draft – not approved - sail

Tampa Sailing Squadron
Board of Directors’ Meeting
May 4, 2015 @ 7:30 PM
Call to Order:
Commodore called the meeting to order at 7:35 pm.
Roll Call of Members:
Members Present: Dan Fels, Don Swartz, Kent Bailey, Sally Reid, Tom McMullen, Becky DeVillier, and
Jeff MacDonald
Members Absent: John Chapman and Melissa Nicholson
The agenda was distributed by Commodore Dan Fels. Don made a motion to accept the agenda, with
some change of order to let some of the committee chairs go early and leave. It was seconded by Tom
and approved by all.
Reading of the Minutes:
Secretary Sally Reid read the March 2, 2015 Board Meeting minutes since she didn’t have them to read at
the April 6th Board Meeting. Don made a motion to approve the March Board Meeting minutes, which
was seconded by Becky and approved by all. Sally also read the minutes from the April 6, 2015 Board
Meeting. Don made a motion to approve the minutes, which was seconded by Becky and approved by all.
Reading of Communications:
Secretary Sally Reid received an unclaimed Certified Mail letter that was mailed to Pau Torruella for noncompliance on March 25, 2015. Since the member is currently compliant there was nothing to discuss. It
will be filed.
Treasurer’s Report:
John wasn’t present but had provided the Balance Sheet as of April 30, 2015, as well the March and April
2015 Disbursement of Non-Reoccurring Expenses over $100, to the Board in advance of the meeting. See
Appendix A for detail of Disbursements over $100.
Operating Cash:
Special Reserve Account:
WCA Payback Funds:
WCA Promissory Note:
$ 90,933.53
$ 34,236.83
$ 20,000.00
TSS Bylaws – Article XV – Squadron Obligations – Section 2.0 requires that a minimum deposit of 10% of
revenue derived from membership dues, initiation fees, wet and dry slips (other than WCA) and railway
Tampa Sailing Squadron
Board of Directors’ Meeting
May 4, 2015 @ 7:30 PM
fees be transferred to the Special Reserve account at the end of each watch. Revenues for the 2014 –
2015 Watch are as follows:
Membership Dues:
Initiation Fees:
Wet Slips:
Dry Slips:
Railway Fees:
$ 3,976
$119,280 x 10% = $11,928
John recommended to the Board to approve the transfer of $12,000 to the Special Reserve to meet the
requirement. Don made a motion to approve, which was seconded by Becky and approved by all.
Commodore’s Comments:
Dan said that he has only received one suggestion for the naming of the deck and docks so far, “Fels
Landing,” which he didn’t accept. He needs more suggestions from the membership.
Dan said the 2015-2016 Membership Roster will come out after the Long-Range Planning initiatives are
approved and the updates to the By-Laws and Rules & Regulations are completed.
Dan congratulated Pat Austin on the comprehensive and professional Rules and Regulations she wrote
for the Notice of Race for the upcoming Mutineer National Championships.
Standing Committee Reports:
Dockmaster - Oscar Rivas, reporting on behalf of Steve Hodge, said that hurricane season is coming. Most
boats are double-lined already but others should be getting ready. He talked with Steve Hodge about
establishing a standard about how dry slip boats should be secured.
Membership Committee – Becky Hill reported that there are no new applications or first readings for
May. Three second readings will be done at the May Membership meeting – Herbert & Claire
Whittenbert, Michael and Maribeth Carpin, and Scott and Lynn Curtis. Three new members will be
recognized at the May Membership meeting - Richard & Stephanie Karran, Jimmy Towne and Tony
Salimeno. The Board reviewed the applications for two of the three applicants but could not locate
Jimmy Towne’s application. Becky DeVillier made a motion to approve the applications for all three.
Tom seconded. All approved.
Dry Slips – Darin O’Neal – Darin distributed the Dry Slip list and said that there are two small dry slip
spaces available but no boats to go into them now. He switched some boats around, as shown on the list,
and he added Youth Sailing’s Copasetic into slip 26. There is only one person on the waiting list now, for
a larger dry slip. Don said the Board needs to ensure that any boats coming into the dry slips are sailable
and in good condition when they arrive, which hasn’t always been the case. The Board verified that the
slip lease refers to the relevant conditions required in Section Z,2,B of our By-Laws.
