
Malicious Code
CS 419: Computer Information Security
Kati Reiland
Wed. March 5, 2003
What I’ll Cover
Short Timeline of Malicious Code
Definition of Malicious Code
Closer Look at Viruses and Worms
A Specific Look at the LoveBug Virus
 1949: John Von Neumann researches the theory
of self-replicating programs
 1960: AT&T introduces the first commercial
 1969: AT&T develop UNIX, the first
multitasking operating system and launch
 1979: Xerox researchers implement a “worm”
that searches the network for idle processors.
“Virus” is first used to describe
software that affects other programs by
modifying themselves to include a copy of the
Robert Morris creates a worm that
attacks ARPANET, disabling over 6,000 computers
by flooding their memory with copies of itself.
Symantec releases the first version of
Norton Anti-virus, it is still the #1 PC security
Microsoft releases Windows 95.
 1999: The “Melissa” virus infects thousands of
 2000: The “I Love You” virus infects millions of
computers in 24 hours.
The author was a Filipino student;
The Philippines have no laws against hacking or other computer
crimes, so he goes without punishment. European Union’s global
“Cybercrime Treaty” is created.
 2001: The Code Red worm infects Windows NT
and 2000 servers causing $2 billion in damages.
 2001: Nimda attacks using 5 different methods
of infecting systems and replicating itself.
 2002: “Melissa” author David L Smith is
sentenced to 20 months in federal prison.
 2003: The “Sapphire Slammer” worm infects
thousands of computers in 3 hours.
Malicious Code
• Also called “Malware”
• Generally, “any unwanted, uninvited, potentially
dangerous program or set of programs”. (2002, Norman
Book on Computer Viruses)
• General Categories
– Virus
• A program that replicates itself infecting boot sectors,
programs, or data files.
– Worm
• A program that has the ability to spread.
– Trojan Horse/Backdoors
• A program that looks to be a useful or benign file/program.
– Denial-of-Service
• Software that doesn’t harm the host but uses the host to
disrupt other networked computers.
– Hacking Tools
• Assists the author in the creation of a virus/worm. Does not
cause any harm by itself.
– Bugs/Logic Bombs/Time Bombs
• Malfunctions within otherwise useable code.
– Hoax
• Generally a chain letter by email advising the removal of a
needed system file. Does not actually replicate but “cons”
the person to send it on believing that they are doing good.
– A combination of any or all of the above
• Most malicious code falls into this category
• Ex. “ILoveYou” virus
Why are these a security risk?
• Data Loss (viruses, worms)
• Downtime
• Loss of Confidentiality (stolen data)
Viruses and Worms
• Types:
– Binary File Viruses/Worms
• Ex. W95/CIH otherwise
known as “Chernobyl”
– Binary Stream Worms
• Ex. Code Red
– Script File Viruses/Worms
• Ex. ILoveYou
– Macro Viruses
• Ex. Melissa
– Boot Viruses
• Ex. AntiWin
– Multipartite Viruses
• Ex. Civil
Security Stats, 2002
Binary File Virus
A virus that attaches it’s code to a useable
program file.
• Six basic ways of attaching itself: companion, link,
overwrite, insert, prepend and append.
– Companion
• Usually done by creating a file in the same
folder as the program.exe.
– Link
• Changes the workings of the file system so the program
name will then refer to the virus instead of the program.
Script File Viruses
• Viruses that are pure text instructions that are
interpreted by some associated program.
– Examples of scripts:
• Visual Basic Script
– Many of Microsoft’s programs and OS functions can be
manipulated, thus highly used
• JavaScript
– Doesn't affect the file system, so there are not many viruses
using this.
• Jscript
– Not as often used as VBS, but just as dangerous
• DOS BAT Language / UNIX Shell Script
– Allows command line commands on DOS / UNIX machines
(respectively) without actually typing the commands
• IRC Scripts
– Scripts support the automatic sending of files to other
• Many others
Macro Viruses
• Take advantage of the many applications that
contain/use macro programming languages
– WordBasic (early versions of MS Word)
– Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)
• Can be used to control almost anything on a Windows
• The first set of viruses that affect the reliability
of the information in data files.
• Sometimes used to create and/or execute other
traditional viruses.
• Highly dangerous.
• As newer versions of Microsoft products are
introduced, so were new versions of VBA, thus
older viruses could not affect newer versions of
the product.
Boot Viruses
• Viruses that infect System Boot Sectors (SBS)
and Master Boot Sectors (MBS).
• MBS vs. SBS
– Floppy disks have only an SBS.
BIOS (Basic Input/Output System)
POST (Power On Self Test)
Attempts to boot from floppy
Loads OS
• A boot virus generally infects the SBS of a floppy
disk and when the attempt to boot is made, the
virus goes to memory and runs active, infecting
the system areas of the hard drive.
• Up until a couple of years ago, boot viruses were
the most common viruses.
ILoveYou: The Love Letter Virus
• May 4-8, 2000: CERT announces over 500,000
reported PCs infected.
– Most commonly through an email attachment (LOVELETTER-FOR-YOU.txt.vbs) but also through IRC,
Windows file sharing, and USENET news.
• Overwrites all files with the extensions of *.vbs,
*.vbe, *.doc, *.txt, *.js, *.jse, *.css, *.wsh, *.sct,
*.hta, *.jpg, *.jpeg, *.mp3, *.mp2 and others with a
copy of itself and changes the file extension but
keeps the file name.
• Any up-to-date anti-virus product should catch it.
• Disable Windows Scripting Host and IE’s Active
Scripting, though this disables other
functionalities also.
• There are currently 82 known variants to the
(Symantec Corp.)
– Some variants attempt to download a password-stealing
trojan from a webpage.
What it does
• Sets the Windows Scripting Host timeout to zero
• Attempts to send out an email with Microsoft
– Subject: ILOVEYOU
– Body: kindly check the attached LOVELETTER coming
from me”
– Attachment: LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.TXT.vbs
• Searches all network and local drives for a variety
of the previously listed file extensions.
– Overwrites these files with a copy of itself
What it does, cont.
• Places a file (a copy of itself) in the Windows
System Directory
– May be named mskernel32.vbs, win32dll.vbs, or loveletter-for-you.txt.vbs
• Changes IE Homepage to a url beginning with
• If mIRC is installed, it will overwrite the script.ini
• Attempts to create an HTML file with the VBS
script embedded.
About Viruses. Panda Software.
Anti-virus round-up (January-June 2000). Sophos Antivirus. July 2000.
Antivirus Software Ratings. Consumer Reports. June 2002.
CERT Love Letter Advisory.
Computer Virus Timeline.
Cyberspace Invaders. Consumer Reports. June 2002.
History of Computer Viruses. Discovery Channel.
Kaliciak, Paul. ILOVEYOU Email Virus Floods Internet. Discovery Channel.
Kaspersky, Eugene. Computer Viruses.
McAfee Antivirus.
Norman Book of Computer Viruses. Norman ASA. Oct 2001.
Sophos Antivirus.
Stupid Virus Tricks. Comsumer Reports. June 2002.
Symantec Corporation.
Virus Encyclopedia.
Virus Related Statistics.