WRITING TECHNICAL REPORTS Geraldine Eliot BCIT Communication and Technical Writing Instructor Technical Reports: Today’s Focus 2 How does audience and function affect content? What are the key components of a report? How do you integrate graphics into reports? ©2011 Geraldine Eliot Characteristics of a Report 3 All reports Focus on a clearly identified problem, topic, or question Present an organised record of verifiable evidence (that we assume is accurate) Include an interpretation of evidence, and a discussion of the implications or relevance of findings Offer a conclusion and/or recommendations ©2011 Geraldine Eliot Characteristics continued 4 Reports also Fulfil a need for information (routine vs. specific needs) Are objective, unbiased, and impersonal Are designed for reader access (e.g. headings, subheadings, lists, illustrations) Use language and numbering that is relevant for the reader and purpose What is included depends on who has commissioned the report, and why. ©2011 Geraldine Eliot 5 Technical Report Structure ©2011 Geraldine Eliot Elements of a Technical Report 6 Front Sections Middle Sections Back Sections Transmittal Document Introduction Sources Cited Summary/Abstract Body/Central Sections Additional Sources Consulted Table of Contents Conclusion Report Cover/Title Page List of Illustrations Glossary Recommendations List of Symbols Acknowledgements ©2011 Geraldine Eliot Appendices 7 Core Report Sections ©2011 Geraldine Eliot 1. Introduction 8 Usually on separate page, with the full title of report above Sets the tone and focus of the report Outlines details of why you have done the report Gives a short history/background/context to the report Includes dates and people involved Gives reader an overview – significance, purpose, scope (what is covered), report organisation, any limitations? No results or analysis ©2011 Geraldine Eliot 2. Body/Central Sections 9 This is the core of the report – technical details, facts, arguments, product information, test results, etc. Can write this first (all supplements are derived from body) Detailed analysis and rationale, and investigation Present information and argue case Use clear, parallel, descriptive, numbered headings and subheadings for reader access ©2011 Geraldine Eliot Body con’d 10 Use a logical order of information or sequence of explanations (e.g. chronological, subject development or concept development) Use good paragraph organisation Each paragraph must start with a main idea/central point/main step in explanation AVOID: long, confusing paragraphs with too many ideas/points Keep it clear and concise You don’t want the reader to search for main ideas; you do the hard work for them. ©2011 Geraldine Eliot 3. Ending – Conclusion/Recommendations 11 Conclusion = summary of main points covered in the report plus an evaluation of the discussion. It offers an overall judgement of what the material means. e.g. X is better than Y; B failed because of C; A is a good plan of action. What major assumptions can be drawn, based on the info covered? State the main conclusion first, then the rest Don’t include any new material/information ©2011 Geraldine Eliot Ending Continued 12 Recommendations = a straight forward list of numbered actions to be taken by the reader. They propose an appropriate response to the problem or question. e.g. Invest in A instead of B; replace C immediately. Explains what the next step is/what needs to be done Uses strong, definite terms Uses first person and active verbs/the imperative (command language) e.g. You should; NOT can, could e.g. We will, must; NOT shall e.g. I recommend that we… ©2011 Geraldine Eliot 4. Executive Summary/Abstract 13 Separate from rest of report (placed at the beginning, right after the title page) Usually 1/10th the size of the whole report Brief synopsis – what is the whole report about? Identifies the purpose and most important features of report – including main conclusion Summarises findings but does not include any new material Captures the reader’s attention – imagine this is all they are going to read. Usually fairly non-technical compared to rest of report Does not get a page number Write this last even though it appears first ©2011 Geraldine Eliot 14 Integrating Graphics into a Report ©2011 Geraldine Eliot Graphics in Reports 15 Tables = rows and columns of data Figures = any other illustration Number each consecutively throughout the report (separating tables and figures) Use