Leave of Absence - National Union of Teachers

Leave of Absence
Part 1: Summary
Leave of Absence Policy
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AET HR 02 Review June 2014
Adopted and ratified by the Academies
Enterprise Trust Board on:
June 2012
Review Date:
June 2014
As defined by the AET Governance and Accountability
Framework (ARCI)
AET Board
AET Board
Local Board of Governors
Leave of Absence Policy
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Leave of Absence Policy
Policy content
Part 1 – Summary
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 5
Policy statement .................................................................................................................... 5
Definitions ............................................................................................................................. 5
Scope of policy ...................................................................................................................... 5
Roles and responsibilities ...................................................................................................... 6
Procedure ......................................................................................................................................... 6
Appeals ............................................................................................................................................ 6
Guidance Table ................................................................................................................................ 8
Family Related Absence ........................................................................................................ 8
Ill-Health Related ................................................................................................................. 18
Government Related Duties ................................................................................................ 20
Training Related .................................................................................................................. 24
Other leave .......................................................................................................................... 25
Part 2 - Manager's Guidance
Career Breaks................................................................................................................................. 32
Eligibility .............................................................................................................................. 32
Notification .......................................................................................................................... 32
Contact ................................................................................................................................ 32
Returning to work ............................................................................................................... 32
Impact on previous service ................................................................................................. 33
Impact on pension ............................................................................................................... 33
Time Off To Train ........................................................................................................................... 33
Eligibility Criteria ................................................................................................................. 33
What Type of Training an Employee Can Request .............................................................. 34
Payment for Time Spent Training ........................................................................................ 34
Leave of Absence Policy
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Invalid Requests and Withdrawals ...................................................................................... 34
Withdrawal of a Request by an Employee .......................................................................... 35
Timescales ........................................................................................................................... 35
Considering Whether to Accept or Reject a Request .......................................................... 36
Meeting an Employee to Discuss their Request .................................................................. 36
Communicating the Decision .............................................................................................. 37
2.10. Internal Appeals Process ..................................................................................................... 37
Appendix 1 ............................................................................................................................................... 39
Model Career Break Letter ............................................................................................................ 39
Appendix 2 ............................................................................................................................................... 40
Procedure for public duties claims ................................................................................................ 40
Appendix 3 ............................................................................................................................................... 41
Public duties claims form............................................................................................................... 41
Appendix 4 ............................................................................................................................................... 42
Sample secondment agreement.................................................................................................... 42
Appendix 5 ............................................................................................................................................... 44
Individual learning agreement....................................................................................................... 44
Appendix 6 ............................................................................................................................................... 46
Time Off To Train Request Form ................................................................................................... 46
Appendix 7…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..48
Glossary and Status of the Policy and Guidance………………………………………………………………………..48
Leave of Absence Policy
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1. Introduction
This policy sets out the types of leave of absence which can be requested by staff, including
whether it is a statutory entitlement or discretionary and whether it is paid or unpaid. It further
explains how staff should request such leave and how decisions will be made. It should be read
in conjunction with the Academy’s Family Friendly policy and Sickness Management policy.
Throughout this policy “The Company” will refer to the Academies Enterprise Trust or London
Academies Enterprise Trust as appropriate.
Policy statement
The Academy aims to deliver high quality services whilst enabling staff to combine their working
life with the increasing demands on their personal life. This requires mutual flexibility from both
the employee and the employer. This policy supports the need for employees to be allowed
reasonable time off for a range of circumstances. The Principal and Governors will consider all
applications for leave of absence in a fair and equitable manner within the premises set out in
this policy document.
The Board of Governors will ensure that all requests for leave of absence are dealt with
sensitively, professionally, speedily and fairly.
Statutory absence - This is an entitlement under employment legislation.
Mandatory absence - This is an entitlement as part of an employee’s terms and conditions of
Discretionary absence - This is not an entitlement, but absence/pay is at the discretion of the
Principal & Governors and each request will be considered on its individual circumstances.
Current employer - Current employer means continuous employment at a community school/
voluntary controlled school(s), or, current service at a foundation school/voluntary aided school.
Scope of policy
The policy applies to all employees and covers a wide range and type of leave, including where
statutory rights exist and where Principals and Governors have discretion over approvals.
The policy is intended for matters affecting people on a personal basis.
Requests by the Principal for leave of absence must be directed to the Chair of Governors.
Indicated in the following tables are the maximum levels of absence. The Principal is authorised
to deal with the majority of cases which are unlikely to exceed the stated number of days per
year or term as an immediate decision is often needed, particularly for compassionate reasons.
The Governing Body only need to authorise leave of absence in exceptional cases.
If a part time member of staff requests leave of absence, the maximum days given in the table
should be calculated on a pro rata basis.
Leave of Absence Policy
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Where indicated, managers’ and employee guidance is included as part of this policy document.
Roles and responsibilities
It is the responsibility of the Company and Governing Body to:
establish, maintain and monitor relevant policies and procedures;
ensure that cases are dealt with effectively and fairly;
ensure governors and staff have appropriate training;
nominate a governor to deal with cases where a manager would be inappropriate.
It is the responsibility of the Principal and other managers to:
promote an open environment, free from harassment, in which everyone is treated fairly
and reasonably;
provide appropriate induction and training;
ensure all concerns are taken seriously and implement relevant policies and procedures
in a timely and reasonable manner;
manage staff in a fair and professional way;
provide adequate support in respect of complaints;
It is the responsibility of all staff to:
make every effort to ensure that appointments are made outside of their working hours.
Where this is not possible, leave of absence may be requested.
2. Procedure
All applications for leave of absence should be directed to the Principal in the first instance
regardless of whether he/she has authority to approve such applications.
Applications for leave of absence should be in writing. However, in some circumstances, such as
an emergency, depending on the reason for and duration of the leave requested, a written
request may not be necessary.
Employees should give as much notice as possible for any request for leave of absence and where
specific notice is required, this is indicated in this policy.
