Map quiz (Grade 1, 2, and 3)

This is a map of the world, please
take a minute to study!!!!
Created By: Carol Schreiber, ITRT, Richmond City School
Which continent is shown in the
map below?
A) Mali
B) Australia
C) North America
D) Africa
Which of the four oceans would
you find located here between
these continents?
Pacific Ocean
Atlantic Ocean
Indian Ocean
Artic Ocean
What continent is located below?
A) Australia
B) Africa
C) Antarctica
D) Europe
This is a map of Africa, what
country is shaded red?
A) Mali
B) Spain
C) Greece
D) Egypt
This is a map of Africa, which
country is shaded red?
A) Mali
B) Rome
C) Egypt
D) Spain
Which continent is located on the
map below?
A) Africa
B) Asia
C) Australia
D) Europe
This is a map of Europe, which
country is shaded red?
A) Spain
B) Greece
C) Rome
D) Mali
Which ocean lies south of Asia and
east of Africa?
A) Pacific Ocean
B) Atlantic Ocean
C) Indian Ocean
D) Artic Ocean
What continent is located in the
map below?
A) North America
B) South America
C) Africa
D) Australia
Which ocean is located east of Asia
and west of North America?
A) Atlantic Ocean
B) Pacific Ocean
C) Artic Ocean
D) Indian Ocean
This continent is located south of
the equator, which continent is it?
A) North America
B) South America
C) Asia
D) Australia
How many continents are in the
entire world?
A) 25
B) 11
C) 4
D) 7
Which continent is represented by
the number 7?
A) Africa
B) Spain
C) Antarctica
D) Australia
This is the continent of Europe,
which country is shaded red?
A) Greece
B) Rome
C) Mali
D) Spain
Rome is located in this country,
which country is it?
A) Mali
B) Spain
C) Greece
D) Italy
The imaginary line that divides the earth into
northern and southern hemispheres is called?
• A) Equator
• B) Prime
• C) Africa
• D) Angles
Which one of these continents sits
completely north of the equator?
• A) North
• B) South
• C) Australia
• D) Africa
Which one of these continents sits
completely south of the equator?
A) Asia
B) Europe
C) Africa
D) Australia
The imaginary line that divides the
earth into eastern and western
hemispheres is called?
• A) Equator
• B) Prime
• C) Angles
• D) Africa
Which continent sits completely
west of the Prime Meridian?
• A) Africa
• B) Asia
• C) North
• D) Europe
Which continent lies on the Equator
and the Prime Meridian?
A) Asia
B) Europe
C) Antarctica
D) Africa
Juan Ponce de Leon landed on this
state, which state is shaded red?
A) Virginia
B) Texas
C) Florida
D) Delaware
Christopher Newport traveled from England
to Jamestown, Jamestown is located in the
shaded state, which state is it?
A) Florida
B) Quebec
C) Kentucky
D) Virginia
Which ocean lies east of the United
A) Pacific
B) Atlantic
C) Indian
D) Artic