Tampa Sailing Squadron
Board of Directors’ Meeting
May 4, 2015 @ 7:30 PM
Wet Slips – Gene DiNisio – No report but he distributed the Wet Slip list prior to the meeting.
Compliance Administrator – Frank Reid was not present but had sent the latest non-compliance list to the
Board ahead of the meeting. Dan that there were six people who were still non-compliant. Of those six,
two attended the Board meeting to present their cases.
The first, Darla Vegensky, indicated wanting to remain a member and said she would meet the criteria to
be compliant in order to do so. After a discussion among the Board members Don made a motion to (1)
put Darla on a temporary, 100-day slip rate at a pro-rated slip-holder rate, (2) to reinstate her once she
brings her accounts up to date and pays the membership fee again, and (3) to have Darla complete and
return a Compliance Form, meeting all the conditions to be compliant, prior to the June 1st Board meeting.
Becky seconded the motion and all approved.
The second, Larry Lowe, discussed family health issues and a demanding travel schedule as the reasons
why he hadn’t been able to attend meetings and be of service to the club. However, having heard that
we’re looking to create a database to house Squadron information in one spot, Larry volunteered to
provide service to the club by creating an Access database and serving as the administrator. Dan said
he’d put Larry in touch with the group heading the initiative. Don made a motion to give him a pass on
the four meetings, because he was otherwise in compliance. Tom seconded. All approved.
Dan said that Bruce Hoskins is on the wait list for a big boat slip so needs to remain in compliance. He’s
missing the required number of meetings. He donates product to every Regatta so is OK on service. Kent
made a motion that we give him another chance to complete the form and be compliant, understanding
what’s needed. Becky seconded the motion. All approved. The Secretary will prepare a letter to send
him to this effect, including another Compliance Form, and will run it by the Board before mailing it.
Don said John Atkins has the service, but not the meetings. The issue was tabled until the Compliance
Administrator can attend a meeting to discuss.
Don said Marshall Moore has been of service but hasn’t attended enough meetings. Pat Austin was going
to call him but had no contact info for him so couldn’t reach him. The issue was tabled until the
Compliance Administrator can attend a meeting to discuss.
Don St. Amour – The Compliance Form received showed nothing for meetings or service and so was
tabled until the Compliance Administrator can attend a meeting to discuss.
Kent said he knows that Anastasia Morano didn’t pay her membership because she sent the check to the
physical address, not the P.O. Box. Anastasia said she would resend it to the P.O. Box. She wants to move
to reinstate her membership pending receipt of the check. It was seconded by Tom and approved by all.
A meeting guest said that someone dropped out of the club after a long family illness but now wants to
get back into the Club. Dan said that if they left in good standing, reinstatement would not require their
going through the readings again, but they must pay the $428 initiation, fee plus membership fee, as
stipulated in the By-Laws. The guest asked whether there was any consideration of modifying this ByLaw and was told no.
Tampa Sailing Squadron
Board of Directors’ Meeting
May 4, 2015 @ 7:30 PM
Railway Manager – Greg Johnson said he was waiting for Dennis Brown and Steve Hodge to get back.
People are continuing to sign up to use the rail, through June 12th to date, so Dan recommended setting a
date and getting it posted in next Email Connection. Dan recommended June 30th as the close date.
Racing Fleet – Nick Lavelle said they’re back in season, with Saturday, May 9th being the date for the next
race. July 3rd and 4th is the Pajama Cup Race, and pajamas are required attire! Race details are posted on
the bulletin board and on the web site. Portsmouth Racing is the first Sunday of each month at 1 pm and
the other Sundays are practice racing for small boats at the same starting time.
Don reiterated the upcoming Commodore’s Cup details and said people are already signing up. Please
see the web site and bulletin board for details.
Women’s Sailing – Deb Doyle wasn’t present. No report.
Cruising Fleet - Chris Eggert said the Newcomer’s Cruise is in three weeks. Len Berkstresser is hosting
and asked that it be his last time, so Mike Rendas volunteered to take it over. He will be assisting Len
with this cruise. Details are posted on the board, along with a sign-up sheet. On Saturday, June 13th there
will be an overnight cruise to the Westshore Yacht Club and Marina, returning to TSS on the 14th.
