
У цій частині розміщені різноманітні тестові завдання або питання, що укладені
у відповідності до Рекомендацій Ради Європи в галузі вивчення і викладання сучасних мов та оцінювання рівнів володіння ними.
Сучасні Європейські іспити зазвичай містять у собі багато різних типів завдань,
що укладені з метою перевірити або встановити рівень володіння іноземними
мовами, зокрема, англійською.
У першій частині наведено п'ять основних типів завдань, що спрямовані на
визначення рівня компетенції учнів старших класів з читання та надбання досвіду
їхнього виконання:
• питання, на які необхідно дати короткі (відкриті) відповіді (Short-answer
• добирання заголовків і питань до тексту (Matching heading and questions to text);
• вибір речень для заповнення пропусків у тексті (Matching sentences to gaps in
• вибір частин речень для заповнення пропусків у тексті (Matching clauses to gaps
in text);
• розміщення частин тексту в правильному порядку (Putting parts of the text in the
correct order).
Усі тексти, що використовуються в завданнях на перевірку рівня володіння
уміннями читання, відібрані з автентичних джерел, до складу яких входять книжки,
газети, журнали, брошури, інструкції, інтерв'ю, матеріали англомовних Інтернетсайтів. Тексти охоплюють широке коло тем.
Кожне завдання починається із прикладу, який виділений курсивом і позначений
(0). Питання / пункти в завданнях завжди пронумеровані. У тих випадках, коли це є
доречним (наприклад, у завданнях на множинний вибір), пункти, з яких необхідно
вибрати правильні або прийнятні відповіді на питання, позначені буквами: А, В, С,
D тощо.
Питання, на які необхідно дати короткі (відкриті) відповіді (short-answer questions).
У залежності від характеру питань, завдання такого типу спрямовані на
• перевірку уміння розуміти основний зміст і деталі тексту, його структуру;
• здатність швидко переглянути текст для одержання специфічної інформації.
У тестових завданнях такого типу питання зазвичай ставляться в порядку
подання інформації в тексті. У відповіді необхідно писати тільки визначену
кількість слів англійською мовою. Оскільки це є тип відкритих питань,
допускаються різні, але правильні відповіді, що продемонстровано в ключах до
тестових завдань. Інформація про необхідну кількість слів у відповіді завжди
подається в інструкції / поясненнях до завдання. Відповідь буде вважатися
неправильною, якщо кількість слів перевищує визначену.
Добирання заголовків і питань до тексту (Matching heading and questions to text)
У сучасних екзаменах з іноземних мов широко використовуються різноманітні
типи множинного вибору.
Множинний вибір — це тестове завдання, під час розв'язання якого надаються
варіанти можливих відповідей, серед-яких необхідно вибрати правильну або
найбільш прийнятну відповідь на кожне питання.
Розділ присвячений добиранню заголовків, питань, речень до абзаців або частин
тексту. Перелік заголовків або відповідей може передувати текстові, який необхідно
прочитати, або стояти після нього. Слід мати на увазі, що кількість заголовків,
відповідей, питань тощо завжди перебільшує кількість абзаців чи частин тексту.
Метою тестових завдань такого типу є перевірка здатності розуміти структуру та
основний зміст тексту, спроможності при перегляді тексту знайти визначену
інформацію і зрозуміти основні факти в тексті.
Одним із типів тексту, що використовується в таких завданнях, є рекламні
оголошення. У повсякденному житті ми зазвичай читаємо оголошення з метою
знайти інформацію про наші потреби: з'ясувати програму, дату, місце зустрічі,
можливість надання чи отримання послуги, можливість купити щось тощо.
Найкращий підхід до виконання таких типів завдань полягає в тому, щоб знайти в
тексті визначену інформацію. Для цього не потрібно читати й розуміти кожне слово
рекламного оголошення, слід читати вибірково, ігноруючи в тексті подробиці, що
не відповідають поставленій меті читання.
Інші завдання цього типу надають можливість читати різні типи текстів із метою
виявлення розуміння структури тексту, його основного змісту. Завдання спрямовані
на перевірку вміння виявляти основні факти у визначених абзацах або частинах
тексту. Деякі питання можуть вимагати більш уважного читання окремих частин
тексти. Тому, перш ніж починати читати текст і виконувати завдання, бажано
переглянути питання, заголовки або речення (особливо, якщо вони надані перед
Необхідно завжди читати назву тексту й інструкцію / пояснення до завдання,
оскільки саме там міститься інформація про тип або тему тексту, характер завдання,
кількість зайвих заголовків, речень тощо, що не будуть відповіддю на жодне з
питань і які не потрібно використовувати.
Вибір речень для заповнення пропусків у тексті
(Matching sentences to gaps in the text)
У такому типі тестового завдання необхідно прочитати текст, з якого були
вилучені окремі речення або короткі абзаци. Речення, що вилучені з тексту, подані
після тексту в довільному порядку. Метою завдання є відновлення структури
тексту. Кожний пропуск у тексті має бути заповненим правильним реченням. Слід
мати на увазі, що серед варіантів відповідей завжди наведено одне додаткове
речення, яке не відповідає жодному пропуску. Пропуски в тексті пронумеровані;
речення, що вилучені з тексту і подані після нього, позначені буквами.
Для того, щоб успішно виконати такий тип тестового завдання, спочатку
необхідно отримати загальне уявлення про зміст тексту, уважно прочитати приклад
(0) і назву тексту.
Пропонується швидко переглянути текст із пропусками, не звертаючи уваги на
незнайомі слова. При читанні тексту, потрібно звертати увагу на інформацію, що
надається до теми кожного абзацу тексту, на розвиток головних, ідей, на речення,
що вилучені з тексту. Після цього можна читати кожне речення по черзі й
розпочинати зіставляти інформацію, що надана у вилучених реченнях, зі змістом
різних частин тексту.
Таким чином, другий раз необхідно прочитати текст дуже уважно, оскільки
перед кожним пропуском і після нього в тексті є підказки. Такими своєрідними
«сигналами» можуть виявитися різні лексичні й граматичні відносини між
реченнями й абзацами тексту, слова й фрази, граматичні структури. Рекомендується
викреслювати речення, що було вибране у якості правильної відповіді, зі списку
інших варіантів для того, щоб помилково не заповнити ним інший пропуск.
Вибір частин речень для заповнення пропусків у тексті
(Matching clauses to gaps in text)
Тестові завдання цього типу схожі з завданнями на вибір речень для заповнення
пропусків у тексті. На відміну від них, у завданнях цього типу необхідно заповнити
пропуски не цілими реченнями, а частинами речень.
Для успішного виконання завдання необхідно чітко розуміти значення частин
речень і тексту перед і після пропуску. Слід також звертати увагу на структуру
речення, синтаксичні відносини між тими його членами, що передують пропуску і
стоять після нього, оскільки не всі варіанти відповідей можуть підходити для
заповнення з точки зору граматики. З іншого боку, деякі варіанти можуть підходити
для більш ніж одного пропуску, але тільки граматично. Таким чином, під час
прийняття остаточного рішення щодо правильного варіанту слід бути дуже
уважними, адже у тестових завданнях такого типу завжди є тільки одна
правильна відповідь на кожне питання, тобто тільки одна частина речення буде
ідеально підходити для заповнення кожного пропуску в тексті.
Спочатку необхідно визначитися щодо того, які частини речень можуть, а які не
можуть відповідати структурі цілого речення з точки зору граматики, а потім
визначитися із значенням окремих частин, що могли б відповідати змісту речення і
тексту в цілому. У тому випадку, коли більш ніж один варіант граматично
підходить для того або іншого пропуску, слід уважно прочитати не тільки речення
перед пропуском і після нього, але також частину тексту до і після пропуску.
Ймовірно, що заповнення пропуску в першій половині тексту вимагає того, щоб
було розглянуто інформацію в останній або передостанній частині тексту. У разі
прийняття остаточного рішення щодо певної частини речення для заповнення
пропуску, бажано викреслити цей варіант зі списку інших варіантів для запобігання
його використання вдруге в іншому місці.
Як і в разі виконань більшості завдань на перевірку навичок та умінь читання,
спочатку необхідно швидко прочитати текст з метою отримання загального
уявлення про зміст абзацу, а потім переглянути частини речень, щоб з'ясувати їхнє
Таким чином, виконувати завдання можливо тільки одночасно звертаючи увагу
на структуру і значення. Перший пропуск у тексті, що позначений (0), є прикладом,
який допомагає у виконанні завдання. Слід пам'ятати, що у завданнях такого типу
завжди залишається один або два (в залежності від змісту завдання) варіанти
відповіді, які не будуть використані у відповідях.
Розміщення частин тексту в правильному порядку
(Putting parts of the text in the correct order)
Тестові завдання представлені двома типами завдань:
• розміщення
за одним;
розміщення речень, що передають короткий зміст тексту, одне за одним.
Обидва типи завдань призначені для перевірки здатності розуміти структуру тексту,
співвідношення окремих його частин.
Виконувати завдання першого типу досить легко. Завдання полягає в тому, щоб
відновити текст і правильно розмістити абзаци, що подані в довільному порядку.
Початок тексту, його перша частина є прикладом виконання завдання (0), адже
перший абзац зазвичай містить інформацію про основний перебіг подій, час, місце,
учасників події тощо. Така інформація може бути слушною для подальшого
встановлення структури й послідовності тексту, визначення його складових.
Завдання другого типу є більш складними для виконання. На відміну від завдань
попереднього типу, у цьому завданні необхідно визначити порядок подій, кожна з
яких описана в реченні, що є коротким викладом подій. Таким чином, спочатку
треба швидко прочитати самі речення для того, щоб мати уяву про те, які саме події
згадуються. Після цього необхідно уважно перечитати текст, не зважаючи на
можливість наявності певної кількості незнайомих слів. Під час повторного читання
порядок подій, що згадуються в тексті, стає більш очевидним, і можна робити вибір.
Події повинні бути представлені в тому порядку, як вони відбувалися
Task 1.1
You are going to read an article about festival for families. Answer the questions (1-8)
after the text in no more than 3 words. Write your answers on the lines. There is an
example at the beginning (0).
Festival for Families
There was a festival in a large city. It was put on by people who wanted to share who
they are. These people had their families come from different countries.
This festival was for families. Many families came out to learn about life in different
countries. The countries are located in Central America, a place south of the United
States. There were twenty-one different Latin countries sharing their' way of life at the
People who came to the festival could taste foods made like they are in the other
countries. They were able to listen to Latin music. There was dancing as well.
The weather was nice which made a good day to walk around and see it all. Some
people were showing things that they made. People could buy these things from them.
This festival has been going on for 10 years. Each year, more people come. They had
a very large crowd this year. The festival was free and many people enjoyed it.
0 Where did the families come from? different countries ___
1 What kind of city was the festival in? _________
2 Who was this festival for? ____________________________ L______________
3 Where are the countries situated? ____________________________
4 How many countries shared their way of life at the festival? _
5 What could the people at the festival taste? ________________ ; __________ 1
6 What could the people listen to? ______________________________________ '
7 What was the weather like that day? ___________________________________
8 How long has the festival existed? ____________________________________
Score: 8 points
Task 1.2
You are going to read two advertisements for hotels in Scotland. Match the statements
(1—10) below with Text A, Text B, or the Both texts. Indicate a correct answer with a tick
(/) in the boxes. There is an example at the beginning (0).
