Undergraduate Education Abroad Scholarships Name Eligibility Restrictions Amount Deadline (approximate) Website Autumn Advantage -Fall semester program -3.0 Minimum GPA -Location in Latin America, Asia, Africa (non-traditional) - Tuition exchange recipients are not eligible - Spring and summer programs are not eligible $1,000 -applied toward $5,000 CUAbroad program fee April 1 http://cuabroad.cua.edu/planninggui de/advantage.cfm Academic Year Abroad - Participation in an AYA study abroad program $500-$1,500 With the program application. http://www.ayabroad.org/forms/do wnload.html Alessandro S. Crisafulli Travel Grant -Modern language major or minor in Asian Studies or Islamic World Studies -Minimum B+ in major and financial need -Participation in an Arcadia University Abroad Program $800 Spring: November 1 Fall/Summer: March 17 http://modernlanguages.cua.edu/for ms/crisafulli-travel-scholarship.cfm $250-$2,500 for a semester or year $250-$1000 for summer $900 Rolling admissions, year round. http://www.arcadia.edu/abroad/stud y-abroad-scholarships/ March 13; January http://highereducation.frenchculture .org/grants-and-fellowships/benfranklin-grant $8,000 for a summer $10,000 for a semester $20,000 for a year CUA deadline: January 8 Boren deadline: February 5 https://www.borenawards.org/eligibi lity.html Arcadia University Scholarship Benjamin Franklin Travel Grant Boren Awards for International Study -Sophomore, Junior, & Senior students at least 18 years old. -Enrolled in a double major program combining a major/minor in French and a major in another discipline. -Strong academic record, community involvement, public service - Preference given to students who will make a commitment to work for the federal government -Preference given for students studying abroad in countries, languages, and fields of study critical to US national security - Award may be received only once -Cannot be used for study in the USA, Western Europe, Canada, Australia, or New Zealand http://honors.cua.edu/fellowships/B oren.cfm Undergraduate Education Abroad Scholarships Bridging Scholarships Buick Achievers Scholarship BUTEX CIEE Study Abroad Scholarships Corinne Jeannine Schillings Foundation Critical Language Scholarships CUAbroad Diversity Scholarships -Study abroad in Japan for a semester or academic year -Applicants may major in any field and Japanese language study is not a prerequisite -Business, Engineering, Math, or related major. -Summer programs are not eligible -Study at a UK member institution -Semester program -Minimum of one semester -Participation in a CIEE Study Abroad Program -Varies based on scholarship -Minimum 3.0 GPA -Must have received a Girl Scout Gold or Silver Award - Ineligible for an ERASMUS grant - Acceptance into a CLS Program - Knowledge of a critical language -Summer only -Planned participation in a semester or academic year CUA or CUA-affiliated education abroad program -Minimum 2.8 GPA, or the minimum GPA required by the program (whichever is higher) -Financial need (documentation) -Member of a group traditionally under-represented in education abroad (racial/ethnic minority; diverse field of study; non- -Not renewable $2,500 for a semester $4,000 for a year -About 100 available Spring: October 8 Fall: April 8 http://www.aatj.org/studyabroad/sc holarships Up to $25,000/year, renewable for up to 4 years. Engineering students can renew for a 5th year. £500 February 28 http://www.buickachievers.com/ June 16 http://www.butex.ac.uk/scholarships /how-to-apply/ $1,500-$5,000 Fall: May 15 Spring: Nov 1 http://www.ciee.org/studyabroad/financial-aid/ $1,000 Fall/Summer: March 15 Spring: October 15 November 16 http://www.cjsfoundation.org/html/t ravel_study.html Spring: October 1 Fall: March 1 https://goabroad.cua.edu/index.cfm? FuseAction=Programs.ViewProgram& Program_ID=29544 Full cost of program -Summer or short$1,000 term programs are -5 awards per year not eligible -Dispersal of the award is contingent upon acceptance to a credit-bearing CUA or CUA-affiliated program http://www.clscholarship.org/ Undergraduate Education Abroad Scholarships Delta Phi Alpha Study Abroad Scholarship Diversity Abroad.com Scholarship “Fall Into Rome” Scholarship Fordham University – London Dramatic Academy traditional location; disability, first-generation college student; male; student athlete; etc.) -Sophomore or Junior studying abroad in a German-speaking country -Member of Delta Phi Alpha -Participation in a partner organization program -Minimum 2.75 GPA -Preference for economically disadvantaged students; AfricanAmerican/Black; Asian; Hispanic/Latino; Multiracial/ethnic or Indigenous/Native-American; students with disabilities; first generation college students; non-traditional locations -Must share study abroad experiences with DiversityAbroad.com via blogs, pictures and videos, forum, and testimonial -All accepted students to the CUA Rome program for the Fall semester only -Minimum GPA 3.0 -Must submit an audition through Youtube.com and