Lecture 10 - The University of Texas at Dallas


Digital Forensics

Dr. Bhavani Thuraisingham

The University of Texas at Dallas

Network and Application Forensics

September 28, 2011

Network Forensics

 Network Forensics


Network Attacks


Security Measures


Network Forensics and Tools


Types of Networks


Other info

 Summary/Conclusion and Links

 Special presentation of network forensic

 http://www.infragard.net/library/congress_05/computer_foren sics/network_primer.pdf

Network Attacks

 Denial of service

Denial of service attacks cause the service or program to cease functioning or prevent others from making use of the service or program.

 These may be performed at the network layer by sending carefully crafted and malicious datagrams that cause network connections to fail.

 They may also be performed at the application layer, where carefully crafted application commands are given to a program that cause it to become extremely busy or stop functioning.

 Preventing suspicious network traffic from reaching hosts and preventing suspicious program commands and requests are the best ways of minimizing the risk of a denial of service attack.

 It is useful to know the details of the attack method, so you should educate yourself about each new attack as it gets publicized.

Network Attacks

 Spoofing

This type of attack causes a host or application to mimic the actions of another.

 Typically the attacker pretends to be an innocent host by following IP addresses in network packets.

 For example, a well-documented exploit of the BSD rlogin service can use this method to mimic a TCP connection from another host by guessing TCP sequence numbers.

 To protect against this type of attack, verify the authenticity of datagrams and commands.

 Prevent datagram routing with invalid source addresses. Introduce unpredictablility into connection control mechanisms, such as TCP sequence numbers and the allocation of dynamic port addresses .

Network Attacks

 Eavesdropping

This is the simplest type of attack.

 A host is configured to "listen" to and capture data not belonging to it.

Carefully written eavesdropping programs can take usernames and passwords from user login network connections.

 Broadcast networks like Ethernet are especially vulnerable to this type of attack.

 To protect against this type of threat, avoid use of broadcast network technologies and enforce the use of data encryption.

 IP firewalling is very useful in preventing or reducing unauthorized access, network layer denial of service, and IP spoofing attacks.

 It not very useful in avoiding exploitation of weaknesses in network services or programs and eavesdropping.

Securing a Network

 Need measures to secure a network and prevent breaches

 Apply patches; User a layered network defense strategy

 NSA (National Security Agency) ahs developed DiD Defense in Depth) and has three models of protection


People, Technology, Operations


People: Employees are trained well


Technology: Strong network architecture and testing tools


Operations: applying security patches, anti-virus software, etc.

Network Security Mechanisms

 Network security starts from authenticating any user, most likely a username and a password.

 Once authenticated, a stateful firewall enforces access policies such as what services are allowed to be accessed by the network users

 Though effective to prevent unauthorized access, this component fails to check potentially harmful contents such as computer worms being transmitted over the network.

 An intrusion prevention system (IPS) helps detect and prevent such malware. IPS also monitors for suspicious network traffic for contents, volume and anomalies to protect the network from attacks such as denial of service.

 Communication between two hosts using the network could be encrypted to maintain privacy.

 Individual events occurring on the network could be tracked for audit purposes and for a later high level analysis .

Network Security Mechanisms

 Honeypots , essentially decoy network-accessible resources, could be deployed in a network as surveillance and earlywarning tools.

 Techniques used by the attackers that attempt to compromise these decoy resources are studied during and after an attack to keep an eye on new exploitation techniques.

 Such analysis could be used to further tighten security of the actual network being protected by the honeypot

 Some tools: Firewall, Antivirus software and Internet Security

Software. For authentication , use strong passwords and change it on a bi-weekly/monthly basis. When using a wireless connection, use a robust password. Network analyzer to monitor and analyze the network.

