AQCI 2 – Vivegnis Betsy Central quotation : « What I have tried to

AQCI 2 – Vivegnis Betsy
1. Central quotation : « What I have tried to suggest is that a multicultural society must find
a place for both diversity and equality of opportunity. Emphasis upon the first without
allowing for the second could lead to segregationism, inequality and differential
incorporation. Emphasis upon the second at the expense of the first could lead to an
authoritarian form of assimilation. Both of these are at odds with the ideal of the
multicultural society » (Rex, p. 217-218)
2. Argument : In his essay, John Rex distinguished the notion of plural society to the notion
of multiculturalism. He identifies two differents domain in multicultural societies. In one
hand, you have the public domain « in which there is a single culture based upon the
notion of equality between individuals » (law, politics and economics), in the other you
have the private domain which « permits diversity between groups » (family). According to
the author, education, seen as a transmission of moral values, belongs to both the public
and private domains. He points out the importance of the association in the affirmation of
beleifs and values for immigrants minorities, for whose the family life depends on artificial
structures. As in the past it happend class struggles, nowadays, it may have similar
process between majority and minority groups in the shape of dialogs and conflict between
3. Question : Rex talks about educational system in his essay. According to him, moral
values, language, religion, should be left to the private domain. The education of those
matters should be controled by the community. But, if the schools are not anymore the
place in which moral values and cultures are exchanged, how being sure that this will not
left to more seperations between people in a society and led to extremism ?
4. Experiential connection : Inequality in education is an important topic that interests me a
lot. Today, I use to compare the french educational system to the belgian ones. During my
childhood, the school allows me to know about other cultures and religions. When I watch
at the french one, I can say that maybe the propagation of « french moral values »
(assimilation) in schools has consequences in the french politics with, for instance, the rise
of the extrem-right political party.
5. Textual connection : According to Leo Kuper, cultural pluralism is « an ideology of
domination or of conflict in a struggle for power between different groups » (Rex, p. 227).
Both of the authors referre to the concept of plural society made by Furnivall and Smith.
For both of them, plural societies are held together because of racial domination.
6. Implications : At this time of globalisation, the diversity is one of the fundamental subject
of our societies. I agree with Rex when he says that « the multicultural society must be an
anti-racist society ». We see « banal racism » everywhere. It’s becoming dangerous in
Western Europe (Le Pen in France, De Wever in Belgium, Lajos Rig in Hungary, etc.). It’s
something that should be considered as a priority for governments. Imposing our way of
life to immigrants will not lead to equality but even more to frustrations. In its essence, the
EU is a multicultural society, composed from different countries, with different cultures,
different types of minorities. The current issue of immigration in the EU will be a crucial
Texts :
Rex, John (2001) “The concept of a multicultural society” in Guibernau, Montserrat and
Rex, John (eds): The Ethnicity Reader. Nationalism, Multiculturalism and Migration,
Cambridge, UK: Polity Press, pp. 205-220
Kuper, Leo (2001) “Plural Societies” in Guibernau Montserrat and Rex, John (eds): The
Ethnicity Reader. Nationalism, Multiculturalism and Migration, Cambridge, UK: Polity
Press, pp. 205-220
Department of Public and Social Policy, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University
Name of
Magda Wolfova
Essay title:
1) Is the chosen quotation central to the
author’s argument?
Completely understandable!
2) Has the main argument been fully
understood (including its ‘for’ and
‘against’ sides, if applicable)?
3a) Is the question raised
3b) Has this question not been fully
answered in the text?
Who could write more relevant
and interesting ex. connection
than you, very engaged in this
issue? It’s clear that you
understand this topic.
4) Is the experiential connection
5a) Is the textual connection
5b) Has it been cited properly?
I think that in 6. Implication you
don’t have the textual reference
of the “the multicultural
society must be an antiracist society “
5c) Has it been adequately explained
how the present text's argument
contrasts with, contradicts, confirms,
clarifies, or elaborates the other text's
argument or point?
6) Have the implications been well
understood, can they have a practical
impact for policy making?
7) Expression/Presentation
a) Are the style, grammar and general
use of English adequate?
b) Is the AQCI professionally presented?
Essay grade: A
Further comments:
Very present, very important