R E G I S T RA T I O N for a TEACHING POSITION APPLICATION FOR A POSITION IN THE DIOCESE OF MAITLAND-NEWCASTLE Thank you for applying for registration with the Catholic Schools Office of the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle. I hope you will find the information enclosed in this application package helpful. If you choose to teach, or work in a support role, in one of the schools of the Diocese, you offer to be involved in an enterprise which is both challenging and rewarding. Catholic education forms part of the mission of the Church and is a shared responsibility and privilege. We welcome people to undertake this role who are willing to commit themselves to serving young people and their families and supporting the ethos of the Catholic school system. It is a requirement of the CSO that a 100 Point Identification check be done in person. You are requested to attend the Catholic Schools Office at 841 Hunter Street, Newcastle between the hours of 8.30 am – 4.00 pm Monday to Friday to have this check completed. Original identification documents must be provided, refer to the Working with Children Background Check 100 Points of Identification List at the end of this application for further information. If you reside more than 15 kilometres from the Catholic Schools Office, please contact your nearest Catholic School to arrange an appointment with the Principal to have the identification check undertaken. Please present your ORIGINAL 100 points of identification, as per the enclosed checklist, to the Principal, who will verify your documents, sign and date and return the checklist. All documentation, including the verified 100 Point Identification Check, must then be returned to the Catholic Schools Office. All documentation must be copies that have been certified by a Justice of the Peace. Incomplete documentation will be returned and your application will not be processed. Further information about available positions is supplied on our website www.mn.catholic.edu.au/go/employment. I wish you well with your career choices and decisions. Yours sincerely For Ray Collins DIRECTOR OF SCHOOLS REGI STRATI ON FOR A TEACHI NG POSI TION DIOCESE OF M AI TL AND -NE WC ASTLE 1 R E G I S T RA T I O N for a TEACHING POSITION INSTRUCTIONS – PLEASE READ THESE CAREFULLY 1. It is your responsibility to know if you are a teacher within the meaning of the terms of the Teacher Accreditation Act 2004. The Catholic Schools Office of the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle (“the CSO”) cannot give you this advice. 2. You are responsible for obtaining a reference from your Parish Priest or Appropriate Nominee (for Secondary Teachers of Religion and all Primary Teachers). 3. You must complete all fields in this form. 4. A Working with Children Check is a prerequisite for anyone in child-related work. It involves a national criminal history check and review of findings of workplace misconduct. You must apply for a Check before you are eligible to register to work with the Catholic Schools Office Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle. Apply online via http://www.kidsguardian.nsw.gov.au. A clearance number will be sent to you from the NSW Office of the Children’s Guardian stating that you have been cleared to work with children. This clearance number must be provided with your 100 Points of Identification (refer to covering letter). The CSO will not be able to grant approval to work in our schools unless this process is followed. 5. Please download and read the Child Protection Code of Professional Standards for Catholic School Employees June 2005. The Declaration must be signed and returned to the CSO. 6. All supporting documentation must be attached to your completed registration form. Partially completed forms or forms without full documentation will be returned. All copies must be certified by a Justice of the Peace. 7. Forward this application to: Employee Services Catholic Schools Office Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle PO Box 714 NEWCASTLE NSW 2300 SECTION 1: PERSONAL DETAILS SURNAME GIVEN NAME(S) TITLE (Ms, Mrs, Mr, Miss, Dr) RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS POSTAL ADDRESS PREFERRED GIVEN NAME PREVIOUS NAME/S Please provide documentation eg. Marriage Certificate DATE of BIRTH PLACE of BIRTH RELIGION AUSTRALIAN RESIDENT: Yes State, Country No HOME PHONE MOBILE EMAIL Please note that email address needs to be current & correct as it is used for all correspondence & contact WORKING WITH CHILDREN CHECK (apply online before submitting this application via http://www.kidsguardian.nsw.gov.au) Clearance Number INDIGENOUS STATUS: NOT Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander Both Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander REGI STRATI ON FOR A TEACHI NG POSI TION DIOCESE OF M AI TL AND -NE WC ASTLE 2 ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE: Is English your first language? Yes No Other language/s spoken: SECTION 2: POSITION TYPE Please indicate the area(s) for