GA-SEGONYANA LOCAL MUNICIPALITY TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT/STUDY SCHEME POLICY 1. PREFACE An organization must have a clearly defined strategy and policy that direct all decision, That is made in terms of training and development. This policy document addresses These objectives. 1.1 The principal thrust of this piece of policy rests on a career promotion and Progression as well as vocational and educational training and development of employees of Ga-Segonyana Local Municipality. 1.2 Equally, it seeks to address the strategic orientation of employees towards Individual and collective responsibilities within the institution and their respective directorate. 2. DEFINITIONS “study assistance” means an employee will be offered study assistance to study at a South African university, Technikon or FET College or any other recognized learning institution by means of the further study scheme and who is contractually Bound to remain in the employment of the Municipality on completion of Such studies for a period determined in the contract. “CAM” Corporate Admin manager “HOD” means Head of Department “IDP” means Integrated Development Plan “JD” means Job Description “MM” means Municipal Manager “PDP” means Personal Development Plan “SAQA” means South African Qualification Authority “TNA” means Training Needs Analysis “LGSETA” means the Local Government Sector Education and Training Authority “SDA” means the Skills Development Act, No. 97 of 1998- as amended 1|Page 3. LEGISLATIVE ENVIRONMENT 3.1 The inception of the Skills Development Act (Act No 97 of 1998) and set the legislative framework and policy approach towards the development and application of the Training and Development Policy for GA-Segonyana Local Municipality. 3.2 Obviously, there are other pieces of legislation and policies that give impetus and meaning to the creation of the Training Development policy, for Ga-Segonyana Local Municipality, like Labour Relations Act and many more. 4. POLICY OBJECTIVES 4.1 To provide a conducive workplace environment to offer training and development of the employees of Ga-Segonyana Local Municipality. 4.2 To provide a broad framework for the application of the training and development of the employees of Ga-Segonyana Local Municipality. 4.3 To impart the required and necessary skills transfer and knowledge to improve and increase productivity, labour mobility and performance of levels of employees of GaSegonyana Local Municipality. 4.4 To establish a pool of suitable candidates in order to support, inter alia, the Succession Plan. 5. POLICY GUIDING PRINCIPLES 5.1 The training and development of employees shall be provided through an in sourced and or outsourced basis depending on the nature and content of training needs, internal capacity, financial muscle and requirements, its linkages to the institutional overall goals and many more. 5.2 The usage of external training providers shall be based on the accredited ones in terms of the requirements of South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA), however, deviation or variation may be considered under certain circumstances where applicable. 5.3 The acquisition and approval of training service providers shall be in accordance with the Municipal Finance Act and the Procurement Policy of Ga-Segonyana Local Municipality. 6. POLICY APPLICATION 2|Page 6.1 This policy shall apply to all the employees and councilors including to the accredited and government department capacity building programs provided by and/or on behalf of Ga-Segonyana Local Municipality. 6.2 Priority shall be given to employees from designated groups in order to enhance skills development in terms of employment equity measures provided for in the GaSegonyana Local Municipality Employment Equity Policy. 7. BROAD SCOPE OF TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT FACETS 7.1 These shall include the ones stated below, however, not limited:7.1.1 On –Job Training 7.1.2 Seminar, Conference and Workshops 7.1.3 Learnerships, Skills and Training Program 7.1.4 Vocational and Educational interventions 7.1.5 Other training and Development Initiatives 7.1.6 The amount for the listed above should not exceed R3500-00 per event. 8. TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES 8.1 The Skills Development Act (Act No 97 of 1998) requires employers to use the workplace as an active learning environment, provide employees with opportunities to acquire new skills, provide opportunities for new entrant s to the labour market to gain skill and experience, and employ persons who find a difficulty to be employed. 8.2 The above-stated strategies dictate that this said policy shall have to incorporate them in its application for greater benefits for the existing and future employees of GaSegonyana Local Municipality and the attainment of its organizational goals. 