Management Decision Modeling with Spreadsheets

The School of Management & Entrepreneurship
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Management Decision Science
Semester-2 (2011-2013)
Module Leader
Dr. Rana Singh
Auro University The School of Management & Entrepreneurship
Course Outcomes and Objectives
Learning Outcomes
Learning Process
Support for Your Learning
Course Assessment
Using Unfair Means
Coursework Task 1: Spread sheet Functions
Coursework Assessment Task 2: Assessed Business Plan –Individual
Coursework Assessment Task 2a: Assessed Presentation-Individual
Coursework Assessment Task 3: Mid Term Test 1
Weekly Coverage
Week 1: Management Decision Science: An Introduction
Week 2: Business Modelling and Business Plans –Decisions Using Ms-Excel
Week 3: Linear Programming, Linear Programming Models: Graphical and Computer
Week 4: Linear Programming Modeling Applications with Computer Analysis in Excel
Week 5: Linear Programming and Sensitivity Analysis
Week 6: Transportation, Assignment and Network Models
Week 7: Decision Analysis
Week 8: Simulation Modeling
Course Outcomes and Objectives:
The Management Decision Science course aims at imparting business modelling skills and
decision making skills in order to optimise resources at the workplace by learning the
conceptual underpinnings of decision making concepts and integrating it with the spread sheet
skills so as to be comfortable in decision making with the help of spread sheets.
The course has two pronged focus. Firstly the students are expected to enhance their learning
of the various functions, functionalities and applications of Ms-Excel and its usage in the
Management Decision Science
Auro University The School of Management & Entrepreneurship
process of decision making. In the modern times, spread sheets have been used and are in
vogue in the process of teaching decision making. The course contents are also taught in the
name of operations research /management science /decision modelling/ Managerial Decision
Modeling with spread sheets / Business Modeling / MS-Excel and Business Modeling.
The course aims at imparting the various tools of decision making at the workplace and the
spread sheet skills so that the MBA participants are comfortable to take decisions at the
workplace by modelling the real world alternatives and scenarios using spread sheet modelling.
This module handbook outlines the essential readings and references for the course and will act
as a reference guide for the full semester. The students will acquire the spread sheet skills and
the decision making skills by applying them on real world problems and situations.
Through self-study and group working elements, first part of the course introduces students to
the various functions, functionalities and applications of MS-Excel 2010 in its current form and
how it is used in Business Modelling and decision making.
Spread sheet based decision modelling is gaining prominence in the corporate world gradually.
The MBA participants are expected to optimally integrate the knowledge of decision making
tools and the knowledge regarding Ms-Excel to integrate the two in order to optimize resources
and to facilitate decision making process. The students shall also be motivated to combine their
power to logically model and analyse decision making scenarios with software-based solution
procedures. The students are required to focus on acquiring skills needed to apply decision
models to different types of organizational decision making situations.
It also aims at introducing the student towards developing business plan by taking series of
associated and interlinked decisions and develop financial projections, business plan report and
powerpoint presentation reflecting the various decision making skills acquired during the
course by completing a business plan.
The objectives of the course are to:
 Develop spread sheet skills of the students to assist them in the process of decision making
 Develop Decision modelling and spread sheet modelling skills.
 Provide an introduction into management decision making through the application of
various management techniques
 Develop an understanding of how such techniques fit into the wider management processes
 Enable the student to assess the reliability and usefulness of any information generated by
quantitative techniques
 Enable the student to justify decisions made with quantified data using spread sheets.
 Enable the students to optimize resources using spread sheet skills.
 Enable the students with Linear Programming Modelling Applications with Computer
Analysis in Excel with application in various domain areas of management.
Management Decision Science
Auro University The School of Management & Entrepreneurship
Learning Outcomes:
Through your own self-study of the reading materials outlined in this handout, your
participation in your Management Decision Making Assignments and through lectures,
workshops and seminars, you should be able to:
 Understand decision models, their importance, types, steps in developing decision models,
problems in developing business models
 Understand the Linear programming model, formulating a linear programming problem,
graphical solution of a linear programming problem with two variables, minimization of
linear programming problem, setting up and solving linear programming problems using
Excel’s Solver
 Model a wide variety of linear programming problems in various application areas for LP
problems, including manufacturing, marketing, finance, employee staffing, transportation,
blending and multi period planning
 Understand using graphs, the impact of changes in objective function
 Appreciate at an introductory level the decision making using Ms-Excel
 Reflect on the nature and types of management decisions in the corporate world using
various tools and techniques of spreadsheet and modern simulation tool and add-in like
crystal ball.
