

Learning in Organizations

Chapter 6: 186-201

Organizational Behavior 261

Gabrielle Durepos


Towards an understanding of learning

Adult Learning Theories


Self-directed learning

Transformational learning

Learning theories in practice

Kolb’s learning cycle


Towards an understanding of


A relatively permanent change in behavior or human capabilities that results from possessing new:

 knowledge

 practice

 experience

Adult Learning Theories:


Refers to the art and science of helping adults learn

Knowledge is actively constructed by the learner

Learning is understood as:

 the construction of meaning through experience

Adult learning theories

Learning based MORE on needs of learner

Takes MORE into account the context of learning

Theories OFTEN assume learning as self-directed

Adult Learning Theories



According to Knowles adult learners are:

Independent and self-directing

Mature and experienced

Motivated by what they need to know

Problem centered

Intrinsically motivated

Adult Learning Theories:

Pedagogy and Andragogy


Helping children learn

Learner is dependent

Learner’s experience is more standard

Learners learn what curriculum dictate

Learners see education as acquiring subject matter


Helping adults learn

Learner moves from dependency on teacher to self directness

Experience of learning is important, more participative

Learner targets what they need to know

Learners see learning as increasing their personal competence

** According to Knowles (Jarvis, 1987)

Adult Learning Theories: Andragogy


No discussion of the impact of social structures on learning




Is the learner unaffected by these socio-political factors?

How do socio-political factors impact or restrict the adult learner?

Adult Learning Theories: Self-Directed Learning

Learning process focuses / based on:



Human potential for growth

Acquisition of practical and pragmatic knowledge

Learner is encouraged to assume responsibility and move towards a state of self-directedness

Occurs incrementally

Does not occur simultaneously in all aspects of one’s life

Adult Learning Theories: Self-Directed Learning

Full state of self directedness occurs when the learner engages in:

Critical thinking / reflection

Questioning commonly held assumptions about their lived in world

Exploring alternative perspectives and meaning systems

A facilitator as opposed to a teacher

Specifies learning objectives

Facilitates learning

Negotiates content of what is learned

Empowers learners

Helps develop plans for personal growth

Adult Learning Theories:

Self-Directed Learning & the learning organization

Team based learning where:

Individuals are empowered to act

Are critical and self reflective

Monitor their own and others actions

Continuously enact cues from their environment

Change based on what is in the best interest of the organization

Very organic, continuous, self-directed


Learning in line with adopting capitalist ideals?

Another managerial tool to increase the bottom line?

Adult Learning Theories:

Self-Directed Learning & the learning organization

Maple Leaf Foods – a “Learning Organization”

Maple Leaf and Western University partnership

HR emails list of courses available

Courses are offered to enable employees further develop work skills

Employees qualify if:

Based on performance (top 50% of organization)

Employees express interest

Long waiting list

Courses from 4 days to 1 week

Topics of course range from Leadership to …

Adult Learning Theories:

Transformational Learning

Refers to a learning process where:

Learners not only enact a stable change of behavior

Learner is SHAPED by the learning process

Learner is profoundly changed by the learning experience

Process can be:

Sudden or incremental

Formal (university), non-formal (workshop), informal (everyday – at work) or incidental (tacit)

A process which is liberating:

Learner becomes aware of how previously held assumptions and perspectives can act to constrain the ability to see otherwise

Learner is opened to other ways of seeing

Goal of transformational learning:

Learner gains a sense of agency over their life

Adult Learning Theories:

Transformational Learning

Three Core Beliefs:

1. Philosophical assumptions about the nature of human beings

Learner gains a sense of agency over their life

2. Beliefs about knowledge

Knowledge as a social construction

Knowledge as subjective and actively constructed by individuals

3. Ideas about the relationship between the individual and society

Individuals are autonomous individuals who learn and enact change at a societal level

Adult Learning Theories:

Transformational Learning


Assumption that all have access to “shaping” learning experiences

Theory neglects how issues of:




Social context affect the learning process and the learner?

Learning Theories in Practice

Kolb’s learning cycle

Not an alternative theory but a holistic approach

Incorporates cognitive, behavioral, perception and adult learning theories

No beginning or end



Planned or actual event



Actively thinking about what

Happened and its meaning



Trying out what was learned in

Other settings



What was learned?

Implications for future?

Learning Theories in Practice

Kolb’s model emphasizes:

Experience is central to learning

Individual needs and goals are important

That learning occurs in various stages

Learning is active, passive, concrete, abstract


Vast array of learning theories

Today we looked at theories that view:

Learning occurring due to experiences

Knowledge as acquired through relationships with others

Learning as more organic

Next class we will look at traditional leaning theories:

Brain as a container of knowledge

Knowledge as easily codified and transferred

Learning theories modeled on how machines operate

Which one would you use to explain how you learn?

Are certain learning theories superior to others?
