Challenge and Change Exam Review Anthropology

Challenge and Change Exam Review
AnthropologyDefinition - t-138393
Rites of passage, definition
Linguistic anthropology- what is it? What does it tell us about other cultures?
Definition of culture vs society
Participant observation, ethnographies
Experimental psychology- why do psychological experiments? Review some
examples of psychological experiments
Clinical psychology- what is it?
Behavioural psychology- main theories
Classical vs Operant Conditioning
Roles, hierarchy, norms, folkways, taboos, laws- why look at these concepts?
Deviance- definition
Social ChangeDefine social change
Anthropology and Social Change: discovery, invention, diffusion
Leaders of Social Change: Pay it Forward- main concepts in movie, internet
assignment exploring grassroots organizations and NGO’s, review the main
accomplishments of your leader of social change
Social change around the world- the Berlin Wall, the Arab Spring, Bascha Posh (girls
dressed as boys)
Technology as Social Change- technological determinism (definition),
Traditional theories of social change, McLuhans four laws of media
SCOT (Social Construction of Technology)
PSA’s and Social Marketing
Social TrendsPopulation Trends- Greatest Generation, Babyboomers, Gen X, Millenials, Gen Y
(define by approximate year)
main issues talked about in Generation Jobless doc
Baby Boomer early life- suburbs and resulting life changes, Baby Boomers as
children (infant mortality rate, Dr Spock)
Main ideas in TED talk by John Izzo
Baby Boomers as young adults- counterculture, sexual revolution, birth control pill,
political activism
Aging Boomers- dependency load, population pyramid, main ideas in TED talk by
Jane Fonda
Generation theories (general definition), Karl Mannheim, social location theory,
Strauss-Howe, Generational replacement
Tweens- definition, characteristics, spending power, sexualization of tweens
Social ChallengesHealth and wellness issues- how do all the social scientists view them?
Five barriers to health care in Canada
American health care model
Unethical experiments – MK Ultra and CIA, Nuremberg code
How to feed the world- Jamie Oliver TED talk (main ideas)
Articles or work from duotang Schools of thought in Anthropology
 Schools of thought in Psychology
 Schools of thought in Sociology
 Theories of deviance
 Three perspectives on social change (title: The Anthropological
 Falling Marriage rates reveal economic fault lines
 How Marriage has changed over centuries
 Beyond the bedroom: What the birth control pill really did for women
 Aging: the impact on caregivers, housing and health care
 Generational Archetypes
 Sex and the Single Tween
 Sperm-donor shock spurs Port Hope…
 Prenatal testing: A double-edged…
 Don’t edit the human germ line
 Industry body calls for Gene-Editing moratorium
 The best pro-life arguments for secular activities
 Barriers to health care
 A five-step plan to feed the world