Teaching plan Introduce ourselves and explain that we are a 4th grade class Making name tags ( 3-5 Minutes) Most creative name tag gets a piece of candy Google search reading strategies in groups and write them on the smartboard Ask two volunteers to read off what are some good reading strategies. Piece of candy Good Reading Strategies to Use: Look at title, author, and illustrations before you being reading Use Decoding/Phonics Make and confirm Predictions Create Mental Images Self Question Summarize Read ahead Reread to clarify Use Text structure and Format Explain why having good reading strategies are important Introduce learning objectives for the day Explain popcorn reading- first I need a volunteer to start (piece of candy). They are going to read until one of us say stop and then the student will call on another student to start where they left off (piece of candy to the next student reading). So it is important to pay attention and follow along with the text because you never know when you are going to get called on by another student. Put the story Blue Willow on the doc cam and start popcorn reading Worksheet on smartboard To Part A together as a class. Have volunteers read 1-4 fill in the blanks on the smartboard. Have everyone take out a piece of paper and a pencil and put their name on the top. Answer the question from the worksheet on paper. Part A Worksheet Review Directions: Then use the vocabulary words from the story Blue Willow to fill in the blanks by using the contexts clues found in the sentence. VOCABULARY WORDS Sulkily Certainty Indifferent Protruded Undoubtedly Loathe Heartily 1. Tammy looking at me ( ). She’s unhappy because she thinks it’s certainty that I’ll draw her with a clown’s nose or elephant ears. She is sure that I’ll make her look silly. 2. Tammy pretending to be ( 3. Now Tammy’s watching TV. She’s ( without a doubt because she’s laughing ( ). She is acting as if she doesn’t care what happens. ) watching a funny show. I know it ), with great enthusiasm. 4. Here’s how Tammy would look if a carrot ( ) from the top of her head. This giant one really sticks! Tammy hates pictures like this. I know she would ( ) this one. Have everyone take out a piece of paper and a pencil and put their name on the top. Answer the question from the worksheet on paper. Part B: Think and Respond on your own Direction: Write your name on the top of the paper. Answer the following questions in complete sentences on your own by recalling information and details from the story. 1. Why is Janey sulkily indifferent at the beginning of the story? How and why do her feeling change? 2. Why is the horned toad important to the plot of the story? 3. What reason might Janey’s parents have for not allowing her to do field work? 4. As you read “Blue Willow,” what reading strategies did you use? How were they helpful? Extra Credit: What was the author’s name? Have students play an educational computer game already set up to fill time