3. Appeals
Any appeal lodged against a decision relating to leave of absence will be heard by the Board of
Governors appeals’ committee. The employee and chosen representative (normally the
representative of a recognised trade union, or a work colleague), will have an opportunity to
attend any such meeting and to make representation on their behalf.
Leave of Absence Policy
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The Committee’s decision will be final.
Leave of Absence Policy
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4. Guidance Table
Type of
1. Adoption
Family Related Absence
Details of leave provision
To qualify for statutory adoption leave, an employee
must have at least 26 weeks’ continuous local
government service by the week in which they are
notified of being matched with a child or children and
have notified the Principal within 7 calendar days of
this notification.
Maximum days per
term (unless stated
Statutory - subject to qualifying
52 weeks
Further information
See Family Friendly
Eligible employees may receive up to 39
weeks’ statutory adoption pay. Those
who have over 1 year’s local government
service may also be entitled to
contractual adoption pay.
Employees who qualify for statutory adoption leave
are entitled to 26 weeks ordinary adoption leave
followed by up to 26 weeks additional adoption leave.
The Academy and employee can agree to up to a
maximum of 10 days paid ‘keeping in touch’ days
during the period of absence. Payment will be made
for actual hours worked on the employee’s return to
work or last day of service.
2. Pre Adoption
Employees should apply in writing to the Principal
who will give consideration to the request and the
following factors:
Time off is
- the circumstances surrounding the request.
- where
any outstanding annual leave the
of Absence
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Pay is discretionary
See Family Friendly
employee may have (although having unused annual
leave would not rule out leave being granted)
- any previous requests for leave of absence.
- the employee’s attendance and absence record.
- the number of day’s special leave requested.
- the employees employment history e.g. length of
- staff cover arrangements and workload.
3. Antenatal
All pregnant employees have a statutory right to
reasonable time off work for ante-natal care but are
encouraged to arrange appointments outside of their
working hours wherever possible.
Statutory –
reasonable time off
Statutory - paid
See Family Friendly
3a. Fathers to
be/ partners
In exceptional circumstances, absence with pay may
be granted where a father-to-be or partner of an
expectant mother is required to provide support., for
example where there is a medical emergency resulting
in a stay in hospital, or a non-routine medical
Time off is
Pay is discretionary
See Family Friendly
3b Parentcraft
and routine
Requests to attend parent craft classes or routine
antenatal classes will be considered against existing
leave provisions including annual/ flexible leave
(where applicable).
(Also see paternity leave and dependant leave)
Time off is
Pay is discretionary
Leave of Absence Policy
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May be granted when a request is made due to the
bereavement of a relative. Leave will normally be
taken at the time of bereavement only.
4a. Close
A close relative is defined as a husband, wife, partner,
son, daughter, father, mother, father-in-law, motherin-law, brother or sister.
5 days –
Pay is discretionary
4b. Other
Consideration will be given to requests for leave for
other relatives e.g. extended family members
3 days –
Pay is discretionary
5. Child care
It may be necessary for an employee to deal with an
immediate crisis and set up alternative care
arrangements when their child’s normal carer is
suddenly taken ill or when normal childcare
arrangements are not available due to the child’s
An employee may be able to extend their leave up to
a total of 5 days per term as per illness/injury of family
members Table i) item 13
Where an employee needs to take more than a total
of 5 days’ leave per term, then they may be entitled to
unpaid dependant leave. (Also see Dependants)
Note: Employees must not claim sick leave to look
after sick children.
2 days discretionary
Pay is discretionary
6. Dependants
Employees have a right to take a reasonable amount
of time off work to deal with certain unexpected or
sudden emergencies and make any necessary longer
term arrangements. The emergency must involve a
Leave of Absence Policy
Any reasonable requests for further leave
to deal with such emergencies will be
without pay.
Statutory - the
length of leave
authorised will
depend on
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Statutory - unpaid
Any further requests
for leave for this
requires approval by
the Principal
dependant of the employee. A dependant is defined,
as the employee’s parent, wife, husband or partner
child, or someone who lives as part of the family, but
not the employee’s tenant, lodger or boarder. It also
includes someone for whom the employee is the main
carer. In cases of illness, injury or where care
arrangements break down, a dependant may also be
someone who reasonably relies on the employee for
assistance. This may be where the employee is the
primary carer or is the only person who can help in an
emergency. (Also see child care, injury & illness and
elder care)
circumstance, and
leave for this
reason may be
offered in addition
to other leave
7. Domestic
The Academy recognises that circumstances may
make it necessary and unavoidable for an employee
to be absent due to a domestic crisis (including
damage or disruption to property).
2 days discretionary
Pay is discretionary
8. Elder care
The Academy will treat requests from carers
sympathetically to deal with unexpected emergencies
to care for an elderly person who is an immediate
family member such as father, mother, father-in-law,
mother-in-law or other elder dependant who requires
An employee may be able to extend their leave up to
a total of 5 days per term as per illness/injury of family
members Table i) item 13
Where an employee needs to take more than a total
of 5 days per term, then they may be entitled to
2 days discretionary
Pay is discretionary. Any reasonable
requests for further leave to deal with
such emergencies will be without pay
Leave of Absence Policy
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unpaid dependant leave (Also see dependants)
In more extended circumstances, it may be necessary
to discuss the possibility of a mutually agreed change
to reduced working hours and/or a different working
pattern to accommodate the need for time away from
the workplace (Also see flexible working and
9. Fertility
Each request will be considered individually in the
context of the particular circumstances. Note: The
woman undergoing IVF treatment is regarded as
pregnant for the period following implantation of the
fertilised ova until the end of the protected period*
As agreed with
Principal discretionary
Pay is discretionary
10. Flexible
The statutory right to request flexible working applies
to employees who have a child aged 16 years or under
(or up to 18 years in the case of a disabled child) and
carers if they are or expect to be caring for an adult
(18 years or over). However as a matter of good
practice all requests should be given equal
consideration and looked at in a fair and equitable
Not applicable
Not applicable
(statutory right to
request flexible
Flexible working allows an employee to request a
change in their hours of work (including part time and
job share), a change to their start and finish times or
to request to work from home.
