Representation, Reapportionment & Redistricting

& Redistricting
• Senators
– 6 years
– Selected by state legislatures
– 17th Amendment, 1913: Direct election
• Members of House of Representatives
– 2 years
– Directly elected by people
• When the federal government reallocates seats
among the states after the decennial census
Gains and losses due to 2000
• Gains
CA (+1)
AZ (+2)
CO (+1)
FL (+2)
GA (+2)
NV (+1)
TX (+2)
• Losses
CT (-1)
NY (-2)
IL (-1)
IN (-1)
MI (-1)
OH (-1)
OK (-1)
PA (-2)
WI (-1)
• When states redraw congressional district
boundaries after decennial census
• Wesberry v. Sanders (1964)
– Each district must have equal population
What criteria should states use in
deciding where to draw
district lines?
• Each district must have three people.
• Men and women care about different political outcomes.
Men will vote for men. Women will vote for women. How
many women will be elected in the current plan?
• Try to maximize the number of women elected.
• In addition, flip flop wearers will only vote for flip flop
wearers, and vice versa. How many flip flop wearers will
be elected in the current plan.
• Flip-flop wearers have been the subject of discrimination.
Try to get them as much representation as possible.
Conflicting Values
Contiguity of boundaries (requirement)
Equal population (requirement)
Keeping together communities of interest
Protecting interests of racial minorities
Partisan gerrymandering
Incumbent protection
Maximizing competition
Write a short essay discussing what constitutes good
representation, in your mind. What characteristics of
a representative would make you feel like he or she
should do a good job representing you and your
interests? What behavior should a good representative
engage in? When, if ever, should a representative put
his constituents’ interests aside and think of the
greater good?
You will turn this essay in for participation credit.
Values associated with representation
• Looking like me, having my background
– “Symbolic representation”
• Rep. uses own judgment to act on my behalf
– “Representative-as-delegate”
• Doing exactly what I would do
– “Representative as agent”
• Communication with me