SL. No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Title The Indian Penal Code Value added tax & rules Business ethics in islam Athor Ratanlal & Dhiraylal Quantity 6 Md.Mahburur Rahman 7 Mushtaq ahmed 16 Law of sale of goods and hire purchase Principles of civil litigation:BD perspective Development and principles of international humanitarian law Income tax ordinance 1984 International Law Nari-o-Shisu Nirjaton Daman Ain 2000 Lectures on Administrative Law Muslim Ain-1st Part LAbour And Industrial Law of BD Outlines of the Muhammadan Law Human right issue & international Law Codification Islamic law of Nations Law of tort & consumer protection Human Rights in contemporary international law The Indian evidence act ,1872 The Supreme court of BD(AD) rules,1988 সুদ নিনিদ্ধ(পানিস্তাি সুপ্রীম কিার্টের ঐনিহানসি রায়) ভূ নম আইি ও আর্লাচিা Gift tax act Avtar Singh 3 Ishrat azim ahmed & Md. Ershadul karim 5 Jean Pictel 8 Md.mahbubur rahman 6 Barrister Harunur Rashid Md. Mahbubur Rahman 4 3 2 C.K Takwani M.Habibur Rahman Nirmalendu Dhar 4 5 Asaf A.A Fyzee 6 Muhammad Zamir 10 Amin ahsan Islahi 4 B.M Gandhi 3 A.B.M Mufizul islam 3 K.K singh & H.P Gupta 3 Supreme court of BD 5 নিচারপনি মাা্ওলািা মুহাম্মদ িিী ওসমািী 6 ড.কমা িূরুল হি 9 Md. Mahbubur Rahman 23 Remark 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. & rules,1990 Intellectual property Law Jurisprudence and comparative legal theory Principles of Marketing Cost Accounting Marketing management Health Economics Intermediate English Grammar Refining composition Skills Strategic marketing আমার সিযিথি Service marketing Ethics in Business & Management Growth or Stagnation ইসলার্ম মি প্রিার্ে স্বাধীিিা ইসলার্মর মিনিিয পদ্ধনি আধুনিি যুগ ইসলানম কিীেল ও িমেসূনচ কদে সমাজ রাজিীনি Accounting Principles (8th) Business statistics International Business Management Banjgla Academy English- Bangli Dictionary Industrial Relations theory And practice Business Statistics Human resource management P. Narayanan 5 Dr. Hamidudin Khan 19 Kotler/Armstong 1 Hongren/Foster/datar Kotler/Keller 1 1 Senterre/neun Raymond Murphy 1 8 Raginal L.smalley 5 David W. cravens/Nigel F.piercy ইানিরা গান্ধী Lovelock/Wirtz/chattergy Abul hasan M. Sadeq/Khaliq Ahmad University press Ltd. 2 কমাহাম্মদ হানেম িামানল 3 ড.ত্বাহা জানির আলওয়ািী 8 ড.ইউসুফ আলওয়ািী 8 োহ আিদুল হান্নাি Weygandt/kieso/kimmel 2 2 J.K. Sharma John D. Daniels 1 1 Stephen p. Robinns/Mary Coulter Zillur Rahman Siddique 1 Michael salamon 2 S.P. Gupta/M.P. Gupta Garry dessler 3 1 4 3 2 4 2 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. Financial management policy Management Human resource management Management Islamic perspective Human resource management Human resource management Accounting Principles(7th) Accounting Principles(5th) Advertising Management The code of civil procedure,1908 Civil litigation in Bangladesh The Bangladesh labour code,2006 Black’s law dictionary The law of the deep sea bd Constitution of U.S.A Principles of cyber law অপরাধ নিজ্ঞাি Management from Islamic perspective আর রানহকুল মাখিু ম ইসলার্ম হালাল ও হারার্মর নিধাি The legal system of BD Environmental policy Law Crime & the internet Partnership Act,1932 History of western philosophy িু লিামূলি আইি কজরার িলার্িীেল কদওয়ািী আদালি James