DRAFT LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK FOR SMS FOR THE PUBLIC SERVICE (CONSULTATION DOCUMENT) MPUMALANGA SMS CONFERENCE 27 MARCH 2007 Objective of the Presentation To provide an overview of the process and design of the Draft Leadership Development Management Strategic (LDMS) Framework for SMS members in the Public Service Outline of Presentation – Overview of the Review process. – Overview of the LDM Strategic Framework. – Overview of an Annual Implementation Plan. Background to the LDMS Framework Between 2000-2006, the MPSA commissioned research studies done by DPSA and OPSC into the management level of the public service which identified leadership and performance deficiencies at senior management levels and in particular identified the following amongst others: • • • • • • • • • A High turn-over of managers and professionals. A huge concentration of managers located at national level. Training & development initiatives inadequate. Performance not at expected levels. A competency based employment framework; Greater inter-departmental mobility; Focused and improved training and development programmes is needed; High standard of professional conduct is needed; and A sustainable pool for future managers is needed. Objectives of SMS Review 2000-2006 The objectives of the SMS reviews were to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of our systems in order to identify the blockages to service delivery especially caused by leadership and performance deficiencies among SMS members. • The May 2000 Baskin report which resulted in the establishment of the Senior Management Service (SMS), of which the objective was to replenish the leadership cadre of the public service. • The 2005 SMS review, focused on the impact of the SMS initiative and interventions that were introduces on service delivery improvement and quality of management. • The 2006 Personnel Expenditure Review identified leadership deficiencies and the piecemeal approach to performance management, training and development, streamlining remuneration and retention strategies. Objective of SMS Review 2000-2006 cont. • The PSC Report 2002 which focused on the Management of Senior Manager’s Performance Agreements. The PSC report identified a definite need for an effective system to manage and monitor the performance of Senior Managers within the context of a public service in transformation. • These reports mainly identified problem areas in performance management and leadership development which has resulted in the development of the draft Leadership Development Management Strategic Framework (LDMS). • The draft LDMS Framework for the Senior Management Service therefore creates a shift in focus to deal with organizational performance holistically, by linking performance appraisal with the achievement of predetermined institutional objectives. • The LDMS Framework is a strategic government intervention attempting to address the leadership deficiencies and skills gaps and the problems that were identified in the reports, through development and capacity building initiatives. 1 LDMS FRAMEWORK Purpose of the LDMS Framework • Promote, support and implement the National Skills Development Agenda and the HRD Strategy. • Ensuring a steady supply of “Home Grown” leadership and management skills and their absorption and retention into the public service organisations. • To establish the leadership pipeline in the Public Service with targeted training programmes and to predict and identify leaders of tomorrow through a systematic process. • Enable an adequate level of human capital performance in Public Sector organizations that ensures effective service delivery in meeting development imperatives. • Develop a focused implementation plan which includes external strategic control points. Measure the efficacy of the strategy annually. • A VISION FOR HRD A dedicated, responsive and productive Public Service BUILDING HUMAN CAPITAL FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE AND ENHANCED SERVICE DELIVERY Fostering HEI & FETC Partnerships Mobilization of management support Utilization of the strategic role of SETAs E-Learning for the Public Service Career Planning & Talent Management Values, Ethics & Professional Code of Practice A National Public Service Academy Managing Employee Health & Wellness Promoting HR Learning Networks Promoting Learnerships, Internships & Traineeships Ensuring adequacy of Physical & Human resources & facilities Managing Effectiveness of Communication A more strategic role for professional bodies Promoting appropriate Org. Structure for HRD Leadership Management Development Strategies Performance Management & Development Systems Integrated ABET framework Knowledge & Information Management Managing HRD Policy & Planning Frameworks & Guidelines Strengthening Systems for Workplace Learning HR Planning - Supply & Demand Management Strengthening & aligning governance roles in HRD ORGANIZATIONAL SUPPORT INITIATIVES GOVERNANCE INITIATIVES CAPACITY BUILDING INITIATIVES 1 2 Responsiveness to Millennium Development Goals Promoting integrated & inter-sectoral approaches to developmental priorities Capacity building to promote success of Industrial & Economic Plans Fostering Effective Monitoring, Evaluation & Impact Analysis Awareness promotion of growth & development initiatives Integrating NEPAD, AU, Regional & Global Programmes ASGISA, JIPSA, EPWP, PGDP, IDPs ECONOMIC GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVES 4 3 10 CORE PRINCIPLES INFORMING IMPLEMENTATIONOF HRD STRATEGY LEGISLATIVE FRAMEWORK AS A FOUNDATION Continuity through all spheres of government Promoting the agenda of development Building learning communities & organizations Responding to sectoral differences Maintaining a performance focus Recognizing contextual differences Flexibility and adaptability Cohesiveness & Integration Responding to needs of designated groups (women & disabilities Focus on all Performa levels of employment 4 KEY PILLARS FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE THROUGH HRD THE LEGAL & POLICY FRAMEWORK GOVERNING LDMS FRAMEWORK IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE LEGAL FRAMEWORK FOR HRD IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE Skills Development Act Relevant SETAs & PSETA Skills Development Levies Act SAQA Act PS Act; PFMA & Regulations Employment Equity Act Labour Relations Act STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK FOR LMDS IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE White Paper on PS Education and Training White paper on HR MNGT in the PS National Skills Dev Strategy 2 HR Dev Strategy for South Africa HR Dev strategy for Public Service Millennium Development Goals CONCEPTUAL BASE FOR TRANSFORMING THE PUBLIC SECTOR Batho Pele White Paper White paper on Transforming the Public Service White Paper on a New Employment Policy for the Public Service ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL POLICY FRAMEWORK AND PROGRAMMES Presidential Pronouncements and Budget Speech IDPs Medium Term Strategy Framework National Spatial Development Strategies PROGRAMMES: ASGISA, JIPSA, EPWP DEVELOPMENT IMPERATIVES Poverty Alleviation Reducing Crime and Violence Unemployment Managing HIV and AIDS Backlogs in Service Delivery – Housing, Water, Schools Electricity Four Pillars of the LDMSF 1. Organisational Performance Management (OPM) 2. Management of Career Incidents (MACI) 3. Development Assessment Centre (DAC) 4. Training and Development Management (TDM) A VISION FOR SMS A Highly Competent, Dedicated, Responsive and Productive Leadership Cadre of the Public Service MISSION: BUILDING SENIOR LEADERSHIP CAPITAL FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE AND ENHANCED SERVICE DELIVERY ECONOMIC GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVES GOVERNANCE INITIATIVES ORGANIZATIONAL SUPPORT AND COHERENCE Strategic Control Points