Telomeres: The strands of time Jonathan Fay BMCB 625 June 14, 2007 Background • • • • • What is a telomere? Why do we have them? How do they get there? What do they do? Why do you care? • Gao et al. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 2007 Mar: 14(3):208-14 What is a telomere? • 5-8 bp G-rich tandem repeats • Repetitive noncoding DNA Why do we have them? • Replication problem – Lagging strand synthesis • Unable to replicate the 3’ ends faithfully • Loose chromosomal DNA Evolutionary development of telomere How do they get there? • Telomerase What do they do? Genetic Clock telomeres are shortened each time a cell divides Why do you care? • Telomeres gone bad…. Cancer and Age DePinho, The age of cancer. Nature. 2000 Nov 9;408(6809):248-54. Genetic Clock Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol. 2006;22:531-57. Crisis Genomic Instability DePinho, The age of cancer. Nature. 2000 Nov 9;408(6809):248-54. Genetic Clock immortalization Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol. 2006;22:531-57. DePinho, The age of cancer. Nature. 2000 Nov 9;408(6809):248-54. Summary • Replication Problem – Evolutionary development of telomere • Telomere 5-8 bp G-rich noncoding repetitive DNA • Telomerase adds telomere to end of chromosome • Telomere dysfunction can lead to cancer What to they do? • More than a genetic clock. • Protective cap of telomere end protection – Protect chromosomesLoss form: leads to genome instability • recombination, exonuclease degradation and end-to-end fusion – Distinguish telomeres from DNA ds breaks • That would hinder progression into G2 phase • Inappropriate recombination events – Prevent Oncogenesis Curr Opin Cell Biol. 2006 Jun;18(3):247-53. What is the Cap? • Nucleoprotein Complex – Number of different proteins that bind to telomeres • ssDNA & dsDNA coat and protect the telomere • Telomeric silencing • Structure protects ends Structure: D-loop-T-loop Cell Vol 97 419 199 G-quadruplex (G4) G-Tetrad The structure of telomeric DNA. Curr Opin Struct Biol. 2003 Jun;13(3):275-83 The Cap that is a lot of stuff! Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol. 2006;22:531-57. Diverse telomere-capping strategies Cell biology. Telomere capping--one strand fits all. Science. 2001 May 11;292(5519):1075-6. Budding Yeast Stn1 and Ten1 bind Cdc13 The structure of telomeric DNA. Curr Opin Struct Biol. 2003 Jun;13(3):275-83 Stn1 and Ten1 bind Cdc13 • Role of Cdc13 – Cell cycle arrest mutant – Dual function protein • Capping yeast telomeres • Recruit telomerase • Unknown biochemical function of stn1 and ten1 Curr Opin Cell Biol. 2006 Jun;18(3):247-53. OB fold – Bind oligonucleotides or oligosaccarides – No significant amino acid sequence similarity between OB fold proteins – “Notorious for absence of primary sequence features that can be used to predict the domain.” “Notable sequence conservation” • OB-fold domain of Rpa2 • OB fold – Notorious for absence of primary sequence DNA Binding Domain “Notable sequence conservation” • OB-fold domain of Rpa2 • RPA (Replication protein A) – Heterotrimer • RPA2,RPA3,& RPA1 – Core component of DNA replication repair and recombination – Binds ssDNA stabilizing unwound DNA and facilitates assembly of the complex through protein protein interactions Does Stn1 bind DNA? Domain Swap • Essential function of RPA2 • Restored by OB fold of Stn1 • Further evidence Nterm of Stn1 contains an OB fold – Perhaps an evolutionary relationship between Stn1 and Rpa2 Does Ten1 bind DNA? Rpa2,Rpa3 weak telomeric binding Stn1 and Ten1 form a subcomplex Domain Swap N-terminal domains of Stn1 and Rpa2 are sufficient for viability Summary • Cdc13, Stn1 and Ten1 form RPA-like complex that binds telomeres Rpa 2 & Rpa3 have specificity for telomeric DNA Not just any ssDNA Rpa can localize to chromosome ends Competition?? 3 2 1 Rpa2 and Stn1 have similar biochemical activity •(Chimera) Ten1 is like Rpa3 •It forms a complex with Stn1 or Rpa2 •It is the smallest subunit of RPA(like) complex Discussion Points • Reverse chimera Stn1-OBRPA2 didn’t work • Ten1 OB fold? Rosetta? • Oligomerization domain – Cooperatively? • G4 binding • Affinity? Is it too much to ask? THEND Sup 1 SUP 2 Sup 3 • Supplementary Figure 3. Comparison of the domain structure of subunits of the RPA and Cdc13-Stn1-Ten1 complexes. (a) Cdc13 and Rpa1 share a similar domain organization. Both proteins contain a centrally located OB-fold DNA binding domain (indicated in black), which binds with exceptionally high affinity to single-stranded DNA substrates of similar size (10-11 nt)1-5. As noted by Wuttke and colleagues, the extended conformation of single-stranded DNA Supplemental Figure 3. (legend, continued). bound to the Cdc13 DBD is similar to that observed with RPA, but very distinct from that assumed by single-stranded DNA in complex with O. nova TEBP6. Furthermore, the Pot1 protein (which exhibits weak sequence similarity with the ! subunit of the O. nova TEBP complex) has a different domain structure from that of Cdc13 and Rpa1; most notably, high affinity binding is mediated through two OB-folds located in the extreme N-terminus of the Pot1 protein7,8. Rpa1 contains an additional OB-fold in its C-terminal region9,10 (indicated by a grey box), and an OB-fold has also been detected in the C-terminal domain of Cdc1311 (grey box), using a sensitive sequence profile comparison program. Finally, the N-terminal regions of Cdc13 and Rpa1 each serve as protein-protein interaction modules. Cdc13 interacts with the Est1 subunit of telomerase, mediated through a 15 kDa domain located at aa 211 to 331 of Cdc1312,13. Rpa1 also has a well-characterized Nterminal 120 amino acid domain that interacts with several different protein complexes, including the p53 tumor suppressor protein14. (b) Both Stn1 and Rpa2 contain a single OB-fold, in the N-terminal half of the protein, which performs essential roles in each protein. The OB-fold domain shown in Fig. 1 is indicated by a black box, and the boundaries of the essential domain defined by the experiment in Fig. 5c are bracketed. (c) The smallest subunit of the RPA complex, Rpa3, is folded into a single OB-fold domain15, indicated by a black box. Using the bioinformatics techniques that uncovered similarities between Stn1 and Rpa2, we were not able to detect comparable sequence identity between Rpa3 and Ten1, and therefore we cannot conclude whether Ten1 contains an OB-fold domain or not. This may be a reflection of the fact that both proteins have diverged rapidly at the primary sequence level, as revealed by the alignments of Rpa3 and Ten1 sequences from fungal genomes. Although the Rpa3 alignment shown here, composed from a collection of fungal Rpa3 proteins, reveals a modest degree of sequence conservation, we nevertheless were unable to place more distantly related Rpa3 proteins, such as the human homolog, on this alignment. The Ten1 protein family appears to be even more divergent; for example, we were only able to identify the A. gossypii Ten1 sequence based on its syntenic position in the genome, rather than by a BLAST search. We have so far been unable to recover additional Ten1 proteins, even from other fungal genomes, further suggesting rapid sequence divergence within the Ten1 family.