email the link to kpogson@fordam.edu $1,250-2500 Spring/Summer: November 15 varies by scholarship Fall/Winter: March 15 $500 Spring: October -5 available for the 15 summer Summer: April 1 - 5 available for the Fall: May 1 fall and spring Contact CUAbroad for more details regarding the amount of this scholarship -Credited toward the $5,000 CUAbroad program fee $5,760 http://deltaphialpha.org/funding/sch olarships/ http://www.diversityabroad.com/par tner/diversity-abroad/scholarships -Students automatically received the scholarship upon acceptance Spring: October 1 Fall: March 1 http://internationalprograms.fordha m.edu/index.cfm?FuseAction=progra ms.ViewProgram&Program_ID=1011 9 Undergraduate Education Abroad Scholarships -Financial Need Foundation for Global Scholars -Minimum GPA 2.5 -Enrolled as an undergraduate, graduate, or a professional degree program $1,000-$2,500 Freeman ASIA -Students studying abroad in East or Southeast Asia -Demonstrated financial need -Minimum GPA of 2.8 Fulbright Program - Year-long program - Must applying during senior year - Program length 4 weeks or more -Preference for program noted for its academic rigor and immersion elements; language of the host country; servicelearning or volunteering component; non-traditional destination -Demonstrated financial need -Preference for traditionally under-represented applicants Varies by scholarship Up to $3,000 for summer Up to $5,000 for semester Up to $7,000 for academic year Most program costs. The Fund for Education Abroad German Academic Service (DAAD) - Nov. 22 for programs January – April - March 29 for programs MayAugust - July 31 for programs SeptDec -Spring: October 10 -Summer: MidFebruary -Fall: Early April http://www.fgscholars.org/ October 15 http://us.fulbrightonline.org/applican ts $5,000 for a semester $10,000 for an academic year Varies for summer November of previous year. http://fundforeducationabroad.org/a pply/ Varies by scholarship. September 15 May 15 https://www.daad.org/scholarship http://www.iie.org/programs/Freem an-ASIA/ Undergraduate Education Abroad Scholarships Gilman Scholarship - Must be a Pell Grant recipient Golden Key Award - Member of the Golden Key Honor Society IES Scholarships - Participation in an IES study abroad program LIV Fund - Study, volunteering, or internship in Latin America Kosiciuszko Foundation Study abroad inn Poland Scholarship -Attendance at the Center of Polish Language and Culture in the World at Jagiellonian. -Minimum GPA 3.0 -Sophomore or Junior undergraduate - Study in Japan - Junior or senior standing - Interest in policy, economics, or finance -must fill out application for the Bridging Scholarship - Student must be pursuing a degree in the fields of biology, chemistry, physics, earth sciences, or engineering -Participation in a summer DAAD internship in Germany Morgan Stanley Scholarship RISE (Research Internships in Science and Engineering) Up to $5,000 Additional $3,000 Critical Need Language Supplement available $1,000 Summer: March 1 Fall: March 3 Spring: October 6 http://www.iie.org/en/Programs/Gil man-Scholarship-Program July 1 Up to $5,000 for a semester Up to $1,000 for a summer Stipends of $2,500 $4,000 for 1 year or semester programs Spring: October 23 Summer: April 1 Fall: May 1 Accepts applications yearround. Must apply at least 6 months prior to program. January 15 https://goldenkey.org/scholarshipsawards/scholarshipframe/?scholarship={940B2B9BF903-E211-8BFB-0018FE280F2B} https://www.iesabroad.org/IES/Schol arships_and_Aid/financialAid.html $1,350 with additional funding of $900 per semester http://www.livfund.org/scholarship/ what-is-the-livfund-scholarship/ http://www.thekf.org/kf/scholarship s/exchange-poland/year-abroad/ $7,500 April 8 http://www.aatj.org/studyabroad/sc holarships €650 monthly scholarship for 8-12 weeks January 15 https://www.daad.org/rise Undergraduate Education Abroad Scholarships Scholarship Portal Study in Australia Summer Study Stipend Whitaker International Scholarship -Provides a comprehensive free search database system for scholarships available throughout Europe -Free scholarship database operated by the Australian government for students wishing to live and study in Australia -Search by location or desired field of study -Modern language major or minor in Asian Studies or Islamic World Studies -Minimum B+ in major and financial need -Summer study abroad program - Students studying biomedical engineering/bioengineering or a closely related field. - Semester or year program -Graduation seniors through post-doctorates conduction high-quality research or study overseas http://www.scholarshipportal.com/ http://www.studyinaustralia.gov.au/ global/australianeducation/scholarships -Award may be received only once $500 February 28 http://modernlanguages.cua.edu/for ms/summer-study-stipend.cfm Up to $7,000 for a semester Up to $10,000 for a year Fall/Year: 2nd Monday in March Spring: 2nd Monday in October http://www.whitaker.org/grants/und ergraduate-grants