Semester Project Guidelines

FDREL 325 – Doctrine and Covenants
Instructor: Shawn Dorman
Winter Semester 2011
This project will consist of three steps: 1) identifying an area of discipleship or gospel living that needs
improvement in your life; 2) discovering and applying truths from the second half of the Doctrine and
Covenants that will assist you in making your desired improvement; and 3) evaluating your progress
through a series of reports that detail your growth experienced, your changes made, and your blessings
received as a result of your faithfully applying key principles from the second half of the Doctrine and
Step 1 (Semester Project Proposal): Review Matthew 19:16-22 and ask yourself, “What lack I yet?”
Submit a 500-word response to this question, identifying one significant way in which you would like to
improve your discipleship. Without being too personal, explain the change in your life that you would
like to make, why you feel the need to make this change now, and how you believe that you (and others)
will benefit by your successfully making this change. Conclude your response by quoting a scripture or
a line of a hymn that will serve to inspire you as you go forth to “strengthen your feeble knees.”
Step 2 (Principle Identification & Application): Throughout the semester, as you read the Doctrine and
Covenants, identify key principles that will assist you in making the change or improvement that is the
focus of your semester project. As you discover these principles, apply them in specific ways that will
help you succeed in your efforts to steadily change for the better. Each preparation assessment that you
complete before class is designed to help you focus on principle identification and principle application.
Question #1 on each preparation assessment asks (among other things) if you have identified truths from
your assigned readings that you can apply to your semester project. Question #2 reminds you of the
Savior’s role in your project, and question #3 prompts you to “liken the scriptures” to your project.
Question #4 asks you to discuss commentary from the student manual that relates to your project, and
question #5 invites you to apply what you have learned in a specific way so as to help you succeed in
accomplishing your project. (See “Sample Preparation Assessment” below.)
Step 3 (Progress Evaluation): At three different times during the semester, you will be invited to submit
a report of the progress you are making relative to the change or improvement you desire. The first two
reports should be at least 500 words in length. The third report should be at least 1000 words in length.
Each report should contain a discussion of three things: (1) scriptures from the Doctrine and Covenants
that have been helpful to you in your efforts to change or improve; (2) specific efforts you have made to
bring about the change or improvement you desire; and (3) an honest assessment of the progress you
have made in achieving your desired change or improvement (i.e., How have you grown? How you
have improved as a disciple of Christ? How you have been blessed as a result of your efforts to apply
eternal truths?). In your final report, you will be asked to elaborate on what you have learned about the
process of conversion, the price of discipleship, and the various ways in which the Savior can bring
about “mighty changes” in the lives of all who exercise faith in Him and obey His teachings.
FDREL 325 – Doctrine and Covenants
Instructor: Shawn Dorman
Winter Semester 2011
Name: Wanna B. Humble
Reading Assignment: D&C 111-115
Yes or No
Class Section: 15
“I am prepared to learn and teach by the Spirit in class today because I have done
all of the following:
-- arrived at class on time and in compliance with the BYU-I dress and grooming standards;
-- arrived at class having taken care of all potentially distracting or disruptive needs so as to
prevent my having to attend to such needs during class time;
-- arrived at class having turned off and put away all personal electronic devices (i.e., laptop
computers, cell phones, texting devices, iPods, Palm Pilots, etc.);
-- arrived at class with a determination to participate actively in the learning activities;
-- completed the assigned readings prior to and in preparation for class today;
-- identified truths from today’s reading assignment that I can apply to my semester project;
-- brought my scriptures to use in class today.”
2– Scripture from the assigned readings that increases your faith in the Savior: D&C 112:3
In your own words, what does this scripture teach?
The Lord forgives and “exalts” those who
sincerely humble and “abase” themselves before Him.
Why is it important for you to remember this?
Pride has caused me to make some pretty foolish
mistakes in my life. Rather than despair over these choices, however, I must remember that the Lord
will mercifully forgive and “exalt” me as I humbly turn to Him and sincerely repent of my sins.
3– Scripture from the assigned readings that best applies to your semester project: D&C 112:10
In your own words, what principle does this scripture teach?
If I am truly humble, God will lead me
by the hand, give me answers to my prayers, and provide the guidance I need.
How does this principle relate to your semester project?
I cannot expect the Lord to provide inspired
guidance in my life if I am being prideful. I must make a greater effort to “abase” myself, call upon the
Lord in humility, and do His will in all things.
4– Commentary from the student manual that applies to your semester project: Harold B. Lee, p. 280
(author, p. #)
Please explain:
President Lee shared an experience of how a young man boastfully accepted a
calling to a high position in the Church. It was said of this young man that when he resorted to
boasting, he was “all alone.” I must remember that pride offends the Spirit and produces loneliness.
5– Based on your readings for today, what is one specific thing that you will “go and do” differently so
as to bring about the change or improvement in your discipleship that you are seeking this semester?
I will choose to be humble by offering a prayer of gratitude to the Lord each morning as I begin my day.
(NOTE: If you answered “Yes” to question #1, you may receive up to 10 points for this assessment. If
you answered “No” to question #1, you may receive up to 5 points for this assessment.)