9. LEANERSHIP AND SKILLS PROGRAMS 9.1 Learnerships and skills programs contribute to training and development by combining structured learning with structured work experience to obtain an NQF registered qualification 9.1.1 Learnerships replace and “extend” traditional apprenticeship to non-trade learning areas and thus resulting in a SAQA registered qualification. 9.1.2 Skills Programs are smaller units of learning which are credit-bearing and may build credits towards a qualification. 9.2 The Ga-Segonyana is committed to providing learnerships and skills program which are:9.2.1 Diverse comprehensive in nature and content 9.2.2 Consistent and in line with the objectives of the institutional needs 9.2.3 Integrate education skills training and thus providing a work-based route to a qualification 3|Page 9.2.4 Provide a lifelong learning that embraces prior learning and workplace experience 10.CAREER PROGRESSION 10.1 Career progression is a vocational pathway, which an employee can move to promote his or her own development and organizational capacity and attainment of its set-goals. 10.2 Career progression shall have to be developed within the strategic priorities of GaSegonyana Local Municipality, however, does not need to be misconstrued with promotion rather as an instrumental and enabling tool for easy movement within the organization. 10.3 The Ga-Segonyana Local Municipality shall 10.3.1 Ensure that education and training provision is within the identified career path 10.3.2 Assist employees to arrive at a correct decision to choose the career path and opportunities 10.3.3 Provide study assistance to official within its financial capacity as part of social responsibility and with a view to make provision for future needs of the organization 11.TRAINING COMMITTEE 11.1 A training committee shall be established by Ga-Segonyana Council through its duly authorized Portfolio Committee as required by the Skills Development Act, (Act No 97 of 1998) to provide, inter-alia, the provision of training courses as well as needs within the broad guiding framework. 11.2 The Training Committee shall comprise of the Chairperson of the Human Resources Standing Committee, Councillors of the Human Resources Standing Committee , 1 Representative per Directorate, 2 representatives per union and Manager Corporate Admin and Skills Development Officer as permanent members. 11.3 The Chairperson shall preside over all meetings of the Training Committee, if absent delegate to any of the two Councillors with the Skills Development Officer providing secretariat support and record keeping. 11.4 The Skills Development Officer within the Human Resource Department shall act as a Skills Development Facilitator with the approval of Ga-Segonyana Council as dictated by the Skills Development Act (Act No 97 of 1998). 11.5 Equally the Deputy Corporate Admin Manager shall be responsible for the administrative and operative coordination of the training process and training programs of Ga-Segonyana Local Municipality. 11.6 Also the Deputy Corporate Admin Manager together with the Skills Development Officer shall provide advice and assistance on training activities to the Training Committee in consultation with Departmental Heads, Union Representatives and general employees. 4|Page 12.FUNCTIONS OF THE TRAINING COMMITTEE 12.1 The training committee shall have to ensure that the Workplace Skills Plan of GaSegonyana Local Municipality is in plan and implemented thereof in line with the strategic objectives of its IDP. 12.2 It shall have to assess the impact and relevance of training provision and development programs for Councillors, Employees and Ward Committees in line with the strategic objectives of the IDP of Ga-Segonyana Local Municipality. 12.3 It shall further evaluate the meeting of Employment Equity as well as Workplace Skills Plan Targets as set out in the Employment Equity Plan and Work Skills Plan of GaSegonyana Local Municipality. 12.4 It shall through the Deputy Corporate admin Manager develop and submit training and development reports to the Corporate Services Portfolio Committee for consideration and assessment. 13.TRAINING PROCEDURE FOR COUNCILLORS 13.1 Invitation for training will be send to the Speaker’s office 13.2 Office of the Speaker will verify and obtain certificate of accreditation from service providers before sending Councillors to such training 13.3 Speakers will nominate and inform Councillors who should attend 13.4 Nominations of who should attend will be based on Councillors serving on the relevant portfolio Committee. 13.5 Office of the Speaker will notify Skills Development Officer of those arrangements so as to update the Work Skills Plan. 13.6 Report of training, seminar, workshop attended will be forwarded to the office of the Speaker 14.TRAINING PROCEDURE FOR OFFICIALS 14.1 Invitation for training will be send to Heads of Departments 14.2 Upon receiving an indication that official will attend 14.3 Skills Development Officer will verify and obtain Certificates of accreditation from service providers 14.4 Invitation for training and accreditation letter will be attached on the claim when forwarded to the Municipal Manager for approval. 