Highly Rated / Super Mario Bros. Wii (Wii) (http://wii.ign.com/objects/143/14354229.html) Positives: + Utilization of new technology building on classic predecessors + Plenty of hidden areas and extras that can be achieved + A guide, after so many attempts, shows you through the level are optional + Unique items that aid you through the stages + Appearances of items are influenced by your current status (no suits appear unless vital to completion, or you’re already powered up with a mushroom) Negatives: - Selection of players not diverse enough - In multiplayer, when allies/rivals lose a life the entire screen freezes, potentially causing failure to living players Would Like: O O O O Variety of characters to choose from in multiplayer mode More consistent elements throughout gameplay More incorporation of Yoshi for puzzles More variety of mini-games to achieve useful items Thoughts: ~ Instead of duplicating the same character for multiplayer, open the choice to a wide variety of classic friends as in Mario Party for example. ~ Have a choice of the character you would like to play. First player is always defaulted to Mario, but why when there is obviously more than one person playing? The choice should be given, and then default Mario for single player. ~ Excellent incorporation of Yoshi, but should be tailored more towards the original. Yoshi leaves at the end of the level, but would be more beneficial throughout the game. Seems like a wasted element, and only in select few levels. ~ I enjoy the feedback given once a helping hand is down, but freezing the screen is a dissatisfier. Giving me sounds and the reaction of the player next to me is enough to inform me that they’ve fallen. By freezing the screen in the middle of gameplay unexpectedly has caused many unnecessary losses. ~ The best item is the penguin suit. Ability to slide on their stomachs was a great innovation to the snowy levels. With the ability to also throw snowballs and freeze enemies there was no use for the ice suit. With the penguin suit, it also aided swimming, and allowed you to reach much needed star coins. ~ Star coins were brilliantly placed throughout the boards, and adding the ability to throw enemies, or allies, to obtain them was great. First going through the game I did not think to throw something at them, so I just ended up falling off the board. Poorly Rated / Mario Party 8 (Wii) (http://wii.ign.com/objects/853/853824.html) Positives: + Mini-games were catered to the Wii Remote technology + Different difficulties so the entire family, no matter the experience, can play and have a good time together + Variety of levels that all had different goals and puzzles + Random selection of mini games, or option to play unlocked ones in an archived section + Designated spaces to aid or hurt you and other players’ progress Negatives: - No solid saving system that allows you to save your progress achieved through a map - Particular mini-games had poor reaction to Wii remote Thoughts: ~ This title deserved a lot better rating than it received from IGN.com because of the elements and replay value ~ Understand point given that it seems tailored to the Game Cube, but the minigames express a lot different with thought and incorporation put into them. Some would not have been as engaging without the Wii Remote. The game was created for engaging multiplayer experiences without delay, bringing friends and family together; this was definitely accomplished. ~ Will agree that it seemed pretty rush released because some mini-games with potential fell short with elements or response to controls. Would Like: O Ability to save anywhere on the map, or at least before a mini-game match O Choice to create new mini games to enhance replay value O Connecting to Wii Shop Channel to download newly made mini-games by others, or Nintendo Pre 1990’s / Golden Axe (Arcade and Sega Genesis) Positives: + Easy to use button control + Side-scrolling environment + Character Selection + Use of surrounding elements + Once your life is lost you get back up in the fallen spot if lives remain Negatives: - Unstable Difficulty - No gratification system - Same enemies only rendered in a different color leads to lack of originality - Repetitive attacks become boring - Once all of your lives are depleted, you have to start over at the beginning with Sega Genesis adaption instead of Arcade like where you could feed more coins into the cabinet for more lives at your fallen point Would Like: O O O O Character customization Adopting a similar system for gratification as Gamer Points with XBOX 360 Stabilizing difficulty throughout gameplay Leveling up system, or more attack choices Thoughts: ~ Having only two buttons, and a joystick for navigation, this title has no need for a tutorial. Although the buttons structure was simple, it did limit the ability to have different attacks. ~ Due to limited attacks the side-scrolling environment was the best fit. Allowed just enough to go on the screen at once, and helped the player keep track of direction. ~ Although there aren’t any varying attacks, a great element is being able to use available creatures as weapons. There is a great balance on different abilities each creature has and you can take them from the enemy and use their abilities against them. After you get or an enemy gets knocked off the creature a certain amount of times the creature runs off, and they also cower when a boss arises too, so you do not have an edge. This is a great adaptation to keep the difficulty stable. ~ Potions are a big element that makes the difficulty unstable throughout the game. How easy