Albright, Winston & Zappe (2009), Decision Making Using Microsoft Excel, South Western
Cengage Learning
Anderson, David R. & Sweeney, Dennis J. & Williams, Thomas A. (2007), An Introduction to
Management Science-Quantitative Approaches to Decision Making, South Western –Cengage
Balakrishnan, Nagraj & Render, Barry & Ralph M. Stair Jr (2008) Managerial Decision Modeling
with Spreadsheets, 2nd Edition. Pearson
Bhat, Shridhara K, (2011), Operations Research, First Edition, Himalaya Publication
Bridgeland, David M., & Zahavi, Ron (2009) Business Modeling –A Practical Guide to Realizing
Business Value, Morgan Kaufmann
Dodge, Marke & Stinson, Craig (2010), Microsoft Excel 2010 Inside Out, PHI
Gilboa, Itzhak (2011), Making Better Decisions –Decision Theory in Practice, Wiley-Blackwell
Management Decision Science
Auro University The School of Management & Entrepreneurship
Gipp, Jennifer (2008), Spotlight on: Spreadsheets, 2nd Edition, Thomson Cengage Learning
Hillier, Frederick S. & Hillier, Mark S. (2011), Introduction to Management Science –A Modeling
and Case Studies Approach with Spreadsheets, Fourth Edition, McGraw Hill Irwin
Hillier, Frederick S. & Lieberman, Gerald J. (2010) Operations Research, Special Indian Edition,
Fourth Edition, Tata McGraw Hill
Jechlitschka, Kurt & Kirschke, Dieter& Schwarz, Gerald (2007), Microeconomics Using Excel:
Integrating Economic Theory, Policy Analysis and Spreadsheet Modeling, Routledge Taylor
and Francis Group
Powell, Stephen G., & Baker, Kenneth R. (2009), Management Science –The art of Modeling
with Spread sheets, 3rd Edition, John Wiley & Sons
Ragsdale, Cliff T.(2011), Spread sheet Modeling & Decision Analysis: A Practical Introduction
to Management Science, 6th Edition, South Western Cengage Learning
Sharma, Anand (2011), Operations Research, Himalaya Publishing House
Sharma, J.K. (2011), Operations Research, Reprinted 2011, Macmillan
Tennent, John & Friend, Graham (2010), Guide to Business Modelling, First South Asian Edition
Mayes, Timothy R., & Shank Todd M.(2012), Financial Analysis with Microsoft Excel, South
Western, Cengage Learning
Whigham, David (2011), Business Data Analysis using Excel, Indian Edition, Oxford University
Winston, Wayne L. (2010), Excel-Data Analysis and Business Modeling, Microsoft Press
In addition to the texts mentioned above, it is important to keep abreast of current
/contemporary business news / issues by reading the pink dailies from India and abroad as the
same facilitates the decision making process from a holistic view angle in the light of the
exponentially dynamic business environment. A daily dose of leading pink dailies is highly
recommended among but not limited to The Economic Times, Financial Express, Business Line,
The Wall Street Journal etc. Most of these are available in the University library and are also
available free of charge on the internet (If you are unsure of web address, search for the
relevant newspaper using
For e.g. The economic Times
Management Decision Science
Auro University The School of Management & Entrepreneurship
Learning Processes:
Your learning for the Management Decision Making course will be mainly by lectures, seminars,
self-study and through your assignments, research and business plan development.
The students will work on the various functions of Ms-Excel and their application on a daily
basis and will work on 20 functions daily and mail it to the tutor on a daily basis. The demo
examples will be done in the class. This is important to have a very strong understanding and
skill development.
The students are required to work in groups as well.
The entire class is to be divided in group of four students.
The group is likely to be 1-4, 5-8, 9-12 and so on. The students will do ungraded group
assignment from the book Excel and Business Modelling and will email the group assignment on
a daily basis to the Instructor. The assignment will comprise four chapters every day. Each
student of the group will work on one chapter and will integrate the four chapters before
sending it to the instructor.
The daily assignment at individual level and the group level will facilitate a lot in the process of
the Business Plan.
Graded Assignment (40%)
The daily assignment is an important pre-requisite for the assessment of the business plan.
The students are required to submit a business plan in hard copy and soft copy to the program
office by 10AM in 8th week.
The students will be required to submit the business plan in one of the Indian / International
Business Plan Competitions. Their awarded grades will be provisional till such time they submit
the participation certificate in Business Plan Competition.