Leave of Absence Policy
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See Family Friendly
Eligible employees must have 26 weeks’ continuous
service with their current employer at the date the
request is made.
An employee can only make one request in any 12
month period. Therefore, if a request has already
been made in relation to a child, another request
cannot be made for another 12 months even if it is in
relation to caring for an adult.
11. Foster care
Leave will be given to foster carers to attend meetings
and/or attend training commitments.
12. Graduation Leave to attend graduation ceremony.
of family
The absence must be shown to be necessary and
unavoidable for the absence with pay to be granted.
Where employees need to take more than the leave
allocated in this section, then an employee may be
entitled to unpaid dependant leave. (Also see
Dependant leave)
This leave is available to an employee whose
immediate family member (husband, wife, partner,
son, daughter, father, mother) or other dependant
suffers an illness or injury.
Leave of Absence Policy
Up to 5 days per
year - discretionary
Pay is discretionary
1 day per year per
graduate discretionary
Pay is discretionary
5 days discretionary
Pay is discretionary
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13b. Other
Including father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother or
5 days discretionary
Pay is discretionary
13c. Other
Illness and
injury Cases
Other cases involving illness/injury where an
employee can show it to be necessary and
unavoidable for leave of absence to be granted will be
3 days discretionary
Pay is discretionary
14. Maternity
All pregnant employees have a statutory entitlement
to 26 weeks’ ordinary maternity leave and 26 weeks’
additional maternity leave regardless of length of
service or hours worked.
Statutory - 52
weeks’ leave
Statutory - paid/unpaid subject to
qualifying conditions
An employee must notify the Principal of her
pregnancy, her expected week of childbirth (EWC) and
the date on which she intends to start her leave,
before the end of the 15th week before the EWC (or if
that is not reasonably practicable, as soon as it is
reasonably practicable).
Maternity pay is made up of two separate elements;
Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP) and Contractual
Maternity Pay (CMP). The qualifying conditions for
SMP and CMP are different. This means that whilst an
employee may qualify for CMP they may not qualify
for SMP and vice versa. It is essential to check the
employee’s contract and conditions of service to
clarify entitlements to statutory and contractual
maternity pay.
Leave of Absence Policy
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See Family Friendly
Contact must be maintained during maternity leave.
Agreement must be made prior to the maternity leave
how contact with be maintained.
An optional 10 ‘keeping in touch’ days are available
during her maternity leave without losing payments or
ending her maternity leave. This must be agreed
between the Principal and the employee.
Note: Provisions are different for teachers and
support staff due to the different terms and
conditions of employment.
15. Maternity
support leave
Maternity support leave of 5 days shall be granted to
the child’s father or partner or nominated carer of an
expectant mother at or around the time of birth.
5 days – mandatory
due to conditions
of service
Pay is mandatory due to conditions of
16. Medical
Where an employee requires time off to attend
routine medical appointments (i.e. doctors and
dentists) with a dependant, the employee should
arrange to attend these medical appointments
outside of their normal working hours. Where this is
not possible, or where emergency treatment is
needed, time off may be granted. (see Dependant
Discretionary subject to the
operational needs
of the Academy
Pay is discretionary
17. Parental
The right to parental leave entitles all eligible
employees who have completed one year’s qualifying
service to take a period of unpaid leave to care for
each child under 5 (or under 18 in the case of a
Statutory - 13
weeks in total for
each eligible child.
Statutory - unpaid
Leave of Absence Policy
Statutory - 18
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See Family Friendly
disabled child). Parental leave is for parents, adoptive
parents and guardians to care for their children.
weeks in total for
each disabled child.
To be eligible the employee must meet one of the
following criteria:
Statutory - Please
Note: – it is only
possible to request
is the parent of a child born after 15 December
parental leave in
1999 who is under 5 years old. The right lasts
blocks of one week.
up to the child’s 5th birthday, unless the child is It is not permissible
entitled to disability living allowance, where the
to request
right is extended up to the child’s 18th birthday,
individual days
except for parents
of disabled
has a child placed for adoption after 15 December
children. No more
1999. The right lasts for 5 years from the date
than four weeks
on which the child is placed for adoption, or
parental leave can
until the child’s 18th birthday, whichever is the
be taken in any one
sooner, or
has acquired formal parental responsibility for a
child who is under 5 years old, or
is registered as the father on the birth certificate
21 days’ written notice must be given to the Principal
specifying the start and end date of the requested
parental leave. Applications for leave can be
postponed for up to six months if the ‘operation of
the Academy would be unduly disrupted’ except in
the case of requests for leave at or around the time of
Leave of Absence Policy
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birth or adoption or immediately following statutory,
contractual maternity, paternity, adoption leave
18. Paternity
Paternity leave is available for fathers/partners and
adoptive fathers/partners. The provisions extend to
an adoptive mother or the partner of an adoptive
father, who may take paternity leave if the other
partner chooses to take any entitlement under the
statutory adoption leave provisions.
Employees must have 26 weeks’ continuous service
with their current employer by the 15th week before
the expected week of childbirth, or the week of being
notified of being matched to a child. Eligible
employees who meet the qualifying length of service
criteria may be entitled to Statutory Paternity Pay
Statutory - up to 2
consecutive weeks
leave for each
pregnancy or
(regardless of
number of babies
born or children
Statutory - paid.
The first week of paternity leave is paid at
full pay.
The second week of paternity leave is
paid at statutory paternity rate.
Leave must be taken within 56 days (8 weeks) of the
actual date of birth of the child or in the case of
adoption, 56 days (8 weeks) of the placement date. If
the child is born early, leave can be taken within the
period from the actual date of birth up to 56 days (8
weeks) after the expected week of childbirth.