Covered Dish Chair – Susan Stroud wasn’t present. No report.
IT Chair – Patricia Claytor wasn’t present. No report.
Sea Scouts - Karen Jacobi reported that the Sea Scouts Regatta took place. The kids didn’t place as well as
they’d hoped but placed first in Sunfish racing and third overall. Lots of learning took place, including
the key point that caulk must cure before going into the water! On the agenda now is their summer
cruise. They’re not going to do a grand excursion, but rather will cruise to some local areas to bring
newer kids up to speed learning how to plan for cruises.
Don passed out the Sea Scout Ship 185, Inc. Balance Sheet for March 31, 2015, which is a quarterly
requirement for the Sea Scouts. It will be posted to the bulletin board and to the web site.
USCG Auxiliary – Bob Bettinger wasn’t present. No report.
Youth Sailing – Pat Austin reported that summer classes are filling up and that Two Sea Scouts will be
ABWIG – Pat Austin reported on behalf of Len Berkstresser. She invited everyone to a Thursday, May 7th
Town Hall meeting at Century 21 Beggins at 7 pm, for some exciting news!
Pat has launched a fundraising program called Mark “Your” Marker as a personal challenge to TSS
members and the Club. As the channel dredging project comes to a close ABWIG is responsible for the
aids to navigation marking the North, South and Main channels from the Bay to our interior waterways.
If you sponsor one of these channel markers your name will be placed on a brass plate on that marker.
Tampa Sailing Squadron
Board of Directors’ Meeting
May 4, 2015 @ 7:30 PM
Members Becky DeVillier and Sally Marcinek have already donated $1,000, and their names will be on the
light at the end of the jetty going into the North Channel. Pat Austin and Melissa & Steve Nicholson are
sponsoring a piling and dayboards, but there are lots of markers left to sponsor. Names of all donors to
this post-dredging fund will be publicized, unless you wish to remain anonymous. Details are posted on
the bulletin board and on our web site. Please help ABWIG restore navigable channels into Apollo Beach!
Old Business:
Seawall Replacement - Greg Johnson had a meeting with the Finance Committee about the seawall
replacement. He contacted several companies and received bids for various options. The cheapest quote
is $30K and requires that we do all the work. The most expensive quote is $100K, to have the new
seawall installed by the company. They are still evaluating all offers and soliciting additional proposals.
Youth Sailing Sponsorship – Pat Austin. Don made a motion to award the $250 pram sponsorship
donation from TSS to Youth Sailing, as requested by letter from Youth Sailing on April 6, 2015. The
motion was seconded by Becky. All approved, and the motion passed.
SB 1548 - Tallahassee – Eric Eisele reported that this bill, which would have affected our ability to
anchor within 200 feet a person’s seawall, has been defeated, at least for now. Seven Seas Cruising
Association got involved and went to Tallahassee, along with several members of TSS, including Eric,
Sally Marcinek and Becky DeVillier, and they all spoke to the House in the morning, pleading our case.
Becky reported that only two people were allowed to speak to the Senate in the afternoon, and one of
them was our own Eric Eisele, who was put on the spot. Becky said he did a great job! The two houses
must come together before a bill can become law, and that didn’t happen, but we must remain diligent.
This issue will come up again next year, no doubt. Becky also mentioned that we must recognize and
applaud Holly Raschein, Rep. from Key Largo. She was very much the reason the bill didn’t pass.
Long Range Planning Committee – Ed Plotts distributed a Proposed Finance Committee Charter
document, which the Committee has been working on for a year. It has been recognized that TSS needs a
standing Finance Committee, to plan in advance for future budgeting for major projects. Ed asked for
Board approval to accept the Finance Committee Charter proposal, a two-page document that establishes
the criteria and outlines the responsibility for reporting, reviews and oversight of the finances of the club.
A five-member Board is needed. Becky made a motion to approve the establishment of a Finance
Committee Charter. Tom seconded. All approved.