The project groups will be notified to you in the week 1 of the course. (Please Note: Please
consult / contact your tutor regarding any guidance/support during the course)
It is expected that students will co-ordinate their group and arrange meetings etc. to complete
the necessary tasks during their own time. If you are having problems with the group working
element, please contact your module leader, but remember that it is your responsibility to
arrange to meet up as a group and co-ordinate the necessary information gathering.
Management Decision Science
Auro University The School of Management & Entrepreneurship
Please note:
Lectures, workshops and tutorials for the module are compulsory for all students. It will be
assumed by the module leader in all assessments (coursework and examinations) that students
have attended all the classes.
Support for your Learning
The main form of support will be through your module leaders and seminar/workshop leaders,
who are available on appointment. Also, the online support in the form of material available on
the VLE regarding your module should be used to keep oneself updated.
The library resources are extended through the availability of electronic databases, containing
Research Journals and various other types of publications that provide you with enhanced
readings and facilitate your understanding.
Course Assessments:
Coursework Assessments (40%) and Mid Term Test (20%)
The assessment for the Management Decision Making course will be made up of the following
coursework elements:
Semester 1: Individual Business Plan
Ms-word –Project Plan
Financial Projections -.xls
Powerpoint Presentation (5 PPT+5 –class presentation)
Mid Term Test (5 Week/any other dated informed in adv)20
For the group/individual project element each team/individual member is expected to
complete a proportionate share of the group assignments. The allocation of specific tasks is the
responsibility of the group.
Please note: The institute reserves the right to adjust course work marks after coursework has
been returned to students in order to ensure that the course work marks have an appropriate
Management Decision Science
Auro University The School of Management & Entrepreneurship
The Management Decision Making examination element will comprise a short discursive
section of four questions, from which you will have to answer two questions. The specimen
exam questions would be similar to the problems discussed in the class during the workshop
and the solved and unsolved problems mentioned in the recommended text book. questions.
Late Submission of Work
Coursework submitted after the deadline, but within two working days (48 hours) of that
deadline will be awarded a maximum mark of 45%. All coursework submitted after two days
will normally be awarded a Zero F grade.
Extension for medical reasons or extenuating circumstances must be agreed with the Module
Leader in advance of the deadline where possible and supported by medical evidence where
appropriate. Problems with printing and binding will not normally be accepted as valid
reasons for lateness.
Attendance Regulation
All students are required to maintain above 70% attendance. Any student who is falling short
of the 70% attendance rule will be allowed to take the main exam / coursework. However, in
such case 10 marks will be deducted from the total marks for the concerned module.
However no student will fail due to the above ruling (for example if a student has scored
anywhere between 45 to 55 marks the marks will be capped at 45).
There are a number of expectations for your study on this module which you should be aware
of. These are that you will:
Adhere to the guidelines vis-à-vis – submission deadlines; weekly readings and tasks;
practice tests schedule
Regularly log-in to check on the Auro University server for announcements (and
material) pertaining to this module
Attend all the face to face sessions and regularly connect with module/workshop
leaders for any clarification pertaining to the module
Be aware of the plagiarism norms of the Auro University and take care not to infringe
upon the any of the same
Management Decision Science
Auro University The School of Management & Entrepreneurship
Using Unfair Means
All assessments are intended to determine your individual skills, abilities, understanding and
knowledge. Cheating is defined as obtaining an unfair academic advantage and any of you
found using any form of cheating, attempting to cheat or assisting someone else to cheat may
be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the University Disciplinary Procedure. The
Institute takes this issue very seriously and you may be expelled or have your degree withheld
for cheating in assessments. If you are having difficulty with your work it is important to seek
help from your tutor rather than be tempted to use unfair means to gain marks. Do not risk
losing your degree and all the work you have done. Auro University defines a number of
different forms of cheating, although any form of cheating is strictly forbidden. These are:
Submitting other people's work as your own - either with or without their knowledge.
This includes copying in examinations; using notes or unauthorised materials in
Impersonation - taking an assessment on behalf of or pretending to be another student,
or allowing another person to take an assessment on your behalf or pretend to be you
Plagiarism - taking or using another person's thoughts, writings or inventions as your
own. To avoid plagiarism you must make sure that quotations, from whatever source,
are clearly identified and attributed at the point where they occur in the text of your
work by using one of the standard conventions for referencing. It is not enough just to
list sources in a bibliography at the end of your essay or dissertation if you do not
acknowledge the actual quotations in the text. Neither is it acceptable to change some
of the words or the order of sentences if, by failing to acknowledge the source properly,
you give the impression that it is your own work
Collusion - except where written instructions specify that work for assessment may be
produced jointly and submitted as the work of more than one student, you must not
collude with others to produce a piece of work jointly, copy or share another student's
work or lend your work to another student in the reasonable knowledge that some or all
of it will be copied
Duplication - submitting work for assessment that is the same as, or broadly similar to,
work submitted earlier for academic credit, without acknowledgement of the previous
Falsification - the invention of data, its alteration, it’s copying from any other source, or
otherwise obtaining it by unfair means, or inventing quotations and/or references.