it was to hold all the potions until you get to the bosses. The game consistently increases enemies’ endurance to attack but being able to hoard all the potions made it too easy. A great innovation to this would be to have the bosses take all the potions in the beginning and the more you pick up throughout the stage you can have a great finishing move depending on how many potions you end up with. Multiplayer / Left 4 Dead 2 (PC – FPS) Positives: + End of level has different achievements showing your character and Steam username (online) + Different options for multiplayer online (Cooperation, versus, etc.) + Friendly fire makes for more realistic and challenging gameplay + Limited Ammunition, but ability to melee oncoming enemies while reloading or out of ammo + Safe house at the end of levels to restock on used up items + Ability to keep attacking even if fallen while waiting for help to arrive Negatives: - Poor ability to choose characters / often stuck with leftovers - Not enough selection of characters - Almost identical to original Left 4 Dead / very little variation Thoughts: ~ Designers took an easy cut-and-paste act by making a similar story with different stage elements, and only changing around characters for a sequel. ~ Great idea to have a stock of all ammo in one place available for all weapons; great for players that do not want to give up their weapon. Would Like: O To keep the original idea of survival, but allow more diverse character selections and a broader story than a cleaned up remake with a two pinned on it O Ability to attempt to free yourself from capture instead of waiting on help, but it only is a chance you will get free. Making this a risk to take by losing more health will add to the action and allow you to save yourself. Flash Game / Sim Lemonade Millionaire (Web Browser) (http://www.freeonlinegames.com/rpg-games/sim-lemonade-millionaire.html) Positives: + Ability to save progress at the end of the day + Flexibility of using resources + Ability to accelerate progress to different paces + Option to end day early + Popularity calculated based on sales and ratings + Popularity has an effect on prices + Overstock can sometimes spoil/melt Negatives: - Sometimes too easy to earn money - Too routine at times / not enough variation - No option to change character - Some useless items / filler items Would Like: O A character selection available to give a more personable experience O More consistency with progress Thoughts: ~ Great learning tool to managing money and resources ~ In the beginning you are available to travel anywhere to sell lemonade, and the only thing that changes is the price of rent. This should gradually open up the more popularity you achieve and the more you play. Population is listed at different areas, but does not show much effect to gameplay, or rate of selling lemonade. ~Customers who have a line to wait in contribute to you losing money, but the only time it is experienced is when you speed up the progress to the maximum making this an unstable element. Demand and popularity should have an effect on wait times, and give you an opportunity to utilize more of the upgraded items that are already available. Social Game / Café World (Facebook) (http://apps.facebook.com/cafeworld/index.php?ref=tab) Positives: + Cooking continues through absence + Character customization for a more engaging experience + Having the ability to add friends as neighbors + Aiding neighbors is optional to gain experience and leave tips + Ability to customize environment from purchasing items + Gratification with unlocking items, experience, and new recipes Negatives: - When returning to the game your points are frozen until action is taken - Timeframes for proceeding can be ridiculous - Leveling up sometimes has no meaning - Found times being stuck with nothing to do / loss of interest - Sound effects often delayed to action Would Like: O A way to accelerate progress O Hiring neighbors and setting a salary for their work Thoughts: ~ To encourage return for players’, points should continue even in absence. Points are added for having quick service and available seats then taken away for running out of prepared dishes or not enough seating. During absence your food is still cooking, but no one is seated and nothing is served. There should be an option to open or close your shop, so you can choose to continue progress, or just let your dishes continue to cook. ~ You select friends to be your waiters/waitresses, but they do not get an incentive, and there is a limit. When running a business, or game based on business, you should have very similar elements. The time used for cooking is realistic, but some times ridiculous when running low on things to serve. Therefore you should be able to pay rent for your building, pay your workers, and clean around your restaurant. This would add to the challenge and give a more engaging approach. Learning to manage your business, and decide when it is healthy to close if there will be an absence, or when you know you do not have time to make more dishes for new customers. Watching Someone Else Play / Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii) I sat down to observe a friends’ mother, Deann, play video games, and was amazed to see how engaged in the story and elements she was. The game was Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, and they have only had their Nintendo Wii system for a month before getting this game. They have never owned a video game system before, and they just got the hang of the included Wii Sports. She had already played through the introduction