Isle of Gigha Dinner Bed & Breakfast From Only Ј45 pp
The community-owned Isle of Gigha (Gaelic: God's Island) is known as The Jewel of
the Inner Hebrides. The Atlantic's crystal clear waters surround this six-mile long magical
isle, and lap gently on to its white sandy beaches — creating an aura of peace and
tranquility. The Gigha Hotel caters admirably for the discerning holidaymaker with
comfortable accommodation and first class cuisine, including fresh local seafood. There
are also holiday cottages available. A must for any visitor is a wander, around the famous
sub-tropical Achamore Gardens, where palm trees and many other exotic plants flourish
in Gigha's mild climatic conditions. Other activities on offer include organized walks, bird
watching, sea fishing, a nine-hole golf course and alternative therapies.
T: 01583 505254
Rocpool Reserve Boutique Hote, Bar and Restaurant,
Think of everything you know about hotels then forget it instantly.
Rocpool Reserve will redefine the experience forever. Our exclusive new boutique
hotel, bar and restaurant offers you wonderful luxury in the heart of Inverness.
Choose from one of our individually designed bedrooms — deliciously decadent,
effortlessly chic, inherently hip and stocked with every possible comfort and indulgence.
Book an in-room massage treatment or order up some champagne — relax and forget
For lunch and dinner Reserve Restaurant is informal Italian. Fabulously fresh food,
sensationally seasonal with specially chosen wines.
Rooms from Ј95 including continental breakfast.
T: 01463 240089
Text A Text B Both texts
0 There are some beaches in the area.
1 The hotel rooms are luxurious.
2 You can eat food from different countries.
3 The climate is ideal for exotic trees and plants.
4 Various sports are available.
5 The information on the food served is given.
6 You can enjoy exotic plants and flowers.
7 Alternative
8 holidaymakers.
Contact information is given.
9 The hotel is situated in the towel centre.
10 The rooms are more expensive than Ј40.
Score: 10 points
Task 1.3
You are going to read an article about a divorced mother. Some parts of the text are
missing. Choose the most appropriate part from the list (A-G) for each gap (1—5) in the
text. There is one extra sentence that you do not need to use. Write your answers in the
boxes. There is one example (0) at the beginning.
A Divorced Mother
Renata Smith, a divorced mother of two young girls, Sabrina aged ten and Joey aged
six, lives in Sheffield. (0)
Renata was working as a secretary in the city when she met Tom, a lorry driver, at a party.
(1) At first she and Tom lived with her parents but then, when Renata was expecting
Sabrina, they moved into a council flat. (2)
Renata started bringing up the girls on
her own, though her mother was always ready to help when she could. (3)
two months she managed to find a post as Personal Assistant to the Sales Director of a
local company. (4)
When she's not at work, the girls have priority. They are the most
important thing in her life, and she is determined to be both mother and father to them.
Tom had to spend a lot of time away from home and, soon after the birth of their
second child; he left Renata to live in another city.
She has been working there for nearly two years now and enjoys spending her days in
the office.
Tom moved into a council flat when Joey was born.
She doesn't want them to suffer from the fact that their father does not live with them,
and she does everything possible to provide them with a rich and rewarding life.
E They went out together for six months and then they decided to get married.
Money was the most pressing problem, and Renata, who had given up her job when
Sabrina was born, had to look for work.
She is typical of today's one-parent single-income families living on the breadline
struggling to make ends meet.
Score: 5 points
Task 1.4
You are going to read a newspaper article about food for kids. Some parts of the text
are missing. Choose from the list (A-J) the most appropriate part for each gap (1-8) in
the article. There is one extra part that you do not need to use. There is one example at
the beginning (0).
Free Food for Kids
Some children are sent to school (0)
_________________________________ .
can be hard to concentrate and work (1) ________________________________ .
One school district has taken steps to make sure all of their kids are fed.
Anyone under 18 years of age can get a free (2)
in this school district. It is only
served (3) _____________________________ . Parents can call their school to ask
where their kids can get these free meals. Children can now get breakfast and lunch
during the summer too. In the past the meals were only served (4)
families are very happy (5) ________________ for their children.
Students of low-income families used to have to sign up for the free meal program.
Now all kids can participate. The government spends over one million dollars a year (6)
_______ .
It is very important for children (7) __. Bodies and minds work better when they are
well nourished. Thanks to this program many children are getting (8)
all year long.
A the food they need
B when you are hungry
C to be well fed
D during the school year
E with empty stomachs
F in the future
G to get this extra help
H breakfast and lunch
I on this free food program
J at some of the schools
Score: 8 points
Task 1.5
You are going to read a magazine article about a trip to the beach. Parts of the article
are mixed. Put them into the correct order. Write the appropriate letter (A—F) in the
boxes after the text (1-5). There is an example at the beginning (0).
A Trip to the Beach
His mouth was diseased, and he bared his teeth aggressively. I was not quite sure what
to do.
The fishermen, who had seen all of this, were laughing so much that they could hardly
stand up.
The boat stopped some way from the beach, so we had to swim to the shore. The
monkeys did not seem to be afraid of us, so we assumed that they must be used to humans
coming to see them.
Suddenly the monkey leapt down from the tree, so I ran down the beach as fast as
possible with the monkey at my heels. In the end I only managed to escape by running into
the sea, leaving the monkey on the beach behind me.
During the trip, the fishermen told us that there were a lot of monkeys on a beach only
a few miles away. We asked if they could take us there, and half an hour later, we arrived.
I went off down the beach on my own. I came up to a tree in which there was a much
larger monkey unlike the others, he did not seem to be at all friendly.
Score: 5 points
Task 2.1
You are going to read several articles from magazines. Answer the questions (1—10)
after the text in no more than 3 words. Write your answers on the lines. There is an
example at the beginning (0).
Interesting Facts
A The Earl of Sandwich was the head of the English Navy in the American War of
Independence. He loved playing cards and he didn't like stopping for lunch. So in
1762 he invented a snack made of two pieces of bread with something in the middle.
What was it called? Of course, sandwich!
B 150 years ago in England, mothers and fathers in poor families had to go out to work in
factories. There was no time to shop and cook. So they bought fast food in the street.
The most popular was fried fish with a piece of bread. Then in the 1870s something
new came from France — pommes de terre a la mode. The English called them
"chips". Soon there were fish'n'chip shops everywhere in working-class areas. They
used to put your fish'n'chips in an old newspaper — with a lot of salt and vinegar on
top. Today fish'n'chips are still very popular in Britain — but they come, in clean
white paper bags!
C The word hamburger comes from the German city Hamburg. In the Hamburg area the
Tartars first made a sort of hamburger in the Middle Ages. They used to. sit on pieces
of meat when they rode horses; so the meat came out flat! But the Americans invented
the modern hamburger about 100 years ago. Now they forget the origin of the word —
D Long thin sausages come from Frankfurt in Germany. They are called "frankfurters".
Put one in bread, and it becomes a "hot dog". Why? Well, the sausage looks like a
long thin German dog, a "dachshund". Add chilli, and it tastes hot!
0 What did the Earl of Sandwich like? playing cards _______________________
1 When was a snack made of two pieces of bread with something in the middle
What is the name of the snack described in text A? ___________
3 What didn't parents in poor families have time to? _______________
4 What did the English call pommes de terre a la mode which came from France?
Where did the English put fish'n'chips? ________________________________
6- What city does the word hamburger come from? _______ ________________
7 What did the Tartars use to sit on when they rode horses? _________________
8 What was invented by the Americans about 100 years ago? _______ _________ .
9 What is the name for long thin sausages? _______________________________
10 Because of what does a hot dog taste hot? _ __ ___________________ ______
Score: 10 points
Task 2.2
You are going to read a magazine article about Coca-Cola. Choose the best heading
from the list (A-H) for each part (1-5) of the article and write its letter in the box. There
are two extra headings that you do not need to use. There is one example at the beginning
0 The Coca-Cola story begins in Atlanta, Georgia, in 1886. John S. Pemberton invents a
new drink. Two of the ingredients are the South American coca leaf and the African
cola nut.
1 Pemberton can't think of a good name for the drink. Finally, Dr Pemberton's partner
Frank M. Robinson suggests the name Coca-Cola and writes the new name in a
special way — and that becomes the famous trademark.
2 Thirty years later the famous Coca-Cola bottle design first appears. The style of the
bottle and the trademark are very important for the success of the drink.
3 For many years, they make only Coca-Cola. They only introduce new drinks — Fanta,
Sprite and TAB — in the 1960s, and diet Coke in 1982.
4 The recipe of Coca-Cola is a secret. In 1985 the company does something almost
incredible. They change the recipe! But the public is very unhappy. And, soon after,
they bring back the original recipe: "Coca-Cola Classic".
5 Today they sell Coca-Cola in 195 countries. Hundreds of millions of people, from
Boston to Beijing, drink it every day. It has the most famous trademark in the world.
Bottle design
Failure of the drink
Recipe of Coca-Cola
Ingredients of Coca-Cola
Original drink
New drinks
Name of the drink
The most famous trademark
Score: 5 points
Task 2.3
You are going to read a newspaper article about healthy families. Some parts of the
text are missing. Choose the most appropriate part from the list (A-F) for each gap (1—4)
in the text. There is one extra sentence that you do not need to use. Write your answers in
the boxes. There is one example (0) at the beginning.
Healthy Families
Health insurance can be very expensive. Some working people do not make enough
money to pay for it. (0)
This program offers people health insurance at a low cost.
Families are charged about $7.00 a month per child for this health insurance. (1)
Having health insurance is very important. With insurance people can see a doctor
when they are sick or hurt.
The cost of this program is low. (2) __ People say that it still costs too much money.
They need all their money for food and rent.
(3) People are working hard to come up with ways to make this happen. One idea is to
make the Healthy Families Program free for some people.
It is important for people to see a doctor when they need to. The Healthy Families
Program makes it possible for more people to do this. (4)
Hopefully, some of them
will allow even more families to get health insurance.
A Many people are still not enrolling in it.
B Many ideas are being considered.
C The state started a program called Healthy Families.
D It would be great if everyone could have health insurance.
E Health insurance is not important.
F This is much less money than buying insurance any other way.
Score: 4 points
Task 2.4
You are going to read a newspaper article about the reading show. Some parts of the
text are missing. Choose from the list (A-I) the most appropriate part for each gap (1—7)
in the article. There is one extra part that you do not need to use. There is one example at
the beginning (0).
Fun Reading Show
Knowing how to read is very important. Reading helps you
Many people want to get more children, adults, and
families to read.
A special program was created to help others (1)
. This
program is a tour that (2) _______________
It gets people watching it to be a part of it. The program puts on a show that (3)
two funny people putting on a show. They go to schools all over California (4)
. It has
One of the things they do is a game show with someone in the audience. That person
has to answer questions about books (5)
_______ . They (6)
questions right.
