CSDR Plan is approved. The Program Office is waiting for Boeing feedback on the Plan before they submit it for final approval. 1. Army PEO M&S has requested a waiver from CSDR reporting. Decision package is at OSD for consideration. May 22, 2008 DAES Status Army Programs Data 6 11 11 DAES Status as of May 2008. Green: No or minor open compliance issues. Yellow : Unresolved minor open compliance issues. . Red: Any major issue. CSDR requirements not included on contracts. Unaddressed previously identified compliance issues. 4 May 22, 2008 Available Data for Costing Data Cost and Software Data Reports (CSDRs) Cost Performance Report (CPR) Automated Cost Databases (ACDB) from CSDRs and CPRs Contractor Logistic Support (CLS) Database Cost Analysis Requirements Description (CARD) Database Army Operating and Support Management Information System (OSMIS) Army Capability Knowledge Base (CKB) Additional data sources include: Army Cost Positions (ACP) Database ACE-IT Sessions; SAR; DAES; WSR; APB; P/R-Forms; and Contract Summaries. 5 May 22, 2008 Data for Cost Estimating Data Data Historical Data: Cost and (Physical, Technical, Performance, Capability, Schedule). Information Knowledge Cost Models Subject System Data: Physical, Technical, Performance, Capability, Schedule. Performance Cost Schedule Estimates are only as good as the data that they are based on. 6 May 22, 2008 Data Issues Data Current Data Reporting and Usage Issues (CSDR and CPR). CCDR, SRDR, Examples include: Stryker, FCS, and GFEBS (lack of clean data / no data). Family or System of Systems LSI, JV, Prime, Sub CPIF, FFP,. . Reporting Requirements Manufacturing, Services, SW, and ERP Mod, ECP, and Incremental Contracts Competition and Business Base Issues Physical, Technical, TRL, Performance (Commonality Issue) (Contracting Issue) (Contract Type Issue) (Activity Type Issue) (Completeness Issue) (Quantity issue) (Technology Issue) KPP and Capability Data Issue Allocation Issue: Mapping to Standard Reports Labor – Material Direct – Indirect Recurring – Non-Recurring 7 May 22, 2008 Data Quality Challenges Data Lack of data. Physical, technical, performance, capability. S/W ERP FFP Contract. ACAT II and below programs. Policies and procedures. DoDI 5000-2 dated May 2003. Requires SRDR but not CSDR for some programs. Vague in some areas; CSDR “not required for procurement of commercial systems, or for non-commercial systems bought under competitively awarded, firm fixed-price contracts, as long as competitive conditions continue to exist”. Army regulations do not require cost reporting. Data collection process. Existing data is not readily available to the Cost Analysts; sometimes they are not even aware that data exists. (Data in Jail) Contractors required to map CSDR reports IAW DoD MIL-HDBK-881. 8 May 22, 2008 Data Collection Process Contractor Data / Reports: R 3 Contractor 1 Contractor 2 Contractor Accountin g Systems: S2 Contractor3 S9 S7 S1 S8 S6 S3 S4 S5 S10 R11 R10 R18 R14 R17 R8 R12 R5 R7 R1 R16 R2 R4 R13 R15 R9 R6 Contractor Allocation Data Labor vs. Material Direct vs. Indirect Rec. vs. Non Rec. Unique vs. Common Contractor allocation Contracting G1 G2 Data Quality? G3 Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 COST AND SOFTWARE DATA REPORTING PLAN Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 15 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing the burden to Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Service, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports (0704-0188), 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204 Arlington, VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provisions of law, no person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. PLEASE DO NOT RETURN YOUR FORM TO THE ABOVE ADDRESS. 1a. PROGRAM 2a. WEAPON SYSTEM TYPE 3. SUBMISSION TYPE 6b. TELEPHONE NUMBER 7. WBS 4. DATE AS OF (MM/DD/YY) 5. REPORT DATE (MM/DD/YY) X INITIAL SUBMISSION A 1b. MILESTONE BX C: LRIP C: PROD 6. POINT OF CONTACT (POC) INFORMATION CHANGE 8. PREPARING ORGANIZATION X PROGRAM a. POC AND ADDRESS (Include ZIP Code) 6c. FAX NUMBER CONTRACT 6d. E-MAIL ADDRESS: 10. WBS ELEMENT CODE a. PROGRAM b. CONTRACT Process vs. Quality. 