RISK INSURANCE FACT FINDER Address: Level 1, 65 Palmerston Crescent South Melbourne VIC 3205 Post: PO Box 438 North Melbourne VIC 3051 Tel: 03 9328 3900 Fax: 03 9328 4031 PERSONAL DETAILS: Client Title Surname Given Names Gender Male Spouse/Partner Female Male Female Home Address Business Address Phone No. Fax No. Mobile Phone No. Email Address Date of Birth Smoker or Non-Smoker Date Ceased Smoking (if applicable) General State of Health Good Average Poor Good Average Poor Occupation Duties Date Commenced Employee or Self Employed Business Name Age of Dependant Children IMPORTANT INFORMATION It is a requirement that an adviser provide you with a recommendation that is in your best interests. To do so, there needs to be a reasonable basis for the advice. This document helps collate your information to enable a recommendation that is suitable and relevant to yourself. Where you have not provided full information, the recommendations derived from this document may not be suitable to your situation. Prior to proceeding, please read the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS). Your adviser is an Authorised Representative of Synchronised Business Services Pty Ltd trading as Synchron. ABN 33 007 207 650 Life Insurance Broker – Australian Financial Services Licence No. 243313 www.synchron.net.au SYNCHRONISED BUSINESS SERVICES PTY LTD ABN 33 007 207 650 Securing your financial future Life Insurance Broker – Australian Financial Services Licence No. 243313 www. synchron.net.au 1|P a g e FINANCIAL INFORMATION: IMMEDIATE NEEDS TO BE COVERED IN THE EVENT OF YOUR DEATH OR DISABLEMENT: Client Spouse/Partner Home Mortgage Mortgage on other Real Estate Other Debts (eg Car, Overdraft, Credit Cards) Final Expenses (eg Funeral, Legal, Medical) Emergency Fund Business Liabilities (eg Personal Guarantees) Tax Liabilities Education Funding – annual fees and length of time ONGOING INCOME REQUIREMENTS OF SPOUSE/FAMILY IN THE EVENT OF YOUR DEATH OR DISABLEMENT (as calculated from the Lump Sum Ready Reckoner on page 4): Annual Income Number of Years Required ASSETS YOUR FAMILY COULD LIQUIDATE IN THE EVENT OF YOUR DEATH OR DISABLEMENT: Existing Life Insurance Superannuation Investments Superannuation Life Cover Name of SMSF (if applicable) Name of SMSF Trustees (if applicable) SMSF insurance details (if applicable) Investments (as listed on Page 3) Cash Reserves Business Assets Other 2|P a g e EXISTING INCOME PROTECTION INSURANCE: Client Spouse/Partner Monthly Benefit Benefit Period & Waiting Period Current Premium SELF EMPLOYED Business Name: Business Structure: Business Address: Telephone: Fax: Mobile: Email: Has the business borrowed money? Have you given any personal guarantees for business loans? Has the loan been secured against your home? Tell me about your business? How did you get started in this business? What is your plan to exit the business? Do you have a succession plan? Have all the documents been executed and are they current? What funding mechanism have you put in place? What method have you used to lock in your key people? How have you preserved the working capital of the business? 3|P a g e PERSONAL CONSIDERATIONS: Client 1. Will your spouse/partner want to continue or commence work in the event of your death or total & permanent disablement? Spouse/Partner No Yes No Yes Death No Yes No Yes Total & Permanent Disablement No Yes No Yes Traumatic Illness or Condition (Cancer, Stroke, Heart Attack etc) No Yes No Yes Loss of Income due to Disablement No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes Would you like to review your General Insurances (Business and Personal)? No Yes No Yes Do you have an up to date Will? No Yes No Yes If no Will, would you like to be referred to a Solicitor? No Yes No Yes Are you interested in insuring against the following events? Do you anticipate receiving any financial inheritance? Give Details. INCOME DETAILS: 1. What is your gross annual income from personal exertion? $ $ 2. What is your gross earnings from investments? $ $ 3. Any other income or earnings? $ $ 4. Sick Leave/Long Service Leave entitlements through your employer? CURRENT INVESTMENTS: Please include ALL investments owned by you or your spouse/partner (singly or jointly). What is the total