The show is a part of a program that (7)
. It wants to get as many people involved in
reading as they can. They are planning to travel to many different places.
A and perform
B . learn about reading
C win a prize
D is 20 minutes long
E travels a lot
F and reading
G costs a lot of money
H understand things
I goes to different places
Score: 7 points
Task 2.5
You are going to read a magazine article about a business meeting. Parts of the
article are mixed. Put them into the correct order. Write the appropriate letter (A—J) in
the boxes after the text (1-9). There is an example at the beginning (0).
A Business Meeting
I naturally thought long and hard about what to wear. In the fashion business, of
course, you were expected to be smart. The question was whether to be businesslike, or
In the end, I decided to wear my most expensive clothes. These were a pair of boots,
a pair of fashion jeans which had cost me a week's salary, a hand-made sweater and a coat.
I was not very satisfied with my appearance, but at least everything was new and
The job sounded interesting: with a fashion house in the city centre. The telephone
conversations I had had with them were' relaxed and friendly, and the letter from the boss
had also been a friendly one.
Then he caught sight of me. He shook his head apologetically, and smiled. Sorry, he
said, the house rules were quite clear. No one in jeans would be admitted.
There was something else to think about, too. I had to get there by train and bus. The
journey was over two hours, and that affects the clothes you choose.
He had invited me to visit the office and join some of them for lunch. The
appointment was at twelve o'clock.
The boss was just as friendly as his letter had been. We looked round the offices,
chatted about the business, and finally went out for lunch.
H I led the way out, and we started looking for somewhere else to eat.
In fact, I realized on my arrival that I had chosen exactly the wrong clothes. The men
in the office were wearing dark suits and ties. The women were in business suits.
J They had chosen a smart restaurant nearby, where the boss was quite well known. The
restaurant manager greeted him by name.
Score: 9 points
Task 3.1
You are going to read an article about McDonald's. Answer the questions (1—9) after
the text in no more than 3 words. Write your answers on the lines. There is an example at
the beginning (0).
The Story of McDonald’s
The McDonald brothers, Dick and Mack, open a little drive-in restaurant in Pasadena,
California. They serve hot dogs and milk shakes.
They have 20 waiters. All the teenagers in town eat hamburgers there.
They get paper boxes and bags for the hamburgers. They put the price down from 30 cents
to 15 cents. They cut the menu down from 25 things to only 9. There are no more waiters
— it is self-service. So it is cheaper and faster. And they have windows all around the
kitchen — so everyone can see it is clean. Parents start bringing their children to the
restaurant. Poor families eat at a restaurant for the first time.
The McDonald's company opens hundreds of McDonald's restaurants all over the States.
They open restaurants in Japan, Germany and Australia.
the McDonald's company opens a new restaurant every 8 hours! There are more than
14,000 restaurants in over 70 countries. The largest restaurant is in Beijing in the People's
Republic of China and the smallest in Ginza, Tokyo. The northernmost restaurant in
Fairbanks, Alaska and the southernmost in Gibson, New Zealand.
McDonald's restaurants serve almost the same food in every country. But in Italy they
serve beer, in Norway the McLak (salmon burger) and in the Netherlands the
Groenteburger (vegetarian)!
0 What kind of restaurant did the McDonald brothers open? __________________ drive-
1 Where was the first McDonald's open? _________________________________
2 How many waiters did they have in the middle of the 40s?
3 When did McDonald's become a self-service restaurant?
4 What was the price of hamburgers in 1948? ____
5 Where did the company open its restaurants at the beginning of the 70s?
6 How often does the McDonald's company open a new restaurant?
7 What city is the biggest restaurant located in? j ____________
8 What food is served in every country? ___________________
9 What is the name for salmon burger? _______________
Score: 9 points
Task 3.2
You are going to read a report on a new kind of potato. Choose the most suitable
heading from the list (A—G) for each part (1—4) of the report. There are two extra
headings that you do not need to use. There is one example at the beginning (0). Write
your answers in the boxes after the text.
Hairy Potato May Help Feed Hungry World
0 The "green revolution" to feed hungry people in the developing world has a new star,
scientist said Monday: the hairy potato.
1 Most potatoes are easily damaged by pests, said scientist K.V. Raman. The hairy
potato fights them off. The hairs emit a sticky substance that traps and kills small
insects as they eat or reproduce. The potato also poisons larger insects.
2 This build-in defense makes the new potato easier to grow. It will require fewer
insecticides, which will be good for farmers and the environment.
3 "Potatoes are the fourth most important food crop in the world," said Raman. He
works at the International Potato Center in Lima, Peru. The Center recently won the
International Agricultural Research Award. It was honored for 20 years of work to
develop safe pest management.
4 Cornell Prof. Robert Plaisted said the new potato is "the best method yet to fight
insects is a broad way". He said the material on the potato hairs will control pests
from 50 percent to 95 percent.
A Worldwide recognition of potatoes
B Insecticides make potatoes grow quicker
Importance of potatoes in the countries suffering from
D Harmful to insects
E Rate of hair growth
F Advantages of hairy potatoes G Statistics on potato's resistance to pests
Score:4 points
Task 3.3
You are going to read a newspaper article about the school deal. Some sentences are
missing from the text. Choose the best sentence (A-F) for each gap (1-4) in the article and
write its letter in the box. There is one extra sentence that you do not need to use. There is
one example (0) at the beginning.
School Deal
There are authorities that take care of many schools. They make decisions for lots of
people. (0)
In some of their schools, they sold drinks. (1)
These authorities wanted to have Pepsi
Cola the only soft drink in these machines.
The authorities knew that the selling of soft drinks would bring in a lot of money for
them. They would also sell bottled water. (2)
But some parents did not like the plan. They thought that ads would be allowed in the
schools. (3)
They were worried that the drinks had too much sugar and no good
Both sides wanted to keep talking about it. (4)
The authorities would switch from
Coca Cola to Pepsi Cola very soon.
A People were not interested in their decisions at all.
B They also thought that students who drank the soft drinks would not be very healthy.
C These were soft drinks that were sold from a machine.
D They were getting together to study the problem more.
E One decision they made was not liked by all of the people.
F There would also be fruit juices.
Score: 4 points
Task 3.4
You are going to read a newspaper article about healthy food. Some parts of the text are
missing. Choose from the list (A-L) the most appropriate part for each gap (1-10) in the
article. There is one extra part that you do not need to use. There is one example at the
beginning (0).
Governor Wants Kids to Eat Healthy Food
Many people are concerned about the health of children in the USA. One big problem
is that children are (0)
. Being overweight is a problem (1) . People are less
productive when they weigh too much. They also have more health issues (2) _.
One thing that makes people overweight is eating too much junk food. Chips, candy
and sugary snacks are called (3) .
Junk food is not healthy for people. It can
make them overweight. Most junk food contains (4) . When children have too much
fat and sugar in their diets, they can become overweight or (5)
Teenagers and children eat a lot of junk food. Some studies say that teenagers drink
soda every day and eat (6) . They also eat a lot of junk food.
The governor of California wants children to be healthier. He held a special summit
meeting (7) . He invited several other health groups, as well as children. He talked to the
children (8)
. He asked them to exercise more and to stay away from junk food.
The governor also took a walk with the children. We wanted to show them (9) . He asked
the students for a commitment to stay healthy.
The governor also signed a new law. It limits the sale of junk food and soda in school
cafeterias. Lawmakers hope that this new law will stop children (10)
so much
junk food. They hope this will help make children healthier in the state.
to drink water
too much fast food
when they are overweight
to talk about the problem
junk food
that exercise can be fun
that costs money
from eating
even obese
about staying healthy
becoming more overweight
too much fat and sugar
Score: 10 points
Task 3.5
You are going to read a magazine article about a "good" present. Parts of the article
mixed. Put them into the correct order. Write the appropriate letter (A-F) in the boxes
after) text (1-5). There is an example at the beginning (0).
A "Good" Present
The package was found to contain a letter and some contraband: four packets of
tobacco. I wanted the package; I would have to pay customs duty, tax and a penalty. B
Some friends visiting me from the Caribbean remarked about the tobacco I was smoking.
It seemed that the same tobacco was popular in their country, but I was paying four times
more for it than they were. They offered to send me some when they got home again. I
was very grateful, and promised to pay them for it.
A few more weeks passed, and the package finally reached me. It was covered with
official government stamps and seals. I opened it and took out the letter. It said "Here's
your tobacco. We hope you enjoy it. It's silly paying so much for it when we can buy it so
cheaply here. We'll send you another four packets next month."
On the other hand, I had been looking forward to hearing from my friends, and
wanted to read the letter, and I could not get the letter without paying the duty, the tax and
so on. In the end I sent the money. E
Some weeks later an official letter arrived in a
brown envelope. It was from the customs office, informing me that they had intercepted a
package with my name and address on it.
If they did not hear from me, they would destroy the package. It was going to turn out
to be rather expensive tobacco, if I paid everything they demanded.
Task 4.1
You are going to read two articles about famous American writers. Write the necessary
information (1-5) in the table in no more-than 3 words. There is an example at the
beginning (0).
Great American Writers
A)Ernest Hemingway was born in Chicago in 1899. One of his first jobs was as a
newspaper reporter in the First World War. In the 1920s he settled in Paris and began
writing. His first famous novels were Fiesta, Men without Women and A Farewell to
Arms, which deals with life in the First World War. Hemingway visited Spain during the
Civil War, and described his experiences in the novel For Whom the Bell Tolls. In 1954
he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature after the publication of The Old Man and
the Sea. Hemingway shot himself in 1961.
B) Ray Bradbury is one of the greatest writers of science and horror fiction of the
twentieth century. He was born in Illinois, USA in 1920. As a child he was already
fascinated by monsters, dinosaurs and the "red planet", Mars. He started writing short
stories at the age Of twelve, and by the 1940s he was making his living out of writing.
One of his most famous collections is The Martian Chronicles, which contains only
stories set on Mars. Many of his other stories have been adapted for TV and the cinema.
For example, Fahrenheit 451, which is about a future time when all books are banned and
systematically destroyed, was made famous in a film by Francois Truffaut in 1966.
The date of birth
The first occupation in World War I
The age when he started writing short stories
The prize he was awarded with
The name of collection of stories set on
Score: 5 points
Task 4.2
You are going to read a newspaper article about computers and girls. Match the
summary sentences (A-I) with each paragraph (1-6) in the text and write its letter in the
box. There are two extra summaries that you do not need to use. There is one example at
the beginning (0).
Computers and Girls
0 The girls in this sixth grade class in East Palo Alto, California, all have the same access
to computers as boys. But researchers say, by the time they get to high school, they are
victims of what the researchers call a major new gender gap in technology.
1 Janice Weinman of the American Association of University Women Researchers
says, "Girls tend to be less comfortable than boys with the computer. They use it more
for word processing rather than, for problem solving, rather than to discover new
ways in which to understand information."
2 After re-examining a thousand studies, the American Association of UniversityWomen Researchers found that girls make up only a small percentage of students in
computer, science classes. Girls consistently rate themselves significantly lower than
boys in their ability and confidence in using computers. And they use computers less
often than boys outside the classroom.