11. WBS REPORTING ELEMENTS 12. CONTRACTOR (DUNS Code) 13. CONTRACT NUMBER a. DD 1921 REQUIRED 9. REVIEW AND REFERENCE NUMBER 14. REPORT FREQUENCY b. DD 1921-1 (Part 1) c. DD 1921-1 (Part 2) REQUIRED REQUIRED d. DD 2630 REQUIRED CSDR DD FORM 2794, Oct 2003 PREVIOUS EDITION IS OBSOLETE Process affects data quality. Increases probability for data errors. Results in mapping / allocation inconsistencies. 9 May 22, 2008 Data Collection Process Data Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 COST AND SOFTWARE DATA REPORTING PLAN Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 15 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing the burden to Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Service, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports (0704-0188), 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204 Arlington, VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provisions of law, no person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. PLEASE DO NOT RETURN YOUR FORM TO THE ABOVE ADDRESS. 1a. PROGRAM 2a. WEAPON SYSTEM TYPE 3. SUBMISSION TYPE 6b. TELEPHONE NUMBER 7. WBS 4. DATE AS OF (MM/DD/YY) 5. REPORT DATE (MM/DD/YY) X INITIAL SUBMISSION 1b. MILESTONE A BX C: LRIP C: PROD 6. POINT OF CONTACT (POC) INFORMATION Contractor Data Input Form Contractor Database CHANGE 8. PREPARING ORGANIZATION X PROGRAM a. POC AND ADDRESS (Include ZIP Code) 6c. FAX NUMBER Contractor Allocation CONTRACT 6d. E-MAIL ADDRESS: 10. WBS ELEMENT CODE a. PROGRAM b. CONTRACT 11. WBS REPORTING ELEMENTS 12. CONTRACTOR (DUNS Code) 13. CONTRACT NUMBER a. DD 1921 REQUIRED DCARC Database 9. REVIEW AND REFERENCE NUMBER 14. REPORT FREQUENCY b. DD 1921-1 (Part 1) c. DD 1921-1 (Part 2) REQUIRED REQUIRED d. DD 2630 REQUIRED CSDR DD FORM 2794, Oct 2003 Army CES Allocation ACDB Database PREVIOUS EDITION IS OBSOLETE Contractor Accounting System DCARC / DoD MIL-HDBK-881 ACDB / Army CES Sys1 HDBK Element1 CES Element1 Sys2 HDBK Element2 CES Element2 Sys3 HDBK Element3 CES Element3 … … … Current Data Collection Process. Contractor’s map data for CSDR reports to IAW DoD MIL-HDBK-881. CSDR data is then mapped into Army ACDB IAW Army Cost Element Structure (CES). 10 May 22, 2008 Automated Cost Database (ACDB) Data Army Automated Cost Database (ACDB) DCARC Database Collect Data of Historical Programs Normalize / Standardize Data Input Data into ACDB Database Structure Cost Methodology Development Query ACDB for Cost and Technical Data Relate Technical and Program Parameters to Cost Perform Regression Analysis Develop Cost Models as appropriate ACDB. Contractor data mapped twice. 11 May 22, 2008 FOUO STRYKER Engineering Support Vehicle (ESV) Data $500,000 $450,000 $400,000 $350,000 $300,000 DO2-ESV_(22) DO10-ESV_(10) $250,000 DO19-ESV_(10) DO21-ESV_(10) $200,000 $150,000 $100,000 $50,000 ic al Eq ui pm en t N av ig at io C n om m u In ni te ca gr tio at ns io n, As sm ,T es t al Sp ec i al , io ar ,B N uc le Au to m at ic / lo gi c R em at ot ic e C he m Pi lo tin g Lo ad in g /C ab Bo dy Au to m Au to m ot iv Tu e rre tA ss em bl y Fi re C on tro l Ar m am en t Tr ai n Au xi lia ry g /D riv e te er in /S on Pa ck ag e Po w er H ul Su sp en si l/ St ru ct ur e $0 Unit cost should not increase over time; suggests no learning. 12 May 22, 2008 FOUO FOUO STRYKER Data Hull/Structure $450,000 $400,000 $350,000 $300,000 $250,000 $200,000 $150,000 $100,000 $50,000 $0 6) 1) 2) 6) 7) 2) 1) 7) (8) (4) 0) 6) 6) 7) 2) 0) 4) 5) 4) 0) 1) 4) 0) 8) 1) 6) 7) 0) 5) 9) 16 _(5 _(5 _(6 _(2 _(2 _(4 _(2 S_ V_ (12 _(3 _(3 _(5 _(1 _(1 _(1 _(1 (13 _(4 _(5 _(1 _(1 _(1 (13 (11 _(2 _(1 _(2 _(1 ( C M RV SV SV CV EV V_ C RV SV SV EV V_ V_ SV SV CV EV C M RV SV SV CV EV G R V_ V_ IC 2 M TG 2- -F -E 2- -M 3-M BC -IC 0-M ATG 10- 0-F 0-E 10- -M -IC 9-M 19- 9-F 9-E -M -IC 1-R 1-F 1-E 21- -M N 1 1 2 O 0 9 1 0 9 1 2- O 2-A DO O2 O2 DO O D 5- O1 DO 10- DO O1 O1 DO O1 O1 DO DO O1 O1 O1 O2 O2 O2 O2 DO O2 O D O D D D O D D D D D D D D D D D O D D D D D D Hull / Structure thought to be common but data does not support commonality. Percentage of common parts for all HW WBS elements range from 11- 39%. 