ww.wti.org.in Follow @wti_org_india on Twitter VISION A secure natural heritage of India Mission To conserve wildlife and its habitat and to work for the welfare of individual wild animals in partnership with communities and government Our Work • Emergency Relief and Rehabilitation • Habitat Recovery & Securement • Human - Wildlife Conflict • Policy, Enforcement & Legal action • Conservation surveys & species recovery • Social & Community Development • Awareness Campaigns for Conservation • Sandeep et al (Ecol Evol. 2013 January; 3(1): 48–60) in their study on tiger DNA found the highest rates of contemporary gene flow in populations that are connected by forest corridors thus underlining the importance of tiger connectivity The 45,000 km2 Satpuda Maikal landscape contains 17% of India's tiger population and 12% of tiger habitat WTI initiatives for conservation of tiger landscape in Central India • Biological studies - Japan Tiger and Elephant Fund (JTEF) International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW). • Working with communities - Ecosystem Alliance & JTEF • Policy advocacy - IFAW • Legal assistance - JTEF & IFAW • Training and Equipping (Forest department staff ) – IFAW & EA Central India Tiger Landscape Conservation Programme Working with communities to conserve wildlife In Nagzira Nawegaon Corridor, Gondia Nagzira Nawegaon Corridor Project Objectives • Prioritization of 89 villages for corridor securement. • Reduce fragmentation & degradation in critical areas of Nagzira Nawegaon connectivity corridor. • Improve quality of life of the communities. • Capacity building of local villagers. Objective-1 Prioritization of 89 villages Villages classified into three categories - Priority I, II and III to reduce their dependence on the forest. • Priority I – 15 • Priority II - 13 • Priority III – 26 Total – 54 villages Objective-1 Participatory Situational Analysis (PSA) and Natural Resource Mapping (NRM) The priority I villages of corridor are distributed in three tehsils of dist Gondia. JTEF •Sadak Arjuni – 7 • Deori – 5 • Goregaon - 3 EA • The dominant community in the Priority I villages are the Gond’s, Halbi, Mahar (ST) followed by Puwar, Teli (OBC) and Demar’s (NT). Land holdings are not large, usually between 0.5 -3 acres (2.5 acres = 1 hectare). No. of H.Holds Land holdings 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 • Average land holding in Maharashtra is 1.46 acre (2005-06) • Small & Marginal farmers – 80% www.stirringthepyramid.wordpress.com No land 0.5 -3 acre 4-5 acre 6 & above • Livestock grazing and fuel wood - mostly from the forests. • Existing Forest Management bodies – • seven Joint Forest Management (JFM) Committees (under FD) • four Van Sanrakshan Samiti (Forest Conservation Committee under village Panchayat) • three Van Haq Samiti ( Forest Rights Committee under village Panchayat) • three villages don’t have a body. Peoples Forest Management Bodies JFM 3 7 3 Van Sanrakshan samiti Van Haak samiti 4 without body NTFP’s • Most Common- Mahua Madhuca Indica and Tendu Diospyrus melanoxylon • Collection of Mahua is controlled by the state excise department. • Making of leaf plates. • The Burad communities - livelihood by making bamboo mats NTFP market survey • Demand and supply gap. • MNREGA and its affect • Tribal Development Corporation (TDC) - Managing natural resources, not in their agenda. Objective-1 Management needs of PA • Interaction with the PA managers and management plans of the PA’s. • Capacity building • Sustainable collection methods • Livelihood • Awareness and education • Community support in conservation • Actions initiated aligned with the management requirements of the PA’s. PSA + NRM (15 villages) PA Management Plans Interview- PA Managers NTFP Mkt survey Demand & Supply gap Lac- highest economical value Followed by Chironji & Mahua Dependency on Single crop- Paddy Mahua – most common resource Small Landholdings Livelihood- agriculture and casual labor Unsustainable Harvesting methods Sustainable Harvesting Practices Reducing extraction Pressure Conservation Action Plan Fuelwood & Grazing Poaching & Smuggling of Resources Conservation Action Plan Corridor fragmentation & Degradation Unsustainable practices Infrastructure Planning Objectives- 2 & 3 Reduce fragmentation & degradation of corridor and increase quality of living of the communities Activity • Providing Improved Cook Stoves • Biogas – Deenbandhu model • Capacity building of 16 villagers of Jhambalapani for making cook stoves (5 -12th Oct.12). Comparison of fuel wood consumption in traditional and improved cook stoves. Monthly Consumption of fuel wood in Jhambalapani (Pre & Post) Kilogram 2500.0 2000.0 2254.4 1787.5 1500.0 1803.9 1266.2 1000.0 Pre Post 500.0 0.0 Small Large • 30% decrease in fuel wood consumption. • To popularize the impact of improved cook stoves twenty schools and aanganbadi are also being provided these cook stoves. • Of these four are community cook stove models, for students above 40 and upto 300. Objective- 4 Capacity building of