Role of the People unit lesson plans2

UNIT: Role of the People. The government of the United States protects
the freedoms of its people and provides opportunities for citizens to participate
in the political process.
Monday 12/10
Introduction to new unit
1. Pages 530-531 Eleanor Roosevelt quote and You Can Make a Difference
2. Content Statement 16 Elaborations Lecture
3. Political Dictionary chapters 19 & 20
Tuesday 12/11
1. DVD on the Bill of Rights
2. CS 16 Assignment Rubric
3. Textbook article page 545 Religious Freedom in a Diverse Nation
a. Do you believe the 1st Amendment right to freedom of religion is as important
today as it was when the Bill of Rights was written?
b. The United States was much less diverse in 1789 when the 1st Amendment was
written. How do you believe it should be worded today to reflect our diversity as
a nation?
c. Answer #1-3
4. Political Dictionary chapters 19 & 20
Wednesday 12/12
1. Textbook article page 554 Patriot Act
a. Answer #1-2 on page 554
b. How might the Patriot Act affect freedom of speech and the press?
c. Does the Patriot Act harm or help preserve our civil liberties?
2. Instructional Strategies
a. Use library newspapers and magazines
b. Pictures, cartoons and images with explanatory captions
c. Class period collage on computer paper / Collage title is Role of the People
3. Page 561 #31-32 & #34-35
4. Political Dictionary chapters 19 & 20
Friday 12/14
1. LIBRARY work on assignment from CS 16
2. Political Dictionary chapters 19 & 20
Monday 12/17
1. Content Elaborations Lecture
2. Instructional Strategies
3. Chapter 21 Political Dictionary
Tuesday 12/18
1. Page 600 article Equality in Sports
a. Answer #1-2
b. What do you think would happen to men’s and women’s sports if Title IX were
c. What is your opinion of Title IX? For or against and on what grounds?
2. Timeline pages 604-605
a. Read and answer #1-2
3. Chapter 21 Political Dictionary
Wednesday 12/19
1. Page 607 article Breaking Down Barriers
a. Answer #1-4
b. What was Governor Faubus’s reasoning for blocking the integration?
c. What was President Eisenhower’s reasoning for ordering U.S. Army protection?
2. DVD and written analysis
3. Page 619 article May Public Universities Consider Race in Admissions?
a. Explain the purpose of the 1964 Civil Rights Act
b. Define affirmative action
c. Explain the main criticisms of affirmative action
d. Answer #2 on page 619
e. Read the Supreme Court decision summary on page 801
Friday 12/21
Unit Test
1. CS 17 Assignment due
2. Role of the People Unit Test