and Compliance mgt Financial and Programme Performance & compliance mgt Governance and Mgt Structures and Performance ORGANISATIONAL PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT CAPACITY BUILDING INITIATIVES Conduct Management Talent Mgt, leadership pipelines/ nominations for APs Retention Professional services Management Vacancy Management MANAGEMENT & ADMINISTRATION OF Pillar 2 CAREERPillar INCIDENTS 4 Competency Framework Assessment Policy DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT CENTRE Technical/Profession al skills development programmes Organisational Leadership Dev programmes Individual leader development programmes TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT Pillar 1 FOSTERING EFFECTIVE MONITORING, EVALUATION AND IMPACT ANALYSIS Focus on SMS and MMS Performa Levels of Employment Responding to Needs of Designated Groups esp. women and people with disabilities Cohesivene ss & Integration Flexibility & Adaptabili ty Recognizin g Contextual Differences Maintaining a Performanc e Focus Respondin g to Sectoral differences Building Learning Communiti es & Org. 10 CORE PRINCIPLES INFORMING IMPLEMENTATION OF SMS STRATEGY LEGISLATIVE FRAMEWORK AS A FOUNDATION Pillar 4 Promoting Agenda of Developm ent Continuity through all Levels of Governmen t CORE ELEMENTS OF THE LEADERSHIP VALUE CHAIN “Manage the Organisation and Lead Change” Organisational Performance Management (OPM) Strategic Planning Frameworks Organisational Management Systems Financial Performance Programme Performance Employee Performance (PMDS) PILLAR 1 Management of Career Incidents (MACI) Vacancy management: (Recruitment and Selection Policy) Conduct Management (Incapacity code Disclosure Framework) Retention Management (Promotion, deployment, Secondment, exit) Developmen t Assessment Centre (DAC) Competency Framework & Assessment Policy; (Audit Centre Profiling; Performer & Proficiency levels) Talent Search & Leadership pipelines (Nomination management; PDP Design) Professional Counselling PILLAR 3 PILLAR 2 Training and Developm ent Managem ent (TDM) Individual Leader Development programmes (JMDP; MMDP; SMDP; EMDP) Induction, Orientation Coaching, Mentoring) Organisation Leadership Dev Progs Critical Mission Khaedu Dev Programme Technical Skills Dev 13 Programme PILLAR 4 Purpose of the Pillar 1: OPM • To adopt a holistic approach to performance management linking it to strategic planning and capacity building in order to respond to varying needs and requirements of the SMS employees to undertake their responsibilities • To strengthen strategic performance planning frameworks and support structures and systems in public organisations in order to create a sound foundation for performance and service delivery. ELEMENTS OF ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE Governance & Management Financial performance Programme performance Employee performance Period A Organisational planning frameworks and processes Strategic Financial Medium term Strategic Plan MTEF Budget Annual Annual budget B Governance and management structures and processes C Employee performance management & appraisal systems; M&E tools & external strategic control points Operational Plan Workplans MANAGEMENT Portfolio Com Minexco Clusters Exco Manco STRUCTURES Org. structure Corporate culture Management styles Org. processes MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS HoD Evaluation (PSC) SMS PMDS (DPSA) Levels 1 to 12 (Own) 7 Quarterly reviews and Annual Reporting EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT INPUTS Parliament President/PM Portf Com. Clusters FOSAD National Planning Framework Presidency FOSAD National Treasury/ Provincial Treasury FOSAD Annual Performance Reports, Quarterly Reports Outputs Resources Physical OUTPUTS Governance & Management Programme Performance Financial Performance Employee Performance Outcomes Impact Human Financial Governance & Mgt Systems & Structures Strategic Planning & Processes Financial Planning & Processes Strategic Control Points S O C I E T Y Service Delivery Mandates Constitution MPSA: PS Act MINEXCO; MANCO; ORGANOGRAM. STRATEGIC & OPERATIONAL PLAN, APP (prov) MTEF & ANNUAL BUDGET, BUDGET COM. MF: PFMA ORGANISATIONAL ENVIRONMENT & PLATFORMS PMDS [HOD, SMS PMDS, & NONSMS] Performance Dept Specific Batho Pele, Organizational Culture & Management Styles Feedback loop Monitoring & Evaluation of compliance & progress C I T I Z E N S Year 0 Five -year Strategic & Performance Plan Annual Performance Plan of Year 0 Update of Strategic & Performance Plan for Year +2 Three-year Medium Term Expenditure Framework Annual Review & Oversight Processes of Year 0 Annual Budget of Year 0 Performance Agreements of Year 0 Monthly Financial Reports of Year 0 Annual Report and annual financial statements of Year 0 Quarterly Performance Reports of Year 0 Year 1 Third Quarter Financial and Performance Reports of Year 0 Update of Strategic & Performance Plan for Year +1 Purpose of the Pillar 2: MACI • To ensure that the Career Incidents of SMS are effectively administered and management in order to promote efficiency and effectiveness. • To ensure that HR practices for SMS members is in compliance with and promotes government’s agenda. Retention mechanism Delegations of power Exit MGT Recruitment & Selection Job Profiling MACI Deployment Transfers Secondment Termination of employment Grievance procedures Incapacity Code & procedures & Code of conduct Extension of Term of Office Purpose of the Pillar 3: DAC • To provide a Leadership and Management Competency and Development frameworks which are aligned with the roles and responsibilities of SMS members in the Public Service. • To provide a process to conduct skills and competency audits using an approved competency battery. • To guide in the provisioning of professional counseling, mentoring and coaching services to SMS members. ELEMENTS OF COMPETENCY BASED MANAGEMENT Recruitment, selection & placement Perf. contract Career Exit Devel & Comp.Manag Orient; Ind; Succession Reward & Management Ment; coach planning incentives SkillsDev. Performance Management Personal Development Plan (PDP) Learning and Development Career and Development Employee Relations Result Management Contribution Management Competency Management Compliance Management 6 A VISION FOR SMS A highly competent, dedicated, responsive and productive leadership cadre of the Public Service CORE COMPETENCIES AND THE DIMENSIONS TO BE MEASURED FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE AND ENHANCED SERVICE DELIVERY COMMUNICATION KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT SERVICE DELIVERY INNOVATION PROBLEM SOLVING & ANALYSIS ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REPORTING LEADING PEOPLE, STRATEGY AND TASK EXECUTION MGT STRATEGIC PLANNING, GOVERNANCE & MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORKS STRATEGIC CAPABILITY AND LEADERSHIP EMPLOYEE RELATIONS MANAGEMENT PROJECT/ PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE REPORTING EHW AND DIVERSITY MANAGEMENT PROJECT/ PROGRAMME EXECUTION HR PLANNING; MANAGEMENT & DEVELOPMENT PEOPLE MANAGEMENT AND EMPOWERMENT FINANCIAL REPORTING (In-Year Monitoring AG Report) CHANGE RESULTS, IMPACT MONITORING & EVALUATION BUSINESS PROCESS DELIVERY LOOPS FINANCIAL BUDGETING & EXECUTION PROCESS IMPROVEMENT ORG DESIGNS POLICY CHANGE & EXECUTION SUBJECT MATTER SPECIALISATION PROJECT/ PROJECT PLANNING FINANCIAL PLANNING & PFMA, MTEF, MTSF CHANGE VISION, CHANGE PLANNING & STRATEGY BEST PRACTICE PROJECT & PROGRAMME MANAGEMENT FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT CHANGE MANAGEMENT TECHNICAL AND PROFESSIONAL SKILLS CORE COMPETENCIES CONSULTATION REDRESS PROVIDING INFORMATION OPENNES AND TRANSPARENCY VALUE FOR MONEY SETTING SERVICE STANDARDS CORE PRINCIPLES (8 BATHO PELE PRINCIPLES) LEGISLATIVE FRAMEWORK AS A FOUNDATION ENSURING COURTESY INCREASING ACCESS CORE COMPETENCY: STRATEGIC