Network Forensics

 What is Network Forensics?

http://searchsecurity.techtarget.com/sDefinition/0,,sid14_ gci859579,00.html

 Network Forensics Analysis

 Relationship to Honeynets/Honeypots

 Policies for Networks Forensics

 Example Prototype System

 Some Popular Networks Forensics Analysis Tools (NFAT)

What is Network Forensics

 Network forensics is the process of capturing information that moves over a network and trying to make sense of it in some kind of forensics capacity.


Network forensics is the capture, recording, and analysis of network events in order to discover the source of security attacks or other problem incidents.

 A network forensics appliance is a device that automates this process.

 Wireless forensics is the process of capturing information that moves over a wireless network and trying to make sense of it in some kind of forensics capacity.

What is Network Forensics?

 Network forensics systems can be one of two kinds:


"Catch-it-as-you-can" systems, in which all packet s passing through a certain traffic point are captured and written to storage with analysis being done subsequently in batch mode. This approach requires large amounts of storage, usually involving a RAID system.


"Stop, look and listen" systems, in which each packet is analyzed in a rudimentary way in memory and only certain information saved for future analysis. This approach requires less storage but may require a faster processor to keep up with incoming traffic.

What is Network Forensics

 Network Forensics is the process of collecting and analyzing raw network data and then tracking network traffic to determine how an attack took place

 When intruders break into a network they leave a trail. Need to spot variations in network traffic; detect anomalies

 Network forensics can usually help to determine whether network has been attacked or there is a user error

 Examiners must establish standards procedures to carry out forensics

Network Analysis

 Find analysis techniques developed for one type of network and apply it to another type of network

 Types of networks


Computer and Communication Networks


Telecommunication Network


Transportation networks

 Highways, Railroad, Air Traffic


Human networks

 Terror networks, Relationship networks

Network Forensics Analysis Tools (NFAT):

Relationships between IDS, Firewalls and NFAT

 IDS attempts to detect activity that violates an organization’s security policy by implementing a set of rules describing preconfigures patterns of interest

 Firewall allows or disallows traffic to or from specific networks, machine addresses and port numbers

 NFAT synergizes with IDSs and Firewalls.


Preserves long term record of network traffic


Allows quick analysis of trouble spots identified by IDSs and Firewalls

 NFATs must do the following:


Capture network traffic


Analyze network traffic according to user needs


Allow system users discover useful and interesting things about the analyzed traffic

NFAT Tasks

 Traffic Capture


What is the policy?


What is the traffic of interest?




Collect packets: tcpdump

 Traffic Analysis


Sessionizing captured traffic (organize)


Protocol Parsing and analysis

 Check for strings, use expert systems for analysis

 Interacting with NFAT


Appropriate user interfaces, reports, examine large quantities of information and make it manageable

Network Forensics: NetworkMiner

 NetworkMiner is a Network Forensic Analysis Tool (NFAT) for


 NetworkMiner can be used as a passive network sniffer /packet capturing tool in order to detect operating systems, sessions, hostnames, open ports etc. without putting any traffic on the network.

 The purpose of NetworkMiner is to collect data (such as forensic evidence) about hosts on the network rather than to collect data regarding the traffic on the network.

 The main view is host centric (information grouped per host) rather than packet centric (information showed as a list of packets/frames).


 Network Forensics and honeynet systems have the same features of collecting information about computer misuses

 Honeynet system can lure attackers and gain information about new types of intrusions

 Network forensics systems analyze and reconstruct he attack behaviors

 These two systems integrated together build a active self learning and response system to profile the intrusion behavior features and investigate the original source of the attack.

Honeynet project

 Honeynet project was established to make information about network attacks and solutions widely available

 Objectives: Awareness, information, tools

 Attacks: distributed Denial of Service, Zero day attacks

 Honeypot is a computer set up to lure attackers

 Honeywalls are computers set up to monitor what is happening to the honeypots in the network

Policies: Computer Attack Taxonomy

 Probing


Attackers reconnaissance


Attackers create a profile of an organization's structure, network capabilities and content, security posture


Attacker finds the targets and devices plans to circumvent the security mechanism

 Penetration


Exploit System Configuration errors and vulnerabilities


Install Trojans, record passwords, delete files, etc.