and tutorial before I had arrived, but still shaky with the controls. She was ecstatic when she learned she only needed to shake the Wii remote to attack oncoming enemies. At first she got stuck a lot with the different puzzles and mazes throughout the playing field, but kept on trying until she got astoundingly better. To see someone who looked at video games as a childish waste of time actually releasing their inner child in gameplay was eye-opening for me. Showing that video games can have a huge impact to anyone if they are given a chance. She would rather have to think critically in gameplay instead of get to bed for work the next day. About a month after watching Deann play the first time she called me and asked if I would come over and help her figure out a part she was stuck. She was determined to reveal what was up ahead in the game with enthusiasm. After about the third phone call I received for assistance, I decided to let her borrow my strategy guide for the game to help her while I was at work, and my phone could not handle any more messages. Into the next month I stopped by to see what her progress was in the game to find that her husband, Robert, had also started playing the game trying to get further than her for a while. He had less patience, but strived to get ahead of Deann. Once Robert left the room Deann let me know she beat the game, but didn’t have the heart to tell him, and she was just using the strategy guide to go back and collect whatever she may have missed throughout the first round, and she constantly assisted Robert in getting further in the game. To see how a video game brought them together in the living room more than I have seen since childhood, and working together as a team to aid each other was astonishing. The experience helps me have a convincing story to non-gamers how games can be beneficial and for everyone. Explaining that there is a game out there for all, and it will teach him or her to grow as a person. With having different elements to emerge into, or unusual stories you would not experience outside of gameplay. I cannot say that it will bring everyone together, but after seeing the impact just one game/system touched a family, I am convinced it could be an aid to a better future. Counseling is not always strong enough to bring a family together, but an engaging game just might. Now there’s a trend of calls coming from the Norris’s asking me for a new game suggestion. Reaction to Industry News / Kinect (XBOX 360 – Project Natal) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPIbGnBQcJY) Natal – E3 2009 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2qlHoxPioM) Kinect in action Positives: + Engaging physical activities for games + Full body, facial, and voice recognition + Games integrated solely for Kinect system +Potentially a way to bring families closer together as Nintendo has with the Wii console + Compatible with original XBOX 360 consoles for convenience of dedicated owners Negatives: - Realistically how many homes will have open spaces to play as advertised? - Released separate to new compatible console - Elimination of controllers forces multiple players to “jump” into action / may be a dissatisfying innovation - Limited spaces for some to play therefore not appealing for all multiple players Would Like: O Multiplayer titles allow some players to relax with conroller so more will engage and more space available in game room O Microsoft to push this technology to the limit since already taking risk to rid of controllers (Willingness to spend time and money) O Interactive educational games to utilize selection by movements Thoughts: ~ Worried household items will be broken or injuries similar to Wii remote incidents ~ Hope this is not going to be abandoned technology for games as Virtual Boy ~ Has potential to enhance players’ hand eye coordination by engaging in games with movement and on screen responses ~ Looks like Kinect is tailored more to games than assumed before in project Natal seeing a virtual world. The Milo experience seems interesting, but afraid it may become short lived like previous virtual friend attempts from other developers. TED Talks / Games Can Change the World (Lecture – Jane McGonigal) (http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/eng/jane_mcgonigal_gaming_can_make_a_better_world.html) Positives: + Comparing evolution to complex game environments + Pushing education as an example comparing average video game hours to school hours + Optimism in game world oppose to reality at times + Social relationships growing with games expressed in her actions during lecture and sense of ease relaying this message + Examples of games created that changed lives + History on games potentially helping civilization through tough times + Using game terminology to explain a realistic example tying idea together Negatives: - Observation of virtuosos of gamers due to 10,000+ hours of gameplay (Not necessarily playing the same game for 10,000+ hours) - Repetitive words tests the sincerity of the lecture - Epic meaning - Real world like a game Would Like: O More emphasis on impacted lives from games created to promote change O To have online games streaming through the mobile networks as mentioned Thoughts: ~ Would have been more engaging to non-gamer listeners if games created for change were brought up in beginning of lecture ~ Agreement that games are, “a powerful platform for change” ~ Learning potential is not only in online games ~ The demonstration of facial expression was an unnecessary element to this argument ~ Those who play games feel they are