Guerrilla Warfare in Vietnam

Guerrilla Warfare in
By: Tyler Sylvester
Works Cited
Borklund, C. W. "Westmoreland, William C." Military Leaders Since World War
II, American Profiles. New York: Facts On File, Inc., 1992. (Updated 2005.)
American History Online. Facts On File, Inc.
Malcolm X. "'The Ballot or the Bullet' Speech." In Breitman, George, ed.
Malcolm X Speaks: Selected Speeches and Statements. New York: Merit
Publishers, 1965. American History Online. Facts On File, Inc.
"Johnson, Lyndon B." In Pach, Chester. The Johnson Years, Presidential
Profiles. New York: Facts On File, Inc., 2006. American History Online.
Facts On File, Inc.
Morgan Reynolds, Inc. "John Kerry: Senator From Massachusetts." John
Kerry: Senator From Massachusetts (2005): 8-37. History Reference
Center. Web. 10 June 2012.
Martin, Harold H. "Fighting An Unseen Enemy." Saturday Evening Post 235.42
(1962): 14. History Reference Center. Web. 10 June 2012.
Moseley, Cassandra. "Guerrilla Veterans In Post-War Zimbabwe: Symbolic And
Violent Politics, 1980-1987 (Book)." International Journal Of African
Historical Studies 37.1 (2004): 156-158. History Reference Center. Web.
10 June 2012.
Thesis Statement
The Vietcong used man types of warfare to
overcome the US during the Vietnam War.
One of the primary tactics was the use of
Guerrilla warfare. This was the sneaky type of
warfare that allowed the VC to creep up on the
American troops.
The Vietcong had a hug home field advantage in
the Vietnam war. They knew the ins and outs of
the jungle. They were able to hide in the trees
and under ground.
Over all the use of Guerrilla warfare in this war
ultimately “won” the ware for the Vietcong.
When talking about the problems in Vietnam,
Malcolm X says," So they engage him in guerrilla
warfare. That's not his style. You've got to have
heart to be a guerrilla warrior, and he hasn't got
any heart. I'm telling you now.” (Malcolm X)
Malcolm X is trying to say that the Vietcong are
fighting for something. They have the heart to
fight against the US. The US doesn’t have any
determination to fight against the VC though.
Guerrilla warfare wasn’t America’s way to fight a
war. They weren’t ready for the force of the
Guerrillas in Vietnam.
This graph represents the
rising death toll for the
US in Vietnam compared
to Iraq.
These wars were both
guerrilla fighting styles.
Iraq was an urban type
of guerrilla fighting
Vietnam was in the
jungle and gave the VC a
more effective Guerrilla
The graph shows that the
US was really effected by
the VC than the people
fighting in Iraq.
William Westmoreland wanted
to develop a way to overcome
the guerrillas fighting in
Vietnam. They wanted to
initiate small groups that would
allow them to conquer the
Vietcong. This was known as
“anti-guerrilla counterinsurgency”
As you can see in
the picture there
were many
different hiding
places for the
They liked to hide
in trees and
unsuspecting US
After Lyndon B. Johnson relieved
Westmoreland of his duties he
listened to many powerful voices
in the US government of that
time. It was soon after he heard
there statements he began to
initiate the steps in taking troops
out of Vietnam. Johnson knew
that the war had to be ended for
the sake of America. (Chester)
Claymores were used
on the US side as well
as the side of the
They planted these
and other types of
land mines to kill US
troops walking
through the jungle
These killed many
Americans. Still
proving that the
guerrilla tactics were
Spider Holes
The Vietcong
developed a very
precise underground
tunnel system .
They usually sat in
these “Spider Holes”
and jumped up at
unsuspecting US
This was one part of
the guerrilla tactics
the VC used in the
Huge advantage over
US soldiers.
As Malcolm X continues with his
speech he points out, “…modern
warfare today won't work. This is the
day of the guerrilla.” (Malcolm X)
Malcolm X is saying that Americas
way of fighting won’t win any war
because it is the age of the guerrilla
tactic. This would hold true because
the VC “won” the Vietnam war.
Camouflage helped the VC blend into
the surrounding environment.
The US troops never actually saw
them so they weren’t expecting the
planned out attacks.
VC hid when they knew US troops
were coming. They attacked then.
Malcolm X keeps on siding with the
Guerrilla warfare in this statement he
says, “Nowhere on this earth does
the white man win in a guerrilla
warfare.” (Malcolm X) He is trying to
say that any person fighting against
a type of guerrilla warfare will never
win. The “white man” will always lose
according to Malcolm X.
In 1967 there were more US deaths
than in 1965 and 1966 combined.
The US death toll was still rising. The
guerrilla warfare was working for the
Vietcong. (Reynolds)
Spears and Poisoned Arrows
The Vietcong used
Punji sticks to kill
The punji sticks
were covered with
fecal matter that
poisoned the US
This still a part of
the guerrilla
In an article written by Harold H.
Martin he says, “He speaks the same
language and wears the same black
calico trousers and the same conical
straw hat. By night he is a prowling
killer…” (Martin)The US soldiers
couldn’t tell the difference between
the north and south Vietnamese. The
guerrilla warfare allowed them to
blend in with the crowd.
The guerrillas had a huge effect on
the new regime for Vietnam. They
posed as threats and hope for the
Vietnam public. Resulting in the end
of multiple power in Vietnam.