C. van.horne 2 Heinz weihrich John.P.wilson 1 3 Dr.Md.Loqman 1 Decenzo/robins 1 Robert L. Mathis/John H. Jackson Wegandt/Kieso/Kimmel 1 Wegandt/Kieso/Kimmel 2 Rajev Bat ra/John G.Myers/David A.Aker Ministry of law & justice 1 Dr. Rafiqur Rahman 3 Md. Abdul Hamil/masum saifur rahman Bryan A. Garner 2 1 6 1 2 M. Habibur Rahman M.A Malik Prof. Md. Borhan Uddin 6 3 অধযি কমা:আলিাফ কহার্সি Khaliq Ahmed 3 4 আল্লামা ছনফউর রহমাি আল্লামা ইউসুফ আল িারযািীর MD. Abdul Halim 5 14 Thomas J. swhoen baum H. Rosenberg D.S. Wall Md. Shafiqul Islam Bertrand Russell 3 ড. নমজািুর রহমাি িাসুর্দি গাঙ্গলু অধযাপি ড.আলিাফ কহার্সি 2 2 4 3 5 3 3 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. আইি,1887 Civil procedure code Indian legal history Selected poems Selected poems Understanding poetry Tenneson (selected poetry) Death of salesman Homer Song of myself Office 2000 Fundamentals of database system Beginning java 2 Actions scripts programming Advanced unix-A programmer’s guide Higher Algebra (terminology & theory of number) Mahomedan Law রাসার্য়ল ও মাসার্য়ল Mercantile law Environmental law ইসলামী সমাজ নিপ্লর্ির ধারা BD labour & indusrial law নিজ্ঞাি ও প্রযুনির্ি দৃনিভনঙ্গ ও অিুেীলর্ির ইসলামায়ি The road of makkah Al-Alwani Legal system of islam Islamic law & constitution Cyber law in inda Cyber law in Bd নরয়াদুস সার্লহীি(14) Siddiqur Rahman miah M.P. jain W.H. Auden John Keats Cleanth Brooks,JR 3 3 18 13 4 W.E.Williams 17 Miller Jasper Griffin Walt Whitman Stephen L. Nelson Elmasri & Navathe 18 4 25 6 7 Ivor Horton Robert Reinhardt 5 8 Stephen prata 9 Shahidullah & bhattacharjee 5 M. Hidayatullah & Arshad Hidayatulalh সাইর্য়দ আিুল আলা মওদুদী M.C. Shukla Rogers সাইর্য়দ কুিু ি উনিি 5 M.A.A. Khan 1 এম এ কি কলাদী সম্পানদি 3 M. asad 2 Shaykh Taha jabir Md. Amar ali Khan Sayyad abul ala maududi & Khurshid alam Dr. Farooq ahmed Dr. Zulfiqur Rahman আিদুল মান্নাি িানলি 10 5 1 10 2 2 2 2 2 8 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. The contract act,1872 The law of international institutions(4th) আর্ন্েজানিি সংগঠর্ির রুপর্রখা আর্ন্েজানিি সংগঠি International business(12th) Variant reafings of the quran আমার্দর সংস্কৃ নি নিচার নিিয় ও চযার্লঞ্জসমূহ িারী ও িাস্তিিা Delinquency & human nature A thematic commentary on the Quran Vol-2 Mastering visual basic-6 Complete guide to Microsoft office 2000 Animal farm Tradition & the individual talent Selected poetry A preface to keats The zoo story The literature of the U.S Elements of English rhetoric and prosody Writing easy about literature Medieval literature Manager’s toolkit Computational geometry Doctor faustur Sophocles Socrates to sartre Paradise lort Autobiography of Government printing 14 D.W. Bowett 3 ড.অিানদকুমার মহাপত্র 5 ড. োহ আলম Daniels & radibaugh & Sullivan Ahmed ali al imam 7 17 কমা.