Rachel Simner's Resume

55 Dead End Lane, Lisle, IL 60532
Your Benefits
The Design Magnet
Creating Visuals that Attract!
I’d like to provide McDonald’s Design Team with my many years of marketing, media and design experience, to
help you further your success and increase profits, exceed goals and maintain proper relationships with the
communities that McDonald’s serves.
Allan Design Group – Principal
Naperville, IL
• Generated over $60,000 in new revenue for five separate clients
• Provided marketing services to clients without marketing departments
• Generated $125,000 in revenue for 1 client through an online campaign
• Generated $45,000 in revenue for 1 client through marketing program
• Saved $20,000 in production costs using new pre-press workflow
Meta Printing Services – Pre-Press Manager
Chicago, IL
• Saved $75,000 in production costs with new pre-press workflow
• Reduced client re-prints by 80% with new color management process
• Saved $25,000 per year by in-house training of junior designers
• Ran multi-million dollar campaigns for three Fortune-100 clients
• Generated $200,000 revenue per year by introducing PURLs to clients
Lemon Marketing Group – Senior Graphic Designer
Chicago, IL
• Created internship program that saved company $50,000 annually
• Saved $10,000 in support costs annually through increased training
 Design: Expert-level experience in the entire design process from conception to implementation
 Project Management: routinely manage large-scale projects for Fortune-100 companies
 New Media: Deep experience in creating new media identities that are part of the total brand
 Pre-Press: Management experience in running pre-press departments and lowering reprint runs
 Color Management: Expert-level knowledge in implementing and maintaining color integrity
 Technical Skills: Expert-level knowledge with Adobe design products, typography, MS Office Suite
My Design Skills
Skills Summary
Northern Illinois University - Bachelor of Fine Arts
Major: Graphic Design
2009 American Graphic Design Award – Multimedia & Broadcast Design
2008 American Institute of Graphic Art – Runner Up, Emotional Design
New media identity integration
Award-winning graphic design
Pantone™ certified color management
Digital Asset Management (in-house and client assets)
Design-team leadership and mentoring
Integrated print and online collateral
DeKalb, IL
Degree Conferred
Some of my Technical Skills
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe InDesign
Adobe Acrobat (Pro)
MS Excel
MS Word
MS Outlook
Mobile Technology
Social Media (Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn)
Other Skills I Bring
Project management
Research skills and experience
Report writing
Exhibit preparation
Excellent verbal and written skills
Supervising, mentoring, and coaching experience
Very strong organizational skills
Find Me!
http://www.facebook.com/DezineMag (Fan Page)
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