not as good at real world challenges as game challenges, but they continue to try in games while giving up in real world scenarios. ~ Answering her question, “What about games makes it impossible to feel that we cannot achieve everything?” Failing in a video game does not have an effect on your life, except the more time you spend to succeed. A lot of decisions you make throughout your life have a huge impact on your life. Video games are a way to escape from reality and have a chance to feel like they are good at something after a tough day. In games you have several chances to get better, but may not have that opportunity in real world choices. ~ Instant gratification is a huge incentive for playing games because in real world situations you are not always rewarded or praised for a great job; games never forget to reward you. ~ Using games as a reflection to real world challenges to prepare players for these challenges is a great innovation, but making the real world a game would be a disaster. Humans are competitive in nature and have varied opinions; games are needed to be separate to bring these minds together. ~ No one can be fully prepared for life challenges, but if we can incorporate basic choices, such as: education, work, and career goals into gaming we could help future generations aim to be more successful. ~ Gamers are not looking for a meaning, but a way to escape real world challenges and create their own unique experience within games. Observation / 3D Technology With 3D technology taking an approach to rule the market, I have run into a few instances that consumers are not interested. I was sitting in a regular 2D movie and the beginning previews, about two thirds, were about upcoming 3D releases. Being in the crowded theater I overheard several comments, not about the upcoming movie, but the fact that 3D was being advertised. Of course I did not catch all comments, but one in particular made me realize that we may not be ready for 3D. The comment was, “Not another 3D movie.” There is a possibility they have a child that may cost them money for the intriguing show, so they were not looking forward to it, but that was not the only comment that showed negativity towards 3D media. Later I decided to go to Best Buy to see if a lot of persons hovered over 3D TV’s specifically. Price could be a factor as well, but those interested in buying a TV went for the standard HDTV. I cannot blame others to just go to standard HD since 3D is still fairly new, but developers of 3D products may be overdoing or rolling out products too fast to jump on a trend that Is obviously not having an impact right now. As for 3D video games, I believe designers and developers should wait and see if it grows before dipping their hands into the 3D world. If there is no interest then there is no value, and if they’re not willing to buy 3D TV’s then they will not be able to experience software for it. Analyzing / Super Mario Galaxy (Wii) Positives: + Great 3D levels and challenging puzzles. + Selection of power-ups vary tremendously and incorporated in puzzles. Different suits aid you to secret areas and manipulate the difficulty in areas. +Comfortable controls to ease maneuvering player. + Unique use of Wii remote technology. (shake remote to spin, point to screen to collect items, and ability to shoot obtained items) + Incorporation of gravity in worlds and obstacles. Negatives: - Camera angles can hinder ongoing progress frustrating players - Not enough engaging elements for second player - Story repetitive and predictable / not engaging enough Thoughts: ~ A big leap from first Mario 3D platformer, Mario 64, with puzzles and worlds ~ Second player should have their opportunity to play, or have a sandbox/mini-game area for multiplayer ~ Has not pushed Wii to full potential, but on the right track Would Like: O 360 degree camera that can be controlled freely by players O Building a more unique, but familiar story, since moving in a different setting than predecessors Postmortem Report / Darksiders (Xbox 360 – Single Player only) (http://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/28795/Postmortem_Highlights_Behind_The_Scenes_o f_Darksiders.php) This was the first postmortem report that I have ever read for a video game, and I was very shocked at a lot of instances. When you are a consumer of a video game you do notice flaws when they affect gameplay, but you never realize how much goes into the industry until you read an experience. I was glad to find this report because Vigil is newer to the industry and had a lot of examples to bring up through experience of what does go wrong in the industry, especially being new to it. Reading this report aided my understanding to some of the material in this course due to proof of situations that could go wrong mentioned in our course book. Just from making teams too big, not narrowing scopes at the beginning, and poor communication resulted in wasted time and resources. The poor communication wasted a lot of time because hard work was turned into more work because of pieces not fitting together correctly. When hard work is thrown away it becomes frustrating and it is not easy working with a team with low morale. I am very glad that they were able to complete this game and make it successful. I have played it a small bit, and it is great for a beginning company but there are a lot of improvements that can be done. The great thing is that they learned from their mistakes, and hopefully will have another game soon for me to analyze! Chapter in The Art of Game Design / Chapter 8: The Game Is Made For the Player (Course Book) I chose this chapter because of the analysis within itself. I enjoyed the way that Schell divided this chapter into appealing understanding of each element for any level of reader. He kept this chapter easy to understand, and provided ample examples to aid comprehension. This chapter appealed to me the most because it emphasized the fact that women are more complicated than men. Not everyone has the same interests, especially not from sex or gender, but dissecting the differences made it more relevant. After reading this chapter, and continuing onto the other chapters, I can see where Schell attempted to make this book appealing to all ages and gender, but the “boy/man” elements seem to stick out more. It may just be since this chapter stood out to me, and I became more attentive to these aspects. Another reason this chapter reached to me is my life experiences. When I have a conversation with my guy friends, I have noticed that they usually discuss what they are going to do. When I respond I tend to bring up what I have done previously to influence my decision. At work, customer satisfaction has high importance, and I always try to keep everyone around me happy. This holds true to me when I read about nurturing elements that appeal to females according to this chapter. I try to mend my conversation around making the customer happy, and when they get off of the phone satisfied from my customer service alone, it helps me appreciate my job that much more. This entire book has given me a well-rounded look at the industry and what focus to have as I work my way up. Chapter eight alone has made me look at myself and others around me differently, but ultimately helped me understand myself even more. Reading this chapter has given me confidence in myself by comparing my achievements thus far and how they will aid me in the future. It must be the advantage of being a female! Reaction to a Game Site / Donkey Kong Country Returns (IGN.com) Positives: + Simple design and easy to use controls + Not overusing the Wii Remote technology, but allows an innovated experience + Brand new enemies, bringing a new adventure to an original title Negatives: - Variation in design from predecessors, but appears mostly cut and paste - Brand new enemies, bringing a new adventure to an original title Thoughts: ~ Would have been a better approach to design more of a Super Mario Galaxy atmosphere. Incorporating side scrolling and 3D environments ~ Donkey Kong 64 is proof that Donkey Kong could work with a 3D environment, and the Wii would allow more diversity with that world Would Like: O A combination of side-scrolling and an open world to allow more freedom, but still have the retro effect O Some of the original villains to bring back memories to retro gamers HUD / Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64/GC/Wii) (http-//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/a/a1/OcarinaOfTimeBattle) Positives: + Very informative and non-intrusive layout + Allows a quick reference to equipped items and available health/magic + Notification that does not interrupt gameplay when an alternate action is available + Ability to hide the map in the lower right-hand corner if not desired Negatives: - Although the map can be removed and viewed in the menu screen, it is still intrusive to game environment when needed Thoughts: ~ Might be more beneficial to have the Rupee count hidden until more are picked up, or some are lost. (Seems random compared to combatant elements that are at the top, then currency?) It is great to see your funds especially when your saving up for equipment, but all the time does not seem necessary. Would Like: O Quick reference to the map without pulling up the menu screen. Tutorials / Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty (PC/MAC) Positives: + Walks you through a mini-mission step by step, and introduces new elements slowly for understanding + Instruction is given in small steps and continuously throughout gameplay the more you level up and earn new abilities and units Negatives: - When gameplay is taken away from the player, even for a split second, it hinders the flow of the game Thoughts: ~ More effective than written tutorials that show you and then you lead by example Would Like: O Continuous instruction without pausing or taking over controls just to fill in instructions. O An option to skip the tutorial would be great since there are different options you can take adding to replay value. Menus / Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty (PC/MAC) Positives: + Ability to save progress within the game + Several options to restart or abort the mission instead of wasting time waiting for failure + Different menus for different points of the game altering the experience each location you move to (in-game menu caters to missions and base menus allow selection of upgrades, missions, and equipment. + When choosing an upgrade it shows you effects of the upgrade for your units and how it will aid you in mission with a video and written example enforcing your decision Negatives: - Supposed to be able to save within a checkpoint and return to gameplay at a later time, but have not successfully returned to game effortlessly Thoughts: ~ Would like a more user-friendly checkpoint system that allows you to take a break from the game and return to a certain checkpoint. (Considering some missions can take hours to complete) ~ User-friendly design that is in-line with the mood of the game, for example, the menus are designed like a selection from a computer instead of just a script. Would Like: O A master