Management Decision Science
Auro University The School of Management & Entrepreneurship
Coursework Task 1:
The students will work on the various functions of Ms-Excel and their application on a daily
basis and will work on 20 functions daily and mail it to the tutor on a daily basis. The demo
examples will be done in the class. This is important to have a very strong understanding and
spread sheet skill development.
The students are required to work in groups as well.
The entire class is to be divided in group of four students.
The group is likely to be 1-4, 5-8, 9-12 and so on. The students will do group assignment from
the book Excel and Business Modelling and will email the group assignment on a daily basis to
the Instructor. The assignment will comprise four chapters every day. Each student of the group
will work on one chapter and will integrate the four chapters before sending it to the instructor.
The daily assignment at individual level and the group level is the pre-requisite for the
assessment of the Business Plan.
Management Decision Science
Auro University The School of Management & Entrepreneurship
Coursework Assessment Task 2:
Business Plan
This is an individual task.
The final business plan must be your own work. The submission of this task will at the end of
first block of second (8th week) semester, but you may wish to start gathering source materials
for this task in advance.
You should prepare a business plan on an idea of your choice:
Your aim is to research this topic area widely by using resources available in the library, from
course reading materials and on-line sources. Students wishing to score highly on this business
plan should aim to read as widely as possible, since a better appreciation of the existing
business models and business opportunity/ies will be reflected in your business plan. It is
recommended that the students should study various existing business models.
1. The students are required to submit the hard copy in the form of report along with the CD in
a CD Cover. The CD must contain the soft copy of the business plan including MSWord File, MS
Excel File, and MS Powerpoint File.
1. Your word-processed business plan should ideally be between 1,250 and 2,500 words in
length. Business Plans longer than 2500 words will not be penalized. The business plan should
be word-processed in Microsoft Word format.
Your business plan should include:
a brief introduction
main body discussion
a conclusion which summarizes the main argument/findings
a reference list
an appendix (if desired)
A reference list should be provided at the end of your business plan, which refers only to those
sources, books, articles and website addresses you have actually used in writing your essay. The
reference list is not included in the word count. AURO has adopted the Harvard system of
referencing(see Appendix – 2).
Management Decision Science
Auro University The School of Management & Entrepreneurship
IMPORTANT: Plagiarism is a SERIOUS ACADEMIC OFFENCE. Please ensure you appropriately
acknowledge the source of your ideas and attribute quotations as appropriate, as these
coursework will be routinely checked for plagiarism using plagiarism software.
This piece must be word processed in Microsoft Word and submitted in both soft and hard
copy. The deadline for submission will be in the 8th week of first block of second semester.
Exact date and time will be latest before 10 AM. Please Note: late mark penalties will be
applied if both hard &soft copies of your group’s piece are not submitted by the deadline. The
hard copy must contain a signed coursework declaration sheet. Please ensure your name is
included on the hard and soft copy of your business plan.
Please note: The University reserves the right to adjust coursework marks after course work has
been returned to students in order to ensure that the coursework marks have an appropriate
See Appendix – 2 for Harvard Referencing
See Appendix – 3 for a checklist to be used for coursework submissions.
Coursework Assessment Task 2:
Assessed Presentation
Required: This presentation will require each member to give a 5 minute oral presentation of
their work on the B-Plan to their tutor in the Week 8 of block I in Semester – II.
As a brief guide the presentation should include the following issues:
Identify your business plan and its associated factors and dimensions
Competitors Analysis
Financial Plan
Marketing Plan
Business Environment
Various other factors mentioned in the e-book regarding business plan.
General guidance on presentation and how you will be judged are provided in Appendix – 6.
Management Decision Science
Auro University The School of Management & Entrepreneurship
Practicalities: In doing presentations, please remember you will only have the facilities
available in the lecture room, so you will need to check what is there in the room in advance of
the presentation? Your tutor will bring along whiteboard pens, but you will need to arrange for
any other materials which you wish to use for your presentation (e.g. overhead transparencies,
handouts). Do not assume there will be computer projection facilities, and even if there is, you
must bring overhead transparencies as a back-up.
