Law and Justice Study Guide

1. Crime and justice are issues of public policy. Why?
a. they are addressed by government
b. they are addressed by interest groups
c. they are addressed by the people
d. they are addressed by scholars
e. they are addressed by children
2. Who argues that we need to focus more upon "justice", not "criminal," in the system of criminal justice?
a. Wilson
b. Gotti
c. Estrich
d. Packer
e. Reiman
3. Reiman urges policies that...
a. criminalize the dangerous acts of the poor
b. create a correctional system that offers no dignity
c. establish economic and social justice
d. all of these
e. none of these
4. According to the text, which of the following groups favor stricter enforcement of the law?
a. liberals
b. conservatives
c. moderates
d. anarchists
e. communists
5. In which of Packer's models would the adversarial system be most likely used?
a. due process
b. legislative inquiry
c. crime control
d. constitutional liability
e. fascist state
6. The goals of controlling crime and protecting the rights of individuals are...
a. impossible to achieve
b. easy to achieve
c. difficult to achieve
d. not necessary to achieve
e. none of these
7. A model of the criminal justice system that emphasizes efficiency, speed, and finality and the capacity to
apprehend, try, convict, and dispose of a high proportion of offenders is called the...
a. crime control model
b. due process model
c. constitutional model
d. democratic model
e. equal protection model
8. A model of the criminal justice system that emphasizes the adversarial process, the rights of defendants, and
the formal decision making procedures is called the...
a. crime control model
b. due process model
c. constitutional model
____ 10.
____ 11.
____ 12.
____ 13.
____ 14.
____ 15.
____ 16.
d. democratic model
e. equal protection model
Which of the following are values that must be respected in a democracy by police, prosecutors, judges, and
correctional officials?
a. rule of law
b. civil liberties
c. justice
d. privacy
e. all of these
Crimes, such as murder or assault, that are traditionally "wrong in themselves" are called...
a. mala prohibita
b. mala in se
c. misdemeanors
d. norms
e. victimology
Crimes, such as gambling or prostitution, that are not "wrong in themselves" but are prohibited by
government are called...
a. mala prohibita
b. mala in se
c. criminogenics
d. norms
e. victimology
Criminal acts often termed "street crime" or "ordinary crime" that are the least profitable and least protected
are called...
a. political crime
b. victimless crime
c. visible crime
d. organized crime
e. occupational crime
An example of a visible crime is...
a. murder
b. espionage
c. public drunkenness
d. price fixing
e. treason
Crimes committed in the context of a legal business or profession are called...
a. political crime
b. victimless crime
c. visible crime
d. organized crime
e. occupational crime
An example of an occupational crime is...
a. murder
b. espionage
c. drug sales
d. price fixing
e. prostitution
Historically associated with images of certain ethnic groups, this framework within which criminal acts are
committed is called...
____ 17.
____ 18.
____ 19.
____ 20.
____ 21.
____ 22.
____ 23.
a. political crime
b. victimless crime
c. visible crime
d. organized crime
e. occupational crime
Offenses against morality involving a willing and private exchange of goods and services that are in strong
demand, but are illegal are called...
a. political crime
b. victimless crime
c. visible crime
d. organized crime
e. occupational crime
Criminal acts by either the government, or against the government, that are carried out for ideological
purposes are called...
a. political crime
b. victimless crime
c. visible crime
d. organized crime
e. occupational crime
An example of a political crime is...
a. murder
b. espionage
c. selling illegal narcotics
d. price fixing
e. gambling
Hate crimes are...
a. violent crimes aimed at individuals of a particular race, ethnicity, sexuality, or religion
b. violent crimes by a jealous boyfriend or husband
c. any violent crime committed while in an emotional rage
d. any violent crime motivated by revenge
e. violent crimes that are unsolved
Where does the U. S. rank in homicide rates among industrialized nations?
a. last
b. second
c. third
d. fourth
e. first
A statistical summary of crimes reported to the police is known as the...
b. dark figure of crime
c. UCR
e. positivist criminology
According to the lifestyle exposure model, who is most likely to be victimized because of where they live and
how they spend their leisure time?
a. elderly white females
b. elderly white males
c. elderly black females
d. young black males
____ 24.
____ 25.
____ 26.
____ 27.
____ 28.
____ 29.
____ 30.
____ 31.
e. young white males
Which is TRUE concerning race and crime victims?
a. most violent crime is interracial
b. whites are most likely to be victims of violent crime
c. most victims and offenders are from different social classes
d. whites are not fearful of being victimized by black strangers
e. African-Americans and other minorities are most likely to be victims of violent crimes
According to the Lifestyle Exposure Model, which of the following does not affect victimization?
a. exposure
b. associations
c. lifestyle
d. adaptations
e. self-control
Which of the following is more closely linked to exposure to crime?
a. having a higher income
b. living in a rural area
c. living in a suburban area
d. living in a city
e. being an elderly white female
Crime in poor areas is...
a. always high
b. always low
c. always moderate
d. always non-existent
e. we cannot draw any conclusions because others factors are also responsible
The fraction of violent crimes committed against women by acquaintances and relatives is...
a. one-half
b. one-tenth
c. one-third
d. two-thirds
e. three-fifths
The intangible costs of crime (pain, trauma, lost quality of life) are estimated to be...
a. negligible
b. $100,000
c. $1 million
d. $100 million
e. $450 billion
Which of the following is TRUE about the fear of crime?
a. crime rates are increasing and Americans are not fearful of crime
b. crime rates are decreasing and Americans are not fearful of crime
c. crime rates are increasing and Americans are fearful of crime
d. crime rates are decreasing and Americans are fearful of crime
e. none of the above
The fear of crime is greatest in...
a. rural areas
b. suburban areas
c. urban areas
d. the workplace
e. the home
____ 32. The fear of crime is fed by...
a. television
b. news media
c. personal communication in social networks
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
____ 33. Criminal behavior viewed as having been caused by a mental condition, a personality disturbance, or limited
intellect is the focus of...
a. biological explanations
b. psychological explanations
c. criminogenic explanations
d. sociological explanations
e. political explanations
____ 34. An explanation of criminal acts that argues being a member of a social group shapes behavior is called...
a. biological
b. psychological
c. sociological
d. physiological
e. political
____ 35. A type of social process theory that stresses that social links to keep people in line with accepted norms is
a. labeling theory
b. learning theory
c. control theory
d. normal theory
e. political theory
____ 36. The idea that any person regardless of education, class, or upbringing can become a criminal is called...
a. biological theory
b. social process theory
c. social conflict theory
d. social structure theory
e. psychological theory
____ 37. Criminal activity where family and peers are primary influences is called...
a. control theory
b. labeling theory
c. learning theory
d. conflict theory
e. structure theory
____ 38. Prior to the 1970s, why was it assumed that women did not commit serious crimes?
a. women were not physically strong enough
b. women were very dependent and nurturing
c. women were not given the opportunities to commit such crimes
d. women were too intelligent
e. women were too educated
____ 39. In relation to men, women commit...
a. more crime
b. the same amount of crime
c. less crime
d. no research is available on this subject
e. the same types of crime as men
____ 40. Most women criminals come from...
a. upper-class families
b. middle-class families
c. lower class families
d. upper-middle class families
e. class is not a factor
____ 41. Women's share of arrests is highest for which type of crime?
a. robbery
b. rape
c. murder
d. larceny-theft
e. arson