
Find a local business
that you know and
develop a social
commerce site for the
991704 黃柏睿 991710 何鎮佑 991715 張育修 991718 蔡永健
991742 林子鈞 991748 林志豪 991751 張景翔 991755 李維哲
991757 胡立德 991705 劉孝賢
(i) the local business
current business
Write out a complete plan on how you build up the social
commerce site.
Current Problems
• Health concerns
• Prospective customers
• Population floating
Health concerns
Recently News: Taiwan
poison continuous
fermentation of starch
event, how many toxic
starch into the market?
How can the customers
know that the materials are
safety or not ?
Reference: http://www.newshome.us/news-4527223-Taiwan-authorities-continue-to-simmer-poison-starch-thorough-investigation-of-the-source-of-the-event-supplier.html
prospective customers
• Future Customer - A person
who wants to become
• How to discover the new
customers ?
Reference: http://jimsmarketingblog.com/2009/12/14/how-to-discover-what-your-prospective-customers-want/
Population floating
• The store is located near
Yuan-Ze University and the
main consumer groups are
the college students.
During the summer or
winter vacation , the
students will go back to
their hometown.
According to this situation ,
the sales will decrease
Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floating_population
Health concerns
• Get certification for your Food
• Show the certification and the
details of the source of raw
Reference: http://www.afnor.org/en/certification/agr003#p17846
prospective customers
• Listening to the marketplace
• Look for feedback regarding how
well known your ‘brand’ is among
your prospective clients or
Reference: http://jimsmarketingblog.com/2009/12/14/how-to-discover- what-your-prospectivecustomers-want/
Population floating
• Shorten opening time to
reduce the man power
and other operation
Reference: http://www.shs.edu.tw/works/essay/2007/03/2007033020112506.pdf
Although there are some problems,
we are going to show some advantages !
• Innovation
• Diversity
Reference: http://www.bmgi.com/problem-solving/articles/top-ten-problems-faced-business
• Many companies are
looking to create more
innovative cultures,
but most of them
• They create some very
special items of food
that you won’t see in
other places.
Reference: http://www.bmgi.com/problem-solving/articles/top-ten-problems-faced-business
• Many types of foods that
you can order.
Reference: http://www.bmgi.com/problem-solving/articles/top-ten-problems-faced-business
(ii) business
objectives of this
new IS/IT systems
Write out a complete plan on how you build up the social
commerce site.
Business objective of this new is it
•increase 20% stable consumers
•earn more 15% profit
(iii) how you
evaluate the possible
solutions to the
business problem
Write out a complete plan on how you build up the social
commerce site.
991718 蔡永健
Problem and Solutions
• Lack of exposure
• Use social media, such as Facebook
• Set up a website
• Many competitors
• Do research
• Knowing the latest news about the competitors
Running a Facebook
Fan Page
Get Started
“A good website”
Your Website is the hub of your business and should look
awesome and show what you have to offer your customers.
“A clear business plan”
How are you making money? This sounds obvious, but
many people don’t have solid plan on marketing.
“An email marketing delivery service”
Use more than one way to deliver message.
“An optimized Facebook Page”
Your Facebook fan page should look clear and
Reference : http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/4-easy-steps-to-implement-a-facebookmarketing-strategy/#more-40139
Reference: http://www.xn--devz98gobdisaf81a.tw/product/
4 Steps to Implement a
Facebook Marketing Strategy
Step 1 – Set Goals
“Increase overall exposure and awareness”
Set an attainable likes target.
“Create a loyal, engaged community”
Make sure your costumer would choose you again
next time but not the competitors.
“Establish authority and showcase your
Facebook is a perfect place to show your great work.
“Get sales”
Create promotions on Facebook.
Reference : http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/4-easy-steps-to-implement-a-facebookmarketing-strategy/#more-40139
4 Steps to Implement a
Facebook Marketing Strategy(cont’d)
Step 2 – Research
“Research your competition and watch what is
working for them”
“Understand the latest techniques”
Make sure you know the latest techniques on
Facebook that are effective.
Reference: http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/4-easy-steps-toimplement-a-facebook-marketing-strategy/#more-40139
Running a Facebook
Fan Page
991705 劉孝賢
4 Steps to Implement a
Facebook Marketing Strategy(cont’d)
Step III – Design the Facebook Experience
“Now that you have your goals set up, work backwards from
those goals to determine how you will achieve them.”
<3-1>“Set Up an Editorial Calendar”
“Having a plan in place for what you will post each
week will help you streamline your activity because
you can schedule some of the posts, look for good
content and be more regular with your posting.”
Reference :
“Set up an editorial calendar (for Facebook and ideally all social sites)”
Reference :
4 Steps to Implement a
Facebook Marketing Strategy(cont’d)
<3-2>“Set Up an Activity Calendar”
“The other thing you want to do is plan your
activity so you don’t get sucked into the black hole
of Facebook by watching too many cat videos. ”
“You can schedule your daily activity, weekly
activity and monthly activity by using a simple
Excel spreadsheet.”
Reference :
“Set up an activity calendar and limit your time on social sites.”
“Take some time to map out your long-term activity and marketing plan,
along with an estimate of your outcomes. That way, you know what
techniques you need to be learning or putting in place beforehand.”
Reference :
4 Steps to Implement a
Facebook Marketing Strategy(cont’d)
Step IV– Measure Your Progress
“Take time to look back at your progress on Facebook so
you know if your marketing is working. ”
Understand how Facebook Insights work so you know
which posts are working for you. ”
You can sort your posts by Engaged Users to see how
many people are interacting with your content in some
way (includes likes, shares, comments and link clicks).”
Reference :
“Sort by Engaged Users to see which content is interesting to your community”
Reference :
Reference :
991748 林志豪
Secret Weapon – Mobile App
• We decide to design a app for our partner 阿斌鹹酥雞
• Functions of the app includes:
Online order – Customers can place order online with the app
Special Offer Information
Buy with other customers
Online Ordering
• You can take an order by this app. Therefore, you don’t need
to know the number and call them. What you need is just a
phone and this app. By doing this, you can save time of lining
and avoid going out alone in a dark night.
• You can see all foodstuffs in the app, updates automatically.
Special Offer information
• There are some special offers periodically. The app will
download offers automatically, and notify users about the
latest campaign. You can see all the special offers in it.
Buy with other customers
• This is the killer function of the app. With this function, you
can buy with other near by customers, no matter you know
them or not.
• This is extremely useful when you cannot meet the minimum
delivery requirement (above NT$200).
Buy with other customers instructions
• Step1
• Choose food for your own.
• Step2
• Invite your colleagues or friends, or the app can put you in a
queue and wait until someone near by (within 200m) place
the order.
• Step3
• Set the information of the order. ex: the deadline(If you are in
a queue, you can set the wait time), the address, phone
• Step4
• Send orders and wait.
Reference: http://jome888.pixnet.net/blog/post/94423460
Think of a method of
how you can
measure the effect of
the social media on
sales volume
991757 胡立德
Social is not a channel
R2integrated’s CEO Matt Goddard said,
“We’ve been preaching pretty much the same thing for four or
five years, that social is not a channel — it’s more of a behavior.”
Reference : http://www.inboundjournals.com/5-stats-about-how-socialmedia-influences-purchase-behaviour/
An integrated digital marketing
Reference & Website: http://www.r2integrated.com/
Unignorable Stats About How Social
Media Influences Purchase Behavior
• 91% of people have gone into a store because of an
online experience.
• 89% of consumers conduct their research using
search engines.
• 62% of consumers end up making a purchase instore after researching it online.
• 72% of consumers trust online reviews as much as
personal recommendations.
• 78% of consumers say that the posts made by
companies on social media influence their purchases.
Reference : http://socialmediatoday.com/rgbsocial/1532766/unignorablestats-about-how-social-media-influences-purchase-behaviour
Common Social Media Metrics
• Vanity metrics(虛榮指標)
• Page views
• unique visitors
• registered members
• email-newsletter open rates
• number of Twitter followers or Facebook
Reference :
Common Social Media Metrics (cont’d)
 Vanity metrics look good but fail the "So what?" test. Before
you tell your CEO you have a million Twitter followers, ask
yourself, "So what?“
A better metric is how many products you sell as a result of
tweeting a link to your purchase path.