3 The instructor of this computer lab says he's already noticed some differences.
Charles Cheadle of Cesar Chavez School says, "Boys are not so afraid they might do
something that will harm the computer, whereas girls are afraid they might break it
4 Six years ago, the software company Purple Moon noticed that girls' computer usage
was falling behind boys. Karen Gould says, "The number one reason girls told us they
don't like computer games is not because they're too violent, or too competitive. Girls
just said they're incredibly boring."
5 Purple Moon says it found what girls want: characters they can relate to and story
lines relative to what's going on in their own lives. Karen Gould of Purple Moon
Software says, "What we definitely found from girls is there is no intrinsic reason why
they wouldn't want to play on a computer; it was just a content thing."
6 The sponsor of the study says it all boils down to this, the technology gender gap that
separates the girls from the boys must be closed if women are to compete effectively
with men in the 21st century.
A There is no certain reason why girls don't like playing on a computer
B Girls use computers for word processing
C Boys are not afraid to break a computer
D There are few girls in computer science classes
E Boys use computers less often than girls outside the classroom
F It's necessary to close the technology gender gap
G Boys and girls in the sixth grade class have similar access to computers
H In high schoolboys are less comfortable with the computer than girls
I' Computer games are not interesting for girls
Score: 6 points
Task 4.3
You are going to read a newspaper article about the approach to school. Some
sentences have been removed from the text. Choose from the list (A-F) the most
appropriate sentence to fill each gap (1-4) in the text and write its letter in the box. There
is one extra sentence that you do not need to use. There is one example, at the beginning
How Do You Approach School?
Do you arrive at school eager and ready to learn or tired and absent minded?
Leaves begin to change color, the air turns crisp — summer ends. (0 )
immediately filled with joy?
or are you
But when back-to-school sales come in full
swing and your thoughts turn to sharpening pencils, writing essays, graded papers and
frustrating -classmates, do you sometimes ask, "Why is school important?"
Teachers or schoolmates can be difficult to deal with, tests can be hard, and mornings
can feel too early. (2)
Yet your education is enormously important! (3)
In fact, the second law of success is
education. Knowledge you learn in class provides an important foundation for your
life. Determine to gain everything you can from your time in school! (4)
A To be successful in life one must acquire a basic education.
B As you hear the word "school" for the first time after summer break, does it hit your
ears like a hammer as your stomach drops and depression sets in?
C School is not easy, and some days it may be hard to climb out of bed and go to class.
D Most likely it is neither extreme.
E Your education is not important for you.
F It can be a wonderful opportunity to learn and develop character — if you take an
active approach to your education.
Score: 4 points
Task 4.4
You are going to read a newspaper article about a kids' cafe. Some parts of the text
are missing. Choose from the list (A-I) the most appropriate part for each gap (1-7) in
the article. There is one extra part that you do not need to use. There is one example at
the beginning (0).
Kids' Cafe
Every morning, kids from a local high school are working hard. They (0) ________
special coffee at a coffee cafe. They are also making a lot of money. These students
can make up to twelve hundred dollars a day. They are selling (1)
passengers. After the students get paid, the rest of the money goes to helping a local
youth project.
These (2) ____ use a space in the Oakland airport. It is usually very crowded. Many
people who fly on the planes like to drink the special coffee.
One customer thinks that the coffee costs a lot but it is good (3) . Most customers are
pleasant (4)
. They do not like it if the coffee cafe is not open for business.
The students earn $6.10 an hour plus tips. They also get school credit (5)
how to run a business. Many of the students enjoy the work although it took some
time to learn (6)
They have to learn how to steam milk, load the pots, and add flavor. It takes some
skill and sometimes (7) . The most common mistake is forgetting to add the coffee.
A and worth it
B while they learn
C their special coffee
D mistakes are made
E high school students
F how to do it
G are making and selling
H it is pleasant
I but some are unhappy
Score: 7 points
Task 4.5
You are going to read a magazine article about colors. A summary of the article is
provided after the text. Sentences of the summary are mixed up. Put sentences (A-J) of
the summary into the correct order (1-9). There is an example at the beginning (0). Colorfully Yours.
How Colour Affects Your Mood
Your mood is greatly influenced by many factors, one of which is colour. Whether it
is the colours that you see when you wake up in the morning, the ones that surround you
during your daily routine, or the colours you choose to wear, they have a profound affect
on your mood. The colours you choose to be surrounded by can also have an effect on
others and the way they perceive you. The following nine colours, and the way they are
perceived by yourself and others, may help to evaluate and change your mood.
Black is a disciplined colour that shows power and authority. It is a colour that can
stand alone and make a profound statement. Showing strength and promoting
independence, it is a very secure colour portraying security and longevity.
White Having a purifying influence, it's often thought to be an angelic colour. In
combination with other colours, it brings a sense of life and vitality. Large amounts of
energy are produced due to this colour. Often, it possesses an ability to unite people in
differing situations.
Yellow is cheerful like the sunshine. It also increases energy levels. The brighter the
shade of yellow, the more optimistic thoughts become. It is an expansive colour that
promotes happiness. Yellow is often used in offices to promote creative, optimistic
patterns of thinking.
Pink soothes oneself. Promoting affection, pink has the ability to stimulate
conversation as it allows others to feel a need to comply with one another and come to a
successful resolution.
Drawing out one's intuition, purple holds a sense of spirituality for many. While it
possesses a large amount of mystery, this colour also has the power to comfort.
Blue is a relaxing, refreshing, and cooling colour. Peaceful moods filled with tranquil
feelings are often a result of this colour. Therefore, blue is commonly used to decorate
bathrooms and bedrooms. Some feel that blue is the colour of sleep, and being
surrounded by this colour helps to put them at ease and fall asleep more easily.
Green encourages emotional growth by balancing, normalizing, and refreshing one's
spirit. Being the colour of money, it can also create a feeling of wealth and security. As a
natural, earthy colour, it may produce a feeling of hunger, which is why it is often used
as an accent colour in kitchens and restaurants.
Empowering and enlivening, red symbolizes passion. It stimulates emotions and
dramatizes situations. Competition if often found where red is. Red is definitely an
Orange cheers, promoting conversation and charity. It also stimulates appetites,
which is why it is commonly used as an accent colour in kitchens-and at restaurants. It is
also known as a very commanding colour.
A This is a very mysterious colour.
B One's spirit can be refreshed with the help of this colour.
C This colour generates big amounts of energy.
D One's appetite can be stimulated due to this colour.
E This colour shows independence.
F How colours influence our mood.
G This colour stimulates relaxation and good sleep.
H Because of this colour people have more optimistic thoughts.
I This colour can stimulate emotions and passion.
J This colour helps to develop conversation with one another.
Score: 9 points
Task 5.1
You are going to read six job advertisements. Answer the questions (1 — 11) after the
text in no more than five words. Write your answers in the grid. There is an example at
the beginning (0).
Job Advertisements
1. Needed: Full time secretary position available. Applicants should have at least 2
years experience and be able to type 60 words a minute. No computer skills required.
Apply in person at United Business Ltd., 17 Browning Street.
2. Are you looking for a part time job? We require 3 part time shop assistants to work
during the evening. No experience required, applicants should be between 18 and 26. Call
366-76564 for more information.
3. Computer trained secretaries: Do you have experience working with computers?
Would you like a full time position working in an exciting new company? If your answer
is yes, give us a call at 367-75631.
4. Teacher Neededi^ommy's Kindergarten needs 2 teachers/trainers to help with
classes from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Applicants should have appropriate licenses. For more
information visit Tommy's Kindergarten in Leicester Square No. 56.
5. Part Time work available: We are looking for retired adults who would like to
work part time at the weekend. Responsibilities include answering the telephone and
giving customer's information. For more information contact us by calling 398-69034.
6. University positions open The University of Cumberland is looking for 4 teaching
assistants to help with homework correction. Applicants should have a degree in one of
the following: Political Science, Religion, Economics or History. Please contact the
University of Cumberland for more information.
0 What kind of position is available in advertisement No 1?
Your answers (no
1 What are the typing speed requirements for the secretary
2 When are the working hours of part time shop assistants?
How old should the applicants be for part time shop
assistant positions?
4 What is the requirement for the position of the computer
trained specialists?
5 What should a person do if he/she is interested in the
position of a computer trained specialist?
What is necessary to have for teachers/trainers to obtain a
job at Tommy's Kindergarten?
What are the working hours at Tommy's Kindergarten?
8 What is the status of people who can meet the
requirements of advertisement No 5?
9 What other responsibilities are included in the part time
work in No 5 besides giving customer's information?
10 What will be the duties of teaching assistants at the
University of Cumberland?
11 What are the requirements for a teaching assistant
Score: 11 points
Task 5.2
You are going to read a newspaper article about shopping on the Internet. Choose
the best heading from the list (A—G) for each part (1—4) of the text and write its
letter in the box. There are two extra headings that you do not need to use. There is
one example at the beginning (0).
Shopping on the Internet
0 Shopping on the Internet or shopping on-line is becoming more and more popular.
More and more people are using the Internet to buy things. Why do people use the
Internet to shop?
1 Some people say it is more convenient. They don't have to leave their homes to
order something, and they can shop for anything they want at any time, day or
night. Other people say they can find things for sale that they can't find in the
stores near their homes. Still other people say they can find better prices on the
2 If you want to buy something on the Internet, you need a credit card. You have to
type your credit card number and some other information on the website and send
it to the store over the Internet. You have to be sure that the store will not use your
information in the wrong way. You don't want someone to get your credit card
number and charge something to your account. Of course, you always have to be
careful with your credit card number, because people sometimes steal credit card
numbers from stores and restaurants too.
3 For people who are too nervous to shop on-line, the Internet is a good place to go
window-shopping. Window-shopping is when you go to a store and look at the
things for sale, but don't plan to buy anything. Window-shopping is easy on the
Internet. You can see what kinds of products are available and how much they
cost. You can visit stores with branches near you, or you can visit stores that are
only on the Internet.
Some stores have a website for information about their stores, but not for shopping.
Some stores have a website for information about their stores, and you can shop online there too. Some stores are only for on-line shopping.
A A certain time for shopping on the Internet
B Growing popularity of the Internet
C Getting credit cards from other people
D Window-shopping as a way-out for people who are afraid to buy something
E The reasons of using the Internet for shopping
F Websites for stores
G The necessity to have a credit card for buying something
Score: 4 points
Task 5.3
You are going to read a newspaper article that is the response to Britney's letter. Some
sentences have been removed from the text. Choose from the list (A—G) the most
appropriate sentence to fill each gap (1—5) in the text and write its letter in the box.
There is one extra sentence that you do not need to use. There is one example (0) at the
The Response to Britney's Letter
After weeks of speculation Britney Spears has released her "letter to the fans." (0)
While Spears is taking a break from the limelight she says that she really wants to
watch "Saved" with Mandy Moore and re-runs of "Sex and the City." (1)
On that
note, Britney says, "Being married is GREAT and I can't wait to start my family."