Individuals must notify the Principal of their intension
to take paternity leave by the end of the 15th week
before the expected week of childbirth. For an
Leave of Absence Policy
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See Family Friendly
adopted child, the employee must give notification
within 7 days (unless not reasonably practicable) of
being notified by the adoption agency of a match with
a child.
Ill-Health Related
Maximum days per
term (unless stated
Subject to operational requirements employees
may be given reasonable time off.
Time off is
Pay is discretionary
2. Bone marrow
Subject to operational requirements employees
may be given time off to donate bone marrow.
This may include examinations prior to the
donation and hospitalisation and recuperation.
Up to 3 weeks per
year - discretionary
Pay is discretionary
3. Cancer
Routine cancer screening (for example cervical
cancer screening and breast examinations) should
take place outside normal working hours. Where
this is not possible, or where the screening is nonroutine, leave of absence should be granted for
the purpose of attending such appointments
Time off as and
when – mandatory
due to conditions 0f
Paid – mandatory due to conditions of
4. Dental
All dental appointments should where possible be
arranged outside the employee’s normal working
hours. However, the Academy recognises that in
Up to 2 days for
urgent treatment discretionary
Pay is discretionary
Type of absence
Details of leave provision
1. Blood donors
Leave of Absence Policy
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Further information
Any further requests
for leave for this
reason require
Type of absence
Details of leave provision
Maximum days per
term (unless stated
emergencies it may be unavoidable for an
employee to be absent during the normal working
day for urgent dental treatment.
approval by the
5. Disability
The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 provides the
right for disabled people to request to work
reduced hours if this will enable them to remain in
post and it is a reasonable adjustment for the
employer. Employers also have a duty to make
reasonable adjustments to the workplace,
provisions, criteria or practice.
6. Elective
Requests to attend medical appointments relating
to elective surgery will be considered in the light of
individual circumstances and the opportunity for
the applicant to use annual leave (where
applicable) or Academy closure periods for all or
part of the absence.
Time off is
Pay is discretionary
7. Medical
and treatment
Wherever possible employees should arrange to
attend medical appointments outside of their
normal working hours. Where this is not possible,
or where emergency treatment is needed, time off
may be granted.
Time off is
discretionary subject
to the operational
needs of the
Pay is discretionary
8. Sickness
An employee who is unable to attend work due to
Leave of Absence Policy
Further information
Paid according to statutory and
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See Disability at
Work Policy
Type of absence
Details of leave provision
sickness must contact the Academy as soon as
possible on the first day of absence.
Maximum days per
term (unless stated
Further information
contractual provisions
See Sickness
Management Policy
Wherever possible contact should be made by
telephone to the Principal/Vice-Principal, other
member of senior staff, giving an indication of the
nature of the illness and its likely duration; any
work matters that may need to be attended to; the
first day of illness; and if the sickness absence
results from an accident at work this should be
reported immediately, together with details of to
whom the accident was initially reported.
Government-Related Duties
Type of absence
Details of leave provision
Maximum days per
term (unless stated
20 days -
Pay is discretionary
1. Court
1a. As a witness
Leave of Absence Policy
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Further information
Type of absence
Details of leave provision
Maximum days per
term (unless stated
Further information
1b. As the
Employees are entitled under national conditions of
service to receive paid leave of absence for jury
1c. As a juror
2. Criminal
Subject to operational requirements employees
who make a claim to the criminal injuries
compensation board may take paid time off to
attend the board.
3. Elections –
Employees standing as a candidate at local or
central government elections.
10 days discretionary
Pay is discretionary
Duration of service
Paid, less the loss of earning entitlement
under the juror’s allowance regs
Time off is
Pay is discretionary
Discretionary –
Pay is discretionary
1 day on the day of
the poll
1 day if the count is
on a different day
Pay is discretionary
4. Fire-fighters retained
Subject to operational needs, retained fire-fighters
are entitled to paid time off for fire fighting duties.
Discretionary - 2
weeks per year
Pay is discretionary
5. Police officers
and Special
Subject to operational requirements, discretionary
leave can be given in recognition of employees who
are special constables. The expectation is that this
Time off for support
staff is discretionary.
Pay is discretionary
Leave of Absence Policy
Due to conditions of
21 | P a g e 4 8
See Leave of
Absence Managers’
Authorisation is
depending on
Authorisation to
become a special
constable should be
Details of leave provision
Maximum days per
term (unless stated
leave will be given at or around the time of any
training in recognition of an employee’s extra work
as a special constable.
service teachers will
only be granted
leave in exceptional
Type of absence
obtained from the
Principal in advance
to ensure that the
duties of a special
constable will not
conflict with their
6. Professional
bodies – service
E.g. National Joint Council for Local Government
15 days per year discretionary
Pay is discretionary
7. Public bodies –
service on
Justices of the Peace
Pay is discretionary
Members of a local authority
Statutory right to
have time off up to
26 days per year
Members of a statutory tribunal
 Members of a relevant health body, for
example health trusts
 Members of a relevant education authority, for
example, maintained school or college Governing
 Members of a Board of Visitors for prisons,
remand centres and young offender’s institutions
Leave of Absence Policy
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Further information
Type of absence
8. Reservist
Details of leave provision
Members of a police authority
Members of The Teaching Agency
Volunteer reservists, for example Territorial Army,
Royal Naval Volunteer Reserves, Royal Marines
Reserves and Royal Auxiliary Air Force or regular
reservists, ex regular servicemen who may retain a
liability to be mobilised.
Teachers- Leave of absence is at the discretion of
the Principal and due to conditions of service will
only be granted in exceptional circumstances.
Support staff – Leave of absence for training or
voluntary service is at the discretion of the
9. Trade Union
(TU) activities
(including union
learning reps)
Reasonable time off will be granted for recognised
TU stewards and TU members to attend official TU
meetings. Subject to operational requirements
reasonable paid time off will be granted for
recognised TU shop stewards, health and safety
reps, learning reps for the purposes of representing
branch members, attend official TU meetings etc.