জয়িুল আর্িদীি 3 োহ আিদুল হান্নাি D>H. Stoft 8 6 Shaikh Muhammad al gharjali 2 Evangelos patrovtror 4 Piter Norton’s 5 George orwell T.S. Eliot 2 2 William Blake Cedric watts Edward albee Marcus cunliff 3 3 11 2 Bose/ sterling 3 Kelly graffith 3 Boris ford Joseph orourke 2 2 2 Michael mangen Thomas Woodard Samuel enoch snoch stump Milton Sirfra neis Darwin 4 2 2 2 2 3 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. Charles darein Thomas gray Syllabus design Fuzzy & neutral approaches in English Java 2 Socrates to Sartre Practical criticism Management information system Simulation modeling and analysis Service marketing Principles of equity Managerial accounting Accounting principles (6th) Corporate finance Criminoly and penoly with criminal administration Development and principles of international humanitarian law The law of international institutions An introduction to the theory of statistics Leadership in organization Probability an introduction Project management Management information system Project management (5th) Manual of trade marks Solid state electronic device (6th) High school English Ramji lal David nunan Lefteri h. tsoukalas Robert e. uhrg 3 3 7 Herbert schildt Samuel enoch stump I.A. Richards Kenneth c. laudon Jane p. laudon W.david kelton 2 5 3 5 Christoper lovelock R.E. megarry/P.V. baker Garrison/Noreen/brewer 2 2 3 Weygandt/kieso/kimmel 3 Ross/westerfield/jaffe Dr. s.s.srivastava 2 3 Jean pictet 02 D.W. Bowett 02 Rabindra nath shi/subash Chandra devnath 2 Gary yuki 1 A.K. sirajul Hoq 2 S Choudhury Kenneth & jane 2 4 Jack & Samuel 2 Abdul wahid chaudhury 4 Streetman & banarjee 1 Wren & martin 4 4 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. grammer Banking without interest Advertising principle Investment analysis দূিীনি নিরসর্ি ইসলাম টটে আইি ইর্িার্িানমি টটে সহ যুদ্ধ নিগ্রর্হর ইনিহাস English constitutional law রসূর্লর যুর্গ িারী স্বাধীসিা (2য়) রসূর্লর যুর্গ িারী স্বাধীসিা (1ম) নহিু আইর্ির মূলিীনি Tafsirul Quran Visual basic 6(sams tech yourself ) Strategic human resource The mechanical design process Tradition & the individual Robert Browning’s poetry মুসনলম মাির্স সংিট The wheel of fire Professional linux program নিয়াজীর আত্ন সমেপর্ির দনলল Longman English grammar রসূর্লর যুর্গ িারী স্বাধীসিা (3য়) Comparative law Modern control system (10th) The French Muhammad nejatullah 4 Wells & burnett & moriarty Reilly & brown ড.কমা:আিসার আলী খাি 2 1 9 এ.নি নসনিি 2 মাওলািা কমা:ফু জলুর রহমাি আিসারী Wade & Phillips 3 আিদুল হানলম 2 আিদুল হানলম 1 ড.এ.নি.এম মনফজুল ইসলাম Shah abdul hannan Greg perry 3 3 2 Lynda & veronica a& phillip & catherine Ullmen 4 T.S. Elliot 2 James F. Loucks 3 আব্দুল হানমদ এ. আিু সুলাইমাি G. Wilson knight Neil Mathew & Richard 3 নসনিি সানলি 3 L.G. Alexander 3 আিদুল হানলম 2 D.C jain & R.D. Srivastava Dorf & bishop 2 2 Georges Lefebvre E2 6 4 2 3 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. revolution পনরিিে িেীল নির্ে আিেজািীি নিে Legal system of islam Statistics for business & economics Mathematical statistics Personal finance Basic business communication International business (12th) Commercial correspondence A text book of electrical volume2 A text book of electrical volume1 A hand book of practical auditing The hughes ( selected poems) Samuel taylor Coleridge Beowulf Selected poetry The pilgrim’s progress Selected poems The guide A street car named desire and other plays Heart of darkness and other tales Shooting an elephant Elements of English rhwtoric and prosody Araby William word worth prefa to ড. নমজািুর রহমাি 3 Md. Ansar ali khan 3 Newbold/Carlson/bettythore 1 j.N.Kapur 1 Sidney W. Eckert Lesikar/flatly 1 1 Daniels/radebaugh/Sullivan 1 A.Ashley 2 B.L. theraja a.K theraja B.L. theraja a.K theraja B.N