 Cover tracks


Configure event logging to a previous state


Clear event logs and hide files

Policies to enhance forensics

 Retaining information

 Planning the response

 Training

 Accelerating the investigation

 Preventing anonymous activities

 Protect the evidence

Example Prototype System: Iowa State University

 Network Forensics Analysis mechanisms should meet the following:


Short response times; User friendly interfaces

 Questions addresses


How likely is a specific host relevant to the attack? What is the role the host played in the attack? How strong are two hosts connected to the attack?

 Features of the prototype


Preprocessing mechanism to reduce redundancy in intrusion alerts


Graph model for presenting and interacting with th3 evidence


Hierarchical reasoning framework for automated inference of attack group identification

Example Prototype System: Modules

 Evidence collection module

 Evidence preprocessing module

 Attack knowledge base

 Assets knowledge base

 Evidence graph generation module

 Attack reasoning module

 Analyst interface module

 Reference

 http://delivery.acm.org/10.1145/1420000/1410238/a4wang.pdf?key1=1410238&key2=9838895521&coll=GUIDE&dl=


 https://www.dfrws.org/2005/proceedings/wang_evidencegrap hs.pdf

Network Tools

 Network Forensics tools help in the monitoring of the network

 Example: the records that Ps tools generate can prove that an employee ran a program without permission

 Can also monitor machines/processes that may be harmful

 Problem is the attacker can get administrator rights and start using the tools

 Chapter 11 discusses tools for Windows and Linux

Some Popular Tools

Raytheon’s SilentRunner


Gives administrators help as they attempt to protect their company’s assets


Collector, Analyzer and Visualize Modules

Sandstorm Enterprise’s NetIntercept


Hardware appliance focused on capturing network traffic

Niksun’s NetDetector


Its an appliance like NetIntercept


Has an alerting mechanism


Integrates with Cicso IDS for a complete forensic analysis

Network Forensics: Open Source Tools

 Open source tools










NetworkMiner is an open source Network Forensics Tool available at SourceForge .


Xplico is an Internet/IP Traffic Decoder (NFAT). Protocols supported: HTTP, SIP, FTP, IMAP, POP, SMTP, TCP, UDP,

IPv4, IPv6

Network Forensics: Commercial Tools

 Deep Analysis Tools (data mining based tools)




ManTech International Corporation


Network Instruments


NIKSUN's NetDetector




Sandstorm's NetIntercept


Mera Systems NetBeholder


InfoWatch Traffic Monitor

Network Forensics: Commercial Tools

 Flow-Based Systems


Arbor Networks


GraniteEdge Networks


Lancope http://www.lancope.com/


Mazu Networks http://www.mazunetworks.com/

 Hybrid Systems


These systems combine flow analysis, deep analysis, and security event monitoring and reporting.


Q1 Labs http://www.q1labs.com/

Performing Live Acquisitions

 Insert bootable forensics CD in the suspect system

 Keep a log of all the actions

 Send collected information to a network drive

 Copy the physical memory

 Determine if root kit is present; access system’s firmware, - -

 Get forensics hash value of all files

Performing Live Acquisitions: Windows

 Setup NetCat listener to send the forensics data

 Load Helix CD in the CD-ROM drive

 Click appropriate buttons – System Information; Glad arrow etc

 Click Acquire Live Image if Widows System

 Connect to NetCat listener to send the collected data (e.g., enter IP address of NetCat listener)

 Click Incidence Response Tools

 Click on appropriate tools to collect data

Standard procedures

 Standard installation image, hash schemes (e.g., MD5, SHA-1)

 Fix vulnerabilities if intrusion is detected

 Retrieve volatile data (RAM, processes)