Maximum days per
term (unless stated
Further information
Teachers will only be
discretionary leave in
Pay is discretionary
See Leave of
Absence Managers’
Support staff may be
granted 2 weeks’
leave per year. (15
days’ continuous
Statutory –
reasonable time off
and according to the
agreements reached
between the
employer and the
appropriate TU.
Reasonable paid time off will also be granted for
Leave of Absence Policy
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Pay is discretionary
Statutory - paid
Type of absence
Details of leave provision
Maximum days per
term (unless stated
Further information
any training necessary for the TU role undertaken.
Branch members may be given paid time off to
travel to and attend the branch AGM.
Type of absence
Details of leave provision
Maximum days per
term (unless stated
Further information
1. Time off to
An employee has a statutory right to request leave
to undertake training which they believe will
improve their effectiveness in their role and overall
performance of the Academy.
Discretionary depends on the course
requirements and
operational needs of
the Academy
Pay is discretionary – depends on the
course and its benefits to the individual
and the Academy
See Leave of Absence
Managers’ Guidance
2. Study leave
Leave may be requested for periods of study to
prepare for examinations. The employee must
notify the Principal as soon as possible of dates and
reasons for leave.
Time off to study for
exams is discretionary
Pay is discretionary
See Leave of Absence
Managers’ Guidance
Leave of Absence Policy
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Other leave
Type of absence
Details of leave provision
The Academy recognises that employees may on
occasion need to take time off for a variety of
reasons that do not fall within any of the other
categories set out within this policy. The Principal
will consider the following factors:
Maximum days per
term (unless stated
Time off is
Pay is discretionary
 the circumstances surrounding the request
 where applicable, any outstanding annual leave
the employee may have (although having
unused annual leave would not rule out leave
being granted, especially for compassionate or
carer’s leave);
 any previous requests for leave of absence;
 the employee’s attendance and absence
 the number of days special leave requested.
 the employee’s employment history
staff cover arrangements and workload.
Leave of Absence Policy
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Further information
Type of absence
1. Career Breaks
Details of leave provision
An extended period of absence from work, after
which the employee intends to return to work. To
be eligible the employee must have:
 at least 2 years’ service with their current
Maximum days per
term (unless stated
Further information
Discretionary - up to a
maximum of 5 years
after date of
See Leave of Absence
Managers’ Guidance
 satisfactory performance in all aspects of work.
 a satisfactory attendance and conduct record
The scheme is likely to be attractive to employees
who wish to take a break for care commitments,
either for children or elderly relatives, or other
reasons i.e. to undertake fulltime education
An employee needs to satisfy the Principal that the
reason for the break is justified. Note: a career
break will result in a break in continuous service.
However, where a career break is taken for reasons
connected with caring for children/dependants, the
employee is entitled to have previous service taken
into account for maternity leave and sick leave
purposes only, as long as the break has not
exceeded 8 years and the individual has not taken
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Type of absence
Details of leave provision
Maximum days per
term (unless stated
up any full time, permanent paid jobs during their
break from service. Reasonable contact between
the employee and the Academy must be
maintained during the period of absence.
2. Holiday
All employees are entitled to paid time off.
Statutory - paid
Details are set out in the contract of employment
and the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions
3. Job-seeking
and retraining in
a redundancy
4. Moving house
An employee who is being made redundant can
take reasonable time off with pay to look for
another job or to arrange training.
If an employee, who is not being made redundant,
is undertaking a search for alternative employment
in a redundancy situation, consideration will be
given to the operational requirements of the
Academy and individual circumstances.
Employees should make all efforts to move house
outside of their normal working hours. Where this
Leave of Absence Policy
Statutory – reasonable
time off
Time off is
1 day – on the day of
removal discretionary
27 | P a g e 4 8
Statutory - paid
Pay is discretionary
Pay is discretionary
Further information
Type of absence
Details of leave provision
Maximum days per
term (unless stated
15 days per year –
Pay is discretionary
Normally up to 12
months. Discretionary
– according to
operational needs of
the Academy
Paid, the employer remains the same
and therefore terms and conditions will
remain the same.
Further information
is not possible or where an employee is moving to
take up his/her post at the Academy, sympathetic
consideration will be given to granting leave of
5. Religious
The Academy recognises the importance of
religious observance and will attempt to
accommodate the needs of the employee,
including, for example, time away from work during
the day for prayer or to accommodate periods of
Employees whose religious duties are not covered
by weekends or the current statutory bank holidays
may request time off for religious festivals.
6. Secondments
A temporary transfer of an employee from one
organisation to another associated organisation for
operational or project purposes. The secondment
will be governed by an agreement between all
parties involved. The employee will usually be
expected to have worked for 12 months before
being considered for a secondment. Secondments
will not break continuous service.
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See Leave of Absence
Managers’ Guidance
Type of absence
Details of leave provision
Maximum days per
term (unless stated
7. Weather –
severe conditions
Where severe weather conditions prevail, for
example snow or flooding, employees are expected
to make every effort to attend work, using
alternative modes of transport where possible.
Where an employee, as a result of using an
alternative form of transport (or where there are
severe traffic/ weather conditions using their
normal mode of transport) arrives at work late
and/or has to leave work early, they will be
credited with a standard working day. Employees
who are genuinely unable to attend work should,
where possible and with the agreement of the
Principal, work from home or attend an alternative
place of work.
Pay is discretionary
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Further information
Employees were consulted on this document during
It was ratified by the Academies Enterprise Trust Board
Oct – Nov 2010
David Triggs, AET Chief Executive Officer
Print Name:
D. A. Triggs
Leigh Shelley, AET HR Director
Print Name:
L. H. Shelley
Chair of Board of Governors
Print Name:
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Leave of Absence
Part 2: Managers’ Guidance
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1. Career Breaks
A career break is an extended period of unpaid absence from work, after which it is the intention of
the Academy to make every effort to provide re-entry to employment at a mutually agreed time,
normally not more than 5 years after the date of resignation. This will be at the equivalent grade,
but not necessarily to the same job.