tendon & sudhars 2 2 2 19 Richard holmes 25 Michael Alexander Derek wakatt Ramji lal 22 7 5 Rupert brook and w.owen R . k . narayan Tennessee williams 8 7 8 Joseph Conrad 21 George orwell 57 Bose & sterling 6 James, joyee C . t . Thomas 31 15 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. lyrical ballads Waiting for godot Areopagitica A social history of England Political science : an Islamic perspective Doctor Faustus Emerson’s prose and poetry A choice of Emily dickinson’s verse An introduction to the study of Philip larkin collected poems Seamus Heaney new selected poems Selected poems Volpone or the fox Bio-medical instrumentation History of the fara’idi movement Islamic banking and finance: what it is and what it could be Laws regulating environment in Bangladesh Law of contract Principles of company law A text book of the Bangladesh labour act, 2006 Advanced practical statistics Studies in Islamic Samuel beckett Milton s. c. mundra 13 39 8 Abdul Rashid moten 10 Kitty data Joel porte and s. morris 9 4 Ted hughes 17 w. h. Hudson 4 Anthony thuaite 16 16 Mathew Arnold Benjonson Leslie & fred & erich 25 14 7 Dr. muin-ud-din ahmed khan Tarek el diwany 8 Mohiuddin farooque & s. rizwana hasan 5 Muhammad ekramul haque m. c. shukla & s. s. gulshan 7 Dr. zulfiqur ahmad 5 s. p. gupta 4 Muhammad anwar & 9 4 6 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. 241. banking and Muhammad aslam haneef st finance in the 21 century Select constitutions Anup chand kapur & k. k. misra Fundamental of A I khan company law Project s. choudhury management The code of Justice siddiqur rahman criminal procedure Encyclopedic Dr. borhan uddin khan & compendium of the quazi mahfujul hoque law of Bangladesh , supan vol-1 Encyclopedic Dr. borhan uddin khan & compendium of the quazi mahfujul hoque law of Bangladesh , supan vol-3 Encyclopedic Dr. borhan uddin khan & compendium of the quazi mahfujul hoque law of Bangladesh , supan vol-2 Encyclopedic Dr. borhan uddin khan & compendium of the quazi mahfujul hoque law of Bangladesh , supan vol-4 Entrepreneurship Dr. a r khan small business and lives of successful entrepreneurs Background World intellectual reading material property organization Islamic Dr. md. Ansar ali khan jurisprudence Essentials of Hoffman & bateson services marketing: concepts, strategies & cases Accounting for Hay & Wilson governmental and non-profit entities অথে আইি, ২০০২ িাংলার্দে জািীয় সংসদ 7 9 24 3 1 5 3 3 12 5 6 7 3 ৪৫ 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. 247. 248. 249. 250. 251. 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. 259. 260. 261. 262. Critical issues on Islamic banking Snell’s principles of equity Elements of hindu law Roman law Income tax ordinance, 1984, part-1 Income tax ordinance, 1984, part-2 Principles of criminology Towards an Islamic theory of international relations Crisis in the muslim mind Strategic marketing, 7th ed. The international law of the sea Text book on Islamic banking Corporate finance Pulse and digital electronics VLSI fabrication principle, 7th ed. Foundation English course, book-1 Foundation English course, book-2 Islamic in focus Digital telephony, 3rd ed. Crime & panel system Principles of mercantile law, 7th Saiful azhar rosly 4 Baker & langass 3 s. k. routh 3 Dr. l kabir Mohammad mahmubur rahman 3 4 Mohammad mahmubur rahman 5 Edwin & Donald 3 Abdul hamid a abu sulaiman 25 Abdul hamid a abu sulaiman Cravens & piercy 9 Colombo, cj 3 m. kabir Hassan, ph.D 9 Ross, westerfield & jaffee Vanwasi & mithal 26 4 Sorab k ghandi 12 Iiuc 4 Iiuc 2 Hammudah abdalati John c bellamy 14 6 Koward jones 4 Aztar singh 2 7 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. 