See Appendix for Guidance on Presentation.
Assessment Task 3
Mid Term Test 1
There will be a mid-term test in the week 5/6 from the course coverage of the earlier weeks.
The test will comprise of two sections. Section I will be of 20% weightage comprising of
Business Problems. The students will be allowed to use Ms-Excel 2010and access the book if
they so desire.
Weekly coverage:
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Ms-Excel, Spreadsheets and Decision Making
Business Data Analysis using Ms-Excel and Introduction to
Managerial Decision Making
Linear Programming, Linear Programming Models, Graphical and
Computer Methods
Linear Programming Modeling Applications with Computer
Analyses in Excel
Linear Programming Sensitivity Analysis
Transportation, Assignment and Network Models
Decision Analysis
Simulation Modeling
Management Decision Science
Auro University The School of Management & Entrepreneurship
WEEK 1: Ms-Excel, Spreadsheets, and Decision Making
Learning Outcomes
Having attended these lectures, students should gain
 An overview of Ms-Excel and various functions of MS-Excel to be used in the process of
decision making
How to use the various functions of Ms-Excel in Decision Making
To understand the significance of Ms-Excel in Modelling and Business Decision Making
Defining Decision Models and describe the importance of such models
Understand two types of decision models: deterministic and probabilistic models
Understand the steps involved in developing decision models
Discuss possible problems in developing decision models
Lecture Outline
Introduction to the course, delivery and assessment.
Introduction to Group Project and related modalities.
What do you mean by Management Decision Making?
Why study Management Decision Making?
What constitutes the process of Management Decision Making?
Stakeholders in a business decision making process
Spreadsheets and use of spreadsheets in the process of Management Decision Making
Class Discussion: How does spreadsheet help in Management Decision Making? How
does the various functions in Ms-Excel help in the process of Management Decision
What is decision modelling?
Tennent, John & Friend, Graham (2010), Guide to Business Modelling, First South Asian
Edition 2010, Chapter 1& 2
Management Decision Science
Auro University The School of Management & Entrepreneurship
Mayes, Timothy R., & Shank Todd M.(2012), Financial Analysis with Microsoft Excel,
South Western, Cengage Learning, Chapter 1& 2
Whigham, David (2011), Business Data Analysis using Excel, Indian Edition, Oxford
University Press, Chapter 1& 2
Winston, Wayne L. (2010), Excel-Data Analysis and Business Modeling, Microsoft Press,
Chapter 1& 2
WEEK 2: Business Modelling and Business Plans – Decisions Using
Ms-Excel - Business Data Analysis Using Excel
Learning Outcome
Having attended this lecture, students should be able to understand
How Ms-Excel functions help in the various Decision Making processes
What are the various types of functions in Ms-Excel
How the Ms-Excel Functions are applied in real world problems
What are the applications and uses of Ms-Excel Functions in Business Modeling
What are the various tools and techniques in MS-Excel which help us in Management
Decision Making and Business Modeling
What are the various key factors and variables which must be reflected in business plan
How Ms-Excel can help us in preparing projected financial statements so as to produce
future projections of finance
Lecture Outline
Ms-Excel functions and Business Modeling
Financial Projections using Ms-Excel
Financial Decision Making using Ms-Excel
Business Modeling and Business Planning
Seminar for Week 2
What is Business Modeling? What are the various key factors and aspects to be
incorporated in a business plan?
Management Decision Science
Auro University The School of Management & Entrepreneurship
 Business Modelling by The Economist : PP 1-282
 Balakrishnan, Render, Stair (2012) Managerial Decision Modeling with Spreadsheets, 2 nd
Edition, Pearson : Chapter 1
WEEK 3: Linear Programming, Linear Programming Models:
Graphical and Computer Methods
Learning Outcome
Having attended this lecture, students should have an understanding:
Introduction to Linear Programming
Formulation of Linear Programming
Application of Linear Programming
Linear Programming and Ms-Excel
Decision Making with Linear Programming
Profit Maximization, Cost Minimization and Resource Optimization
Understand the basic assumptions and properties of Linear Programming (LP)
Use graphical procedures to solve LP Problems with only two variables to understand
how LP Problems are solved
Understand special situations such as redundancy, infeasibility, unboundedness, and an
alternate optimal solution in LP problems
Understand how to set up LP Problems on a spreadsheet and solve them using Excel’s
Lecture Outline
Objectives of LPP
Formulation and graphical solution of LPP
Solution of LPP using Ms-Excel
Calculation of feasible and optimal solution
Graphical solution of a linear programming problem with two variables
Management Decision Science
Auro University The School of Management & Entrepreneurship
A minimization Linear Programming Problem
Special Situations in solving Linear Programming Problems
Setting up and solving Linear Programming Problems using Excel’s Solver
Seminar For Week 3
Discuss LPP as a strategic tool for profit maximization, cost minimization and resource
Reading For Week 3
Balakrishnan, Render, Stair (2012) Managerial Decision Modeling with Spreadsheets, 2nd
Edition, Pearson : Chapter 2
WEEK 4: Linear Programming Modeling Applications with
Computer Analysis in Excel
Learning Outcome
Having attended this lecture, students should be able to
Model a wide variety of linear programming (LP) problems.