5|Page STUDY ASSISTANCE POLICY 1. INTRODUCTION The assistance is adopted to provide employees the opportunity to acquire further qualifications to enable them to provide more professional service to the Municipality. 2. APPLICABILTY OF THE POLICY This policy applies to Officials and Councillors of the Ga-Segonyana Local Municipality. 3. OBJECTIVES 3.1. The objectives of this policy document is to create a pool of adequately trained and readily available personnel and councilors within the Municipality, thereby enhancing the organisation’s ability to adopt and use technology to enhance the organisations competitive position and improves employee morale. 3.2. To ensure uniform procedure to all employees of the Ga- Segonyana Local Municipality with regard to further studies. 3.3. To afford employees the opportunity to further their skills. 3.4. To encourage employees to acquire qualifications and skills. 3.5. To develop and empower staff to expand their career prospects within the GaSegonyana Local Municipality and other public sector institutions. 3.6. To ensure uniformity in granting financial assistance with regard to further studies. 4. BUDGET 4.1 The annual training budget as well as grants received from LGSETA must provide for the training need of the Municipality. 4.2 Training courses and funding provided by the Provincial and National Department of GOHSTA must also be accessed. 4.3 The Skills Development Officer is responsible to make enough provision in the budget for study assistance. 5 PRINCIPLES 5.1 Procedure 5.1.1 5.1.2 6|Page The applicant shall complete an application form obtainable from the office of the Skills Development Officer and submit it together with his/her PDP and JD to the immediate supervisor for recommendation. All applications shall be recommended or authorized by Head of Department according to the delegation of authority. Employees shall use the grievance procedure in the cases of dissatisfaction with application that has been turned down by the supervisor/HDO. 5.1.3 5.1.4 5.1.5 5.1.6 5.1.7 5.1.8 5.1.9 5.1.10 5.1.11 5.1.12 5.1.13 7|Page The supervisor HDO shall consider the application based on the following: Current skills gap and skills requirements of the position they are currently occupying Employees Personal Development Plan (PSP) Progress report on previous studies The supervisor/HDO shall refer the application to the CAS by the cutoff date or as per local requirements of the institutions. The CAS shall acknowledge receipt of the application within one (1) day of the receipt thereof. The Corporate Admin Manager shall submit application to the Municipal Manager for consideration. The Municipal Manager shall consider and approve all further study scheme applications, for the following categories: Secondary Qualifications (Grade 10-12); Undergraduate Qualifications; Post graduate Qualifications; Business School Qualifications Once the Municipal Manager has approved the request for further study He/she shall forward the application to the CAS for administrative controls and processing. The Skills Development Officer shall advice the applicant in writing of the decision of the Municipal Manager and attaches the Study Scheme Agreement for the signature. The Skills Development Officer shall request a cheque from Finance Department and ensures that the applicant signs for acknowledgement thereof. The Skills Development Officer shall open a: Further Study Files” for the employee. The following documentation shall be placed on this file: Copy of approval letter to the employee; Completed form PDP and JD; List of prescribed books; Proof of payment to institution; Summary of payments made in a study year; Examination roster and results; Copies of leave of application forms; Other cost within Further Study Agreement Policy. Section 56 employees and Councillors will be entitled to study assistance within five years term of their office. All payments shall be made to the institution on receipt of an official account/invoice. Criteria for further Study Bursary Scheme SUBJECT Eligibility of Application Continuing Assistance Study Direction CRITERIA Full-time employees, Section 56 and Councillors of Municipality (also applicable to employees completing their probation period). Meet the registration requirements of the providing institution. Meet course specific requirements. Appropriate to Municipal objectives as well as Employee Career Path in the Municipality, (Personal Development Plan) Meet any requirements that Council may have in terms of academic, merit and leadership potential. Satisfactory reports in respects of courses undertaken: Acceptable work performance: examination results shall be handed in at Human Resources Will also be aimed at course and subject hopping In accordance with schedule of approved study directions/line of study by Council. Supports anticipated career path. Enhances