 Acquire compromised drive and make forensics image of it

 Compare forensics image and standard image and determine if anything has changed

Network Logs

 Network logs record traffic in and out of network

 Network servers, routers, firewalls record activities and events that move through them

 One ways is to run Tcpdump

 When viewing network log, port information can give clues about suspicious activity

 Use network analysis tool

Packet Sniffers

 Devices or software to monitor (sniff) traffic

 TCP/IP sniffers operate at the Packet level; in OSI operates at the Layer 2 or 3 level (e.g. Data link or Network layers)

 Some sniffers perform packet captures, some perform analysis and some perform both

 Tools exist for examining (i) packets with certain flags set (ii) email headers (iii) IRC chats


 Network Forensics is the process of collecting and analyzing raw network data and then tracking network traffic to determine how an attack took place

 Layered defense strategies to the network architecture

 Live acquisitions are needed to retrieve volatile items

 Standard procedure are needed to establish how to proceed after a network attack occurs

 By monitoring network traffic can establish normal operations; then determine if there is an anomaly

 Network tools used to monitor networks; but intruders can get admin rights to attack from the inside

 Tools are available for monitoring network traffic for both

Windows and Linux systems

 Honeynet project enables people to learn latest intrusion techniques


 https://www.dfrws.org/2005/proceedings/wang_evidencegraphs.pdf

 http://www.cs.fsu.edu/~yasinsac/Papers/MY01.pdf

 http://www.sandstorm.net/support/netintercept/downloads/niieee.pdf

 http://www.giac.org/certified_professionals/practicals/gsec/2478.php

 http://www.infragard.net/library/congress_05/computer_forensics/net work_primer.pdf

 http://dfrws.org/2003/presentations/Brief-Casey.pdf

 http://delivery.acm.org/10.1145/1070000/1066749/p302ren.pdf?key1=1066749&key2=0512850911&coll=GUIDE&dl=GUIDE&C


 http://dfrws.org/

Application Forensics

 Email Forensics


UTD work on Email worm detection - revisited


Mobile System Forensics


Note: Other Application/systems related forensics

 Database forensics, Network forensics (already discussed)

 Military Forensics Overview

 Optional paper to read:


Email Forensics

 Email Investigations

 Client/Server roles

 Email crimes and violations

 Email servers

 Email forensics tools

Email Investigations

 Types of email investigations


Emails have worms and viruses – suspicious emails


Checking emails in a crime – homicide

 Types of suspicious emails


Phishing emails i- they are in HTML format and redirect to suspicious web sites


Nigerian scam


Spoofing emails

Client/Server Roles

 Client-Server architecture

 Email servers runs the email server programs – example

Microsoft Exchange Server

 Email runs the client program – example Outlook

 Identitication/authntictaion is used for client to access the server

 Intranet/Internet email servers


Intranet – local environment


Internet – public: example: yahoo, hotmail etc.

Email Crimes and Violations

 Goal is to determine who is behind the crime such as who sent the email

 Steps to email forensics


Examine email message


Copy email message – also forward email


View and examine email header: tools available for outlook and other email clients


Examine additional files such as address books


Trace the message using various Internet tools


Examine network logs (netflow analysis)

 Note: UTD Netflow tools SCRUB are in SourceForge

Email Servers

 Need to work with the network administrator on how to retrieve messages from the server

 Understand how the server records and handles the messages

 How are the email logs created and stored

 How are deleted email messages handled by the server? Are copies of the messages still kept?

 Chapter 12 discussed email servers by UNIX, Microsoft,


Email Forensics Tools

 Several tools for Outlook Express, Eudora Exchange, Lotus notes

 Tools for log analysis, recovering deleted emails,

 Examples:


AccessData FTK







Worm Detection: Introduction

What are worms?