CAPABILITY AND LEADERSHIP Lead knowledge and learning Lead political & cultural context thru Batho Pele Principles Strategic Capability & Leadership Lead with accurate problem solve Analysis DIMENSIONS LEADING PEOPLE, STRATEGY AND TASK EXECUTION MANAGEMENT Lead Service delivery innovation Lead with clear comun strategies STRATEGIC PLANNING, GOVERNANCE & MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK Strategic Capability & Leadership ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REPORTING CORE COMPETENCY: PROJECT AND PROGRAMME MANAGEMENT Leads and manages project knowledge and learning Lead projects & programmes applying Batho Pele Principles PROJECT & PROGRAMME MANAGEMENT Lead with accurate problem solving and analysis DIMENSIONS PROGRAMME AND PROJECT PERFORMANCE: M&E Leads and implements Service delivery innovation Leads with clear communication strategies PROJECT/PROGRAMME PLANNING Project & Programme MGT PROGRAMME AND PROJECT EXECUTION CORE COMPETENCY: FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Lead the financial knowledge and learning Mainstream & implement Batho Pele principles FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Lead finances with clear communication strategies Problem solving and analysis in the financial area DIMENSIONS Lead service delivery innovation FINANCIAL PLANNING AND PERFORMANCE FINANCIAL BUDGETING AND EXECUTION Financial Management FINANCIAL PLANNING AND PERFORMANCE CORE COMPETENCY: CHANGE MANAGEMENT Lead knowledge and learning in change mgt Mainstream & implement Batho Pele Principles Service delivery innovation CHANGE MANAGEMENT problem solving and analysis DIMENSIONS CHANGE RESULTS/ IMPACT MONITORING AND EVALUATION Change communication strategies CHANGE VISION, CHANGE PLANNING AND STRATEGY Change Management ORGANISATIONAL DESIGN, STRUCTURAL CHANGES AND CHANGE MGT CORE COMPETENCY: PEOPLE MANAGEMENT AND EMPOWERMENT Knowledge management , learning, development of self & others Mainstream and implement Batho Pele Principles Service delivery innovation PEOPLE MANAGEMENT AND EMPOWERMENT Problem solving and analysis in people skills DIMENSIONS HR PLANNING, HR MANAGEMENT & HR DEVELOPMENT People skills and Communication strategies EMPLOYEE HEALTH & WELLNESS AND DIVERSITY MAGEMENT People mgt & empowerment EMPLOYEE RELATIONS MANAGEMENT Purpose of the Pillar 4: TDM • To provide a focus for the alignment of the content of training programmes designed for SMS members with the approved core competencies in the Public Service. • To provide strategies for the utilisation of the skills levy funding set aside for training and development programmes. • To provide strategies for ensuring a continuous pipeline for productive and contributing Public Servants at all the management feeder levels targeting especially the Previously Disadvantaged Individuals (PDIs) such as Women and People with Disabilities. A VISION FOR SMS A highly competent, dedicated, responsive and productive leadership cadre of the Public Service PUBLIC RELEVANT TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVES ORGANIZATIONAL SUPPORT INITIATIVES GOVERNANCE INITIATIVES ECONOMIC GROWTH AND DEVELOMENT LONG TERM EXCHANGE/SABBATICALS RESEARCH NOMINATION MANAGEMENT AND CRITICAL-MISSION DEPLOYMENTS LEADERSHIP PIPELINE Succession Planning & Management MEDIUM TERM (JMDP;MMDP;SMDP;EMDP) SHORT TERM Induction;(Orientation-Khaedu 1,2,3) Mentoring, Coaching; Critical Mission Deployment INDIVIDUAL LEADER DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS AND COMPETENCY MANAGEMENT ORGANISATIONAL LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES EFFECTIVE TECHNICAL/ PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCY MODELS STRATEGIC PARTNESHIPS WITH PSETA; SAMDI; HEIs & PROVINCIAL ACADEMIES ASGI-SA AND JIPSA PROGRAMMES TECHNICAL& PROFESSIONAL SKILLS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES 10 CORE PRINCIPLES LEGISLATIVE FRAMEWORK AS A FOUNDATION Continuity through all