A career break can be requested when a lengthy period away from work is required to, for example,
care for a child or children, to care for an elderly or sick relative, to undertake full time education,
foreign travel or for some other approved reason. The Principal will give all requests serious
consideration. To be eligible for a career break an employee must have:
At least two years’ continuous service with the current employer.
continuous employment at one of the Company’s Academies.
Current employer means
Satisfactory performance in all aspects of work.
A satisfactory record in relation to attendance, sickness absence and conduct.
The arrangements are designed for all staff, but in making a decision a Principal may also take into
account any scarce skills the employee may have which are likely to remain useful to the Academy in
the future
An employee must put their request in writing to the Principal. If a career break is agreed, it will be
open to the employee at the appropriate time to resign from his/her post and state the intention to
take a career break.
During the time away from work the following must occur:
The employee agrees to keep their knowledge of the work up to date. This may include occasional
visits to the Academy, reading reports and other documents, and where agreed and where possible,
working for short periods for example to cover staff absence;
A named contact from the Academy will keep the employee in touch with Academy issues.
Training may be arranged to bring the employee up to date prior to their return to work.
Returning to work
The Academy will make every effort to provide a return to work at the equivalent grade, but not
necessarily to the same job.
If the employee decides not to return to Academy either during or at the end of their career break,
they must notify the Principal in writing. The employee must comply with the notice periods and the
notification procedure contained within their contract of employment.
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Impact on previous service
There is no entitlement to continuous service during the career break. The contract of employment
will end when the employee leaves work, and a new contract will be issued when work is resumed.
A career break will mean that previous service is lost for the purposes of statutory employment
rights such as redundancy payments and protection against unfair dismissal.
Where an employee returns to the Academy or local government service following a break for
maternity reasons, or reasons concerned with caring for children or other dependants, he or she will
be entitled to have previous service taken into account in respect of sickness and maternity schemes
provided that the break in service does not exceed eight years and that no permanent paid full-time
employment has intervened.
Impact on pension
It is the employee’s responsibility to ascertain the effect any career break would have on their
2. Time Off To Train
From 6 April 2010, the right to request time off to train will apply to all employees in businesses with
250 employees or more.
Employees' requests can be to undertake accredited programmes leading to a qualification, or for
unaccredited training to help them develop specific skills relevant to their job, workplace or
business. While employee requests may involve agreeing time away from their duties, the primary
focus of the new right is about agreeing relevant training with your staff.
Principals/Line Managers are required to consider any requests and respond within a set timeframe.
You can turn down requests when you have a good business reason to do so, including where you do
not believe the training will help improve their effectiveness and the overall performance of the
Academy. Any appeal against a decision for time off to train will be heard by the Governing Body.
Please note, where an employee makes an application for financial assistance for Post Entry
Learning, you should also read item 3 - Post Entry Learning of the Leave of Absence Guidance in
conjunction with this procedure. In this situation, an individual learning agreement must be agreed
and signed by the employee and the Governing Body.
Eligibility Criteria
To make a request for time to train an individual must:
be an employee
have at least 26 weeks’ continuous service on the date they make their request
The following groups do not have the right to request time to train, however you can consider
requests from them if you so wish:
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agency workers
young people of compulsory school age
young people who already have a statutory right to paid time off to undertake study or
training (s.63A of Employment Rights Act 1996)
16 or 17 year olds who are already under a duty to participate in education or training as
a result of Part 1 of the Education and Skills Act 2008
18 year olds who are treated as if Part 1 of the Education and Skills Act 2008 applies to
What Type of Training an Employee Can Request
Employees can make requests to undertake any training which they believe will improve their
effectiveness and the overall performance of the Academy.
Employees can request training that is delivered in whichever way they believe is most appropriate
and effective, e.g. they might request training which would be:
undertaken on the Academy premises or elsewhere, including the employee's home;
delivered whilst they are performing their employment duties or separately;
provided or supervised by the Academy, a local college or training provider;
undertaken without supervision.
There is no limit on the amount of time or the amount of study or training that an employee can
request. Employees can ask to undertake more than one piece of training in a single request for
time to train.
Payment for Time Spent Training
Employees do not have the right to be paid for the time spent training when you agree to their
request. However, you may agree to this recognising the value of the investment.
It may be that you agree to their request for time to train, and reach agreement with the employee
that they will work flexibly to make up the time spent training, or that they will take unpaid time off
to train.
You are only required to consider one request from an employee in any 12 month period unless the
employee has requested that you ignore an earlier request.
If an employee submits more than one request in a 12 month period, you should inform them within
28 days if you do not intend to consider it.
Invalid Requests and Withdrawals
If you consider an employee's request to be invalid because it does not include all of the necessary
information, you should notify the employee within 28 days. You must also inform them of the
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reason why you consider the application is invalid. The employee may then revise and resubmit
their request.
Withdrawal of a Request by an Employee
An employee may withdraw a request at any time before you have notified them of your decision.
They can notify you orally or in writing. If you do not receive written notification from the employee
that their request is withdrawn, you must confirm the withdrawal of the application to the employee
in writing. If an employee withdraws a request, it will still count as a request that you have received.
There are three circumstances in which the employee, having submitted a further request, may ask
you to ignore an earlier request submitted within the last 12 months. These are:
where the employee notifies you that they mistakenly submitted an earlier request
before 12 months elapsed and they wish to withdraw the earlier application;
where the employee did not undertake training that was agreed following a request
because the training was cancelled, unless this was due to their own conduct in relation
to the training;
where the employee failed to start training that was agreed as part of a request because
of some unforeseen circumstance beyond their control.
In these circumstances, you must ignore the fact that the employee submitted an earlier application,
and consider their present request.