which you are appropriately qualified and registering. Primary Special Education Secondary English as a Second Language Teacher Librarian Primary Other Teacher Librarian Secondary Please tick where you would be prepared to teach: Cluster 1 – Lakes Cluster 2 – Central Cluster 3 – North Cluster 4 – All Saints Cluster 5 – Upper Hunter Cluster 6 – Manning (Refer to Diocesan Schools List) Preferred casual days Monday Tuesday SECTION 3: BOSTES Wednesday Thursday Friday Board of Studies Teaching and Educational Standards If you are commencing teaching in NSW or you are returning to the teaching of BOSTES NSW Syllabuses after an absence of five (5) years or more, you will need to be accredited with the Board of Studies and Teaching and Educational Standards (BOSTES). If you hold current registration from another Australian teacher registration body, and have the right qualifications to teach in NSW, your interstate registration can be recognised by BOSTES. Teachers registered with the teacher registration authorities of Victoria, the Northern Territory and Queensland Forms (A or B) are available online on the BOSTES Teacher Accreditation Website www.nswteachers.nsw.edu.au 1. Are you a member of BOSTES? 2. If you are a member, what is your accreditation number? 3. What is your accreditation level? Yes No If you do not have an accreditation number, please indicate the reason(s) below: I am an existing teacher i.e. qualified and teaching in NSW before and since October 2004 and without a five year teaching absence in the meantime My application is now in process with BOSTES I am registered with an interstate teaching authority I will be joining BOSTES in the future Please attach a certified copy of your current BOSTES Certificate of Accreditation or Statement of Eligibility. APPLI CATI ON FOR A TE ACHI NG POSI TION DIOCESE OF M AI TL AND-NE WC ASTLE 3 R E G I S T RA T I O N for a TEACHING POSITION SECTION 4: QUALIFICATIONS I AM QUALIFIED TO TEACH: Primary Secondary Teaching Subjects (Please put your major teaching subjects/areas first) TERTIARY EDUCATION: Qualification Gained Institution Attended Years Attended Date Conferred Attach Certified Copies of Final Academic Records indicating eligibility for the Award. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION QUALIFICATIONS: Qualification Gained Institution Attended Years Attended Date Conferred Attach Certified Copies of any Awards, Certificates, Diplomas. ANY OTHER TRAINING / COURSE / QUALIFICATION INCLUDING VOCATIONAL EDUCATION: Qualification Gained Institution Attended Years Attended Date Conferred Attach Certified Copies of Official Academic Records REGI STRATI ON FOR A TEACHI NG POSI TION DIOCESE OF M AI TL AND -NE WC ASTLE 4 R E G I S T RA T I O N for a TEACHING POSITION PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS: List any professional associations of which you are a member. SECTION 5: EMPLOYMENT NUMBER OF YEARS TEACHING: Primary Secondary Junior Secondary Senior Secondary Indicate in order positions held, commencing with the current or most recent SCHOOL POSITION CLASSES/SUBJECTS YEAR From PT or FT To Number of completed terms Attach Certified Copies of Copies of Statement(s) of Service as this is required to determine your classification OTHER EMPLOYMENT/INDUSTRY EXPERIENCE: This experience may be relevant under the award in determining your classification Employer Description of Position From To Attach Certified Copies of Statement(s) of Service REGI STRATI ON FOR A TEACHI NG POSI TION DIOCESE OF M AI TL AND -NE WC ASTLE 5 R E G I S T RA T I O N for a TEACHING POSITION CHILD REARING EXPERIENCE: This experience may be relevant under the award in determining your classification From To Please supply certified copies of each child’s birth certificate and a Statutory Declaration establishing the period of child rearing to be recognised SECTION 6: GENERAL STATE OF HEALTH Please state details of any known physical or mental condition, either past or present, or continuing or recurring illness that could affect the full performance of your duties: The employee may be required to undergo a medical examination upon employer’s request. The information that you provide about your state of health will be treated by the Catholic Schools Office as sensitive information and in accordance with obligations held under the relevant national privacy principles. You may choose to place this information in a sealed envelope marked ‘Private and Confidential’, addressed to the Head of Employee Services. SECTION 7: EMPLOYMENT SCREENING Teaching positions are child-related employment. Applicants will be subject to screening checks required by relevant NSW Child Protection Legislation. 