spheres of government Promoting the agenda of development Building learning communities & organizations Responding to sectoral differences Maintaining a performance focus Recognizing contextual differences Flexibility and adaptability Cohesiven ess & Integration Responding to needs of designated groups (women & disabled) Focus on SMS and MMS Performa levels TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT FOR PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT PROCESS FLOW FOR COMPETENCY ASSESSMENTS PROCESSBASED FLOW FOR CA RECRUIT&SELECTION POLICY DEVELOPED&IMPLEMENTED Short, Medium; Long Term training interventions identif. Training and development interventions implemented Short, Medium, Long Term training completed Redeployed/ transferred Re-assessment done Report Perf. improvement and Development Decision/Develop/Exit Promoted THE PROFICIENCY LEVELS DESCRIPTOR INDICATOR TRAINING NEEDS 1. Not achieved No ability displayed with regard to the task at hand Beginner - basic training program to address gap 2. Partially achieved A minimum display of working knowledge An intermediate – training intervention to address gaps 3. Achieved 4. Exceeded Expectation fulfilled task requirement Achieved beyond the required performer level. Competent – recommended for an advanced training programme for the level Advanced –training in preparation for the next performer level. PDP RECOMMENDATION • Achieved all 5 competencies - 0 or Long Term incentive training programme and ready for promotion. - Can be considered to be a coach. • Achieved 4 competencies - short, medium term of 1 competency and long term incentive training programme and ready for promotion. Can be a coach. • Achieved 3 competencies- short to medium term training programmes to address the gap, can be considered for promotion provided that s/he is attached to a coach. • Achieved 1 and 2 competencies- An intensive short and medium term training programme cannot be considered for promotion. (Where gaps have been identified no consideration for promotion before completion of the PDP). PERFORMER LEVEL Junior Management Service (JMS) Middle Management Service (MMS) Senior Management Service (SMS) Executive Management Service (EMS) Managing Self Managing others Managing a function Managing a corporate Assistant Director Deputy Director Self and Directors Directors and Chief Deputy Director-General and Director-General SHORT TERM DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES ASSOCIATED WITH PERFORMER LEVELS Induction Orientation Khaedu 1 and Induction Orientation and Khaedu 2 Khaedu 3 Induction and Orientation Induction and Orientation MEDIUM TERM DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES ASSOCIATED WITH PERFORMER LEVELS Mentoring Mentoring Coaching Coaching Junior Management Development Programme (JMDP) Middle Management Development Programme (MMDP) Senior Management Development Programme (SMDP) Executive Development (EMDP) Management Programme LONG TERM DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES ASSOCIATED WITH PERFORMER LEVELS Technical programmes Research work Technical programmes Research work Exchange programmes Research work Exchange programmes Research work Sabatticals LEADERSHIP PIPELINE ASD (LEVELS 9/10) Junior management service (JMS) - managing self PIPELINE LEADERSHIP Short term prog Medium term prog Long term prog DD (LEVELS 11/12) Middle management service (MMS) – Managing self and others Short term prog Medium term prog Long term prog D &CD (LEVELS 13/14) Induction/ orientation/mentoring/ Khaedu 1 MMDP Technical prog / research work Senior Management Service (SMS) – Managing a function Short term prog Medium term prog Long term prog DDG & DG (LEVELS 15/16) Induction/ orientation/mentoring JMDP Technical prog / research work Induction/ orientation/coaching/ Khaedu 2 SMDP Exchange prog / research work Executive management service (EMS) – Managing the corporation Short term prog Medium term prog Long