menu that combines all of the menus in one instead of having to run around the different areas at the base and run into the same atmosphere if no more mission have been completed since the last purchase. This would allow players to choose a one-stop shop and continue with the missions without traveling to different areas. Feedback System / Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty (PC/MAC) The feedback system in Starcraft II is a huge improvement from the original title. In the first Starcraft your reward was moving one step closer to the end of the game. Each level that you entered you started ground up with leveling up your buildings and units. This brought frustrating, and time consuming gameplay because of repetition of building up your army. In this sequel you have more than just one mission to choose from allowing players to have a choice. The choice you make determines the new addition to your team you may achieve or how many points you will receive by completing the mission. This creates a better experience, so if you get stuck on a mission you can just move onto another one and go back later after you cool down from frustration. Also few instances give you a choice between what race to team up with, and your choice is incorporated in the story and obtainable research points to learn new abilities. Research points are collected in different missions. This adds to the story, and special abilities your team can learn along the way. The more research from extra goals in each mission the more reward. On top of that you get points (money) just for completing the main objectives, which allows you to hire help, or upgrade your abilities. Button Mapping / Prince of Persia: Sands of Time (XBOX and Playstation 2) Positives: + Comfortable layout of controls to create seamless gameplay with Xbox controller + Commands and reaction time is excellent from controller to screen and feedback is rewarding for successful completion of tasks with both controls + Using the joystick for navigation of camera with the right stick, and moving the player with the left was simple to get used to (allowed a consistent flow of movement and freedom of view through the game) Negatives: - Certain ledges you cannot wall run until you are right at the edge causing difficulty and inconsistency (supposed to be able to wall run by approaching the wall at an angle) - While attacking, certain moves are delayed toward certain enemies hindering progress in the game at times Thoughts: ~ Xbox controls were the most comfortable for this title since the setting was like a playground. The triggers allow a more natural transition in wall runs and crouching. ~ The Playstation 2 controller for this title was uncomfortable and inconsistent with placement. Having to strain your index finger to wall run and press the button that hardly gives was uncomfortable. This hindered levels that had a time crunch to complete tasks. Would Like: O More flow and variation between a wall run and just running up the wall head on; at some points you were unsuccessful at a wall run when you approached it at the angle explained in the tutorial. O Continued to be catered toward the Xbox style of controller since the triggers allow a better experience. Dominant Strategy / Sim Lemonade Millionaire (Analysis) (http://www.freeonlinegames.com/rpg-games/sim-lemonade-millionaire.html) The dominant strategy that I found in this game was staying at the cheapest rent, only adjusting my recipe depending on predicted weather for the next day, and slowly raising my lemonade prices as popularity increased. I kept the speed at medium so I would not create a dissatisfying line for my customers, and did not waste money on worthless items that do not aid progress. I always maxed out my supplies, but used less ice on cloudy days since it is not as hot and customers responded in a positive way. By staying at the cheapest rent I got the same amount of customers as an expensive location, but more profit but no additional expense. This made the game extremely easy and after a while boring. Positives: + Once found, it is easier to earn more money in less time (the goal is to make the most money you can selling lemonade) Negatives: - Game becomes repetitive and boring because there is no more challenge since the only goal was to make money Thoughts: ~ This title would benefit a more solid goal other than just making money. Creating a goal of money to make to unlock new places to sell similar to Cake Mania, for example, or creating a chain of lemonade stands from popularity. ~ Instead of having all of the different locations already available, and just set at different prices, there should be levels to increase and your revenue could potentially be greater gradually. Would Like: O A solid goal other than just making money for selling lemonade. More items that actually serve a purpose would help. Currently popularity does not make a difference for which area you choose to sell, you can just raise your lemonade prices, but that doesn’t affect your number of customers. There needs to be more of a purpose, or continuous pace. O Allowing a gradual progression to different locations would allow milestone goals and a reward for the player to potentially have more customers and higher prices. This approach would eliminate the dominant strategy because the challenge will continue with you going to new places as you become more popular. Only allowing the player to go back to dominated areas once all locations have been unlocked. A Bug Found in a Game / Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty (Response) When you