Understand major business application areas for LP problems, including manufacturing,
marketing, finance, employee staffing, transportation, blending, and multi-period
Gain experience in setting up and solving LP problems using Excel’s Solver.
Lecture Outline
Manufacturing Applications
Marketing Applications
Finance Applications
Employee Staffing Applications
Transportation Applications
Management Decision Science
Auro University The School of Management & Entrepreneurship
Blending Applications
Multiperiod Applications
Seminar For Week 4
Classroom Exercise
o Discussion based on Classroom activity (based on excel examples and problems
mentioned in the relevant chapter of the text book )
Reading For Week 4
Balakrishnan, Render, Stair (2012) Managerial Decision Modeling with Spreadsheets, 2 nd
Edition, Pearson : Chapter 3
WEEK 5: Linear Programming and Sensitivity Analysis
Learning Outcome
Having attended this lecture, students should be able to:
Understand, using graphs, the impact of changes in objective function coefficients, righthand-side values, and constraint coefficients on the optimal solution of a linear
programming problem.
Generate answer and sensitivity reports using Excel’s solver.
Interpret all parameters of these reports for maximization and minimization problems.
Analyze the impact of simultaneous changes in input data values using the 100% rule.
Analyze the impact of the addition of a new variable using the pricing-out strategy
Lecture Outline
Sensitivity Analysis using Graphs
Sensitivity Analysis Using Solver Reports
Sensitivity Analysis for a Larger Maximization Example
Analyzing Simultaneous Changes by Using the 100% Rule
Pricing Out new Variables
Management Decision Science
Auro University The School of Management & Entrepreneurship
Sensitivity Analysis for a Minimization Example
Seminar For Week 5
Classroom Exercise
o Discussion based on Classroom activity (based on excel examples and problems
mentioned in the relevant chapter of the text book )
Discussion Question:
o How do we use sensitivity analysis with Ms-excel for Maximization and
minimization cases?
Reading For Week 5
Balakrishnan, Render, Stair (2012) Managerial Decision Modeling with Spreadsheets, 2 nd
Edition, Pearson : Chapter 4
WEEK 6: Transportation, Assignment and Network Models
Learning Outcome
Having attended these lectures, students should understand:
Structure special LP network flow models.
Set up and solve transportation models, using Excel’s Solver.
Set up and solve transportation models, using Excel’s Solver.
Set-up and solve transportation models with Max-Min and Min-Max objectives.
Extend the basic transportation model to include trans-shipment points.
Set up and solve maximal-flow network model to include trans-shipment points.
Set up and solve maximal-flow network models, using Excel’s Solver.
Lecture Outline
Characteristics of Network Models
Transportation Model
Management Decision Science
Auro University The School of Management & Entrepreneurship
Transportation Models with Max-Min and Min-Max objectives
Transshipment Model
Assignment Model
Maximal-Flow Model
Classroom Exercise
Discussion based on Classroom activity (based on excel examples and problems mentioned in
the relevant chapter of the text book )
Discussion Question:
Questions pertaining to Transportation, Assignment and Network Models in Chapter 5 of the
text book.
Reading For Week 6
Balakrishnan, Render, Stair (2012) Managerial Decision Modeling with Spreadsheets, 2nd
Edition, Pearson : Chapter 5
WEEK 7: Decision Analysis
Learning Outcome
Having attended these lectures, students will be able to:
List the steps of the decision-making process and describe the different types of decision
making environments.
Make decision making under uncertainty and under risk.
Use Excel to set up and solve problems involving decision tables.
Develop accurate and useful decision trees.
