Chifley College Mount Druitt Campus ASSESSMENT TASK COVERSHEET Student: Faculty: Subject: Year: Class: Teacher: Science Science 10 Task Title: Library Research Task Task Number: 3 Weighting: 15% Marks: Out of 70 Date Issued: 24/06/2014 Date Due: 29/07/2014 Outcomes Assessed 5.16 * Accesses information from a wide variety of secondary sources 5.17 * Explains information from a variety of sources 5.18 * Selects & uses appropriate forms of communication to present information to an audience 5.19 * Uses critical thinking skills in evaluating information and drawing conclusions. Task Description 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Choose ONE of the three topics listed below. Research the required information from a range of sources. Produce two scaffolds showing your rough copied notes, diagrams and bibliography. Produce A neatly presented and factually correct POSTER on the chosen topic. Hand in your scaffolds and your poster with your bibliography, and this coversheet. Submission Requirements A. The poster will have factual texts and relevant diagrams or pictures. B. Length Requirements: Scaffold – at least 1 to 2 A4 pages. Poster – relevant texts including diagrams. C. Referenced using the Harvard Method (Author, date, title, publisher, place, URL) Task Instructions and Requirements Topic 1. Chemical Technology Research 1 metal and 1 non-metal element and, for each, report on: a) The history of the element and its discovery. b) Where and how it is obtained in the modern day. c) Its uses, both as an individual element and as part of compounds. d) What makes this element so suited for each of the uses mentioned in part C. Metals: sodium, gold, copper, silver, aluminium, magnesium, Non- metals: iodine, chlorine, carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen OR Topic 2. What the Future Holds – The Environment Research two pollutants from the accompanying list and, for each, report on: a) Where the pollutant comes from and where it ends up. b) The effects of this pollutant on the environment. c) How human activity has affected the levels of the pollutant in the environment. d) What science has done to reduce the impact of this pollutant. Pollutants: DDT; lead; PCBs; Methane; CFCs; nitrous oxides; sulfur dioxide; sewage. OR Topic 3. Genetics & Evolution Research two genetic conditions and, for each, report on: a) The causes of the condition b) The signs and symptoms linked with the condition c) How these conditions are currently being treated d) The level of progress that has been made in treating and curing the condition. Conditions: Hemophilia, Turner Syndrome, Cystic fibrosis, Klinefelter's syndrome, Tay-Sachs Disease, Haemochromatosis. Marking Criteria Marks will be awarded using the following scale a) Scaffolds b) Poster 20% 50% *** If you fail to hand in this task on the due date you will receive a zero mark and an ‘N’ Award for non-completion of an assessment task. *** Referencing in your Bibliography. Referencing at Chifley College Mt Druitt Campus uses the Harvard style of referencing. This is a standard method of listing the details of the books and other references used in writing your report. It is slightly different for books, encyclopedia and websites. Details for each are given below – if you aren’t sure how to reference your works, don’t Books: Author/s, (year of publication) Title(underlined), Edition, Publishing Company, Location E.g. Atkins, P., Jones, L. (1997) Chemistry - Molecules, Matter and Change 3rd Ed. W.H. Freeman and Company New York. Encyclopedia: Encyclopaedia name, (year of publication), Publishing Company, Location, Volume E.g. The World Book Encyclopaedia, (2004), World Book Inc, Chicago, Volume 4 Websites: Author of site or organisation (if you can find it), date of publication (if you can find it), full address of actual page. E.g. NSW Cancer Council, Note: You must reference the actual website page you found the information on, not the search engine you used to find the page. For example, Google is a search engine – it does not have any information you can use, but can give you a list of other websites that do have your information. The full address of the page (known as the URL) is found at the top of your explorer window, and will usually start with http:// Important Warning While research involves reading and using information developed by others, the work you submit must be your own – written by you in your own words, from what you understand of the situation and subject. Direct copying of another person’s work, whether another student or from the internet or books, is called plagiarism. This is not acceptable, under any circumstances. Students found to have plagiarised their work will receive an automatic N-Award for this task, and will be required to complete the task again, by themselves, on a different topic. In the case of students copying from other students, if we can not determine who copied from whom, both students will receive N-Award warnings and be required to re-do the task. If you are not sure of something - ASK YOUR TEACHER MARKING RUBRICS Excellent 9-10 Proficient 7-8 Scaffold 1 Had many relevant details about the topic. All details were correct. Had a few details about the topic. Some information was not correct. Details were not related to the topic. Scaffold 2 Had many relevant details about the topic. All details were correct. Had many relevant details about the topic. A few details were not correct. Had many relevant Details about the topic. All details were correct. Had a few details about the topic. Some information was not correct. Details were not related to the topic. Content Overview and accuracy Factual information about the topic Required Elements All questions answered More than 6 accurate facts are displayed on the poster. 4-5 accurate facts are displayed on the poster. 3-2 accurate facts are displayed on the poster. Less than 1 accurate fact is displayed on the poster. The poster includes all required elements. Most required elements are included on the poster. Some required elements are included on the poster. A few required elements are included on the poster. Visual Appeal Colour, font, pictures and diagrams Excellent use of colour, text and relevant pictures on the poster. Average use of colour, text and pictures. Poster lacks colour and pictures. Grammar Correct words and sentence structure No grammatical mistakes on the poster. Good use of colour, and text. Poster has pictures to make it interesting. 1-2 grammatical mistakes on the poster. 3-4 grammatical mistakes on the poster. More than 4 grammatical mistakes on the poster. Overall Presentation Creativity, graphics, neatness and layout Poster is very well organised AND sequenced with creativity and neatness. Poster is well organised AND sequenced with some creativity and neatness. Poster is less organised OR lacks creativity and neatness. Poster is very poorly organised AND lacks creativity and neatness. TOTAL MARKS Average 4-6 Poor 0-3 Score /70 Chifley College Mount Druitt Campus YEAR 10 SCIENCE – RESEARCH ASSESSMENT TASK NUMBER 3, 2013 Full Name: Science Teacher: Date Due:29/07/2013 Date Submitted: Scaffold 1- _______________________________________________________________ Chifley College Mount Druitt Campus YEAR 10 SCIENCE – RESEARCH ASSESSMENT TASK NUMBER 3, 2013 Full Name: Science Teacher: Date Due:29/07/2013 Date Submitted: Scaffold 2 ______________ _______________________________________________________________