achieve the Odin, you are allowed to use this machine in certain levels. To control him you must left-click the unit, right-click allows you to choose his destination, and you if you lead him to an enemy he will attack. The unit should only get close enough for the range of attack to hit the enemy. When you select Odin and target an enemy he walks all over the enemy without attacking, causing lost time to do damage. The only way to correct this is to select the enemy again, or move Odin to a different location close enough to the enemy for him to attack. Positives: + Forces the player to keep an eye on this unit to make sure he is doing as directed Negatives: - Loss of precious attack time, and causes unit to take on unnecessary damage Thoughts: ~ I have not experienced this with any other unit as of yet, but this makes Odin seem like a last minute addition that has some holes to clear out. Would Like: O More precision with attacking, and allowing him to automatically approach enemies that are within a certain distance. Game Balance / Final Fantasy X (PS2) I believe that Square Soft did a great job performing game balance in this title because there were simulation to real-life emotion that allowed you to feel connected to the in-game world, and there were a mixture of interesting situations that you did not see coming bringing an unpredictable setting. By creating these experiences they showed incorporation of the asymmetrical aspect of design especially with the freelance atmosphere that incorporated hidden areas and secret items to explore. Bringing players closer to a fantasy world that will give them an experience they may not face, or be ready for in the real world. Enemies were also involved in the balance by making different elementals and weaknesses that certain party members would triumph allowing you to have a use for your entire party in a strategic way. Another element to give the players an edge when they are stuck in an area were the Aeons that allowed you to summon and aid your battle against a tougher enemy or even a boss. The story was not the only thing that kept this game alive, but the reward system as well kept the balance going. The further you got the equipment and items would evolve to your skill so you would not hoard useless items. Later you can combine items to make them stronger and more beneficial if you are stuck with older ones. Final Fantasy X is definitely one of the most wellrounded titles that I have played when it comes to balanced elements, gameplay, and story. Controller Feel / Principles of Virtual Sensation handout (Response) While playing video games I do not usually pay much attention to the controls after I have become accustomed to them. After reading this handout I have a better understanding as to why. All I understood before was I knew where the buttons were so I had no reason to look down and double check. I did not realize that it was not even the controller that I was used to it was me being submersed into the gameplay itself. Although I may know what is going on in the game in result of me pressing buttons, it is more like I am in control with my mind because the controls are non-existent. After reading I have not looked at controls the same. I have pointed out times that it becomes relatively boring, wishing there was novelty available in certain areas to allow room for difficult, or just innovative touches. Even while driving I’ll think about examples when driving becomes a challenge, or when it may become repetitive. My examples come from gravel, wet roads from rain, potholes, and dry roads. Still there are different things like tire pressure, tire traction, etc. so there is plenty of room for innovation in video games to give them a realistic touch with new controls. Pioneers! O Pioneers! / handout (Response) First reading this poem I did not understand the tone, but once I watched the recording on YouTube the image came together. It was not until I read Seth’s article in response to the Levi commercial that I felt like I had an understanding to the poem and the link to their commercial. Pioneers! O Pioneers! is a great experience to this class, and I understand why it was presented in the beginning because the analysis is so in depth that it really impacts the audience. The entire time I sat to listen to the poem with the right tone I was in a trance. The imagery was so precise I felt like I was in the setting that was presented. By sitting back and just analyzing the world around you really helps gain a better understanding of overlooked occurrences. Catching every little detail and relaying it in a powerful way to an audience will help others understand. Just like with development teams, do not have a team too big or communication will be too difficult, you don’t want a concept too big. You want to break it down into the tiniest detail to have a complete analysis. Non-Video Game / (PC/MAC) (Secondlife.com) Second Life is a virtual world where you have the ability to create your own objects and landscapes. There is no particular goal throughout the game, but it is a great experience for people who are creative and want the tools needed to create a game world. I have only played this game a few times since a friend introduced it to me and I thought about it being a virtual game world. It did not hold my interest for long other than the scripting and building items with professional like tools. After looking more into the world it is better off allowing people to show off their creativity and having no goals. Most of the people that seem interested in Second Life enjoy it being a