After reading this letter I must admit that my respect toward Britney has grown. (2)
I mean, the Madonna kiss was HOT, but it was obviously just another attempt for her and
Madonna to land on the cover of every magazine worldwide. And, the 55-hour wedding
was a great way to garner some much needed attention after "In the Zone" sales weren't
doing so well. (3)
"My prerogative right now is to just chill & let all of the other overexposed blondes on the
cover of Us Weekly be your entertainment... GOOD LUCK GIRLS!!"
As for all the antics, Britney says, "I'm sorry that my life seemed like it was all over
the place the past 2 years, it's probably because IT WAS! (4)
Going & going &
going is all I've ever known since I was 15 years old. It's amazing what advisors will
push you to do, even if it means taking a naive, young, blonde girl & putting her on the
cover of every magazine."
While Britney may hope that the letter puts an end to the chaos of paparazzi that
surrounds on any given day, it is highly doubtful that any of that will come to an end
anytime soon. (5)
I look forward to seeing and hearing more from Britney in the future.
So, what do you think of Britney's letter? Tell us in our brand new column "Letters to
the Editor".
While I have been a fan of Britney since the beginning I have been somewhat
annoyed with her publicity antics over the past few years.
Don't expect the singer to just be sitting around on this break though she and
husband, Kevin
Federline, will be taking their honeymoon. C
She continues, "I understand
now what they mean when they talk about child stars." D
ready to put all that behind her. E
But, Mrs. Federline is
Good luck Madonna!
In the letter the superstar announces that she is taking a break from her career to enjoy
the "simple things" in life that she has missed out on over the past few years. G
I would
like to wish Britney and Kevin the best of luck on their marriage.
4 -
Score: 5 points
Task 5.4
You are going to read a newspaper article about computers in the classroom. Some
parts of the text are missing. Choose from the list (A—K) the most appropriate part for
each gap (1—9) in the article. There is one extra part that you do not need to use. There
is one example at the beginning (0).
Computers in the Classroom
Kids are going all over the world without ever leaving their school. They are using
their computers. A school in California could be (0) in America. They are wired to the
Internet (1) ___________________ . Thirty students are able to use the Internet every
day. The kids are between the grades of kindergarten and fifth grade. The teacher says
that it is hard (2) _______________ from the computers. They do not even want to go to
recess. Internet has opened the world to many people. Now students can go to (3) __ .
They can get information. They can visit a child in another country. Laura Bacon likes to
visit with other students. She's going to Peggy's page. Peggy is (4) __in London, England.
She put (5)
on the Internet. It includes pictures of Peggy, her school, her mom, dad
and friends. You can send her mail, too.
A scientist helped to wire the school. He says, "There is a plan to connect 12 thousand
California schools (6)
.” Wiring schools in California can cost a lot of money. It
needs to be done on volunteer effort or schools will not be able (7) . They think that it
will cost as much (8)
. Some people say that the money should be spent (9) instead
of computers. Some people say that it would be worth it to wire all of the classrooms.
any library on earth
to afford it
her own home page
through their computers
a school student
on teachers
to get them away
to the Internet
the most wired school
to few people
as fifty billion dollars
Score: 9 points
Task 5.5
You are going to read an interview with the actor Robert Pattinson, who plays Cedric
in The Goblet of Fire. The interviewer's questions have been mixed up. Match the
questions (A—H) below to the answers (1—6). There is one extra question that you do
not need to use. Write your answers in the boxes below. There is one example at the
beginning (0).
You must be the only one! What was your first day like?
Hey, Robert! We bet you can't believe you got to star in The Goblet of Fire!
Do your fans think you're hotter than Daniel Radcliffe?
Have you had any run-ins with crazy fans yet?
Did you get to hang out with Harry, Hermione and Ron in between filming?
Do you think Ron and Hermione will ever get together?
Any funny stories from the set?
'Fess up, what is Daniel Radcliffe really like?
Harry Potter Hottie!
0 It was great, but I didn't really know what was involved 'cause I hadn't seen the other
1 On my first day we filmed the maze sequence from the end of the film. It was quite
intimidating. On the first day we had to hit each other — it was really strange
punching Harry Potter! Those first weeks were the most exciting part of the shoot.
But I was so nervous.
2 In one scene, Michael Gambon, who played Dumbledore, couldn't remember
character's names! He'd be like, "Ron Potter"! It was really funny.
3 No, and I went to a convention the other day and the fans were all really nice. But if
anyone asks for my autograph, I get really shy and feel like an idiot.
4 Well, they had five hours of tutoring a day, so I was hanging out by myself! They're
really nice, though.
5 He's a very cool guy — he's very talented and he's really intelligent, too. I wouldn't
have been able to handle all of the stuff that's happened the way that he has.
6 I think that Harry and Hermione will get together — then Ron will find out and kill
Harry, ha, ha!
Score: 6 points
Task 6.1
You are going to read the text about the history of snowboards. Answer the questions
(1—10) after the text in no more than five words. Write your answers on the lines. There
is an example at the beginning (0).
The History of Snowboards
The first snowboards were made in the 1960s. However, it was in the late 70s that they
became more popular. Throughout the 80s, more and more people began taking up the
sport, even though snowboards were not allowed on most ski hills. Despite its earlier
setbacks, snowboarding is now the world's fastest growing winter sport and most resorts
welcome snowboards.
In 1963, a Grade 8 student named Tom Sims designed a skiboard for a school project
in New Jersey. Then, in 1966, a man named Sherman Poppen attached two skis together
for his kids on Christmas day. He called his invention "the Snurfer," which combines the
words "snow" and "surf." In 1969, Jake Burton Carpenter received a snurfer for
Christmas. He soon began designing boards, and today "Burton" is a popular brand of
By the 1980s, snowboarding had become very popular. However, most ski resorts did
not allow snowboarding because, they thought it was too dangerous. Since many
snowboarders were young, many older skiers did not want them on the ski hills. The
snowboarders had to go to the backcountry, away from patrolled resorts.
- M& Rejection at the resorts did not stop snowboarding from growing in popularity.
Eventually, the owners of ski resorts changed their views. They realized that they could
make more money by allowing snowboarding. One by one, the resorts began to welcome
snowboards. Today, many resorts even set aside special areas where snowboarders can
practice their creative tricks. In 1998, snowboarding became one of the sports in the
Winter Olympics.
Snowboarding has come a long way in the last 40 years. Winter resorts now welcome
the sport they once turned away. Each year, this exciting winter sport becomes more and
more popular.
0 When did snowboards first become more popular?
in the late 70s
1 What is the status of snowboarding in the world winter sports nowadays despite its
earlier setbacks? __________________________________________________
2 When were snowboards not allowed on most ski hills? ________________
3 What was the purpose of Tom Sim's designing a skiboard? __________
4 What did Sherman Poppen do for his kids? _________
5 What is a popular brand of snowboards? ________
6 Where did snowboarders have to go to ski instead of resorts?
7 What was the reason snowboarding was rejected by most ski resorts?
8 What did owners of ski resorts eventually realize about the snowboarding?
9 What have many resorts set nowadays for snowboarders?
10 When did snowboarding become an Olympic sport?
Score: 10 points
Task 6.2
You are going to read a magazine article about the things that different people take
with them while travelling. Match the thing from the list (A—G) with each part (1—4) of
the text and write its letter in the box. There are two extra things that you do not need to
use. There is one example at the beginning (0).
Necessary Things
0 Patrick Lichfield — the photographer, never goes far without the Olympus
Pearlcorder dictating machine which lets him catch up with his correspondence
wherever he is. The tiny tapes are either posted to his secretary, Felicity, or he gives
them to someone to bring back. The quality is very good but there are often some
interesting background noises.
1 Mel Caiman — the cartoonist, jokes about filling his suitcase with tranquillizers and
three different kinds of toothbrushes after recent, expensive dental treatment, but it is
his diary and sketch-book that are always with him when he is on the move. "I don't
keep a diary except when I'm away. I start a new one each trip now since I lost
irreplaceable notes on two previous trips on a bus in the States."
2 Richard Branson—, who recently launched Virgin Atlantic Airways, believes in
travelling light. "Suntan lotion for my nose and my notebooks which are my lifeline.
But I will always sling in a pack of cards. I love a game of cards, particularly bridge,
canasta or spades, but I'm not a gambler."
3 Barry Norman — the film critic, never travels anywhere without his credit card. The
days of anyone being stranded abroad are now over. "I remember once, before credit
cards were common, the Daily Mail sent me to Italy at a moment's notice. It was a
bank holiday, I had no money and the banks were shut. There I was in Milan on a
beautiful sunny day sitting in my hotel because it was the only place I could eat or
drink because I could sign for it."
4 Frank Muir — the TV scriptwriter and humorist, never sets off on a journey without
packing his Swiss army penknife, "It does everything," he says. "It has about 140
things that come out. It opens bottles, gets things out of horses' hooves, it has scissors,
screwdrivers, tweezers. I never go anywhere without it and I have never used it."
A army penknife
B sketch-book
C Swiss suntan lotion
D credit card
E a pack of cards
F dictating machine
G large tapes
Score: 4 points
Task 6.3
You are going to read a newspaper article about new driving laws for teenagers.
Choose the best heading from the list (A—I) for each part (1—6) of the text and write its
letter in the box. There are two extra headings that you do not need to use. There is one
example at the beginning (0).
New Driving Laws for Teens
0 There are new laws for teenage drivers. Some parents do not know about these new
laws. It is very important that everyone learns about and understands these new laws.
1 A teenage girl died in a car crash. She was. a passenger in a car. The driver of the car
was 16 years old. There were two other passengers in the car who were also hurt.
2 The accident reminded some people of how important the new laws are for teenage
drivers. The laws were written to hopefully save lives. Maybe the teenage girl would
still be alive if the law was followed.
3 The new law states that teen drivers cannot have passengers in their car who are under
the age of 20 unless there is another licensed driver over the age of 25 in the car too.
The law also states that teenagers cannot drive between the hours of 11 p.m. and 5
a.m. These laws need to be followed for the first year that a teen driver has his license.
4 Some students said that they know about the laws but do not obey them. They want to
drive with their friends. Some teenagers are breaking the law by driving with friends
in their cars.
5 There are some exceptions to the new driving laws. Teens can drive their brothers and
sisters to school. They can also drive during off-limits hours because of work or
medical reasons. They need to keep a note in their car stating why they need to drive.
6 Many more teenagers die in car crashes than adults. New laws were made to help keep
young drivers safer. If the laws are going to work, they will need to be followed.
Breaking the new laws by teenagers
Importance of new laws for teenage drivers
Exceptions to the new driving laws
Prohibition to drive during the day
The necessity to know the new driving laws
The laws for the first year drivers
The new laws for adult drivers
The death of a girl in a car crash
The reason of following the laws
Score: 6 points
Task 6.4
You are going to read an article about some problems connected with ways of using
garbage some parts are missing from the text. Choose the appropriate part from the list
(A—H) for each gap (1—6) in the text. There is one extra part which you do not need to
use. Write your answer^ in the boxes after the text. There is an example at the beginning
Reasons for Recycling and Composting Garbage
When you throw something in the garbage, it does not simply disappear. It may go on
a long journey to a transfer station, a landfill site or an incinerator. Since it is difficult and
expensive to dispose of garbage at landfill sites and incinerators, the government and
other organization (0) .
