Chapter 3 AP US Government Definitions Block grant Categorical

Chapter 3
AP US Government
1. Block grant
2. Categorical grant
3. Conditions of aid
4. Dual federalism
5. Express pre-emption
6. Federalism
7. Grant-in-aid
8. Initiative
9. Mandate
10. “necessary and proper” clause
11. Nullification
12. Police power
13. Recall
14. Referendum
15. Waiver
1. What is federalism and why does it matter?
2. Why is the 10th amendment important to federalism?
3. Where is the “necessary and proper” clause in the Constitution? Why is it important?
What is its impact?
4. Discuss McCulloch v Maryland and why is it important?
5. Discuss nullification and its importance to federalism.
6. Describe dual federalism.
7. Discuss the following cases and their impact on states’ rights.
a) US v Lopez (1995)
b) US v Morrison (2000)
c) Printz v US (1997)
d) Alden v Maine (1999)
8. Federal Maritime Commission v South Carolina Ports Authority (2002)
9. What are the protections for the state in the Constitution? (4)
10. What is Dillon’s Rule?
11. What are the differences between federalism and a unitary government?
12. Discuss grants-in-aid.
13. Who are the Big 7 in intergovernmental lobby today?
14. What are categorical grants and how do they work?
15. What is a mandate? Is it always funded?
16. Describe the devolution revolution.