Chapter Eighteen - Cengage Learning




Money, Banking, and Credit

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Learning Objectives








Identify the functions and characteristics of money

Summarize how the Federal Reserve System regulates the money supply in order to maintain a healthy economy

Describe the organizations involved in the banking industry

Identify the services provided by financial institutions

Understand how financial institutions are changing to meet the needs of domestic and international customers

Explain how deposit insurance protects customers

Discuss the importance of credit and credit management

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The Great Recession

 Be prepared to discuss the Great Recession , the most recent severe global economic recession

• How severe was it?

• What triggered the wave in foreclosures?

• Why did so many people and businesses have to file for bankruptcy?

• Why is borrowing money more difficult in a recession?

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What Is Money?


• Barter System

• Money

• Consumer Price Index

• Purchasing Power

Know the Functions of Money

• Medium of Exchange

• Measure of Value

• Store of Value

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Characteristics of Money

 Know the key Characteristics of Money

• Divisibility

• Portability

• Stability

• Durability

• Difficulty of


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The Supply of Money: M1 and M2


• Demand Deposit

• Time Deposit

What are the two Main Measures of the Supply of Money ? Be able to contrast them

• M1

• M2

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The Federal Reserve System

Be prepared to explain what The Federal Reserve

System is and what it does

What was the Fed’s response to the most recent economic crisis?

How does the Fed regulate Reserve Requirements and make more or less required reserves ?

How does the Fed regulate the Discount Rate ?

• Why is it important to regulate the discount rate?

What is involved in the Fed’s Open Market Operations ?

What other responsibilities does the Fed have?

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The American Banking Industry

 Define

• Commercial Bank

National Bank

State Bank

• Savings and Loan Associations (S&Ls)

• Credit Unions

• Mutual Savings Banks

• Insurance Companies

• Pension Funds

• Brokerage Firms

• Finance Companies

• Investment Banking Firms

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Careers in Banking

 Know the traits of successful bankers

• Honesty

• Ability to interact with people

• Strong background in accounting

• Appreciation for the banking-finance relationship

• Basic computer skills

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Services Provided by Financial Institutions

Be familiar with Traditional Services Provided by

Financial Institutions

• Checking Accounts


NOW Accounts

Savings Accounts

Passbook Savings Account

Certificate of Deposit (CD)

Short- and Long-Term Loans

Line of Credit

Revolving Credit Agreement


• Credit-Card versus Debit Card Transactions

What are some Electronic Services and International

Services provided by financial institutions?

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Changes to the Banking Industry

 Be prepared to discuss Anticipated Changes in the Banking Industry

• What global events and trends have changed and are changing the banking industry?


Economic Cycle


Consumer Demands

Regulatory Issues

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Online and International Banking

Know the advantages and disadvantages of Online


Define Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) System

• How has this system changed how banks do business?

Automated Teller Machines (ATMs)

Automated Clearinghouses (ACHs)

Point-of-Sale (POS) Terminals

Electronic Check Conversion (ECC)

Know the popular methods of paying for Import and

Export Transactions

• Letter of Credit

• Banker’s Acceptance

• Currency Exchange

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 Define and give a brief history and overview of

• Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation


• National Credit Union Association (NCUA)

 How much is each FDIC or NCUA account insured to?

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Effective Credit Management


• Credit

• Borrower

• Lender

Be prepared to discuss how Individuals and

Businesses can get money/loans from a bank after a credit crisis

Know the Five Cs of Credit Management

• Character

• Capacity

• Capital

• Collateral

• Conditions

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Checking Credit Information

Know some reliable Credit Information Sources regarding Businesses and Individuals

Be prepared to explain the Fair Credit Reporting


What is the Credit Card Act of 2009 ?

How are the Fair Credit Reporting Act and the

Credit Card Act of 2009 different?

• What are they designed to do?

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Sound Collection Procedures

Be prepared to discuss Sound Collection


What are effective Collection Techniques ?

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