Garbage from homes is picked up and taken to the nearest transfer station (1) where
should go. If the garbage goes to a landfill site, it is spread out on the ground and carefully
buried. If the garbage goes to an incinerator, it is burned. The problem with these methods
of garbage disposal is that they cost money, take up land and cause pollution.
One solution to the problem of solid waste disposal is recycling. Some examples of things!
are glass jars, tin cans, office paper and newspaper. People can recycle used
products (3) or by taking them to the recycling depot. The recycled goods are melted
down (4)
such as carpets, drainpipes, park benches and garden hoses.
Another solution to the problem of solid waste disposal is composting. Some examples of
things that can be composted are lawn clippings, apple cores, orange peels and vegetable
rinds. People can compost these food products by placing them in a special outdoor
container (5)
called compost. Compost, which contains plant nutrients, can be
spread in the garden to help other plants grow.
Recycling arid composting (6) _
being buried or burned. These methods show people
a new way of looking at garbage: many things people throw away can actually be used
A - where waste disposal employees decide
B when many prominent genetics consider
C where they decompose into a dark, thick, dirt-like substance
D by putting them in the "blue box" on garbage collection day
E are two ways of reducing the amount of solid waste
F to be used for products
G are encouraging people to recycle and compost their garbage
H that can be recycled
Score: 6 points
Task 6.5
You are going to read an interview with a young actor Daniel Radcliffe about the
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets movie. The interviewer's questions have been
mixed up. Match the questions (A-L) below to the answers (1-10). There, is one extra
question that you do not need to use. Write your answers in the boxes below. There is one
example at the beginning (0).
Which scenes did you like filming most?
Is it true you've been working out because the owls are so heavy?
What are the best and worst things about being so famous?
How has life changed for you since you entered the world of "Harry Potter"?
What was it like working with Kenneth Branagh?
What are your relations with other young actors who play together with you?
Did you have nightmares after watching the film?
What was it like working with Dobby?
Are you like your character?
What were the most challenging scenes for you?
How did you like the action scenes in "Chamber of Secrets"?
Has working on the films affected your schoolwork?
Daniel Radcliffe about his Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
0. My life has changed surprisingly little. Obviously I'm recognised sometimes and
people come up to me on the street, but that's really fun and cool because they just
want to talk about the film and they're really enthusiastic about it. It's great to hear
what they have to say.
1 I've just started at a new school, and I've caught up with all of the other kids. On set I
actually did better with one-to-one tutoring than in a class of people, so I've settled in
really well.
2 We are similar, in a way, because Harry's friends are very important to him, and my
friends are very important to me. We also both get in trouble quite a lot. As I keep
reading the books, I keep discovering more stuff about Harry that I have in common
with him. I think we're both very curious — sometimes too much so, and that maybe
gets us into trouble.
3 Probably one of the best is seeing the finished product on the film. Everybody's
worked on it for 11 months or so, and to see all the work that everybody on set has
put into it, put together something as great as this film, is really great to see. And so
far I haven't experienced a worst bit.
4 The action scenes for me were so much fun. In the scene when I'm hanging out of the
car window, that was actually me, I was hanging 25-30ft up in the air, and it was just
really cool. I do as many of the stunts as possible, although obviously there are some I
can't do.
5 I loved filming the duelling scene, I thought that was really brilliant, because you've
got the confrontation between Snape and Gilderoy Lockhart — who are totally
different characters. I also loved the scenes where there were loads of people around,
I love the crowd scenes.
6 Probably one of the most challenging scenes was the Parseltongue scene, because it
was a completely different language [Harry speaks to snakes in their own language]
and it was hard to get a hold on at first. I got used to it in the end.
7 It's intimidating when you're first about to meet him, because he's this unbelievable
Shakespearean actor. But then you actually meet him and he's one of the nicest guys
I've ever met. It's an honour to work with him.
8 Kind of. I have been exercising a lot more, but not just for the owls. I've had to do
more physical training for the film to do the climbing and the sword-fighting
9 It was kind of hard knowing what kind of facial expression an orange ball is making.
There were digital effects on the first film, but none were as animated as Dobby is, so
it was quite hard work. But I think most of the credit goes to Chris Columbus and
everybody who worked on the film, for making it so easy for me.
10 I was fine with it, I liked it, I liked the fact it was a darker, more edgy film. If you
take away the darkness that's in the book, then you haven't done it justice when
you've adapted it.
Score: 10 points
Task 7.1
You are going to read the text about the famous Chinese garden in Vancouver.
Answer the questions (1-10) after the text in no more than five words. Write your
answers on the lines. There is an example at the beginning (0).
Chinese Garden in Vancouver, Canada
It is often hard to relax in the middle of a noisy city. Sometimes we need to find a
quiet place where we can think clearly in a calm environment. Many years ago, Chinese
merchants created special gardens just for this purpose. In 1986, the people of Vancouver
were given the opportunity to enjoy the first classical Chinese garden built outside of
China. Today, many people enjoy relax! in the peaceful atmosphere of Vancouver's Dr.
Sun Yat Sen Classical Chinese Garden.
During the Ming Dynasty in China, from 1369 to 1644, many wealthy merchants built
Chine classical gardens. The creators of the gardens used elements of nature to make a
beautiful environment. While walking through the gardens of carefully arranged rocks,
ponds and plants, the merchants relaxed and cleared their minds of stressful thoughts. For
a short time during the day, they stopped thinking about the work they had to do. Then
when they were ready to leave their gardens a return to work their minds felt refreshed.
This helped them to concentrate on their many busing tasks.
In 1985, the governments of Canada and China worked together to create a Chinese
classical garden in Vancouver. Fifty-two expert artisans from China spent one year
creating the Dr. Sun Yat Sen Garden, which is modelled after the Ming Dynasty gardens
in China. Most of the materials used to make Vancouver's garden were brought from
China, including woodwork, large stones and small pebbles. After much work, the Sun
Yat Sen Garden opened to public on April 24, 1986.
Today, many people in Vancouver like to stroll through the peaceful environment of
the garden. They can leave the noisy streets of downtown and, like the Chinese
.merchants, can relax a] forget about their worries for a short time. This style of garden,
created so long ago, is now I of Vancouver's most beautiful and relaxing places.
0 What was the purpose Chinese merchants created special gardens in a calm
to think clearly I to relax
1 Who is the Chinese Classical Garden in Vancouver named after?
2 When did the Ming Dynasty reign in China?
3 What did the creators of Chinese gardens use to make a beautiful environment?
4 What was carefully arranged in the Chinese gardens?
5 Why did the merchants need their minds feel refreshed? ___________________
6 Which authorities worked together to create a Chinese garden in Vancouver?
How much time was spent by artisans on creating the garden?
8 Which materials for the garden were brought from China? _______
9 When did the Chinese garden open to public of Vancouver? _______________
10 What can many people of Vancouver do nowadays leaving the noisy streets of
Score: 10 point
Task 7.2
You are going to read two advertisements. Answer questions 1—8 below in a
maximum of three words. Write your answers in the boxes after the questions. There is
one example at the beginning (0).
Unique Cruising Holidays
The Majestic Line offers the unique opportunity to explore the hidden wonders of the
West Coast of Scotland in perfect comfort, luxury and style.
The Glen Massan is a beautifully restored traditional wooden vessel with comfortable
double or twin ensuite cabins.
While each cruise has a specific itinerary, the focus is on flexibility with individuals
able to be as active or relaxed as they wish, spending time ashore and afloat.
With group bookings welcome, it is a perfect setting to catch up with friends, or just
get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
3-6 night cruises, departing from the Holy Loch, from 520pp, cost includes all meals
on board and wine with your evening meal.
Call us to find out more about our itineraries and last minute specials.
T: 00 44 (0) 1369 707 951
Small Personal Tours of Scotland
Based on your ancestry, we take you to the places where your people lived and
worked. We base your itinerary on where you would like to go in Scotland and show you
the areas that are perhaps your heritage. Join us on a wonderful week or ten days,
accompanied by a professional Scottish genealogist.
Accommodation with breakfast, daily tour and entrance fees to historical sites is
We also do genealogical research and have professional researchers who can put a
research package together for you.
Costs of tour are based on two people sharing. Single supplement applies.
Please contact Brenda at:
T: 01383 720522
E: -
0 What is the name of a contact person?
1 Which company will help you discover
Your answers
(a maximum of 3 words)
the wonders of the West Coast of Scotland?
2 Which kind of scientific research Can be conducted?
3 What is the name of the cruise ship?
4 Which tours last more than a week?
5 Where do the cruises start?
What are the costs of personal tours based on?
Which kinds of bookings are welcome?
Which types of fees are included?
Score: 8 points
Task 7.3
You are going to read several letters to the editor about teenage problems. Choose the
most' suitable heading from the list A—G for each part (1-4). There are two extra
headings that you do not need to use. There is one example at the beginning (0). Write
your answers in the boxes after the text.
A Can't Stand Lazy People
B Skipping School
C Fond of Music and Sounds
D Good in Making Friends
E Friendship or Love?
F Should I Marry Him?
G Please Help Me and My Family
Teenage Problems
0 You can believe it or not, but I can hear it everywhere. It doesn't matter whether it
really plays or not: it is just in my ears, in my heart. To my mind, every thing around
us has its own tune every person has his or her own melody. Some might think I'm just
crazy, but I simply can't leave without music, that's why it surrounds me. My passion
for music causes me lots of troubles in communication with people. Please, help me.
(Linea, 17)
1 I have been with my fiancé for almost four years. We are going to get married next
year but, there are a couple of concerns I have: one is the fact that he never talks about
his feelings, he keeps everything inside of him. He also sometimes has trouble with
expressing his excitement about things. He never buys me flowers or takes me out to
dinner. He says that he doesn't know why', but he never thinks of things like that. I
don't know if this is a side affect of depression or, maybe, he is sick of me. He says
that he-loves me and that he wants to marry me. If this is true, what is his problem?
(Annette, 19)
2 I'm one of those guys who have "the quite normal" problem: I'm in love with a girl,
but I don't know what to do. I have already had a crush on some girls, never with any
success, but this is something different. My problem is actually that I'm too cowardly
to tell her anything. I know that she likes me and we're very, very, good friends. We've
known each other for about three years, and our friendship has constantly become
better. We often get into quarrels, but we always make up. We meet almost every day.
We always have very much fun together, but is it really so difficult to love someone
who has been a good chum to you until now? (Jack, 15)
3 I really want to help because I don't like being upset all of the time and having
everyone hate everyone else. My mom, me, my two brothers and a sister — it's like we
all hate each other. I am the oldest. We all have certain problems: my mom wants to
quit smoking so she is really stressed out. I am really selfish. One of my brothers is too
bossy. He thinks he is better than the rest of us and that he is the only one who helps
my mom. My other brother is kind of abusive and depressed. He always starts fights
and he's really spoiled (my mom doesn't yell at him for doing things wrong and when
she does, he laughs at her). My sister (who's 7) makes messes and doesn't clean them
up. Even when we start to get along, someone will say something to upset someone
else. (Patricia, 15)
4 Only the people who really know me know about my strange feelings. My parents
don't care — they don't even mention it if I don't go to school. I skip it almost every day.
