
“PEET paragraphs”
1. What do the letters of PEET stand for & what should you be
writing for each one in an argumentative paragraph?
Part Two: Share with your partner
• How you answered the focus question. (“Yes, Russian
revolutionaries were successful,” or “No, Russian
revolutionaries were not successful.”)
• What is the evidence you are going to use to prove your
On desk: Russia PEET wksht. w/ 3 pieces of evidence
Russian Revolution Argumentative Paragraphs
Possible arguments & pieces of evidence…
• Socialism: Successful! 
• Socialism: Not successful. 
• True political change: Successful! 
• True political change: Not successful. 
Russian Revolution Argumentative Paragraphs
• Answer focus question (thesis statement).
• Be specific about what you are going to prove.
• Example: Russia was ruled by czars with
autocratic power until the Russian
Revolution in 1917. Because in the end
Joseph Stalin enforced totalitarianism in
Russia, however, the Russian
“revolutionaries” were not successful at
creating true political change.
• Facts, examples, quotes from texts.
• Need to be cited.
• Until the czars were finally overthrown in
1917, they ruled Russia autocratically,
exerting their control by means of spying,
censorship, & persecution (MWH 445).
• In the end, Stalin created a totalitarian state
in Russia (MWH 456).
• Context & background info. for reader.
• Connect evidence to your point.
• Provide transitions throughout paper.
Context & background info. for reader.
Connect evidence to your point.
Provide transitions throughout paper.
• Evidence: Until the czars were finally overthrown in 1917, they
ruled Russia autocratically, exerting their control by means of
spying, censorship, & persecution (MWH 445).
• Explanation:
• An autocracy is a system of government in which one
person has all of the power.
• Czars Alexander III & Nicholas II maintained their
autocratic control by having secret police spy on Russian
citizens, reading their mail, and by treating Jews and
other ethnic & linguistic groups unfairly.
• These methods of control basically constituted a
dictatorship, which is the same form of government that
existed when the Russian Revolution was finally over.
• Conclusion/re-state point, now with evidence.
• Answer the “So What?”
• Therefore, because the czars’ methods of
control were almost identical to Stalin’s, the
Russian revolution made no political
progress at all.
• This exemplifies the fact that in order for a
true revolution to occur, the people must
take power in their own hands and not allow
power-hungry dictators to usurp the ideals
of their revolution.
World History Agenda
1. Work on Russian Revolution argumentative paragraph.
HW: Typed, double-spaced, proof-read first draft due
Wednesday @ beginning of class.
Honors: Animal Farm projects due Friday