Leveraging Initiatives for Weatherization

Planning Leveraging
Initiatives for Weatherization
Lisa Kesecker
West Virginia Governors Office of Economic Opportunity
NASCSP Mid-Winter Training Conference March 2011
Leveraging Guidance Reference
“Weatherization Program Notice”
(WPN 2011-01- December 28, 2010)
Weatherization Grant Guidance
1.7 Leveraging and Leveraged Resources
DOE program regulations permit Grantees to
take a percentage of their grant to undertake
leveraging activities which may supplement
the program
Leveraging Guidance Reference
“Weatherization Program Notice”
(WPN 2011-01 -- 12-29-2010)
Weatherization Grant Guidance
1.7 Leveraging and Leveraged Resources
Leveraging activities include paying for agency
staff or hiring consultant staff to explore and
develop partnerships with utility companies
and other entities that will generate nonFederal resources for Weatherization.
Leveraging Guidance Reference
“Weatherization Program Notice”
(WPN 2011-01 – 12-28-2010)
Weatherization Grant Guidance
1.7 Leveraging and Leveraged Resources
Other allowable leveraging include: holding
leveraging meetings; preparing technical
materials/briefs; or facilitating voluntary match
funds from a non-Federal source.
Leveraging Guidance Reference
“Weatherization Program Notice”
(WPN 2011-01 – 12-28-2010)
Weatherization Grant Guidance
1.7 Leveraging and Leveraged Resources
The work done with leveraged resources must be
consistent with an approved energy audit and utilize
cost-effective measures. Leveraging efforts will not
always be successful but Grantees should aim to
produce more than one dollar leveraged for each
DOE Dollar expended.
Leveraging Guidance Reference
“Weatherization Program Notice”
(WPN 2011-01 – 12-28-2010)
Weatherization Grant Guidance
1.7 Leveraging and Leveraged Resources
Grantees utilizing the‘ leveraging’ option must provide a
detailed leveraging implementation plan in their
annual State Plan, and must indicate in their annual
budget, the estimated DOE resources to be used for
leveraging activities.
A BIG part of a successful
leveraging project includes
• Working relationship and dialogue between state WAP Grantee
office and WAP network
• RESEARCH, understanding need, goal setting exercises &
plans, as well as regulatory issues
• PARTNERSHIP: Working with an advocacy group
• EDUCATION by State Association network to the need and
work for leveraging partnerships
• Lining up FINANCIAL RESOURCES for activity:
– DOE WX Grant or WX T&TA Grant (State Plan)
– LIHEAP Assurance funds
Written Leveraging Plan and budget written in to Weatherization State Plan
to help develop Leveraging Strategies
for State CAA Associations and advocates
Hired guns (legal advice, expert witnesses, etc.)
Economic Opportunity Studies (EOS) & WX Plus websites
LIHEAP Clearing House website
National Consumer Law Center staff and materials
national Low-Income Energy Advocates network
Pro bono legal aid
a few state examples of successful long term
Weatherization Leveraging Initiatives
Projects written into annual DOE State Plans
where State Weatherization Office supports
leveraging initiatives of state low-income
energy advocacy initiatives:
West Virginia
Washington State
For various Weatherization Leveraging/Public Information Resources/Tools/Tips/Research data
•www.opportunitystudies.org/weatherization-plus/ - (part of www.opportunitystudies.org ) - Economic Opportunity Studies
(EOS) - leveraging, Recovery data, WAP resources, research documents, etc.
•www.energy.gov – US Department of Energy website – includes links for ‘Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy”
(EERE) and Weatherization
•www.nascsp.org – National Association for State Community Services Programs – weatherization legislative updates, state
weatherization office contact information
•www.waptac.org – Weatherization Assistance Program Technical Assistance Center - ‘virtual’ library of all rules,
regulations, policies and procedures required by DOE's weatherization program -- a central repository for
presentation materials, photos and videos of work in progress, site demonstrations, news articles, and other
documentation to support WAP operations.
•www.ncaf.org – National Community Action Foundation – see ‘energy’ information and links – “Energy Programs
Leveraging Conference training” in November/Florida
•www.eia.doe.gov – DOE’s Energy Information Administration – deep site - energy-related data
•www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/steo/pub/contents.html - DOE EIA Short Term Energy Outlook – analysis by census division and
census region (Home Energy Expenditures)
•www.ferc.gov/docs-filing/forms/form-1/viewer-instruct.asp - Utility Filings - FERC Form 1 – electric utility companies - # of
customers by rate class; sales; revenues
•http://liheap.ncat.org – LIHEAP Clearinghouse – various LIHEAP/Weatherization energy references and resources
•www.neada.org – National Energy Assistance Directors Association – site includes publications on low-income state
energy survey data, energy assistance reports, press releases, etc.
•www.communityactionpartnership.com – National Community Action Partnership – the ‘events’ and ‘newsroom’ tabs
contain press ideas for CAAs
•http://hes.lbl.gov – Home Energy Savers site- energy calculator – energy saving data
•www.energystar.gov – Energy Star and related information on Energy Star appliances & efficiency
•http://factfinder.census.gov/home/saff/main.html?_lang=en – American Fact Finder – US Census 2010 – detailed data;
geographic detail
•http://www.census.gov/hhes/www/cpstc/cps_table_creator.html - Current Population Survey (CPS) Table Creator –
statewide cross tabulations
•http://weatherization.ornl.gov/ - ORNL Weatherization and SEP Support Program data – past and present evaluation data –
reports – audit information, etc.
Leveraging Initiatives
for Weatherization
Lisa Kesecker, WV Governors Office of Economic Opportunity