Luckily, I am a smart person and I'm in all of the advanced classes1 and don't have
reputation as a rebel. What I end up doing is sleeping all day and then staying up all night
talking to my girlfriend. I get behind in my work and when I try to go back to school I get
a bunch of crap from my teachers and friends. I just get so depressed when I think about
it. I have given up on trying to go back, but I realize it would ruin my life. I don't want to
go back at all but I also don't want it to ruin my life. What should I do? Please help.
(Andrew, 16)
Score: 4 points
Task 7.4
You are going to read an article about some benefits of breakfast. Some parts are
missing from the text. Choose the appropriate part from the list (A-L) for each gap (1—
10) in the text. There is one extra part which you do not need to use. Write your answers
in the boxes after the text. There is an example at the beginning (0).
The Benefits of Breakfast
Everyone has heard the familiar cliché, "Breakfast is the most important meal of the
day," but how seriously do you actually consider it (0)
Most teens and adults find a variety of excuses for (1)
. "I'm not hungry in the
"I don't like breakfast foods." "I'm trying to lose weight." "I don't have time," or "I'd rather
sleep those extra few minutes each day." The list could go on.
However, recent studies suggest more strongly than ever that the benefits of eating
breakfast far (2)
that most of us give for skipping it.
For example, how often do you find (3) _
and then, once' there, to concentrate for the
first few hours? Well, a recent Boston study examining the effects of breakfast on 100
elementary students found (4) _________
, punctuality and attendance. In
addition, children who skipped breakfast on a regular basis (5)
than those who did
Another similar study found that children who do eat breakfast (6) ___ ;
have a healthier diet overall than those who skip breakfast.
Some may think that not eating breakfast will help them watch their weight or cut out
a few "extra calories" in their diet. However, studies prove that eating breakfast can
actually help maintain or even lose weight. Eating breakfast in the morning (7)
and it also stabilizes blood sugar levels, which regulate appetite control.
With all these benefits, one finding is common throughout the studies: a healthy,
nutritional breakfast is the most important thing!
Some ideas (8)___ include:
• yogurt mixed with granola and fresh fruit;
• whole-grain cereal topped with low-fat milk and a sliced banana;
• frozen whole-grain waffles with fresh berries and a scoop of cottage cheese on the
• whole-grain toast or bagel with peanut butter or cream cheese and a piece of fruit;
• toast with jam, a fried egg and a small bowl of fruit salad.
In addition, keep the following pointers in mind (9)
1. Try to include fruit, grains and protein each morning.
2. Find whole-grain cereals, breads, muffins and waffles that include little or no refined
3. Fresh fruit is nutritionally superior to canned fruit, and apples and bananas are
availably all year.
4. If you do not like typical "breakfast foods", then be creative! Have a peanut butter
and banana sandwich, a homemade smoothie or even leftovers from last night's dinner!
Remember, tomorrow morning you may not feel like (10) __. However, if you take
just a few minutes to eat something nutritious and filling, you might do better on that
test in first period Algebra, you probably will not be ravenously hungry long before
your lunch period comes and your diet for the day may very well be healthier overall!
are more likely to meet the rest of their nutritional needs throughout the day
taking the time for breakfast before you leave for the day
outweigh the excuses
research proved that eating breakfast can help losing weight
for making your own quick and nutritious breakfast before heading to school
it hard to get to school on time
experienced more behavioral problems
while planning your morning menus
that eating breakfast improves academic performance
stimulates your metabolism for the day
skimming on breakfast or skipping it entirely each morning
when planning your morning routine
Score: 10 points
Task 7.5
You are going to read a newspaper article about speechless communication. Some
parts are missing from the text. Choose the appropriate part from the list (A -L) for each
gap (1—10) in the text. There is one extra part which you do not need to use. Write your
answers in the boxes after the text. There is an example at the beginning (0).
Teens Are Left Speechless
All across the world, teenagers' bedrooms are beginning to sound like a library. Instead of
chatting away on a traditional landline telephone, or even a cell phone, teenagers are busy
According to a 2005 report by the Pew Internet & American Life Project, 53 % of teens
mostly communicate with friends via written messages; and 61 % of the time
they chat through a service called instant messaging.
Phone companies (2) ____ _. Telecommunications giant Virgin Mobile is releasing a cell
phone (3) _____________ and instant messaging built in. The company's chief marketing
officer said, "We really think that text is the new talk. We are living in a 160-character
nation" (the maximum length of a text message). A quarter of Virgin Mobile's teen
customers use their phones more (4) .
Several years ago, the author of How to Talk So People Listen: Connecting in Today's
Workplace was asked (5)
about the college admissions interview. According to her,
the answers given in the mock interviews were "extremely short and not informational.
Nothing came out, really, because [oral communication] is such an unused skill." Further,
she stated, "We are losing very natural, human, instinctive skills that we used to be really
good at."
Part of the reason is because with instant messaging, you can reread a piece of
communication six times (6)
. There is no need to improvise; there is none of the
spontaneity of phone conversations or face-to-face chats.
A 2005 report by Achieve, a non-profit Organization (7)
, found that 34 % of
employers were dissatisfied with the oral communication skills of high school graduates.
In addition, 45 % of college students and 46 % of high school graduates said they
struggled (8) __ .
While technology is advancing at lightning speed, speaking skills appear (9)
end-time generation of teenagers may be technologically wiser than their bosses, but they
are (10)
A with a traditional keyboard
B lacking the ability to have professional discussions
C text is a new way of talking among teens
D are intruding into youth's finger-tapping tendencies
E before deciding how to answer
F that helps states raise academic standards
G to teach a class of California high school seniors
H communicating silently
I to be regressing just as quickly
J who own cell phones and surf the Internet on a daily basis
K for text messaging than talking
L with their public speaking abilities
Score: 10 points
Task 7.6
You are going to read an interview with a famous actor Keanu Reeves about the final
Matrix movie. The interviewer's questions have been mixed up. Match the questions (A-H)
below to the answers (1-6). There is one extra question that you do not need to use. Write
your answers in the boxes below. There is one example at the beginning (0).
A How did you feel when filming finally came to an end?
How do you feel the human side of the story comes out in the film?
Which Matrix movie do you like most of all?
D What is it about Neo that has hit home with you?
Are you going to miss Neo?
As an actor, did you have any concerns about the computer-generated effects
overpowering the character story?
Did the conclusion to Revolutions play out in the way you hoped it would when you
finally saw it on screen?
H What was your reaction when you finally saw the third film?
Keanu Speaks about Matrix-3
Everything that has a beginning has an end, but Keanu Reeves will hope that the final
Mall movie doesn't break his box office streak. He's been a busy boy since finishing his
Neo-adventures Down Under lining up three films for 2004: romantic comedy
Something's Gotta Give with Jack Nicholson and Diane Keaton; Thumbsucker with Tilda
Swinton and Benjamin Bratt; and comic book adaptation Constantine.
0 I really enjoyed it when I saw it. I thought the performances and how it came
together and ^ action and the cinema of it was pretty extraordinary.
1 I think there's a lot of... I'm going to use the word compassion. There's a lot of love in
it. I the backbone, the reason for existence of the pieces.
2 I think the way Larry and Andy Wachowski think about that, it's all about furthering I
story. The technological advance is all about putting forward the story, telling the story
they want to tell it.
3 It was very dramatic- Yeah. It was an ending, an end of spending time with people
that I k and a project that I love.
4 Yeah. He's a pretty remarkable guy. So yeah.
5 His questioning and his strength. His fearlessness for his quest. His vulnerability and
his desire to search for his authentic life and the choices that he makes, and his love
for Trinity.
6 Where Neo comes to and what happens in the film I find has a lot of merit personally
in life and I think it's very satisfying cinematically and story-wise. I'm excited the
film is coming o and that people get to see this remarkable movie. I'm a fan of the
movies — this remarkable movie and this trilogy.
Score: 6 point
Task 8.1
You are going to read the text about some reasons for becoming a vegetarian. Answer
the questions (1—9) in no more than four words. Write your answers on the lines. There
is an example (0) at the beginning.
Why People Become Vegetarians?
Anyone who has visited a grocery store or restaurant has probably seen food items
labeled "vegetarian." These foods do not contain meat, and people who choose this type
of diet are called vegetarians. Many different people of all ages are vegetarians and
everyone has his or her own reasons for refusing to eat meat. Some believe eating meat is
not good for you, some believe it is wrong to kill animals and some believe meat is too
Some people do not eat meat because they believe it is unhealthy. Certain types of
meat contain a high amount of fat. Too much fat in your diet can cause health problems
like heart attacks and cancer. People can also get serious diseases or infections from
eating meat that is not cooked long enough. Not everyone who eats meat will have these
problems, but many people stop eating meat because they do not want to take the chance.
Some people do not eat meat because they believe it is cruel to kill animals. This may
be because their religion forbids it or because they do not like to think that an animal had
to suffer and die just so they could have a meal. Many people who are vegetarians for this
reason also avoid wearing clothes and shoes that are made of animal fur and leather.
Some people do not eat meat because they believe it is too expensive. By not buying
meat, these vegetarians have more money left over to buy other kinds of food. Meat is
high in protein, which is an important element of food that people need to stay alive.
Vegetarians make sure they get the protein their bodies need by eating other, less
expensive types of food like nuts, cheese and milk.
When people decide to stop eating meat, they must find alternative sources for the
nutrients they need to stay healthy. After a while, a vegetarian diet has become a regular
part of daily life.
0 What do we call people who prefer to eat foods which do not contain meat?
_____ vegetarians ________________________________________________
1 What problems can too much fat in one's diet cause?
What can people get from eating meat which is not properly cooked?
Questions 3—6: What reasons not to eat meat are mentioned in paragraphs 3 and 4?
_______ __________________________ ______________________
5 _______________ __________________ ________________________
___________________________________ __________________
7 What is an important element of food for people to stay alive which meat is high in?
Which food other than meat is also reach in protein?
What do people who decide to stop eating meat must find to stay healthy?
Score: 9 points
Task 8.2
You are going to read the information leaflet about the Sea World theme park.
Answer the questions (1-11) after the text in no more than four words. Write your
answers in the grid. There is an example at the beginning (0).
Sea World of Florida
Sea World of Florida is right in the heart of Orlando's theme parks and attractions!
Centrally located near Walt Disney World and Universal Studios Florida. Entrance
on Central Florida Parkway, just off Interstate 4 and the Beeline Expressway.
Park opens at 9.00 a.m. 365 days a year. Closing times vary by season.
Daily information: (407) 351-3600.
Groups and private parties: (407) 363-2200.
ADMISSION PRICE: Includes all shows and attractions. Sky Tower ride, radiocontrolled boat* games area, guided tours, pet kennels and evening feasts are priced
separately. Foreign currency exchange and wheelchair and stroller rentals are available.