Within 28 days of receiving a valid request you must either:
accept the request on the basis of the information set out in the individual's request and
inform the employee of your decision in writing; or
meet with the employee to discuss their request, then within 14 days of that meeting,
you must inform the employee of your decision in writing
If the Line Manager/Principal who would normally deal with the request is absent from work on the
day the application is received, the 28 day period will begin on the day that Line Manager/Principal
returns to work.
The timescales for holding meetings and issuing notices of decisions on applications and appeals can
be extended by agreement with the employee. Such an agreement must be recorded in writing and
a copy given to the employee. The record of agreement to extend these timescales must:
specify what period the extension relates to;
specify the date on which the extension is to end;
be dated.
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If you have received a valid request but you need additional information before you can give the
request proper consideration, you can ask the employee to provide additional information.
If the employee refuses to provide you with additional information, you can treat their request as
withdrawn. To do this, you must inform the individual in writing that you consider their request to
be withdrawn.
Considering Whether to Accept or Reject a Request
There may be cases where you are content to accept the request, but think the training need can be
met in a different way, e.g. you may be aware of different courses or qualifications that you believe
would better meet the training need. In such cases, you will need to discuss the employee's request
with them before reaching your final decision and confirming it in writing to the employee.
Once the training method has been agreed you will need to consider how the costs of the training
will be met. You do not have to pay for training, but you may choose to do so.
You may only refuse an employee's request for any of the following business reasons:
the training would not improve the employee's effectiveness in the Academy;
the training would not improve the overall performance of your Academy;
the burden of additional costs;
agreeing to the request would have a detrimental effect on the ability to meet the
operational needs of the Academy;
you would be unable to reorganise work among existing staff;
you would be unable to recruit additional staff;
agreeing to the request would have a detrimental impact on quality;
agreeing to the request would have a detrimental impact on performance;
there are planned structural changes during the training period.
Meeting an Employee to Discuss their Request
The employee has a statutory right to be accompanied at a meeting by a work colleague or trade
union representative. The Academy may allow an employee to be accompanied by someone who
does not work for the Academy, e.g. if the employee has special needs. In such a case, the
companion can address the meeting and confer with the employee during it
If the companion is unable to attend the meeting, the employee can ask you to rearrange the
meeting. The time the employee proposes must be convenient for all attendees, and should take
place within 7 days of the date originally proposed for the meeting.
If the employee more than once fails to attend a meeting or an appeal meeting without reasonable
cause, you can treat the request as withdrawn. You should confirm in writing that the application is
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Communicating the Decision
Once you have considered the employee's request and reached a decision, you should confirm that
decision to the employee in writing.
You must confirm the details of your agreement to an employee's request in writing, including the
following details:
the subject of the training;
where and when you expect that it will take place, and over what period;
who will provide or supervise the training;
what qualification (if any) the training will lead to the award of;
how the training time will be taken, e.g. whether it will be paid, unpaid, or whether the
employee will work flexibly whilst undertaking the training;
how the costs of the training will be met.
An employee might request more than one type of training at once. You could decide to agree to
part of the application and refuse another part. The decision notice must include the information
above and make clear which part of the application you agree to and which part you refuse.
If you decide that you cannot accommodate an employee's request, you must inform them of your
decision in writing, setting out:
for which of the business reasons you are turning down their request;
why the business reason, or reasons, apply in their circumstances;
the appeal procedure;
the date of the notice.
Internal Appeals Process
An employee can appeal to the Governing Body against the decision. They must make their appeal in
writing within 14 days of receiving your written notice refusing their request or part of their request.
The appeal notice must be dated and must set out their grounds for making the appeal. An
employee might appeal because they want to either:
challenge a fact you gave to explain why the business reason(s) applies;
bring to your attention something of which you were not aware when you rejected the
application, e.g. another member of staff is now willing to cover the hours during which
the employee wishes to train.
There are no restrictions on the grounds for this appeal.
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You must act within 14 days of receiving the employee's appeal notice. If you decide to accept the
appeal, you should write to the employee setting out the same information as is required when
accepting an initial request.
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Appendix 1
Model Career Break Letter
Career Break Scheme
Thank you for your recent letter giving me formal notice that you wish to terminate your
employment with………………< academy name> Academy and take advantage of the career break
scheme. I confirm that your last day of service will be <last date of service>.
I am pleased to confirm that I am agreeable to your taking a career break, which is anticipated to last
until <end date>. During the break you are required to co-operate with arrangements made with
you to assist in keeping your knowledge up to date and to maintain contact with the Academy. I
enclose a copy of the employee guidance on career breaks for your information and retention.
Although no absolute guarantee of a job at the end of the break can be given, the Academy will
make every effort to re-employ you at your current point (grade?) but not necessarily to the same
During your career break you should comply with the following:
Keep your knowledge of the work up to date. This may include occasional visits to the Academy,
reading reports and other documents, and where agreed and where possible, working for short
periods for example to cover staff absence;
…………… (name) from the Academy will keep you in touch with Academy issues.
Training may be arranged to bring you up to date prior to your work.
Your contract of employment will end when you leave the Academy to commence the break and a
new contract will be issued when, and if, you start work again.
If you decide during or at the end of your career break not to return to the Academy, please notify
me in writing, providing the correct period of notice in accordance with your contract of
employment. This arrangement is made in good faith and rests upon the willingness of both parties
to meet the requirements of the scheme and the circumstances at the time.
Yours sincerely
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Appendix 2
Procedure for public duties’ claims
Employee goes on Jury service/magistrate/JP duty.
Employee receives “loss of earnings” claim form from county court.
Loss of earnings form completed and authorised by Academy.
Loss of earnings form sent to payroll.
Loss of earnings form sent back to county court and Academy.
Amount on form deducted from the Academy’s salary budget for the period employee on
jury service. Employee receives salary from the court to cover loss of earnings.
Academy sends public duties claim form to the relevant County Court
Academy is credited back the appropriate rate for supply cover costs.