1. Have you ever had your registration, licensing or classification as a teacher or any other entitlement to teach cancelled or suspended or withdrawn in Australia or any other country? Yes No 2. Have you ever been refused registration, accreditation, licensing or classification as a teacher in Australia or any other country? Yes No 3. Have you ever been dismissed or asked to resign as a teacher in Australia or any other country? Yes No 4. Have you ever (or are you currently) the subject of disciplinary proceedings (or any action that might lead to such proceedings) in relation to your employment in Australia or any other country? Yes No 5. Have you ever been convicted of an offence carrying a penalty and imprisonment? Yes No If you answered YES to any of the above questions please provide full details. Details may be placed in a sealed envelope marked “Private and Confidential” addressed to the Head of Employee Services. Note that this information may be passed on to the NSW Institute of Teachers. OFFICE USE ONLY: Details Provided : Initials REGI STRATI ON FOR A TEACHI NG POSI TION DIOCESE OF M AI TL AND -NE WC ASTLE 6 R E G I S T RA T I O N for a TEACHING POSITION SECTION 8: REFEREES Please list at least two (2) professional referees who can be contacted regarding your suitability for child-related employment e.g. past principal, university lecturer. SURNAME GIVEN NAME CONTACT PHONE POSITION SECTION 9: PARISH PRIEST REFERENCE Secondary Teachers of Religion and all Primary Teachers are expected to support their application by seeking a reference from a Parish Priest. Please arrange to meet with your Parish Priest to have them complete the “Recommendation from a Parish Priest”. Upon completion the Parish Priest is asked to send the form to: Employee Services, Catholic Schools Office, Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle, PO Box 714 NEWCASTLE NSW 2300 SECTION 10: DECLARATION BY APPLICANT All appropriate documentation is attached to this form. Yes No I certify the accuracy of the information provided with this application. I have no objections to any past or current employment referees being required to furnish a confidential report on my services. I am aware that a check of Police and Children’s Commission records will be conducted as part of an Employment Screening process and the existence of a criminal record may affect my employment prospects. I accept the conditions and expectations of employment in the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle as per the attached Statement of Principles. I agree to abide by the philosophy, policies, practices and procedures of the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle. I certify that the information on this form is complete and correct and I understand that deliberate inaccuracies or omissions may result in non-acceptance of this application and/or termination of employment. Applicant’s Signature:...................................................................................................... Date: REGI STRATI ON FOR A TEACHI NG POSI TION DIOCESE OF M AI TL AND -NE WC ASTLE .............................. 7 R E G I S T RA T I O N for a TEACHING POSITION SECTION 11 CHECKLIST Listed below are the documents required to complete this application. You are required to submit either: a) original documents (only if applying in person at the Catholic Schools Office- copies of original documents will be made and retained by the CSO) OR b) photocopies which have been verified as true copies of the Original by the following: (i) an authorised representative of the Catholic Schools Office (i.e. Principal) (ii) a Justice of the Peace Please tick if attached Award of Teaching Qualifications (Degrees or Diplomas) University or College Final Transcript of Academic Results indicating eligibility for the award Evidence of Religious Education Qualifications (if applicable) Other Degrees, Diplomas or Certificates including First-Aid Certificate Statement(s) of Service showing: (must be provided within a term of commencement) a) Commencement dates b) Termination dates c) Whether service was Full Time or Part Time or Casual d) For Part Time or Casual details of hours/days worked e) If any Leave Without Pay taken, details on the number of days without pay Working with Children Clearance Number Verified 100 Points of Identification Checklist Birth Certificate as proof of identity Evidence of other industry experience at age 21 or more Evidence of Child Rearing (birth certificates and Statutory Declaration) Marriage Certificate (as proof of name change by marriage) Evidence of Australian Residency Status (if applicable) Child Protection Code of Professional Standards for Catholic School Employees June 2005 Declaration Request for Priest Recommendation (within the last six (6) months) has been sent to a Parish Priest (for Secondary Teachers of Religion and all Primary Teachers) BOSTES (NSW Institute of Teachers) Accreditation Certificate (Professional Competence/Proficient Teacher if achieved) Statement of Eligibility from BOSTES (NSW Institute of Teachers) if applicable REGI STRATI ON FOR A TEACHI NG POSI TION DIOCESE OF M AI TL AND -NE WC ASTLE 8 R E G I S T RA T I O N for a TEACHING POSITION Statement of Principles THE TASK OF THE CATHOLIC SCHOOL: From the nature of the Catholic school stems one of the most significant elements of its educational