Resource PLCs 2013

Resource PLCs/Grade Level Meetings ~ October 1, 2013
 Review notes from last week’s meeting (Alice Cantrell/Math)
Mrs. Casey will send out.
Math resources
 Highlight activities in lesson plans
Teachers share out ideas and add to master list. Mrs. Casey will send out master
Lesson plan requirements (standard, learning target, etc. should be listed for
RtI groups too)
Be specific with RTI plans. List specific activity, do not have to add standard,
learning target, unless it is general activity (Making Math Magic, etc.)
Review K-PREP resources for grades 3-6
Make-up of K-PREP test (number of questions, time limits, etc). Blueprint shows
what content makes up the questions on K-PREP. Scoring guides and paper- be
sure you are beginning to use these for answers and use rubrics in the
Goal Setting
o For our next meeting, bring a Leadership Notebook with an example
of how you are having your students record STAR Reading and Math
Bring to next PLC how you are goal-setting and what you are adding to
Leadership Notebooks. Also bring examples of graphic organizers you use and we
are compiling them to share with faculty.
Read for the Record:
o Free
o Must register before Thursday
Homeroom teachers are supposed to call for resource students if a reader comes
and they are out of the room.
 Data sheets (pre and post data)
Feel free to share ideas on how we can help homeroom teachers, since resource
does this with their progress monitoring.
 Bubble test generator.
Resource PLCs/Grade Level Meetings ~ October 16, 2013
*Share Graphic Organizers
Base Ten Blocks
Base Ten House
Base Ten House to add
Ten Frames- part/part, whole
*Share STAR Goal Setting examples
Students are charting progress in STAR
*Setting Tier I Goals
*Higher Level Thinking Introduction
*Tier III Plans
Resource PLCs/Grade Level Meetings ~ October 30, 2013
List of standards with Marcy Cook and Making Math Magic activities that
match standards
o Illustrates how in depth standards should be. Shows problems that
explain what mastery of that standard looks like.
o Tile activities for different math content