value of all non-superannuation investments? INVESTMENT VALUE Shares $ Property $ Insurance Bonds $ Unit Trusts $ Other $ Total $ 4|P a g e LUMP SUM READY RECKONER The purpose of this table is to help you calculate the lump sum required to generate a nominated level of income to your spouse/family following your death. This process requires you to ask the question “If I died yesterday, what would my family’s future income requirements be as from today?” The future income needs often represent the largest component of a person’s life insurance program. It depends heavily on your present situation as well as the assumptions you make. For instance, in your absence: would your spouse and family need income support? would he or she be able to continue working? If so, at the same level? if your spouse is not currently working, would you expect he or she to find suitable employment? should you allow for housekeeping/childcare costs if your spouse became employed? will your children be educated privately? If so, at what schools and for how long? what level of income would be required? Living expenses, education costs etc. Income Stream Calculator Real Rate of Return per annum No. of Years Income Required 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% Capital Sum required to produce an annual income of $10,000 $ $ $ $ $ 47,171 46,299 45,460 44,651 43,872 87,861 84,353 81,078 78,017 75,152 122,961 115,631 108,986 102,950 97,455 153,238 141,339 130,853 121,581 113,356 179,355 162,470 147,986 135,504 124,693 201,885 179,837 161,411 145,907 132,777 221,318 194,112 171,929 153,681 138,540 238,082 205,845 180,170 159,491 142,649 Example: You have determined that your family would have ongoing income requirements of $40,000 per annum in the event of your death. The income would need to be maintained for 20 years and you estimate a real rate of return of 5% can be achieved on the capital invested. Note that using the figures in the above table, the capital would be exhausted at the end of the period. Income required: Number of years income required: Real rate of return: Calculation: $40,000 per annum 20 5% $130,853 (for every $10,000 of income) x 4 = $523,412 This amount should be carried across to your Life Insurance calculation sheet. 5|P a g e HEALTH STATEMENT Client Spouse/Partner What is your height and weight? Do you smoke? If yes, what is your daily quantity? Do you drink alcohol? If yes, what is your weekly quantity? Any abnormality affecting eyesight, hearing, speech or physical mobility? Have you ever suffered from: High blood pressure High cholesterol Chest pain Heart attack Stroke Cancer/Tumour or lump of any kind Mental or nervous disorder including stress, anxiety or depression Asthma or any lung or repertory disorder Back or neck pain Shoulder or knee problems Broken bones Repetitive strain injury Gout Muscle or Joint Paint Diabetes Epilepsy Multiple Sclerosis Hepatitis Any other sickness, injury or physical impairment Have a family history of any of the above or any other hereditary diseases? Details: 6|P a g e PROFESSIONAL CONTACTS: Solicitor Phone: Accountant Phone: Other Phone: A C K N O W L E D G E M E N T: I acknowledge that the information I have provided is accurate and relevant to my personal situation. Where full and complete information has not been provided, I acknowledge that the recommendations derived may not be appropriate to my situation and needs. I authorise my adviser to retain and use my Tax File Number (TFN) for the provision of financial services advice only. Where the TFN is no longer required, it will be destroyed or de-identified. I authorise my adviser to contact me regarding financial planning matters that may interest me or be relevant to my situation. A copy of the Synchron Privacy Act is available to me at any time online at www.synchron.net.au or from my adviser. I acknowledge that my identification information may be required before any financial services or products are applied for in line with the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism Financing Act. My information will be provided to the particular product issuer(s). Signature of Client Date: / / Signature of Spouse/Partner Date: / / Date: / / Adviser’s Name Signature of Adviser NOTES: 7|P a g e