271. 272. 273. 274. 275. 276. 277. 278. 279. 280. 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. 286. ed. Hand book of muslim family law, 6th ed Cyber law& cases ইন্টারনভউ উইথ নহস্টনর Matrices and linear transformations, 2nd ed. Compensation management in a knowledge –based world, 9th ed. The Theban plays The return of the native Testing for language teachers The pilgrims progress Absalom and achitophel Herman Melville Greek tragedy Oedipus rex Robert frost Robert browning Iliad The elt curriculum An anthology of short stories Look back in anger Seize the day English social history Political participation of women Delimitation of maritime boundaries Analysis financial Obaidul huq chowdhury 4 Gerald r Ferrara ওনরয়ািা ফালানচ 3 ৯ Mohammad imam ali 6 Richard I Henderson 7 Sophoels Thomas hardy 9 3 Arthur hughes 3 Roger sharrock 3 Dryden 28 Moby-dick h. d. f. kitto Sophocles Phillip l gerber Phillip drew David sider Ronald v white Ali akbar 2 4 5 5 6 5 5 15 John Osborne Saul bellow G m Trevelyan 14 11 2 6 M habibur rahman 3 Robert c Higgins 13 287. 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. 298. 299. 300. 301. 302. 303. 304. 305. 306. 307. 308. management Jurisprudence legal theory Crafting and executing strategy Doctor Faustus Social laws of islam ইসলাম ও আর্ন্জোনিি সংগঠি উসুিুল নফিহঃ নফিহ োর্ের মূলিীনি The laws of the deep sea bed Waves and oscillations ইসলামী নমেি নসনরজ Digital signal processing Java servlet programming(2nd) Computer database organization Chemistry fundamentals (part2) Microsoft excel Office productivity training suite Computer graphics(2nd) Numerical analysis Automic and nuclear physics Oracle 8 bible Dewey decimal classification vul-4 Dewey decimal classification vul-2 Dewey decimal classification vul-3 V d mahajan 3 Thompson, Strickland, gamble Christopher marlowe Shah abdul hannan ডঃ আিদুল হানমদ আহমাদ 10 আিু সুলাইমাি ও োহ আিদুল হান্নাি ৪ M habibur rahman 3 N. subrahmanyam & brij lal ডঃ জামাল আল িাদািী 6 ৪ Oppenheim & Schafer 5 Jason hunter 5 James martin 4 A.Q. chowdhury 6 Muhammad ahsan ullah 6 4 Foley & vandam & feiner & hughes G. nSherker rao N.subrahmanyam 3 Carol mc cullough dieter Joan S. Mitehell & julianne beall Joan S. Mitehell & julianne beall Joan S. Mitehell & julianne beall 4 6 ২ 3 & brij lal 3 1 1 1 309. 310. 311. 312. 313. 314. 315. 316. 317. 318. 319. 320. 321. 322. 323. Dewey decimal classification vul-1 Summary of taxation rules(2009-2010) Summary of taxation rules(2010-2011) Foundation for microwave engineering (2nd) C Programming FAQs Java swing Thesis and dissertation writing for M.plil and ph. D degree Islamic banking finance and insurance Fiber-optic communication technology Fiber-optic communication(4th) Optical; fiber communication (2nd) মাস্টানরং িনম্পউটার এনপ্লর্িেি, 2000 & XP Direct and alternating current machinery (2nd) The intel microprocessors 4th ed. Differential equations Joan S. Mitehell & julianne beall Dhaka metropolitan 1 11 Dhaka metropolitan 31 Robert E. Collin 3 Steve summit 4 Marc loy, Robert Eckstein,dave wood ,James Elliot and Brian cole Dr. M. ansar ali khan 2 Salauddin ahmed 3 Mynbaev & scheiner 2 Joseph C. palais 1 John M. senior 1 মুহাম্মদ আহসািুল্লাহ ৩ Rosen blatt & Friedman 2 Barry b brey 2 Dr. b d Sharma 2 8 324. 