Self-replicating program; Exploits software vulnerability on a victim;

Remotely infects other victims

Evil worms


Severe effect; Code Red epidemic cost $2.6 Billion

Goals of worm detection


Real-time detection



Substantial Volume of Identical Traffic, Random Probing

Methods for worm detection


Count number of sources/destinations; Count number of failed connection attempts

Worm Types


Email worms, Instant Messaging worms, Internet worms, IRC worms, Filesharing Networks worms

Automatic signature generation possible


EarlyBird System (S. Singh -UCSD); Autograph (H. Ah-Kim - CMU)

Email Worm Detection using Data Mining

Task: given some training instances of both

“normal” and “viral” emails, induce a hypothesis to detect “viral” emails.

We used:

Naïve Bayes




The Model

Test data

Feature extraction




Training data

Clean or Infected ?


Features are based on outgoing emails.

Different users have different “normal” behaviour.

 Analysis should be per-user basis.

 Two groups of features


Per email (#of attachments, HTML in body, text/binary attachments)


Per window (mean words in body, variable words in subject)

Total of 24 features identified

Goal: Identify “normal” and “viral” emails based on these features

Feature sets


Per email features

 Binary valued Features

Presence of HTML; script tags/attributes; embedded images; hyperlinks;

Presence of binary, text attachments; MIME types of file attachments

Continuous-valued Features

Number of attachments; Number of words/characters in the subject and body


Per window features

 Number of emails sent; Number of unique email recipients;

Number of unique sender addresses; Average number of words/characters per subject, body; average word length:;

Variance in number of words/characters per subject, body;

Variance in word length

 Ratio of emails with attachments

Data Mining Approach

Test instance

Test instance


Classifier infected


Naïve Bayes








Data set

Collected from UC Berkeley.


Contains instances for both normal and viral emails.

Six worm types:

bagle.f, bubbleboy, mydoom.m,

mydoom.u, netsky.d, sobig.f

Originally Six sets of data:

training instances: normal (400) + five worms (5x200)

testing instances: normal (1200) + the sixth worm (200)

Problem: Not balanced, no cross validation reported

Solution: re-arrange the data and apply cross-validation

Our Implementation and Analysis

 Implementation

Naïve Bayes: Assume “Normal” distribution of numeric and real data; smoothing applied


SVM: with the parameter settings: one-class SVM with the radial basis function using “gamma” = 0.015 and “nu” = 0.1.

 Analysis


NB alone performs better than other techniques


SVM alone also performs better if parameters are set correctly

mydoom.m and VBS.Bubbleboy data set are not sufficient (very low detection accuracy in all classifiers)


The feature-based approach seems to be useful only when we have identified the relevant features gathered enough training data

Implement classifiers with best parameter settings

Mobile Device/System Forensics

 Mobile device forensics overview

 Acquisition procedures

 Summary

Mobile Device Forensics Overview

 What is stored in cell phones


Incoming/outgoing/missed calls


Text messages


Short messages


Instant messaging logs


Web pages






Address books


Music files


Voice records

Mobile Phones

 Multiple generations


Analog, Digital personal communications, Third generations (increased bandwidth and other features)

 Digital networks


CDMA, GSM, TDMA, - - -

 Proprietary OSs

 SIM Cards (Subscriber Identity Module)


Identifies the subscriber to the network


Stores personal information, addresses books, etc.

 PDAs (Personal digital assistant)


Combines mobile phone and laptop technologies

Acquisition procedures

 Mobile devices have volatile memory, so need to retrieve RAM before losing power

 Isolate device from incoming signals


Store the device in a special bag


Need to carry out forensics in a special lab (e.g., SAIAL)

 Examine the following


Internal memory, SIM card, other external memory cards,

System server, also may need information from service provider to determine location of the person who made the call

Mobile Forensics Tools

 Reads SIM Card files

 Analyze file content (text messages etc.)

 Recovers deleted messages

 Manages PIN codes

 Generates reports

 Archives files with MD5, SHA-1 hash values

 Exports data to files

 Supports international character sets

Information Warfare

 Information Warfare


Defensive Strategies for Government and Industry


Military Tactics


Terrorism and Information Warfare


Tactics of Private Corporations


Future IW strategies


Surveillance Tools


The Victims of Information Warfare

 Military Forensics

 Relevant Papers

What is Information Warfare?