term prog Induction/ orientation/coaching/ Khaedu 3 EMDP Sabbaticals/Exchange prog/research work Accelerated Dev.Moving from 4th to 6th and skipping 5th Accelerate Dev. Moving from 2nd to 4th and skipping 3rd 6th Managing an enterprise Accelerated Dev. Moving from 3rd to 5th and skipping 4th 5th Managing a group of functions 3rd Managing Self and Others 4th Managing managers/ functions 2nd Managing Others 1st Self Managemen t Accelerated Dev. Moving from 1st to 3rd and skipping 2nd MANAGERIAL 100% TECHNICAL 100% PROFESSIONAL 100% OTHER IN T/P:M 6 Ch ief Ex ecut ive Manager ( DG) Head Tech n ical Serv ices ( DG) Head Pr of essional Serv ices ( DG) 50/50 5 Ex ecut ive Manager ( DDG) Ex ecut ive Tech n ician ( DDG) Ex ecut ive Pr of essional ( DDG) 60/40 4 Senior Man ager ( Ch ief Direct or) Senior Tech n ician ( Ch ief Direct or ) Senior Pr of essional ( Ch ief Direct or) 65/35 3 Manager ( Direct or) Tech n ician ( Direct or) Ch ief Pr of essional ( Direct or) 70/30 2 Mid dle Manager ( Deput y Direct or ) Specialist Tech n ician ( Deput y Direct or ) Specialist Pr of essional ( Deput y Direct or ) 1 Jun ior Manager Jun ior Jun ior 80/20 STAGES IN ASSESSMENT/DEVELOPMENT CENTRE DESIGN Define Organisational objectives Gain Commitment Review/ Validate Existing Procedures Job Analysis Define Competencies Select Excercises Design Programme Develop Exercises Train Assessors Run Pilot Implement Programme Review & Validate PERFORMANCE SUCCESS PROFILE 100% WORK EXPERIENCE 30% COMPETENCIES 30% 10% WHAT I HAVE DONE PERSONAL ATTRIBUTES WHAT I KNOW KNOWLEDGE 30% ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS WHAT I AM CAPABLE OF WHO I AM STRUCTURE FOR FACILITATING IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SMS LDMS FRAMEWORK – PILLARS & DRIVERS PILLAR 1 PILLAR 2 IMPROVE ORGANISATIONAL & INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE EFFECTIVELY MANAGE CAREER INCIDENTS OF SMS MEMBERS • NATIONAL INSTITUTIONAL • FRAMEWORKS MACRO LEVEL GOVERNANCE • POLICY DEVELOPMENT • IMPLEMENTATION GUIDELINES. • CONTINOUS M & E • POLICY DEVELOPMENT • IMPLEMENTATION GUIDELINES. • CONTINOUS M & E • PROVINCIAL INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORKS • MESO LEVEL GOVERNANCE • PROVINCIAL COORDINATION • PROGRAMME IMPLEMENTATION • PROVINCE SPECIFIC IMPACT ASSESSMENT • PROVINCIAL COORDINATION • PROGRAMME IMPLEMENTATION • PROVINCE SPECIFIC IMPACT ASSESSMENT • DEPTS INSTITUTIONAL • IMPLEMENTATION OF • IMPLEMENTATION OF FRAMEWORKS &POLICIES & GUIDELINES POLICIES & GUIDELINES • PROCESSES • EFFECTIVE REPORTING • EFFECTIVE REPORTING MICRO LEVEL MECHANISMS MECHANISMS GOVERNANCE OPM MACI PILLAR 3 MAXIMISE DEVELOPMENT THROUGH DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT CENTRES • POLICY DEVELOPMENT • IMPLEMENTATION GUIDELINES. • CONTINOUS M & E PILLAR 4 DEVELOP & SUSTAIN LEADERS IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE • POLICY DEVELOPMENT • IMPLEMENTATION GUIDELINES. • CONTINOUS M & E • PROVINCIAL COORDINATION • PROGRAMME IMPLEMENTATION • PROVINCE SPECIFIC IMPACT ASSESSMENT • PROVINCIAL COORDINATION • PROGRAMME IMPLEMENTATION • PROVINCE SPECIFIC IMPACT ASSESSMENT • IMPLEMENTATION OF POLICIES & GUIDELINES • EFFECTIVE REPORTING MECHANISMS • IMPLEMENTATION OF POLICIES & GUIDELINES • EFFECTIVE REPORTING MECHANISMS LDC TDM Implementing a Strategic Framework for LDM for SMS Step 1: Conduct Stakeholder Review Step 2: Design Conceptual Framework Legal and Political Mandate Step 3: Design Strategic Framework Step 10: Annual Performance Review Report on SMS Step 4: Design Guidelines to Implement Step by Step Step 9: Annual SMS Consultative Conference Step 5: Annual Performance Plans Step 8: SMS Steering Committee Step 6: Monitoring and Evaluation Tools Step 7: Quarterly Reviews HRM is NOT a matrix function it is a critical support function along with finance HR Line Manager Finance 42 Consultation Document & Questionnaire found @ www.dpsa.gov.za send to sms@dpsa.gov.za Discussion & Questions