knowledge, intellect or expertise. Critical skills needed in functions Linked to PDP. 5.2 Contractual Liability and Service Obligation 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 5.2.4 The employee will be required to enter into an agreement with the GaSegonyana Local Municipality for admission to the Study Scheme and to remain in the service of the Ga-Segonyana Local Municipality for a period equal to which study assistance was granted. (see annexure A ) An employee shall not leave the employment of Council for a period of one (1) year, commencing on the first day of the month in which he/she obtains the qualification. This entail that after a successful completed study year, the beginning of the following study year (whilst still having a bursary) shall be seen as the first year of the work-back period. In the case of block releases an employee shall not leave the employment of Council for a period of one (1) year if special leave of up to and including twenty six (26) weeks of the year was granted to attend classes or experiential training. In the case of block releases excess of twenty six (26) weeks special leave granted to attend classes or experiential training, an employee shall not leave the employment of Council for a period of two years. 5.3 Special Leave/Sabbatical Leave/ Practical / Block Releases/ Attending Classes 8|Page 5.3.1 5.3.2 An employee shall be granted special leave for compulsory contact session, block releases and experiential training. If the special leave that has been granted for study purposes is less than twenty six (26) weeks per year, it shall be written off on pro rata basis over a period of one (1) year. If special leave has been granted for more than twenty six (26) weeks per year, the same principle shall apply but shall be written off on pro rata basis over a period of two (2) years 5.4 Failure to Complete Studies 5.4.1 Should an employee fail a subject, be refused permission to write a subject or did not sit for the exam of a specific subject which he/she was registered for, it shall be expected that he/she shall register the same subject at his/her own cost. 5.4.2 Study leave shall be granted to an employee only once per subject failed per diploma/degree. 5.4.3 Study leave shall be granted for any supplementary examination granted, if applicable. 5.4.4 Should an employee fail to complete his/her studies within the applicable time frame as set by the institution, it shall be expected of the employee to pay back to Council all monies of subjects or courses failed/permission refused to write/exams not written. Subject(s) passed shall be calculated against a pro rata period of one (1) year towards his/her service obligation. 5.4.5 Any repayment back to Council shall be paid as follows: R600-00 : 6 months R600-00 to R1200-00 : 12 months R1200-00 and more : minimum R300-00 per month 5.4.6 Interest shall be paid at prime/bankers rate of Council on repayment of a study scheme. 5.4.7 If an employee failed a registered course/ subject, provided that proof is given of re-registration for the subject/ course, the amount shall be waived for a period of three (3) years. 5.5 Failure to Complete Service Obligation 5.5.1 If an employee leaves the service of Council before his/her service obligation period has been completed, the amount owing shall be immediately payable or deducted from his/her pension fund contribution/leave day’s payment. 5.6 General 5.6.1 5.6.2 9|Page Council shall assist employees with prescribed text books for registered subject/courses only. Study equipment shall be for the account of the employee. 5.6.3 5.6.4 5.6.5 5.6.6 5.6.7 Double registration for different courses and/or registration at other institutions shall not be covered by this scheme. Completion of a Diploma/Degree/Certificate shall not automatically lead to expectation of promotion or any kind of incentive by Council. Council shall not pay for remarking of papers. All cost such as travel and subsistence and accommodation shall be for the account of the employee. That council will pay 80% of tuition fee and 20% will be paid by employees after submission of proof of registration. Assessment by Head of Department NAME: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… DEPARTMENT: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… STUDY COURSE: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… INSTITUTION: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. The following evaluation of the proposed course, institution and potential value to be added should be noted: COURSE: Please evaluate on scale 1 to (5 is most positive) Relevant to employee’s current position and/or future development 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Contribution to development of knowledge and skill INSTITUTION: Responsiveness to needs of employee Contribution to development of knowledge Recommended to municipal employees POTENTIAL VALUE TO BE ADDED Employee 1 2 3 4 5 Supervisor/ HOD 1 2 3 4 5 10 | P a g e 6 APPEAL MECHANISM In the event of the employee being dissatisfied with any decision taken in terms of this policy, the normal grievance procedure may be followed. 