Advance Placement United States Government and Politics Fourth Six Weeks, Spring 2014 Donald R. Marshall M. Ed. Room 1807, Huntsville High School Date Lesson/Objective January 8 Introduction to AP U.S. Government, handout of vocabulary words, diagnostic AP exam Students will gain information of requirements and outline of the course January 9 Judeo-Christian roots in American government, Hammurabi’s laws, Blackstone in America Students gain understanding of the principles of government in America January 10 In-depth analysis of the Declaration of Independence with reference to John Locke, Rousseau, Montesquieu, and Thomas Hobbs Students gain understanding of the principles of the U.S. Declaration of Independence and the Influence European philosophers had on its development. January 13 Reading Quiz: American Politics 1.1: A Tradition Born of Strife, discussion/lecture from textbook: Pages 3 – 10 Students learn the different democracies, political power, and politics January 14 Reading Quiz: American Politics 1.3: The Founding Fathers, discussion/lecture from textbook: Pages 17 – 25 Students compare American revolution to the French, explain natural rights, colonial attitude to Independence, Articles of Confederation and their weaknesses and need for a new Constitution January 15 Reading Quiz: American Politics 1.5: What were they Thinking, discussion/lecture from textbook: Pages 25 – 30 Students evaluate the plans for a new Constitution, their differences, and provisions. January 16 Reading Quiz: American Politics 1.4: The Federalists No. 51, discussion/lecture from textbook: Pages 30 – 38, Anti-Federalists opposing views Students compare the different views of Federalists and Anti-Federalists and how they created the U.S. Constitution January 17 vocabulary quiz(first 30 words), discussion/lecture from textbook: pages 38 – 44 Students evaluate the omissions of the Constitution that conflicts with the idea of democracy January 21 Student activity: write free responses on the constitution and its foundations January 22 Student activity: multiple choice exam on the Constitution and its foundations January 23 review and discuss the exams, vocabulary quiz (second 30 words) Students evaluate the type of questions and the reasoning for the answers January 24 Reading Quiz: American Politics 2.1: The Federalists No. 39, discussion/lecture from textbook Pages 49 – 55 Explain the difference between federal and centralized system of government January 27 Reading Quiz: American Politics 2.4: American Federalism, discussion/lecture from textbook Pages 55 – 60 Students distinguish the federal system and dual citizenship, state sovereignty January 28 Reading Quiz: American Politics 2.2: McCulloch v. Maryland, discussion/lecture from textbook Pages 60 – 71 Students explain federal grants – in – aid system, grants in general January 29 Student activity: write free responses on the federal system January 30 Student activity: multiple choice exam on the federal system January 31 vocabulary quiz (third 30 words) review and discuss exams Students evaluate the type of questions and reasoning for the answers February 3 Reading Quiz: American Politics 6.1: Why we still need political parties, discussion/lecture from Textbook pages 79 – 84 Students will define political culture and compare the U.S. with other countries February 4 Reading Quiz: American Politics 6.2: Of political parties large and small, discussion/lecture from Textbook pages 84 – 93 February 5 Reading Quiz: American Politics 4.3: A question of values, discussion/lecture from textbook Pages 93 – 99 Students will explain why people mistrust government February 6 Reading Quiz: American Politics 4.1: Polling and the transformation of public opinion, discussion/ Lecture from textbook pages 103 – 111 Students explain differences between liberal and conservative ideology February 7 AP Lesson on liberal and conservative ideology, discussion/lecture from textbook pages 112 – 118 Students explain differences between liberal and conservative ideology February 10 Reading Quiz: American Politics 4.4: I hear America ringing, discussion/lecture from textbook Pages 118 – 125 Students identify political ideologies February 11 Reading Quiz: American Politics 14.1: Sign it, then mind it, discussion/lecture from textbook Page 125 Students identify political elites, video youtube on political elites February 12 Reading Quiz: American Politics 5.1: Finding the lost votes, discussion/lecture from textbook Pages 129 – 137 Students explain and compare voter turnout statistics February 13 Reading Quiz: American Politics 5.2: Voting Rites, discussion/lecture from textbook pages 137 – 143 Students describe how and who controls of elections February 14 Reading Quiz: American Politics 7.3: Rousing the Democratic Base, youtube: political campaigns Students explain political participation and factors associated with voter participation February 17 Student activity: write free response on political participation February 18 student activity: write free response on political culture February 19 student activity: multiple choice exam on political culture, participation February 20 review exams and reasoning on answers February 21 student make-up date