13 May 22, 2008 FOUO FOUO STRYKER Data Hull / Structure Unit Cost by Variant Unit Cost by Variant Full Vehicle Lot Numbe r Lot Number DO #2 DO #10 DO #19 DO #2 DO #21 Suspension / Steering DO #10 DO #19 DO #21 Unit Cost by Variant Unit Cost by Variant Power Package / Drive Train Lot Numbe r Lot Numbe r DO #2 DO #10 DO #19 DO #2 DO #21 DO #10 DO #19 DO #21 Large variation in the unit costs for delivery orders 2, 10, 19, and 21. 14 May 22, 2008 FOUO STRYKER Data TACOM review of Stryker CSDR. Large variations in platform material costs across delivery orders. Data suggested no learning. Many HW elements %'s differ greatly between RDTE and Procurement.; Ex: ICV; RDTE Hull/Structure ~9% of total HW cost; procurement ~37%. Some cost elements were not in the category an analyst would expect; Ex: Tech pubs; operator manuals DO#17 and tech manuals DO#12. Contractor’s accounting system collects data by delivery order. Contractor MI-HDBK-881reporting level did not provide insight into unique vs. common. (11-39% common) To conform to MI-HDBK-881 contractor allocated labor and some material costs. 15 May 22, 2008 STRYKER Data HULL/FRAME STRUCTURE Type #1 Type #2 Type #3 ACCOM FOR SUBSYS X X X $M x x x $M x x x $M $M x x x x x x X X x x x x x x x x DO 16 DO 15 DO 14 DO 13 DO 12 MGS NBCRV Delivery Order ATGM MEV ESV FSV CV MC RV ICV Goes on Variant Sub C Sub B Sub A WBS/CES Description Prime Subs X X X Shows commonality for variants. Commonality across all Stryker variants. Notional Resource Distribution Table (RDT). CSDRs provide no insight into common versus unique. Contractor collects data by delivery order and allocates labor and some material costs. 16 May 22, 2008 Future Combat Systems – FCS Data Prime Contractor Typical Program Sub-Contractors Sub Sub-Contractors Boeing & SAIC FCS Prime Contractors (Lead System Integrators (LSI) Sub-Contractors Sub Sub-Contractors FCS Family of Systems (Systems of Systems Approach). Common development may be included in LSI data. Examples include: SE/PM; data; etc. Common versus unique. Subcontractors have functional responsibilities across multiple platforms. 17 May 22, 2008 FCS Data Lead System Integrated (LSI) Tier I ANS MGVs Subsystems Subsystems UAV MULE UGV Ground Sensor Integrated Computers UGS Aerial Sensor Subsystems Subsystems Subsystems Subsystems Subsystems Tier II Mule UGV Functional Responsibility. Tier I systems with functional responsibilities for MULE UGV: LSI, Integrated Computers, Ground Sensor, and ANS. 18 May 22, 2008 FCS Software SLOC Data FCS includes 14 Integrated Weapon Systems and the Network • These Systems & Network could be a Separate Major Software Development Effort/Program System of Systems Software Microsoft Windows Vista: 50 Current FCS SLOC 97.6 M SLOC on the Rise. Requirements too? 19 Total kSLOC C4ISR 41,672.2 System of Systems Common Operating Environment (SOSCOE) 29,866.0 NSIV 1,070.7 IS&T 7,889.7 MGV 3,649.0 Logistics 1,337.3 Training 2,201.1 UAV 658.2 UGV 9,245.8 Total FCS 97,590.1 May 22, 2008 Cost Data Flow Data Contractor Sys1 Contractor Sys2 ACDB Contractor Sys3 OSMIS Contractor Sys4 CLS Contractor Cost Accounting Systems Government Informational Systems / Databases Cost Analysts Current Information Access Flow. Need for Data Warehousing. Repository of electronically stored data. Several databases typically supply data to the warehouse. Improved ease of data retrieval and data quality. 20 May 22, 2008 Data Warehousing Data External Data Contractor Cost Accounting Systems Data Information Delivery System Warehouse Data Marts Government Informational Systems / Databases External Users Proposed Information Access Flow. Raw Data loaded directly from contractor accounting system into data warehouse. Metadata: ‘Data about Data’. Data visualization / data warehousing / intelligent data mining. Global definitions that can be referenced by many different databases. 21 May 22, 2008 Cost Analysis ERP Data Potential for Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) of Cost Analysis Data and Models across the DoD. Enable data and information sharing. Allow automation and integration of business processes. Data for Costing – Vision: Collect raw data with more flexibility and focus on metadata development – XML. Data warehousing of raw and current data. Acquiring data mining and search tools to assist data analysis. Cost Analysts need to be more involved in the process. Why Data ERP for Costing? Check out 22 May 22, 2008