local villagers for biodiversity conservation and strengthening of local bodies (SHG, FRA, BMC, JFM). Activities • Manual in local language on sustainable harvesting of forest resources Objective- 4. Sensitization of forest management bodies • BMC formed in Murdholi Gram Panchayat (5 villages) • Forest Rights Act (FRA) & Joint Forest Management (JFM) Committee. Objective- 4. Training on sustainable use and value addition of forest resources • Training on Sustainable collection of forest produce – 20 trainees (7 – 9 Feb.13) • Training on value addition of forest produce - 17 trainees (14 – 16 March.13) Centre of Science for Villages (CSV), Wardha. Objective- 4. • Formation and support to SHG. Objective- 4 Training and equipping Frontline forest Staff • 160 frontline forest staff were trained and provided basic equipments for protection of the PA’s. ( 22 – 30 Sept.13) Objective- 5 Fragmentation in critical areas of NN corridor retarded Activity • Declaration of Tiger Reserve The Nagzira Nawegaon tiger reserve proposal was cleared in October 2013 by the state cabinet. Objective- 5. Plantation of fruit and shelter trees • We have included the childrens of all the fifteen Priority I villages and schools for planting local tree species. • 524 tree saplings were planted this year, which are adopted by the children. • Reward on plant survival to childrens and schools after one year. Objective- 5. Awareness Programmes • Film shows were held during the Durga Pooja festival in villages. Other activities Training on Improved Agriculture • Training on Improved Agriculture was done with Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Gondia. • 12th July 2012 and 2nd May.13 • 2012- Two villagers did trial plots • 2013- One new farmer joins with one previous farmer • Demonstration area increases from 4 acres (2012) to 6 acre (2013) Other activities Fodder plantation • Plantation of 50 shoots of “Jaywant phule” a variety of Pennisetum purpureum (Napier) was done in one plot in Jhambalapani. • After three months gives 10 kg of fodder. • Ready for harvesting in 20 days. • Per cattle daily feed required= 10 kg. Other activities Solar fencing Proposed • 5 km solar fencing of Jhamblapani • Cost escalation • Unwillingness of villagers for management Solution ? Achievements • Proposal for declaration of Tiger Reserve – Oct.13 • Acceptance of cook stoves and word of mouth publicity on the benefits • Formation of the first village BMC and initiation of PBR in the district • Confidence that NTFP can be value added for livelihood option Above all • It’s not government scheme • No translocation • Trust building Comments from the visit by Keystone Foundation • More advocacy work with the local and state government for this project can be done, to dovetail some of the activities into welfare schemes. Some of the programmes are welfare schemes but not seriously implemented and monitored. • Building a good rapport and relationship is more important than the activities of the project. Acceptance of the new cook stoves by the villagers through its increasing use. • Need to increase the sensitivity of implementation. People coming forward with their queries and guidance. • Careful follow up is being done of the chulha in every family. To know the use patterns , effectiveness of new cook stoves • Cost and maintenance of solar fence is a big question. Incidences of crop raiding and their frequency need to be studied. We are dropping the activity (with due permission from EA). Alternate model is suggested Grain for Grain. • Fodder and agricultural related activities may not be successful in this kind of area. Fodder activity to be stopped as not practical. Agriculture participation. is seeing increasing • Possibilities to work through the FRA. Interaction meeting held with forest department, more possibilities are being explored. • Softer approaches like knowledge, education, information/resource centres, interpretation centres for the PA, promotional material, etc. Awareness programmes held in Priority I villages and promotional materials under development on Sustainable harvesting and general awareness. Future Plan • Expanding the initiatives to other priority villages • Cook stove • Sustainable harvesting practices • Value addition and market linkage of natural resources • Exploring bee keeping and honey as viable livelihood option • Exploring the possibility of improving skills of bamboo workers and economic viability to curb illegal bamboo extraction from forests. • Supporting the livestock improvement programme with govt & other ngo’s. • Increasing the Awareness Programmes to all the 89 corridor villages • Developing documentaries in local language on sustainable harvesting practices and conservation. • Exposure visits to nearby areas where communities are managing and protecting the natural resources. Our sincere thanks to The Ecosystem Alliance especially Both Ends and Keystone Foundation And also Japan Tiger and Elephant Fund (JTEF) International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW)