Honors Accelerated GSE Precalculus Coach Belli – Room 2203 casey.belli@cherokee.k12.ga.us http://coachbelli.weebly.com Resource Text: Larson Precalculus with Limits, 5th edition Course Description: This is a course in pre-calculus and statistics, designed to prepare students for college. It includes rational, circular trigonometric and inverse trigonometric functions; basic trigonometric identities and the laws of sines and cosines; sequences and series; polar and parametric equations; vectors; the central limit theorem and confidence intervals. Materials: 1. Pencils. ALL ASSIGNMENTS MUST BE COMPLETED IN PENCIL. ANY ASSIGNMENT NOT COMPLETED IN PENCIL WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED AND WILL RECEIVE A ZERO. It is your responsibility to be prepared with a pencil. I will not supply you with one. 2. Graph paper and/or loose leaf notebook paper. 3. Any type of organizational structure you find successful. Be able to put out any document at any given time promptly. Extra Help: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings at 7:30 – 8:15. Let me know you are wanting to come in for help so I can make myself available. Academic Dishonesty: Academic dishonesty is a serious offense that will not be tolerated. If a student is found cheating on any written work, a grade of zero will be given on the work, parents will be contacted, and the incident will also be reported to an administrator. Class Expectations: Be on time, be prepared, and be on task. No eating or drinking in class. Do your homework! It is not a punishment. Math, unlike many subjects, can and needs to be practiced. I expect you to be prepared to ask questions about your assignments. I cannot help you if you do not ask for it. Have respect for EVERYONE and EVERYTHING in class. Take care of personal business and social conversations outside of class. Comply with all school rules. Cell phone are not allowed unless instructed by Coach Belli. If you are caught on your cell phone at any time, the phone will be collected and further discipline will follow. Grading Policy 1st Semester: HW/CW: 10% Quizzes: 20% Tests: 40% Remediation 10% Final: 20% Homework: Homework will be checked daily. Therefore, students should be completing their work each night it is assigned. Work must be shown at all times for full credit to be given. No late work will be accepted. Quizzes: Quizzes will occur frequently throughout each unit. Tests: Major tests will be given at the end of each unit and at appropriate times during a unit. Absence on a day prior to the test DOES NOT excuse students from taking the test. Remediation: After each Unit test, you will be given an assignment to complete to earn a remediation grade. All students who do not receive a score of 90% or above must complete the assignment. Failure to do so will result in a zero. If you do receive a 90% or above on the test, your test grade will carry over into this category. The remediation assignment will consist of correcting all missed problems on the Unit test as well as some addition problems. Make-up work If a student is absent, homework is due the day after their return to class (one day for each day absent). If a student is absent, they are responsible for showing the teacher their make-up work. All long term assignments are due on the due date. If you are absent on the day the long term assignment is due, you must e-mail it to me, drop it off at school, or turn it in early. If you are present on the day of a previously announced quiz or test, you are expected to take the assessment. Test Retakes You will have a practice test before each test. Take them seriously because there on NO test retakes. You must also complete your test in the allotted time. Use your time wisely. Extra Credit I will offer extra credit from time to time. However, please do not come to me at the end of the marking period for extra credit. The time to improve your grade is now. **I reserve the right to make changes to my class rules. Students will be notified of any changes. Honors Accelerated GSE Precalculus Coach Belli – Room 2203 I have read and understand this syllabus. This sheet must be returned by Friday, August 7th. Student Name:______________________________________ Student Signature:___________________________________ Date:___________ Parent(s) Name: ____________________________________ (Please print) Parent Signature: ____________________________________ Date:___________ Parents Email Address: _________________________________________________ Parents’ Phone Number:________________________________________________ (Please Print)