Angleman Syndrome Albinism Cat Eye Syndrome Cri-du-chat (Cat’s Cry Syndrome) Cystic Fibrosis DiGeorge Syndrome Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21) Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Edwards Syndrome Fabry Disease Hemophilia Jacobsen Syndrome Huntington’s Disease Monsomy 9p or Alfi’s Syndrome Marfan Syndrome Neurofibromatosis Patau Syndrome or Trisomy 13 PKU Prader-Willi Syndrome Rentinitis pigementosa Smith-Magenis Syndrome Sickle Cell Anemia Wolf Hirschhorn Syndrome Von Hippel-Lindau Syndrome Turner Syndrome 18p- Syndrome Trisomy 8 Mosaicism Fragile X Syndrome GENETIC DISORDERS BROCHURE You will choose a genetic disorder from a box You will be given about one week of class time to research your disorder and collect information. Once you have all of your information, you will create your brochure. I suggest using MS Word, with a brochure template. You are to create an informational brochure like you might find in a doctor’s office You must include the following information: o Cause (What gene is involved, what chromosome is involved, etc.) o Symptoms and Effects o Treatments o Life Span o Pictures o Organizations that can provide assistance and support o How to help those affected (education, training, support) o Any other facts or information that you may find relevant In addition, the following needs to be handed in separately: o All notes taken during research o Resource list Plagiarism is illegal and dishonest. If I find that you copied any information, you will be referred for disciplinary action, and you will receive a failing grade. And to be clear, I will know! Teacher Name: R Wassum Student Name: ________________________________________ 2 1 Graphics go well with the text and with the text, but there is a good mix there are so many of text and graphics. that they distract from the text. Graphics go well with the text, but there are too few and the brochure seems \"textheavy\". Graphics do not go with the accompanying text or appear to be randomly chosen. Content Accuracy and Completion All facts in the brochure are accurate. Furthermore, all information requested was included. 99-90% of the facts in the brochure are accurate. Or, most information requested was included. 89-80% of the facts in the brochure are accurate. Only some of the information requested was included. Fewer than 80% of the facts in the brochure are accurate. Most information requested was missing. Writing Mechanics Capitalization and punctuation are correct throughout the brochure. Capitalization and punctuation are correct throughout the brochure after feedback from an adult. There are 1-2 capitalization and/or punctuation errors in the brochure even after feedback from an adult. There are several capitalization or punctuation errors in the brochure even after feedback from an adult. Attractiveness & Organization The brochure has exceptionally attractive formatting and well-organized information. The brochure has The brochure has attractive formatting well-organized and well-organized information. information. Notes Notes were included Notes were included Notes were very and complete but seemed sparse incomplete No notes included Sources Careful and accurate records are kept to document the source of 95100% of the facts and graphics in the brochure. Proper MLA format used. Sources are not documented accurately or are not kept on many facts and graphics. No sources page included. CATEGORY 4 3 Graphics/Pictures Graphics go well Date Created: Dec 03, 2014 12:04 pm (CST) Careful and accurate records are kept to document the source of 9485% of the facts and graphics in the brochure. Attempted to use MLA format, but had some errors. Careful and accurate records are kept to document the source of 8475% of the facts and graphics in the brochure. Several errors on MLA fomat. The brochure\'s formatting and organization of material are confusing to the reader.