USAC Scholarship Application


University Studies Abroad Consortium Scholarship

Please return the completed application to: APPLICATION DEADLINE:

Center for International Studies and Programs Spring Applications: October 30, 2015 by 12pm

Education Abroad Office

Snyder Memorial 1120

2801 W. Bancroft MS 131

Toledo, OH 43606-3390

Scholarship Eligibility:

Scholarships are only available to University of Toledo students participating in USAC programs

Must have at least a 2.75GPA

Good academic standing at The University of Toledo

Scholarship Award:

The USAC scholarship award is up to $1000 and will be applied directly to the selected students’ USAC fees.

Scholarship Responsibility and Service

Students who receive this scholarship will:


Represent UT and the U.S. with dignity and pride while abroad, by respecting the cultural norms of the host country.


Return to UT and/or the U.S. with plans for raising the international awareness on campus.

Students who will graduate while abroad may make special arrangements to fulfill this requirement.



Complete the one page application form.


Submit ONE letter of recommendation from a faculty member or academic advisor. We will accept the same letter of recommendation from your CISP travel grant application.


Submit a one-page proposal addressing the following four points:

What are your academic, career and personal goals associated with this program? Why did you select this specific program and university in the proposed country?

What makes you an ideal American “cultural ambassador” and representative of UT abroad?

 How do you plan to “give back” to the international academic and student communities at UT upon your return to the states? The strongest applications will have a detailed proposal with a well thought out plan for completing the task.

Why do you need this scholarship and if selected to receive this scholarship, how do you plan to use the money?


If you are a financial aid recipient, attach your current financial aid award summary to your application.

University Studies Abroad Consortium Scholarship

Name: ____________________________ Rocket #:__________________________

E-mail Address: _________________________________________________________

Mailing Address: _____________________________________________Apt#_______

City: _______________________ State: _______ ZIP: __________________

Cell/Mobile: ______________________ Home Phone: __________________________

When are you planning to go abroad?





Where are you planning to go abroad? ________________________ (City, Country)

Major(s):______________________________________ Cumulative GPA: _______

Minor(s) ______________________________________

Subject(s) you plan to study while abroad?



Have you already been accepted by USAC?



If the answer to the above question is “no”, have you applied?



If you have not applied please go to


If you haven’t done so already, when will you apply? (Please specify exact date):



Please return the completed application to:

Center for International Studies and Programs

Education Abroad

2801 W. Bancroft MS 131

Toledo, OH 43606-3390
