Turner Syndrome

Turner Syndrome
By: Liz Fleischer
Period 3
How is it inherited?
 Only affects females
 Caused by the complete or partial
absence of one of the two X
 Researchers haven’t determined
which genes on the X
chromosome cause most signs
and symptoms of Turner
 Ranges in severity
– Minor cosmetic issues
– Major heart defects
 Almost all have short stature and loss
of ovarian function.
 Some other symptoms of Turner
syndrome can include problems with
breast development, infertility, short
fingers and toes, and kidney problems.
 1 in 2,500 girls have this disorder
Examples of Cosmetic
 They have a normal life span
 Turner syndrome is a condition
that is caused by a chromosomal
abnormality, so no specific cure
– Scientists have developed a
number of treatments that can
help correct some of the
problems associated with the
condition such as growth
problems. Usually diagnosed at
brith or around puberty.
The Family
 This is a syndrome in which the
victim is not directly effected
socially, but the family will have
to deal with the victim usually not
being able to reproduce and they
also will have to deal with the fact
that the victim will die at a
relatively young age
What I Have Learned
Throughout my researching I
have learned that genetic
disorders are dangerous and
seriously risky when families
have new children. I have also
learned numerous facts about
Turner Syndrome.
 http://genetics.emedtv.com/turner-
 http://kidshealth.org/teen/diseases_con
 http://genetics.emedtv.com/turnersyndrome/prognosis-for-turnersyndrome.html