CLASSES 3L and 3E DATE SET Tuesday 22nd September DATE DUE Tuesday 20th October Dear Children and adults, Our topic this half term is the all about the Ancient Egyptians! We will be learning about who they were and how they live. In science we will be learning about different plants that grew along the River Nile; parts of a plant and their functions. MATHS Remember to revise your weekly number facts to earn your reward based on your rocket card! Children will be tested each week on their number facts – they will be told which ones to learn by their teacher. Prizes will be awarded in assembly to children who are successful. And don’t forget to log onto Mathletics! READING Remember to read each day and get an adult to sign your reading card /book. Don’t forget to collect your rewards for reading! WRITING AND TOPIC You have a scrap book to use to complete your homework project. Over the next few weeks complete some of these activities or make some up of your own. COMPLETE AT LEAST ONE OF THE WRITING TASKS 1. With an adult, visit the website ypt/ (google Manchester university Egyptians for kids) and down 10 interesting facts to share! 2. Using this website: (google gods and goddess Ancient Egypt) choose a god, draw a picture and write a short description about them. 3. Write a secret message using hieroglyphics. NOW CHOOSE SOME OR ALL OF THESE: 1. Design an Ancient Egyptian coffin (sarcophagus) 2. Create an Egyptian mummy using junk modelling – can you make a coffin? You could use a shoe box. 3. Make a set of cards to play Snap using pictures of Ancient Egypt. Put a label on each card and play with your friends and family. Find out more about Ancient Egypt. Create a PowerPoint on the computer or a small book to present what you have found out. SPELLING Don’t forget spelling will go home Friday for your test the following week! Topic Words Do you know what these words mean and how to spell them? ancient hieroglyphics canopic jars sphinx mummification Cairo Nile Places you could visit British Museum Cleopatra’s Needle – near Embankment station Local library for Egyptian research