Reference :
Common Social Media
Metrics(cont’d) Example
• At first, Sajnani used his Facebook and Twitter outlets for
pushing sales of his services. But after two months, he noticed
his readers didn’t click or share his content. He wasn’t gaining
followers, and his sales were coming in at a snail’s pace.
Reference :
Common Social Media
Metrics(cont’d) Example
• Frustrated, Sajnani shifted his social media focus to a “more
soft sell approach,” building relationships and engaging
readers through talking indirectly about his products and
• The shift worked. Sajnani notes that as a result, “the reverse
[of stagnant sales] is happening. I find that showing examples
and telling stories is what people relate to the most, and now
sales occur automatically over time.”
Reference :
Social media measurement standards
 Dialogue rate
 The biggest advantage of social networks is to built a set of realtime two-way communication platform.
 A Dialogue rate=number of reactions.
 Magnification
 It mean the Enterprises can spend money to increased the
 The social network was able to relatively low cost to get the same
or better results.
 magnification = number to be shared
 Approval rate
 According to approval rating, we can easily understand what the
consumer likes and dislikes
 Approval rate = number of agreements
Reference : http://www.socialnetwork.tw/2012/03/社群
991751 張景翔
Four of the most important metrics for
business and store
• Relevant revenue
• Which refers to recurring sales in your core business. Don't count
revenue from one-time or stagnant sources.
• Sales volume
• This can be a number like units sold or active subscriptions,
something that shows whether or not enough people want to buy
what you're selling.
Reference :
Four of the most important metrics for
business and store (cont’d)
• Customer retention
• Metrics like "new customers" can hide
the fact that although you may attract
1,000 new users a month, you're losing
900, which means you're not going to
Reference :
Four of the most important metrics to
business and store (cont’d)
• Relevant growth
• Too often, companies compound the stupidity of their choice of
metrics by creating a metric tracking the growth of vanity metrics.
• You should be looking for a traceable pattern in which the actions
of your existing customers create new customers.
Reference :
Social media metrics of 阿斌
Activity Metrics
ROI Measurements
•The number of “like” on our
fan page.
Sales and marketing:
•The growth rate of total sales
•sales volume of each food
•The number of ”like” on each
•The number of “comment”
on each post
Product Development:
•Number of new product ideas
•The number of “share” of
each post
•Training costs
maximize your
Describe how you manage the social commerce site
991755 李維哲
Posting Pictures
Catching the users’ attention is easier when you have a visual
depiction. Instead of putting up large blocks of text, put a few
catchy images that are likely to attract the target audience you are
aiming for.
Reference: http://www.fansbuy.org/using-facebook-for-business/#Tip_12_8211_Linking_Your_Blogs_and_Other_Websites
Generating Word of Mouth
One of the best ways to create awareness of your business is by
getting your customers to tell other people about their experiences
and the great benefits of using your products.
Reference: http://por.tw/edm/rewrite.php/read-15.html
Providing Customer Service and Support
In addition to providing a phone number and email address,
use your Facebook page to provide customer service and
Customers can easily post their complaints, feedbacks or
queries on your wall and you can respond to them.
Reference: http://www.fansbuy.org/using-facebook-for-business/#Tip_12_8211_Linking_Your_Blogs_and_Other_Websites
Run a promotion
Promotions such as contests and sweepstakes are a fun and
simple way to engage your fans and customers, allowing them
to interact with your company. Promotions help create buzz
and excitement around your brand, generating awareness and
Reference: http://social.votigo.com/2013/02/26/how-use-social-media-
Get to know your audience better
Observe what information your fans put out there and use
that information to get to know them and their expectations
in regards to your brand or products.
By listening to your fans, you’ll have a better understanding of
how to be successful marketing to them.
Better manage your fans and friends of fans
991715 張育修
How to manage your facebook fans
• Setting up Facebook groups and public profile pages is easy.
However, managing them is the real challenge.