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Appendix 3
Public duties’ claims form
Academy Name_________________________________ Cost Code ___________________
Union duties
This covers any Union meetings.
Name of employee _________________________ Union name ________________________
Dates and details of any meetings during this claim period ____________________________
Actual cost of supply cover for ______________ (please enter month of claim) £___________
Jury service
This covers any members of staff attending Jury service.
Name of employee _____________________________________________________________
Details and dates _____________________________________________________________
No. of days ____________________________________________________________________
Actual cost of supply cover for ___________ (please enter month of claim)
£________________________ Daily amount deducted by Payroll £_______________________
County Court meetings
This covers any member of staff attending court meetings such as magistrate’s duties or Justice of
the Peace.
Name of employee _____________________________________________________________
Details and dates _____________________________________________________________
No. of days
Actual cost of supply cover for ____________ (please enter month of claim)
Payment details
Please credit our Academy with the total amount claimed for this month by: (please tick)
BACS payment
Journal transfer
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Appendix 4
Sample secondment agreement
Agreement between the Governing Body and Principal of the _________________________
________________________________ school/academy
Secondment of teaching/support staff to:________________________________ (state reason)
This agreement sets out the terms and conditions governing the secondment of the member of
staff. The details are as follows:
Name of member of staff:__________________________________________________
Current employment position:______________________________________________
Salary grade/allowance:___________________________________________________
Period of secondment:____________________________________________________
The Governing Body and Headteacher/Principal of the
__________________________________________ school/academy agree to:
Release the member of staff for the period of secondment;
Reinstate the member of staff to their previous post immediately following the period of
secondment (or to another post if agreed between the member of staff and the
Governing Body and the Headteacher/Principal); and
Meet the salary and associated costs for the member of staff except those attributable to
the period of secondment.
______________________________________ school/academy agrees to:
Accept responsibility for the management of the member of staff during the period of
secondment; and
Meet the salary and associated arising during the period of secondment
That in the event of foreshortening the period of secondment will consult the Governing
Body and the Headteacher/Principal of
________________________________________________ School/ Academy before
instructing the member of staff to return to the school/academy. In any event the
Governing Body and Headteacher/Principal of
___________________________________________ School/Academy will give one
month’s notice to the Governing Body and the Headteacher/Principal of the return of the
member of staff or make a payment of one month’s salary to the school’s/academy’s
budget in lieu of notice.
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(School/Academy 1 name)
Signed ……………………………………………………………………………………. Date…………………………….
(Chair of Governors)
Signed ……………………………………………………………………………………. Date…………………………….
(School/Academy 2 name)
Signed ……………………………………………………………………………………. Date…………………………….
(Chair of Governors)
Signed ……………………………………………………………………………………. Date…………………………….
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Appendix 5
Individual learning agreement
I apply for support to undertake the qualification as detailed below:
Title of qualification/programme of study
Proposed date of commencement
Expected completion date
Method of study
Course/study fees including registration and examination fees
Travelling per year (please estimate)
Subsistence (please estimate)
Release from the workplace as detailed above to undertake the study programme and site
relevant examinations as appropriate
I understand that if I were to:
Fail to sit for an examination or submit a piece/pieces of works for an assessment
fail to show satisfactory progress in my course of study
Discontinue the course of study
without good reason, following a review, the Academy Governing Body may withdraw financial
assistance detailed in Section (a) above and withdraw the facility for release from the workplace as
detailed in Section (b) above. I understand that also as a result of this review, I may be asked to
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repay all or part of the financial assistance received, as detailed in Section (a) above.
I understand the continuation of support under (a) and (b) above, whether for a second or
succeeding stage of study or for a second attempt at an examination or assessment, will be granted
only if I have passed the appropriate examination or assessment or have otherwise made
satisfactory progress in my studies.
I understand that should I leave the employment of the Company before completing the whole or
defined part of the qualification, I will be required to repay all or part of the financial assistance
received as detailed at Section (a) above.
I understand that signing this individual learning agreement requires me to remain in the service of
the ……………………………….Company for a period of 2 years from the date on which I complete the
programme of study/obtain the qualification. I understand that if I do not comply with this
requirement, I will be required to repay all or part of the financial assistance received, as detailed in
Section (a) above.
Signed (Employee)
Signed (on behalf of the
Academy Governing Body)
Approval given to financial support as detailed above for those items ticked below::
Leave of absence
Travel costs
Subsistence costs
(*please tick those that apply)
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Appendix 6
Time Off To Train Request Form
I wish to apply for time off to train under Section 63d of the Employment Rights Act 1996
I would like to undertake the following type of training:
The training will take place at: …………………………………………………………………...............................
The training takes place on (please state duration of the training, commencement and finish
date, the days/times when you propose to attend)
Please describe how the training would help you to improve your effectiveness in your role
and improve the overall performance in the Academy:
The training would lead to the following qualifications (if applicable)
The training would be provided by: (i.e. training provider/college)
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Fees (if applicable)
Course/Study Fees including registration and examination fees
Travelling per year (please estimate)
Subsistence (please estimate)
Date:……………………………………………….. Signature:…………………………………………………………………
This form should be sent to your Principal for consideration
To: Principal
Date:……………………………………………….. Signature:……………………………………………………………….
Reasons for acceptance/refusal
(Note, where there are costs incurred, an individual learning agreement contained in the Leave of
Absence Policy will need to be completed)
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Glossary and Status of the Policy and Guidance
Throughout this policy and guidance (where applicable), the terms shown below will have, or
include, the following meanings:
Principal includes Headteachers where these are in post;
Vice-Principal includes Deputy Headteachers where these are in post;
Company refers to the Academies Enterprise Trust and London Academies Enterprise Trust;
Department refers to the Department for Education and/or its predecessors and successors;
Line Manager includes any members of teaching and support staff with management
responsibility for other staff.
This policy and/or guidance does not form part of any employee's contract of employment, unless
otherwise stated, and it may be amended at any time.
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