clear, specific, descriptive titles for each – the reader shouldn't have to refer to the text to understand the image Integrate into the report by referring to them before they appear Put them at the end of the first paragraph they are referred to in (+/- three spaces above and below) ©2011 Geraldine Eliot 16 If the graphic takes up a whole page, it appears after where it is first referred to Refer to the illustration in one of two ways: e.g. As detailed in Figure 14, the cost of labour to produce the stand is nearly as high as the cost of raw materials. e.g. The mounting plates (Figure 10) are used to bolt any existing floor-type transmission jack to the structure. Large schematics and raw data appear as Appendices at the end of the report ©2011 Geraldine Eliot 17 ©2011 Geraldine Eliot Graphics continued 18 Make units of measurement clear: at the top of a column in a table along the axes of a graph or in a “key” or “legend.” Each graphic’s title is preceded by “Figure”/“Fig.” or “Table” followed by the number and then a period Generally, the caption or title for a table goes above the table, and the caption or title for a Figure goes under the figure. If you use data or reproduce a graphic from another source, credit the source below the graphic ©2011 Geraldine Eliot 19 Referencing and Citations ©2011 Geraldine Eliot Referencing/Citations 20 • • • Any time you use another person’s words or ideas in your report, or specific findings from someone else’s work , you must indicate the source, whether a direct quote or a paraphrase. The only time a source is not required is when the facts or ideas are Common knowledge among professionals in the field Easily verifiable Not the result of a specific piece of research ©2011 Geraldine Eliot Compare: Which one needs the reference? 21 A typical Electrical Engineer II working in Canada earns a median base salary of $80,459, according to an analysis of data reported by corporate HR departments. The earning potential of electrical engineers in Canada can vary based on employer, experience, and reputation. ©2011 Geraldine Eliot APA & IEEE Referencing Systems 22 Surname, Initial. (Year of Publication). Title of Article. Title of Journal, page numbers. Within the text: e.g. “References should always be cited correctly” (Eliot, 2011, p. 78). - direct quote OR Eliot (2011) states that references must always be done properly. paraphrase - - within text Within text referencing must be used as soon as you mention an idea that you have taken from a source. IEEE Citations within Text: e.g. A recent study [1] indicates an elevated risk among children exposed to certain types of electromagnetic fields. IEEE in reference list: [1] J.D Bowman, “Hypothesis: the risk of childhood leukemia is related to combinations of power-frequency and static magnetic fields,” Bioelectromagnetics, vol. 16, no 1, pp/ 4859, 1995. ©2011 Geraldine Eliot 23 Final Report Writing Tips ©2011 Geraldine Eliot Report Writing Tips 24 Think about your audience – summary readers vs. specialist readers Set the correct tone (formal vs. informal reports) Use appropriate language (e.g. Is jargon appropriate? Should you include a glossary?) Keep a list of sources as you go Ensure you have all the correct parts to the report Ensure your formatting and design is consistent throughout ©2011 Geraldine Eliot 25 Choose a referencing system and stick to it throughout Ensure the page numbers begin on the Introduction page Choose appropriate graphics Label and refer to these correctly Present a professional looking document that has been spellchecked, proofread, and that appears consistent throughout ©2011 Geraldine Eliot 26 Additional Resources ©2011 Geraldine Eliot Report Writing Resources 27 Technical Report Samples: www.cics.uvic.ca/climate/change/cimpact.htm www.ec.gc.ca www.hpl.hp.com/techreports Report Writing Advice: http://infolab.stanford.edu/~widom/paper-writing.html http://www.cs.umbc.edu/~sherman/Courses/documents/TR_how_to.html http://www.monash.edu.au/lls/llonline/writing/engineering/technical-report/index.xml http://www.ieee.org/portal/cms_docs_iportals/iportals/publications/authors/transjnl/stylema nual.pdf (IEEE Editorial Style Manual) Tips for Referencing: IEEE Engineering style documentation format: http://www.ijssst.info/info/IEEE-Citation-StyleGuide.pdf http://www.lib.monash.edu.au/tutorials/citing/ieee.html General: http://library.concordia.ca/help/howto/citations.html ©2011 Geraldine Eliot