325. 326. 327. 328. 329. 330. 331. 332. 333. 334. 335. 336. 337. 338. 339. 340. 341. 342. 343. 344. 345. Basic VLSI design C++ 3rd ed. Engineering drawing and graphic technology 13th ed. Mathematics for managerial decision 2nd ed. Islamic aukkenning between rejection Statistics for business and economics Computer intelligence ICCI, 2004 Power electronics, 2nd ed. Higher trigonometry নডফার্রনিয়াল িযালকুলাস Linear algebra Probability an introduction Semi conductor devices 2nd ed. Human rights Microsoft office 2000 complete Practical physics A collection of critical essays Common mistakes in English A study of English history Cliffs notes on Riders to the sea and the play day of the western world Wuthering heights Douglas & kamran E balagurusamy Thomas & Charles & Robert 3 2 2 Robert &robin & Richard 2 Yusuf al qaradawi 12 Paul & William & betty 1 Prof. dr. ali okatan 3 Muhammad h Rashid 2 Dr. Muhammad abdus sattar ডঃ কমাঃ আব্দুল মনিি ও নিধু ভু িণ চক্রিিী Rahman & malik A k m sirajul hoque 3 ৩ 4 3 S m siye 2 Ramcharan 3 2 Ahmad & shahabuddin Homer 3 2 T j fitikides 3 Prof. L mukharjee 2 Keats & shelly J m msynge 3 2 Emily bronte 2 346. 347. 348. 349. 350. 351. 352. 353. 354. 355. 356. 357. 358. 359. 360. 361. 362. 363. 364. 365. 366. 367. Twentieth century interpretations Critical approaches to literature 2nd ed Sophocles Heart of darkness Paradise lost Origin and development of experimental science The Canterbury tales David copperfield The Spanish tragedy Ismail al faruqi On the political system of the Islamic state Discover of the monuments of Bangladesh Beginning theory A hand book to literary research Theory of literature Chinese kung fu series The rape of the lock Imam al shatibis িনি কগালাম কমাহাম্মদ রচিা সমগ্র Elements of power system analysis A shortened history of England Laws on legal practice & bar Keats odes 4 David daiches 3 William walter Joseph Conrad John Milton Muin ud din ahmad khan 3 2 2 2 Geoffrey Chaucer 1 Charles dickens Thomas kyd 2 1 M tariq quraishi Muhammad s el awd 1 1 Dr. nazimuddin ahmed 1 Peter barry Simon eliot & w r owens 3 1 Rene wellek, Austin warren Wujiaming 1 Alexander pope 1 Ahmad al raysuni আব্দুল মান্নাি সসয়দ 1 ৩ William d Stevenson 3 G m trevenlyan 2 M a salam 5 1 368. 369. 370. 371. 372. 373. 374. 375. 376. 377. 378. 379. 380. 381. 382. 383. 384. 385. 386. council Liberty of the people: Britain কলাি প্রোসি A thematic commentary on the Quran Financial management সৃনি মহাপ্রলয় ির্ে িযাির্হাল ও কিারআি হানদস নিে পনরনিনি, অথেিীনি ও ইসলামী নিিয়ি নির্েিণ Political science an Islamic perspective Intermediate English grammer ইসলার্মর যািাি নিধাি-২য় খন্ড ইসলার্মর যািাি নিধাি-১ম খন্ড Accounting philosophy ethics ইসলাম ও ইরার্ির পারস্পনরি অিদাি Compensation management 4th ed. 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