project: the synthesis between culture and faith. Indeed, knowledge set in context of faith becomes wisdom and life vision. [THE CATHOLIC SCHOOL ON THE THRESHOLD OF THE THIRD MILLENNIUM: 1997] This broad philosophical stance reveals a concern for an education that combines sound knowledge and skills with an overall personal development rooted in Christian values. The Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle Catholic community desires its school to be communities of faith. Such an education involves a high level of interpersonal transaction between teacher and pupil. Pope John Paul II has spelt out key implications of this for teachers who work in Catholic Schools: Teaching has an extraordinary moral depth and is one of humanity’s most excellent and creative activities, for the teacher does not write on inanimate material, but on the very spirits of human beings. The personal relations between the teacher and the students, therefore, assume an enormous importance and are not limited simply to giving and taking. Moreover, we must remember that teachers and educators fulfil a specific Christian vocation and share an equally specific participation in the mission of the Church, to the extent that the Church depends chiefly on them for the Catholic school to achieve its purpose. [THE CATHOLIC SCHOOL ON THE THRESHOLD OF THE THIRD MILLENNIUM: 1997] The Philosophy of Catholic Education, expressed in a growing number of documents and policy statements over the last decade, guides the Catholic School in its functioning. ‘Whilst it is accountable to the community at large for the provision of quality education to young citizens, it is also accountable to the Church community for providing this within the context of Christian Gospel values as espoused by the Catholic tradition. The Catholic school is more than an educative institution; it is a key part of the Church an essential element in the Church’s mission. So too a staff member in the Catholic school is more than an employee. He/she ministers in the name of the Church and of the Gospel in one way or another’. Every employee in the Catholic school has an indispensable role to play. It is expected of all employees employed in a Catholic school that they: i. be appropriately qualified ii. be committed to regular on-going professional development iii. will meet the requirements of the Faith Education Accreditation policy iv. be committed to an inclusive approach to Education v. respect and support the Catholic educational philosophy of the school and Diocese vi. maintain an adequate understanding of those aspects of Catholic teaching that touch upon their daily tasks vii. by their teaching and personal example, strive to inculcate in students an appreciation and acceptance of Christian teaching and values viii. avoid, whether by word, action or known life-style, any influence upon students that is contrary to the teaching and values of the Church community in whose name they act. PLEASE PRINT THIS PAGE AND KEEP AS YOUR PERSONAL COPY REGI STRATI ON FOR A TEACHI NG POSI TION DIOCESE OF M AI TL AND -NE WC ASTLE 9 R E G I S T RA T I O N for a TEACHING POSITION EMPLOYMENT COLLECTION NOTICE Registration for casual employment 1. In applying for registration you will be providing the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle Catholic Schools Office (CSO) with personal information. Our contact details are contained on this page. 2. If you provide us with personal information, for example, your name and address or information contained on your resume, we will collect this information in order to assess your application for registration for employment. We may keep this information on file. 3. The CSO Privacy Policy sets out how you may seek access to your personal information and how you may complain about a breach of the APPs. However there may be occasions when access is denied. Such occasions would include where access would have an unreasonable impact on the privacy of others. 4. We will not disclose this information to a third party without your consent. We usually disclose this kind of information to the following types of organisations; schools, government departments e.g. Roads & Maritime Services Working With Children Check (WWCC), the Board of Studies Teaching & Educational Standards (BoSTES), the Catholic Education Commission (CEC) and the Catholic Commission for Employment Relations (CCER). 5. We are required to conduct a Working with Children Check and we collect information regarding whether you are or have been the subject of an Apprehended Violence Order and certain criminal offences under Child Protection law. We may also collect personal information about you in accordance with these laws. 6. The CSO may store personal information in the 'cloud', which may mean that it resides on servers which are situated outside Australia. 