• Some companies will set up their pages, get people to join
them and then just neglect them. This is not how you do social
media marketing. The key to social media marketing is
Reference: http://www.connectwisdom.com/how-to-manage-your-facebook-fans/
How to manage your facebook fans
Sharing is Caring
Status Updates
Engage in Discussions
Let Your Fans Write On Your Wall Too
Reference: http://www.connectwisdom.com/how-to-manage-your-facebook-fans/
Sharing is Caring
• Share useful information and tips related to your market. Be
helpful; perhaps give away free information, which extends
your products/services. Also, include the photo and video
applications, which will let your fans see who you are, what
you workplace looks like or hear you present a seminar.
Reference: http://www.connectwisdom.com/how-to-manage-your-facebook-fans/
Sharing is Caring
• Reference:https://www.facebook.com/mcdonalds.tw
Status Updates
• Update your status regularly. Give your fans updates on what
you or your company are doing. What projects are you
currently working on? Perhaps, offer your fans special offers.
Also ask your fans questions to get them to interact with you.
When you post status updates, your fans will see them when
they log in on their home page.
Reference: http://www.connectwisdom.com/how-to-manage-your-facebook-fans/
Status Updates
• Reference:https://www.facebook.com/Kobe
Engage in Discussions
• Always make your fans feel part of your company. Ask them
questions; create topics for your fans to give you feedback on
your products/services. You will only truly know what your
market are hungry for when you listen to them. Ask for their
input on upcoming products/services, which you have in
development. Fans become more loyal when they know
you're listening and interacting with them.
Reference: http://www.connectwisdom.com/how-to-manage-your-facebookfans/
Engage in Discussions
• Reference:https://www.facebook.com/pages/Egogo%E4%B8%AD%E5%A3%A2%E5%BA%97/256304217849724
Let Your Fans Write On Your
Wall Too
• It's important to set your wall to include posts from you and
your fans as this will encourage interactions between you and
your fans as well as between the fans themselves. If anyone
does post anything inappropriate, you can always remove
their message.
Reference: http://www.connectwisdom.com/how-to-manage-your-facebook-fans/
Let Your Fans Write On Your
Wall Too
• Reference:https://www.facebook.com/CMWang40
(iii) optimize sales
Describe how you manage the social commerce site
• Gain new customers via social media
Importance of Social Media
Study Your Influencers
Use photos
Optimize Google Places Profile
• Increase customer royalty
• Bring-a-friend campaigns
• Uses EDM
• Promote the Most Profitable Items on Your Menu
Importance of Social Media
Reference: http://www.slideshare.net/Jasonmillerca/how-to-optimizesocial-for-lead-generation-brighttalk-preso-j-miller-no-notes-revised15956217
Study Your Influencers
A few key "influencers" drive the most quality leads and sales.
Rather than targeting the whole world of influencers (blog
editors, sites like Digg or community shopping sites, etc.), you
track down the key people and woo them however you can.
Reference: http://www.wdfm.com/marketing-tips/sales-lead-gen.php
Use Photos (For FB fans page)
If a photo is worth 1,000 words, a video is worth 10,000. By
adding video, you add a new dynamic of how and who visitors to
your page experience the company.
Reference: http://www.wdfm.com/marketing-tips/sales-lead-gen.php
Optimize Google Places Profile
• It is very important to maintain Google Places Profile, just like
Facebook landmark, since the search of Google Map is tied
with it.
Increase customer royalty
• A loyalty card that gives rewards for frequent visits (such as
eat ten meals get one free)
• A regular-only e-newsletter with special promos, prizes, and
giveaways in exchange for surveys and feedback
• Bring-a-friend campaigns that give away a free meal to a
regular who brings a friend to eat who has never patronized
your restaurant before
Reference: http://blog.etundra.com/restaurant-management-andoperations/10-tips-profitable-restaurant/
Promote the Most Profitable
Items on Your Menu
• A high profit margin menu item is one where a high
percentage of the price of the item is net profit.
• These items are often made from inexpensive seasonal
ingredients combined with easy prep methods.
• Every restaurant has bread and butter best sellers that form
their reputation. But often the secret to higher profits lies in
the high margin sleepers. Properly promoted, these menu
items can provide a real boost to your bottom line.
Reference: http://blog.etundra.com/restaurant-management-andoperations/10-tips-profitable-restaurant/