non-game, so they can expand their skills instead of being challenged with set goals. DICE 2010: "Design Outside the Box" Presentation. (Lecture) (http://g4tv.com/videos/44277/DICE-2010-Design-Outside-the-Box-Presentation/) In this video, Schell makes great observations of things that are often overlooked. Facebook started out as a competitor to Myspace, another social-networking site, and blew up to compete with online games. I’ve heard people wanting to log on to Facebook, not to update their status, but to check on their garden in Farmville. It has become so much more than just a way to connect with friends and family, but some have learned to connect with themselves as well. Working for a cell phone company has been an eye opener for me because recently customers have asked me for recommendations on cell phones that will allow them to play games on Facebook. These same customers are the ones that called the month before stating that they don’t play games from their phone, so their bill shouldn’t be higher. Without realizing it, the accessibility to different applications and technology is taking over our lives rapidly. Some people have connected with themselves through games and social networking just by incorporating it into their daily routine. Looking back at their status updates to see how they express their emotion or actions throughout the day. I’ve seen friends become better at expressing themselves in a matter of months just by communicating more just about themselves and responding to others. For future games, some questions that should be asked are: why do you enjoy playing these games? What drives you to return to these games? And work on a concept surrounding player desire to create better experiences. Of course everyone has a different opinion, and not everyone will be happy, but we would be able to evolve different ideas for others to try. Zynga took the feedback of players to smooth out the edges, and mold the game to their actions, then branched out to different games like Café World, Mafia Wars, etc. With several people playing these titles and updating their status with achievements, or what would make it better, is their Beta Testing. The players feel better about gratification from their friends and family commenting on their achievements by the end of the day, which is a lot better than a computer telling you “good job.” This is where the marketing aspect comes in. Banners everywhere on sites people already visit. Friends and family are turned into the biggest influence. Consequently, I tried Farmville only because my mom was actually enjoying a videogame, and some may get hooked to games this way as well. Reference: G4 TV. (18 February 2010) DICE 2010: "Design Outside the Box" Presentation. Retrieved on 28 July 2010, from http://g4tv.com/videos/44277/DICE-2010-DesignOutside-the-Box-Presentation/ http://zynga.org/ http://www.zynga.com/about DDA / Lessons Learned (Thought) This assignment has definitely developed my mind to look past the outside, and try to determine what could make experience better not only in games, but even throughout life. I know that I have a different outlook then a lot of people, especially my age, but I feel like this class has also helped me grow as a person. I even look at my daily activities at my job differently, and how my internship is preparing me to work as a team. I have started to look more in depth on what I can do to get the most out of daily habits, and what could be done differently to give me a better experience at work. I certainly have a lot more learning and development to do to have the analysis down packed, but I am very pleased with the information that I have obtained from this course. This class has also helped me realize that it is not just about the grades, grades are still very important, but it is all about the experience and what was learned. This has by far been the most challenging class I have had but I am very pleased with the course materials and feedback. I am going to continue to work on analyzing games, but not take away from the experience. The only way to improve is to continue to learn and practice. I will definitely make sure that if there are any other questions I have in the future, that I will continue to ask. Final Entry / Self Analysis After re-reading my initial posts I realized that I spent a lot of time just grazing the surface, and not really digging deep into the gameplay. A big impact to my learning experience was each chapter I got further in the course book; my posts progressively got better. The assignments and videos included in this course fed my understanding as well, but I think the biggest impact was feedback and the consistent progression of the book. Reading my newer posts after revisiting the original posts has helped me understand how much I have gained from this course, and what I still need to work on. I am still nowhere near a professional, but that is what this entire degree is preparing me for and I have certainly improved from the beginning of this course. My posts in the beginning were like a wave, going back and forth from irrelevant in-game elements to skimming great opportunities. Now my newer posts seem to be more consistent and to the point. Taking every new angle that I skipped over before. I’ve learned to point out the details no matter how small because even those are impacting. By reading the course book I have learned about the alternate light designers go through, and how a lot of things can easily be overlooked but spotted by our audience. After this course I can really start to believe that “I am a game designer!”