Etienne Augé Directeur Adjoint Scientifique ______________________________________________ Recent projects at CNRS/IN2P3 IN2P3/CNRS ______________________________________________ 10 Institutes IN2P3/CNRS CNRS IN2P3 ______________________________________________ Since 1971 • Budget: 3,1 billions Euros – Salaries: 2,2 billions Euros (70%) • 25 630 permanent staff – 11 450 researchers – 14 180 Engineers, Technicians • 8900 CDD, docts/post-docs • 1053 research units • 96 service units • Budget : 164 millions Euros (5%) – Salaries: 118 millions Euros (70%) • 1896 permanent staff – 525 researchers (5%) – 1371 Engineers, Tech (10%) • 396 professors and assistant-prof • 217 Engineers, Tech (university staff) • 700 CDD, docs, post-docs • 20 Laboratories (2%) – Computer Center CC-IN2P3 (Lyon) – GANIL (Caen) – LSM (Modane) IN2P3 budget reduced by 15 % in 2012 … both project and labs support IN2P3 activities ______________________________________________ - Nuclear structure, far from stability - Radioactive beams SPIRAL-2@GANIL Construction is progressing - AGATA gamma detector - Accelerator Driven System High current, very stable proton linac - Nuclear Waste Management (including radio-chemistry) - New scenarios (Thorium-Lead) Accelerators ______________________________________________ - XFEL cavities/couplers : benchmark for a LC ? - Linac 4 - Nanobeams / B factories - SPIRAL-2 at GANIL - High intensity proton accelerators (SPL, ESS…) - Laser-plasma acceleration TYL Workshop - Clermont-Ferrand, June 29th 2012 From particle physics to applications ______________________________________________ Biological science : Particle detector (SiPM, pixel) and microelectronics Computing : G4 simulation (GATE), image reconstruction, grid Accelerator : hadrontherapy, ThomX… Environment science : CMOS camera for submarine life study Particle detector for vulcanology Detector applications also in photon science, grid for chemistry…. Puy de Dôme seen by atmospheric muons ______________________________________________ TYL Workshop - Clermont-Ferrand, June 29th 2012 What is Universe made of ? The PLANCK satellite,launched in 2009 eagerly waiting ______________________________________________ the most precise map of the fluctuations of the CMB, to measure inflation. SNLS, SDSS-III ,through the measurement of distant supernova, determine the parameters of the equation of state for the dark energy with the highest precision in the world EDELWEIS-II statistical significance equal to the two other leading experiments (CDMS/XENON) 8 Universe at High Energy ______________________________________________ FERMI (since 2008) and HESS (since 2004) have multiplied by 10 the number of detected violent AUGER (in 2008) has demonstrated the sources at GeV and at TeV scales. They have existence of a cut in the energy spectrum demonstrated the existence of cosmic accelerators, of CR at HE, and their anisotropy approaching the résolution de l’enigma of the origin of cosmic rays Virgo since 2008 at the best sensitivity level in the world ANTARES the largest sensitivity for observing the southern hemisphere (since 2008). The largest infrastructure in the world in the very deep sea A sustained spatial program ______________________________________________ FERMI, 2008 LISAPATHFINDER 2012 JDEM/EUCLID around 2020 PLANCK, 2009 AMS 2010 JEM-EUSO 2015 LISA around 2020 The next génération (2010-2020) ______________________________________________ KM3NET Neutrinos HE advVIRGO Gravitational Waves EURECA : dark matter CTA : HE photons AUGER extension LSST, dark energy SUPERNEMO v-less double beta decay Particle physics (I) ______________________________________________ Most of the projects common to IN2P3 and IRFU within strong international collaborations. LHC (~350 permanent research staff) ATLAS , CMS and ALICE (IN2P3 + IRFU) LHCb (IN2P3) Strong contribution to construction and data analysis (Higgs, top,…) R&D for phase-I upgrade Particle physics (II) ______________________________________________ Finishing analysis in DZero (Higgs, top, W mass), BaBar and H1 Contribution to neutron electrical dipolar moment (nEDM at PSI, IN2P3) and antimatter gravitity at CERN (Aegis/IN2P3 and Gbar/IRFU) being discussed Neutrinos : Opera (IN2P3) : tau neutrino appearance… data taking in 2012 Double Chooz and T2K (IN2P3 + IRFU) : sin(13)… near detector SuperNemo@LSM : neutrinoless double beta decay first prototype next year ? new cavern ? Particle physics (III) ______________________________________________ Detectors developments for a future Linear collider (LC) - Calorimeters (IN2P3) - Pixel and CMOS detectors (IN2P3+IRFU) - Microelectronics (IN2P3+IRFU) - Micro-pattern gas detectors (IN2P3+IRFU) Computing : CC-IN2P3 @Lyon Grid: T1 + 8 T2 for LHC Important effort to develop an academic cloud infrastructure More general effort on “Big Data” ongoing prospective (I) ______________________________________________ First priority is the LHC : data taking + analysis + phase I upgrade (IN2P3 scientific council in June 2012 to define contributions). High lumi (>2022) or High energy for LHC was discussed and strongly depends on new physics observed or not in 13 TeV running Linear collider (LC): Quite some discussions about a “Fast-Track LC (in Japan)” starting at 230 GeV (if Higgs discovered at LHC at 125 GeV !) and upgradable at 500 GeV) or a higher energy (longer term) few-TeV project. Consensus seems to appear to participate and push for such a FastTrack LC project : use Higgs discovery opportunity to convince ministry LC town Hall meeting of May 16th at Paris (ECFA/LC input to European Strategy Group) ongoing prospective (II) ______________________________________________ Precision measurement experiments (nEDM, Aegis, Gbar, Super B) : - Neither clear nor strong conclusion - Small community…. Neutrinos : Interest to participate to a long baseline neutrino project in Europe A strategic vision has here to be set : - might need to choose between long baseline or neutrinoless project… - LSM host lab for new generation neutrino experiment (CP violation) or dark matter detector ? LSM extension European Strategy • European Strategy Group (ESG): 46 ______________________________________________ • • • • • • 1 representative for each of the 20 member states 1 representative for each of the 5 observer states 1 representative for each of the 2 associate states The director of the 9 major european laboratories The CERN DG + 4 members of the strategy secretariat 5 invited (EU, FALC, ESFRI, ApPEC, NuPECC) • Preparatory Group: 16 • • • • • 4 members of the strategy secretariat 4 SPC members 4 ECFA members 3 representatives (CERN, America, Asia) 1 scientific assistant TYL Workshop - Clermont-Ferrand, June 29th 2012 European Strategy (continued) ______________________________________________ • Town meeting in Kracow – September 10-12 – Submissions open until july 31st • Drafting meeting in Erice – January 21-26 – Submissions open until october 15th • Presentation at the CERN council: march 2013 • Special council session in Brussels: may/june 2013 TYL Workshop - Clermont-Ferrand, June 29th 2012 Investment for the Future ______________________________________________ • Equipements of excellence (max 20 M€) – Thom-X, CILEX, S3, DESIR, Andromède, Arronax+ • Laboratories of excellence – Forming consortiums of few laboratories – Budget for temporary positions + small projects • Initiatives of excellence • 9 big clusters (research universities) • 500 – 1000 M€ each (mostly capital money) TYL Workshop - Clermont-Ferrand, June 29th 2012 Conclusion ______________________________________________ Many appealing scientific projects some very large, some of smaller size Future must be prepared now 2012 is a year for prospective at the French level at the European level Some important instability in the institution specific financial effort (driven by international jury) large scientific infrastructures decrease in the budget distributed by IN2P3 International partnerships are an important asset for IN2P3