11 | P a g e TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Preface 2. Definitions 3. Legislative Environment 4. Policy Objectives 5. Policy Guiding Principles 6. Policy Application 7. Principles 8. Broad Scope of Training and Development Facets 9. Training and Development Strategies 10.Learnership and Skills Programs 11.Career Progression 12.Training Committee 13.Functions of the Training Committee 14.Training Procedure for Councillors 15.Training Procedure for Officials 16.Appeal Mechanism 17.Attachment 12 | P a g e Pg.1 Pg.2 Pg.3 - 6 Pg.6 Pg. 7 Pg.8 Pg.9 Pg.10 Pg.11 TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT/STUDY SCHEME POLICY Policy Status Date of First Approval Date of First Implementation Date Last Amended Date of Next Review Policy Benchmark and References Stakeholders Consulted 13 | P a g e Review 2008-05- 22: Council resolution that policy be approved as a draft policy. 2008- 05-22 Skills Development Act, No. 97 0f 1998. LLF:……./…../20…… Executive Committee: ……/…../20……. Standing Committee: …../…../20……. Council: ……/…../20…….. ANNEXURE A STUDY ASSISTANCE AGREEMENT Between Ga- Segonyana Local Municipality (the employer) And -----------------------------------------(the employee) It is hereby agreed between the parties that: 1. The employer shall grant the employee financial assistance for the purpose of enabling the employee to undertake the following course of study: COURSE: …………………………………………………………………….. INSTITUTION: ……………………………………………………………… YEAR OF STUDY: ……………. 2. The financial assistance granted in terms of clause 1 above to the employee shall be in the form of a Municipal Study Assistance of R …………………., ………. made as follows: SUBJECT: …………………………………….. FEES: ……………………… TOTAL: …………………………….. 3. The employee, presently employed as a ……………………………………………………………………. in the ……………………………………………………… Department, hereby agrees to fulfill the conditions as set out under clauses 4 – 10 of this agreement. 4. To give satisfactory proof of enrolment for the abovementioned course of study. 5. To observe the rules of the abovementioned institution. 6. To furnish the Municipality with a certified copy of the employee’s examination results in respect of any intermediate as well as any annual examinations within a period of one month after such results have been released by the institution. 7. Service obligation. See clauses 5.2. and 5.5. of the Study Assistance Policy. 7.1. To serve the Municipality upon having obtained the abovementioned qualification for a minimum period of one (1) year. 7.2. In the case of block releases an employee shall not leave the employment of the municipality for a period of one (1) year if special leave of up to or twenty six (26) weeks of the year was granted to attend classes or experiential training. 14 | P a g e 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 7.3. In the case of block releases in excess of twenty six (26) weeks special leave was granted to attend classes or experiential training, an employee shall not leave the employment of the municipality for a period of two (2) years. 7.4. In the event of the employee’s service with the municipality being terminated for whatever reason before his/her service obligation period has been completed, the amount owing shall be immediately payable or deducted from his/her salary, Pension Fund contributions or leave days payment. To authorize the Manager Financial Services (CFO) in the event of the employee’s services with the employer being terminated for any reason, to deduct from any monies which may become due to the employee on termination of services, the difference between any amounts already paid by the employee in terms hereof and the total amount of such Study Assistance. To refund the employer the full amount of such Study Assistance advanced to the employee should he/she fail to complete the course of study. Now therefore, the parties also further agree: That other than the first payment, further payments by the employer shall be made only upon receipt from the learning institution, proof that the employee’s progress has been satisfactory in all subjects. That upon successful completion of the course and having served the employer for a period of one year, the sum of all monthly repayments deducted from the employee’s salary will be refunded to the employee in the form of a bursary. That the cost of repeating any course, year, subject shall be at the employee’s expense. See clause 5.4. SIGNED at _______________ this ____ day of ___________________ 20___ . AS WITNESSES 1. ________________________ 2. _________________________ _______________________ EMPLOYEE SIGNED at _______________ this _____ day of ____________________ 20 ____. AS WITNESSES 1. ________________________ 2. ________________________ 15 | P a g e ________________________ EMPLOYER