Challenge and Change Exam Review AnthropologyDefinition - t-138393 Rites of passage, definition Linguistic anthropology- what is it? What does it tell us about other cultures? Definition of culture vs society Participant observation, ethnographies PsychologyDefinition Experimental psychology- why do psychological experiments? Review some examples of psychological experiments Clinical psychology- what is it? Behavioural psychology- main theories Classical vs Operant Conditioning SociologyDefinition Roles, hierarchy, norms, folkways, taboos, laws- why look at these concepts? Deviance- definition Social ChangeDefine social change Anthropology and Social Change: discovery, invention, diffusion Leaders of Social Change: Pay it Forward- main concepts in movie, internet assignment exploring grassroots organizations and NGO’s, review the main accomplishments of your leader of social change Social change around the world- the Berlin Wall, the Arab Spring, Bascha Posh (girls dressed as boys) Technology as Social Change- technological determinism (definition), Traditional theories of social change, McLuhans four laws of media SCOT (Social Construction of Technology) PSA’s and Social Marketing Social TrendsPopulation Trends- Greatest Generation, Babyboomers, Gen X, Millenials, Gen Y (define by approximate year) main issues talked about in Generation Jobless doc Baby Boomer early life- suburbs and resulting life changes, Baby Boomers as children (infant mortality rate, Dr Spock) Main ideas in TED talk by John Izzo Baby Boomers as young adults- counterculture, sexual revolution, birth control pill, political activism Aging Boomers- dependency load, population pyramid, main ideas in TED talk by Jane Fonda Generation theories (general definition), Karl Mannheim, social location theory, Strauss-Howe, Generational replacement Tweens- definition, characteristics, spending power, sexualization of tweens Social ChallengesHealth and wellness issues- how do all the social scientists view them? Five barriers to health care in Canada American health care model Unethical experiments – MK Ultra and CIA, Nuremberg code How to feed the world- Jamie Oliver TED talk (main ideas) Articles or work from duotang Schools of thought in Anthropology Schools of thought in Psychology Schools of thought in Sociology Theories of deviance Three perspectives on social change (title: The Anthropological Questions) Falling Marriage rates reveal economic fault lines How Marriage has changed over centuries Beyond the bedroom: What the birth control pill really did for women Aging: the impact on caregivers, housing and health care Generational Archetypes Sex and the Single Tween Sperm-donor shock spurs Port Hope… Prenatal testing: A double-edged… Don’t edit the human germ line Industry body calls for Gene-Editing moratorium The best pro-life arguments for secular activities Barriers to health care A five-step plan to feed the world