
Protein Synthesis
5.1 I can explain the steps in the process of transcription, along with
where they take place (this includes the role of DNA and mRNA)
5.2 I can explain the steps in the process of translation, along with where
they take place (this includes the role of mRNA, tRNA, ribosomes (rRNA),
and amino acids)
5.3 I can list the three different types of RNA and describe the function of
5.4 I can describe at least three differences between DNA and RNA.
5.5 I can label the following items in pictures of transcription and
DNA sense strand, DNA nonsense strand, RNA polymerase, mRNA
strand, ribosome, start codon, stop codon, amino acid,
polypeptide chain (protein), tRNA, anti-codon, peptide bond
5.6 I can describe at least three different types of mutations in DNA, and
their possible effects on the organism.
I can explain the steps in the process of
transcription, along with where they take place
(this includes the role of DNA and mRNA)
Every cell faces a
fundamental problem
when making proteins.
 The instructions for
making the proteins
are in the nucleus on
the DNA.
 The location for
making proteins is
outside the nucleus at
the ribosomes.
 The
first part of the
solution is a
process called…
 First, an
enzyme called RNA polymerase
attaches to DNA at the beginning of a gene.
 The enzyme “unzips” the double helix strand
and begins to “read” the instructions, coded in
the sequence of the letters A, T, C, and G.
 As
the enzyme reads the DNA code, it copies it
by attaching complementary RNA nucleotides.
 The result is a strand of mRNA (messenger
RNA) which carries the instructions for making
a protein.
RNA polymerase
mRNA strand
RNA nucleotide
 Well, we’re
making a copy of the DNA,
and the DNA can be found where?
• In the nucleus.
 The
DNA can’t leave the nucleus for two
• It’s too large to get through the pores, and it’s too
precious to send it out into the cytoplasm where
digestive enzymes could break off pieces of it.
 …it
leaves the nucleus to go take the
DNA’s message to a ribosome where the
protein will be made.
 So
mRNA solves the problem of getting
the information from the nucleus to the
 Now
to make the protein!!
I can explain the steps in the process of translation,
along with where they take place (this includes
the role of mRNA, tRNA, ribosomes (rRNA), and
amino acids)
 The
cell has another problem. It has to
take the “language” of nucleic acids
(DNA/RNA) and turn it into the language
of amino acids (protein).
 So it needs a translator…
…otherwise known as the ribosome!
 First, the
mRNA threads into the
ribosome, until the “start codon” – AUG,
reaches the P site in the ribosome.
 Next, the
ribosome brings in a tRNA (transfer
 On one end of the tRNA is an anti-codon that is
complementary to the codon on the mRNA.
 On the other end of the tRNA is an amino acid.
tRNA also binds at the A site. A peptide bond
forms between the two amino acids, connecting
them together.
 Then the tRNA in the P site leaves (leaving
behind its amino acid), and the ribosome
moves to the next codon. The process continues
this way until it reaches a stop codon.
 Once
the ribosome reaches a stop codon,
everything detaches.
 The protein finishes its production by folding a
certain way so that it can do its job.
 The ribosome will make another protein.
 The mRNA gets recycled by digestive enzymes in
the cytoplasm.
 The tRNA will pick up more of their amino acids
to help build another protein.
I can list the three different types of RNA
and describe the function of each.
mRNA (messenger RNA) – carries the
message of the DNA from the nucleus to
the ribosome; created during
tRNA (transfer RNA) – transfers amino
acids to the growing chain of amino acids
in the ribosome during translation.
rRNA (ribosomal RNA) – what ribosomes
are made of.
I can describe at least three differences
between DNA and RNA.
• Double-stranded
• Single-stranded
• Deoxyribose is the sugar
• Ribose is the sugar
• G, C, A, and T are the
• G, C, A, and U are the
• Very long
• Much smaller (one gene)
I can label the following items in pictures of
transcription and translation:
DNA sense strand, DNA nonsense strand, RNA
polymerase, mRNA strand, ribosome, start
codon, stop codon, amino acid, polypeptide
chain (protein), tRNA, anti-codon, peptide
DNA nonsense
DNA sense
mRNA strand
Amino acid
Stop codon
I can describe at least three different
types of mutations in DNA, and their
possible effects on the organism.
 There
are two main categories of
mutations that we discuss:
 Chromosomal mutations, which involve
changes in whole genes on a
chromosome (we will look at these next
 Gene mutations, which involve changes
in parts of genes.
 There
are two main types of gene
mutations: point mutations, and
frameshift mutations.
 A point mutation is when one base is
switched out for another base. It only
affects that one amino acid in the
 A frameshift mutation is when one base
is deleted or added, which shifts all the
bases after it, affecting all of the amino
acids in the sequence after the mutation.
 Let’s
say the following sentence is a gene,
and each word in the sentence is a codon
(even though the words have more than
three letters):
Biology students are really nice
 For
a point mutation, one base is
switched for another base.
Biology students ate really nice people.
 We
changed the “r” in are to a “t.”
 As you can see, only one word was
 However, the whole meaning of the
sentence has changed.
 Look
at your codon chart. Is every amino
acid coded for by one codon?
 No! There are repeats, right?
 So if we changed the last base of the codon,
sometimes it would still code for the same
amino acid.
 If this is the case, is there any change in the
 No – we call it a silent mutation because
there was no effect on the organism.
 In
an addition mutation, one base is
repeated. So we will add one letter twice.
Biology students sar enic epeopl e.
 We
put in an additional “s” after
 Now, every word (or codon) after the
addition is affected because every base
afterward is shifted down one.
 In
a deletion mutation, one base is
deleted from the sequence.
Biology studenta ren icep eople.
 We
deleted the “s” at the end of students.
 Now, it shifts all the bases afterward up
 Effects
of mutations can be minor, or
severe. They can be beneficial, harmful,
or as we’ve seen, neutral.
 It’s hard to discuss which type is “worse”
than others, because while frameshifts
render the entire protein useless and
may appear worse at a glance, point
mutations can be equally devastating.
 Let’s take a look at one such case.