24-hour automatic teller is located outside the Front Gate. Most major credit cards are
accepted (excluding American Express).
Photographs appearing in this brochure are for advertising and illustration purposes
only. Actual scenes in the park may vary. Admission price, park hours and show
schedules are subject to change without notice. Shows are modified from time to time in
an effort to provide park guests with a variety of quality entertainment.
In which state is this theme park situated?
What are the two closest attractions?
What does the admission price include?
Where is the automatic teller located?
Which credit card is not accepted?
What are the purposes of the photographs in the brochure?
Your answers
(no more than 4 words)
Florida 1 state of Florida
How many days a year is the park open?
What are closing times of the Sea World Florida?
How can information on groups and private parties be obtained?
10 What besides the park hours are subject to changes without notice?
11 What is done from time to time to provide park guests with
a variety of quality entertainment?
Score: 11 points
Task 8.3
You are going to read an article about the significance of a gene. Some parts are
missing from the text. Choose the appropriate part from the list (A-K) for each gap (1-9)
in the text. There is one extra part which you do not need to use. Write your answ.ers in
the boxes after the text. There is an example at the beginning (0).
The Significance of the Cystic Fibrosis Gene
In July 1989, Dr. Lap-Chee Tsui and a team of scientists working at the Hospital for
Sick Children in Toronto achieved a major scientific breakthrough. Tsui and his
colleagues discovered the gene (0) (CF). Many geneticists consider this event one of
the most significant discoveries in human genetics. They may be right (1)
identify carriers of the CF gene. Eventually, they hope his research will lead (2)
Scientists have designed a test (3)
who carry the cystic fibrosis gene. The test is based
on knowing where the gene is located. The CF gene is a recessive gene. This means a
person (4)
and still not be affected by the disease. However, if this person has
children with another person who carries the CF gene, there is a 25 per cent chance (5)
and suffer from the disease. The test identifies (6) . If they do, couples then decide
whether to have children or not.
Researchers are also using Tsui's discovery to find a cure for cystic fibrosis. They are
working to produce a drug that will change the activity of the CF gene. They are also
attempting to replace the defective gene (7) ._. Such work, however, is not easy. It is
difficult to produce a drug (8) , but does not affect the 100,000 other genes in a pair of
human chromosomes. Equally challenging is the job (9) i in the right location.
It may be several more years before scientists find a cure for CF. However, Lap-Chee
Tsui's discovery has at least given victims of the disease hope for the future.
A to a possible cure for the disease
B of placing a hew gene into the right cell
C couples have to decide whether to have children or not
D can carry one copy of the gene
E whether prospective parents carry the defective CF gene
F that changes the CF gene
G that causes cystic fibrosis
H that their children will inherit two copies of the gene
I to identify people
J because the results of Tsui's work have helped scientists develop tests
K with one that functions properly
Score: 9 points
Task 8.4
You are going to read a text about Las Vegas. Parts of some sentences have been
removed from the text. Choose the most suitable part from the list (A-L) for each gap
(1-10) in the text. There is one extra part that you do not need to use. Write your
answers in the boxes after the text. There is an example at the beginning (0).
Las Vegas
There's nowhere else in the world where you can look out of (0)
and see the New York
skyline, a life-size Egyptian pyramid and, in the distance, the Eiffel Tower.
Welcome to wonderful Las Vegas.
Depending on your point of view, it can be the cheapest, (1) . Yet there's no denying
it, you can't come here and not have a good time.
Gone are the days when Sin City was all about slot machines, card games and tacky
shot gut weddings. In the last few years Las Vegas has become (2)
In Las Vegas, size matters. It's the home of the world's biggest hotel, the MGM
Grand; highest rollercoaster, at the Stratosphere; and highest atrium at the Luxor Hotel.
Incredibly, it also boasts not just one, but two Guggenheim museums, at the Venetian;
and restaurant filled with (3) _by Picasso at the Bellagio.
Don't say this isn't a city of contrasts.
But the best thing about Las Vegas is (4) _ are free. Huge crowds gather every nigh
for (5) ___ in front of the Bellagio. Remember it from the movie Ocean's Eleven? And a
walk through the shopping mall at Caesars Palace is almost like a theme park ride (6)
________ changing from sunshine to starlight and sculptures coming to life, singing and
dancing for shoppers. The real crowd-pleasers are the Pirates of the Caribbean-style sea
battle which takes place in front oil Treasure Island, complete with fireworks and a cast of
(7) ______ , and the erupting volcano in the lagoon at the Mirage.
Some things are worth shelling out for and if you want to splash out, head to the beach
at the Mandalay Bay. The hotel, where TV series Las Vegas is filmed, has a massive (8) .
The best way to get around Vegas is on foot, there can be quite a distance between
hotels on the Strip but walkways link them, and some even have (9)
You can still get a taste of old Las Vegas if you head downtown. The casinos haven't
changed much over the years and the streets have been cleaned up. What was once a
seedy eyesore has been transformed into an open-air pedestrian (10)
Treat yourself to a day trip to remember and take a helicopter flight over the Strip and
head to the Grand Canyon. It's the only way to fly over the New York skyline and Eiffel
Tower without blinking.
A with swirling clouds on the ceilings
B the dancing fountain show
C connecting trams and buses
D within the visible distance
E pool with a wave machine
F most tasteless city
G that so many of the attractions
H one of America's top tourist attractions and it's not hard to see why
I stunt performers
J original works
K your hotel room window
L area with spectacular light shows every night
Score: 10 point
Task 8.5
You are going to read a magazine article about words and feelings. A summary of the
article is provided after the text. Sentences of the summary are mixed up. Put sentences
(A—I) of the summary into the correct order (1—8). There is an example at the beginning
Words and Feelings
Are you always sure you know what people mean when they try to describe their
feelings to you? We use both words and gestures to, express our feelings, but the problem
is that these words and gestures can be interpreted in different ways.
It is true that a smile means the same thing in any language. So does laughter or
crying. There are also a number of striking similarities in the way different animals show
the same feeling. Dogs, tigers and humans, for example, often show their teeth when they
are angry. This is probably because such behavior patterns are inherited rather than
Fear is another emotion that is shown in much the same way all over the world. In
Chinese and in English fiction a phrase like "he went pale and began to tremble" suggests
that the man is either very afraid or has just had a very nasty shock. However, "he opened
his eyes wide" is used to suggest anger in Chinese whereas in English it conveys surprise.
In Chinese surprise can be described in a phrase like "they stretched out their tongues".
Sticking out your tongue in English is an insulting gesture or expresses disgust.
Even in the same culture, people differ in their ability to interpret and express
feelings. Experiments in America have shown that women are usually better than men at
recognizing fear, anger, love and happiness in people's faces. Disgust, contempt and
suffering seem to be the most difficult emotions for people everywhere either to
recognize or to express. Other studies have shown that older people usually find it easier
to interpret body language (the way people stand or move, etc.) than younger people do.
And psychologists such as E. G. Beier have also shown that some people frequently give
completely wrong impression of how they feel. For instance, they try to show affection
but in fact actually communicate dislike. Or when they want to show interest, they give
the impression that they don't care. This can happen even among close friends and
members of the same family. In other words, what we think we are communicating
through language, voice, face and body movements may be the exact opposite of what
other people understand.
A Some animals and humans rather inherit some patterns than learn.
B Surprise can be described in different ways in Chinese and English.
C It is easier for older people to interpret body language.
D To express our feelings we use both words and gestures.
E Fear is shown in almost the same way all over the world.
F Women recognize emotions better than men.
G Laughter and crying mean the same thing in any language.
H Other people can misunderstand our words and gestures.
I Some people show emotions in a wrong way.
Score: 8 points
Task 8.6
You are going to read an interview with a young actress Natalie Portman about the V
For Vendetta movie. The interviewer's questions have been mixed up. Match the
questions (A—H) below to the answers (1—6). There is one extra question that you do
not need to use. Write your answers in the boxes below. There is one example at the
beginning (0).
A What was it like working with Hugo Weaving when he was wearing the mask all the
time? Did it affect your performance?
What was it that appealed to you about the role and why did you decide to take it?
You share many scenes in the film with Stephen Fry. How was he and did he behave?
D What can you tell about the creative atmosphere on the site of the movie?
How liberating was it having to cut your hair off for the role?
Did you get a chance to sample the London nightlife and culture while you were
How did you go about getting your English accent? And was it daunting being
surrounded by British actors?
H How surprised were you by the political-content in the script when you first got it?
Natalie Portman Speaks about the V For Vendetta Movie
Natalie Portman made an astonishing big-screen debut at the age of 12 in Luc Besson's
thriller, I Leon (1994). She has since been dubbed "the new Audrey Hepburn" by Harpers
& Queen magazine | and mixes roles in blockbuster films and smart indie flicks with
considerable ease. Star Wars I fans will forever remember her as Padme in George Lucas's
prequels but her strong body of work I includes Heat (1995), Mars Attacks! (1996),
Garden State (2004) and Closer (2005), for which she was Oscar nominated. Here she
reveal's why her latest blockbuster, V For Vendetta, has more brains than strength and
what it was like going bald...
0 It was very interesting for me to consider the mindset of someone who goes from
being nonviolent to being drawn towards using violence to express her political
beliefs. I enjoyed the fact that it was a complicated journey that can be interpreted on
many different levels — maybe she's being manipulated, maybe she's finding her true
self and just developing pragmatism over idealism. I appreciated the complicated
view of what would make someone want to do this sort of thing.
1 When I received the script I was just so shocked by the fact that a big Hollywood
action movie could actually have substance and something that's provocative. That it
could actually make people feel very strong things and think strong things, whatever
those various reactions would be. I thought: "This is crazy, I want to do this!" It's
exactly the kind of entertainment I'm interested in making.
2 Obviously for the character it's a very traumatic experience because it's a violence
committed upon her. But for me, I got to choose to do it so it didn't feel like a violent
thing committed against me. It was actually kind of wonderful to throw vanity away
for a little bit. We're always expected to be spending a lot of time taking care of
ourselves, so it was a pretty nice opportunity not to have to think about that stuff for a
3 I think it's kind of amazing because you're always wondering what's going on behind
it. You're always thinking, are they laughing behind that? Are they smiling? Are they
crying? Are they angry? Hugo's performance was so vocal and physically specific that
it was a great help. It's not like working with blue screen, for instance, where you have
to imagine the performance opposite you. He was giving a very full-bodied
4 I worked for a month before at my accent with a teacher and we ran through the
material over and over again. Every morning during the filming we'd also warm up an
hour before we started. But doing a different accent was exciting because it
immediately puts you into a different character. Everyone was very supportive and
didn't try to intervene too much.
5 He was really, really wonderful. He would always keep me laughing and happy
between photographic sessions and interested too. He is clearly one of our sharpest
minds and a great actor. I think his scenes are some of the most moving in the film. So
it was a very lucky experience.
6 I don't really go out when I'm filming because I really can't keep it together if I do. I
enjoy working here a lot, actually, because there's a lot of non-clubby stuff to do on
weekends that can keep you interested and occupied when you're away from friends,
family and home. This is the greatest city to see movies.
4 .
Score: 6 points