Ed also distributed a Proposed By-Law Modifications to Establish Finance Committee document, listing
the modifications that should be made to the existing By-Laws to add an article establishing the Finance
Committee. (Although Article 7, Section 2.2 of the existing By-Laws states that the Commodore shall
appoint all committees, this initiative encompasses more than one watch by virtue of dealing with longrange planning. As such, and since it involves a change to the Treasurer’s duties, in order to become a
permanent change, as opposed to being possibly changed by the next Watch, it must be dealt with
through an update to the By-Laws.)
Tampa Sailing Squadron
Board of Directors’ Meeting
May 4, 2015 @ 7:30 PM
Ed also asked the board to approve hiring a contractor to provide assistance to the Treasurer by doing
the check writing and bookkeeping. Dan said that the average cost would be about $2400 per year, but
he wanted to hold off on a vote until after the budget is reviewed.
Rules & Regulations – Item 4 – This issue was tabled at the April 6th Board Meeting until tonight’s
meeting, giving the Board time to consider revisions that would balance the rights of both smokers and
The proposed wording from the Rules Committee was, “Smoking tobacco products is not allowed in the
clubhouse. Smoking tobacco products is not allowed on the porch when there is a TSS-sponsored event
or meeting in the clubhouse or on the porch. At other times, smoking on the porch is allowed in the
designated area, which shall be marked with a painted line, approximately 10 feet from the doorway on
the east end of the porch.”
Becky proposed compromised language that would follow the above but would strike, “in the designated
area, which shall be marked with a painted line, approximately 10 feet from the doorway,” and leave “on
the east end of the porch.
Tom proposed compromised language that would basically follow the above wording but which added
more stipulations and details. Pat Austin pointed out that, in her experience, the more complicated a rule
becomes the more difficult it is for people to understand, accept and follow.
Several people from the floor offered feedback about the topic, including the fact that for those who have
serious health issues related to second-hand smoke, including COPD and allergies, having to walk
through smoke on the porch to enter the Clubhouse denies them their right to use the Clubhouse and
porch, a right which membership affords them.
Dan proposed a third option of having no rule at all on this topic.
After much discussion by the Board Becky made a motion to approve her proposed amendment, as
“Smoking tobacco products is not allowed in the clubhouse. Smoking tobacco products is not allowed on
the porch when there is a TSS-sponsored event or meeting in the clubhouse or on the porch. At other
times, smoking on the porch is allowed on the east end of the porch.”
Kent seconded the motion and there were two against five in favor. The motion passed.
New Business:
The 2015-2016 Proposed Budget. The proposed budget was distributed by Dan, and he said that we
need to pass it at the June 1st Board meeting. Some questions were asked about various line items and
Dan provided explanations. He wants us to review it more carefully and be prepared to discuss it in
detail at the June meeting and make any modifications needed, in preparation for a vote.
Tampa Sailing Squadron
Board of Directors’ Meeting
May 4, 2015 @ 7:30 PM
Adjournment: Becky made a motion to adjourn, which was seconded by all. The Board Meeting was
adjourned at 10:17 pm.
I certify that the above minutes are a true and accurate record of the May 4, 2015 TSS Board Meeting of
the Tampa Sailing Squadron.
Sally Reid, Secretary
NOTE: Board minutes become official when approved by the Board at a Board meeting. The
version posted here is subject to revision
Appendix A
Tampa Sailing Squadron
Board of Directors’ Meeting
May 4, 2015 @ 7:30 PM
Non-Recurring Disbursements Over $100
March and April 2015
Greg Herschell
Jim Bothwell
Nick Lavelle
John Chapman
Don Swartz
TSS Youth Sailing
Barbara Gocek
TSS Youth Sailing
TSS Youth Sailing
Dennis Brown
Gregg Bindshedler
Jim Bothwell
Jim Bothwell
Bill Cullen
Susan Stroud
Cruising awards
Railway paint
Racing flags and Pajama Cup deposit
Change of Watch Dinner awards
Dolphin Cruising Club refreshments
Pavilion Extension
Change of Watch dinner
Race flags
Pavilion extension and dockmaster
Dockmaster grounds
Pavilion extension and grounds
Pavilion extension and grounds
Pavilion extension and grounds
$300 paint clean-up & new porch chairs
Covered dish dinner