7. If you provide us with the personal information of others, we encourage you to inform them that you are disclosing that information to the CSO and why, that they can access that information if they wish and the CSO does not usually disclose the information to third parties. REQUIREMENT TO TEACH To teach in the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle, New Scheme Teachers and Returning Teachers are required to be accredited with BOSTES (Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards). A New Scheme Teacher is any teacher who commenced teaching in NSW after 1 October 2004. Returning Teachers are teachers who have returned to teaching in New South Wales after an absence of 5 years or teachers who are teaching in NSW for the first time. Teachers who have worked in NSW since before 1 October 2004, and have not had a break from teaching of more than 5 years, are not currently required to be accredited. To maintain accreditation with BOSTES, teachers are required to pay the annual fee and meet the requirements of accreditation. As demanded by law in New South Wales, failure to maintain accreditation with BOSTES will forfeit a teacher’s right to teach in the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle. PLEASE PRINT THIS PAGE AND KEEP AS YOUR PERSONAL COPY REGI STRATI ON FOR A TEACHI NG POSI TION DIOCESE OF M AI TL AND -NE WC ASTLE 10 R E G I S T RA T I O N for a TEACHING POSITION Working with Children Background Check 100 Points of Identification NAME:________________________ DATE OF BIRTH:________ Applicants must provide documentation to support their identity. This must include original documents adding up to a minimum of 100 points as required by the 100 Point Check under the Financial Transaction Reports Act 1988. The following list sets out the value of each document according to the 100 Point Check. 70 points Name of applicant verified from one of the following (more than one document from this list cannot be counted): Birth Certificate Birth Card issued by the NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages Citizenship Certificate Current Australian passport Expired Australian passport which has not been cancelled and was current within the preceding 2 years Current passport from another country or diplomatic documents For an applicant under 18 years, one document from the above list, or the following, is sufficient: Identity of the applicant verified by an educational institution, either on a student card or a letter signed by the principal, deputy principal, head teacher, deputy head teacher or enrolment officer, confirming that the applicant currently attends the institution 40 points Name and photograph/signature of applicant verified from one of the following (more than one document can be counted): Current driver photo licence issued by an Australian state or territory Identification card issued to a public employee Identification card issued by the Australian or any state government as evidence of a person’s entitlement to financial benefit Identification card issued to a student at a tertiary education institution 35 points Name and address of applicant verified from any of the following (more than one document can be counted): Document held by a cash dealer giving security over property A mortgage or other instrument of security held by a financial body Council rates notice Document from current employer or previous employer within the last two years Land Titles Office record Document from the Credit Reference Association of Australia REGI STRATI ON FOR A TEACHI NG POSI TION DIOCESE OF M AI TL AND -NE WC ASTLE 11 R E G I S T RA T I O N for a TEACHING POSITION 25 points Name of preferred applicant verified from any of the following (more than one document can be counted): Current credit card of account card from a bank, building society or credit union Local council rates notices Current telephone, water, gas or electricity bill Foreign driver’s licence Medicare Card Electoral roll compiled by the Australian Electoral Commission Lease/rent agreement Current rent receipt from a licensed real estate agent Records of a primary, secondary or tertiary educational institution attended by the applicant within the last 10 years Records of a professional or trade association of which the applicant is a member AUTHORISING OFFICER USE ONLY 100 points of Identification verified NAME: _______________________________ CSO/ School: ___________________ Signature: ____________________________ Date: __________________ REGI STRATI ON FOR A TEACHI NG POSI TION DIOCESE OF M AI TL AND -NE WC ASTLE 12 R E G I S T RA T I O N for a TEACHING POSITION Child Protection Code of Professional Standards Declaration I declare that I have downloaded and ready a copy of the Child Protection Code of Professional Standards for Catholic School Employees June 2005 and I am aware of the guidelines contained within this policy document Name Date of Birth Address Signature Date Please return this document with your application to Employee Services Catholic Schools Office Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle PO Box 714 NEWCASTLE NSW 2300 REGI STRATI ON FOR A TEACHI NG POSI TION DIOCESE OF M AI TL AND -NE WC ASTLE 13