 Information warfare is the use and management of information in pursuit of a competitive advantage over an opponent. Information warfare may involve collection of tactical information, assurance that one's own information is valid, spreading of propaganda or disinformation to demoralize the enemy and the public, undermining the quality of opposing force information and denial of information collection opportunities to opposing forces.

 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Information_warfare

Defensive Strategies for Government and


 Are US and Foreign governments prepared for Information



According to John Vacca, US will be most affected with

60% of the world’s computing power


Stealing sensitive information as well as critical, information to cripple an economy (e.g., financial information)

 What have industry groups done


IT-SAC: Information Technology Information Sharing and


 Will strategic diplomacy help with Information Warfare?

 Educating the end user is critical according to John Vacca

Defensive Strategies for Government and


 What are International organizations?


Think Tanks and Research agencies


Book cites several countries from Belarus to Taiwan engaged in Economic Espionage and Information Warfare

 Risk-based analysis

 Military alliances


Coalition forces – US, UK, Canada, Australia have regular meetings on Information Warfare

 Legal implications

 Strong parallels between National Security and Cyber


Military Tactics

 Supporting Technologies


Agents, XML, Human Computer Interaction

 Military tactics


Planning, Security, Intelligence

 Tools


Offensive Ruinous IW tools

 Launching massive distributed denial of service attacks


Offensive Containment IW tools

 Operations security, Military deception, Psychological operations, Electronic warfare (use electromagnetic energy), Targeting: Disable enemy's C2 (c0mmand and control) system and capability

Military Tactics

 Tools (continued)


Defensive Preventive IW Tools

 Monitor networks


Defensive Ruinous IW tools

 Information operations


Defensive Responsive Containment IW tools

 Handle hacking, viruses.

 Other aspects


Dealing with sustained terrorist IW tactics, Dealing with random terrorist IW tactics

Terrorism and Information Warfare

 Terrorists are using the web to carry out terrorism activities

 What are the profiles of terrorists? Are they computer literate?

 Hacker controlled tanks, planes and warships

 Is there a Cyber underground network?

 What are their tools?


Information weapons, HERF gun (high power radio energy at an electronic target), Electromagnetic pulse. Electric power disruptive technologies

 Why are they hard to track down?


Need super forensics tools

Tactics of Private Corporations

 Defensive tactics


Open course intelligence, Gather business intelligence

 Offensive tactics


Packet sniffing, Trojan horse etc.

 Prevention tactics


Security techniques such as encryption

 Survival tactics


Forensics tools

Future IW Tactics

 Electromagnetic bomb


Technology, targeting and delivery

 Improved conventional method


Virus, worms, trap doors, Trojan horse

 Global positioning systems

 Nanotechnology developments


Nano bombs

Surveillance Tools

 Data emanating from sensors:


Video data, surveillance data


Data has to be analyzed


Monitoring suspicious events

 Data mining


Determining events/activities that are abnormal

 Biometrics technologies

 Privacy is a concern

Victims of Information Warfare

 Loss of money and funds

 Loss of shelter, food and water

 Spread of disease

 Identity theft

 Privacy violations

 Death and destruction

 Note: Computers can be hacked to loose money and identity; computers can be used to commit a crime resulting in death and destruction

Military Forensics

 CFX-2000: Computer Forencis Experiment 2000


Information Directorate (AFRL) partnership with



Hypothesis: possible to determine the motives, intent, targets, sophistication, identity and location of cyber terrorists by deploying an integrated forensics analysis framework


Tools included commercial products and research prototypes




Digital Forensics

Dr. Bhavani Thuraisingham

The University of Texas at Dallas


Social Network Analysis and Forensics

October 8, 2010