Use Treeplan to set up and analyse decision tree problems with Excel
Management Decision Science
Auro University The School of Management & Entrepreneurship
Lecture Outline
The Five Steps in Decision Analysis
Types of Decision-Making Environments
Decision Making under Uncertainty
Decision Making under Risk
Decision Trees
Using TreePlan to solve Decision Tree Problems with Excel
Classroom Exercise
o Discussion based on Classroom activity (based on excel examples and problems
mentioned in the relevant chapter of the text book )
Discussion Question:
o Questions pertaining to Decision Analysis in Chapter 8 of the text book
Reading For Week 5
Balakrishnan, Render, Stair (2012) Managerial Decision Modeling with Spreadsheets, 2 nd
Edition, Pearson : Chapter 8
WEEK 8: Simulation Modeling
Learning Outcome
Having attended these lectures, the student should be able to understand:
Understand the basic steps of conducting a simulation.
Explain the advantages and disadvantages of simulation.
Tackle a wide variety of problems by using simulation.
Set up and solve simulation models by using Excel’s standard functions.
Use the Crystal Ball add-in for Excel to set up and solve simulation models.
Explain the types of simulation models.
Lecture Outline
Management Decision Science
Auro University The School of Management & Entrepreneurship
Monte Carlo Simulation
Role of Computers in Simulation
Simulation Model to compute Expected Profit
Simulation Model of an Inventory Problem
Simulation Model of a Queuing Problem
Simulation Model of a Revenue Management Problem
Seminar For Week 8
 Class Discussion: What is the role of Simulation modelling in organizational decision
making process?
Reading For Week 8
Balakrishnan, Render, Stair (2012) Managerial Decision Modeling with Spreadsheets, 2 nd
Edition, Pearson : Chapter 10
Management Decision Science
Auro University The School of Management & Entrepreneurship
Group Contribution Sheet
Group Based Task
responsible for:
Management Decision Science
Actual contribution towards the group
Auro University The School of Management & Entrepreneurship
Some specific guidelines about the Harvard system of referencing:
a) When making the reference list at the end of your essay/report, use left alignment and
make the author's name stand out by using indentation of the text.
b) The parts of other work e.g. chapters of books, articles in newspapers, reports in
journals, parts of a websites: give in plain font.
c) Complete works e.g. books, government reports, newspapers, journals, stand-alone
articles: give in italics
d) If you can't find an individual author, use the name of the organization instead.
e) For printed work, give the place of publication if possible, then the publisher. Note the
punctuation in the reference.
f) For internet sources, as well as the author (or organisation if there is no clear author)
and year, give the date you accessed it and the full URL along with the details of the
material e.g. the title of the article, the name of the newspaper etc.
g) For a news report, give the exact date, not only the year. Check that the link you give
actually works in that it would take your reader directly to the exact source if she
wanted to read it for themselves. Giving a broad website such as '' is not
h) If the same author has more than one publication in the same year, use a,b,cetc.
i) Always make sure that the correct edition is referred to as pagination often differs.
Some examples follow:
(For a book source)
Horngren, C.T. (1972) Cost Accounting, A Managerial Emphasis, 3rd Edition, Englewood Cliffs,
N.J.: Prel]tice-Hall.
(For a press release source)
Baker, S. (2003) "Environment Agency Press Release: Repeat Offenders Take the Shine Off
Pollution Reductions," Environment Agency, 30/7/2003.
(For a journal article)
Bloggs, J. (2006) "Accounting is a Wonderful Subject," Journal of Accounting Education, Vol. 20,
No.4, pp. 653-685.
(For a report)
Severn Trent Pic (2003a) Water and Waste.Birmingham: Severn Trent Pic.
Management Decision Science
Auro University The School of Management & Entrepreneurship
Has the coursework declaration sheet disclaimer been signed?
Does the cover sheet have all necessary information included?
Are the font and spacing clear and legible?
Does it follow the specifications for word count/number of pages?
Structure and Argumentation
Is there a helpful introduction?
Is effective reasoning used? (Do you supporting points with explanation, illustration,
justification, evidence?)
Are headings / subheadings helpful?
Are the points in logical order?
Does the paragraphing help the reader understand the argument and flow of ideas? Is
there one topic per paragraph?
Are there clear breaks between paragraphs to show where they start and end?
Is it clear how the ideas link together? (both within and between paragraphs)
Style, appropriateness and accuracy of language
Is a formal style used, including full paragraphs (not notes or bullet points)?
Is it clear and easy to follow (not too cryptic or overcomplicated)?
Is English grammar used accurately e.g. tenses, word endings etc.
Is the punctuation clear and accurate e.g. full stops. commas, semi-colons?
Is the spelling accurate?
Management Decision Science
Auro University The School of Management & Entrepreneurship
Referencing conventions:
Within the text
Are citations given in the text for all the source material used?
Are direct quotations given in quotation marks with surname, date and page number
where available?
Are paraphrase summary and quotation used appropriately (eg. not too much quotation)?
Are sources which the student has read for her/himself acknowledged clearly with
surname and date?
Are indirect sources - ones the students has not read him/herself but has seen mentioned
by other writers acknowledged properly, giving the original source? E.g.(Kim and Um 2003
cited in Brown 2004)
Are websites cited in the text concisely (i.e. author/organisation and date only)?
Are all the sources acknowledged within the text also included in the reference list at the
In the reference list at the end
Are the references in alphabetical order of surname, with the surname first followed by the
For books, are all the details included? (author, date, title, place of publication and
For journal articles, are all the details included? (author, date, journal title, volume/issue
number, page range.)
Are journal titles and book titles given in italics?
For electronic sources are all the details included? (author/organisation, date, full URL and
date accessed)
Management Decision Science
Auro University The School of Management & Entrepreneurship
Useful websites for academic writing and relevant issues (US English) acad/management/external/els/informationsheets. php
(for management students - excellent overall advice, especially on referencing)
Management Decision Science
Auro University The School of Management & Entrepreneurship
There will be some study skills guidance provided about report writing. However, some brief
guidance is provided here for your information.
As a brief guide, your group written report should include:
1. An executive summary, which summarizes your main findings during the project. (This
should be no more than 250 words long and is included in the word count).
2. Table of contents
3. Clearly titled sections/sub-sections
4. References: You should ensure your references are correctly attributed in a reference list,
and any quotes from texts must be correctly attributed to their source (for example, Blogs
(2002, p.23) says "...."). Please take care to ensure your material is referenced and
remember to ensure that material is appropriately acknowledged in your work submitted.
Please use the Harvard style of referencing – see the guide for referencing for further
guidance (this is available from the Department of Accounting and Finance site).
5. Tables, Charts and diagrams: these should be correctly titled and labeled. Also state the
source of your data.
6. Any supplementary material may be included within an appendix. (Note: the appendix is not
usually included within the word count, but it should not be seen as a dumping ground for
material exceeding the word limit.).
A final thought... Consider the reader of your report.... They will only have limited time to read your
B-Plan report, and so it is important that your argument is clear and focused; there should be a
concise and coherent argument throughout. A common mistake in B-Plan reports is to report on
everything. This is not necessary! It is important to focus on the key focus areas. Additional material
should be placed in an appendix, but be selective. However, if you include material in an appendix,
it is important to refer this in the main text of your B-Plan report.
The examiner would judge the report on the following grounds:
1. Structure (Relevant to Topic & Topic Covered in Depth)
2. Argument (Logically Developed Argument)
3. Originality (Creative Thought)
4. Style (Fluent & Succinct Writing)
5. Presentation (Legible & Well Set Out)
6. Sources (Adequate Acknowledgement)
7. Mechanics (Spelling & Grammar)
Please note: The indications are provided to help you. There is not necessarily a straightforward
relationship between them and your final grade. Categories are not equally weighted and other
factors will be taken into account.
Management Decision Science
Auro University The School of Management & Entrepreneurship
Oral presentations should get easier the more you give. A frequent reaction after giving your first
one is 'that wasn't so bad but I'd make a better job if I gave it again'. This hints that the key to a
good talk is preparation. Be well prepared, practice your talk beforehand.
Transforming what you did or what you have found out into a presentation involves hard work.
Preparation isn't just practice. Before you draft what you will say, remember
 Decide what you would like the audience to learn from your presentation.
 Get the overall picture clear in your mind so you can decide on a logical order for the content
 Distil from the mass of information you have accumulated, the points that need to be made at
each stage
The following points refer mainly to the mechanics of the presentation itself.
1. Plan the structure of your talk, preparing themes for overheads
2. Make the content of your talk coherent.
3. Normally keep diagrams on overheads to one per overhead, making them as large as possible.
Make the writing on the overheads large enough to be completely clear from the back of the
4. It's not essential but it's a good idea to begin the presentation with an overhead showing a clear
title, the author(s) names and, either on the overhead or accompanying it, a few sentences
summarizing why the audience will find the topic interesting.
5. Rehearse very well the first few sentences; stand up when you're introduced and take a deep
breath, look at the audience and put up your opening slide or produce something else for them
to look at while you relax and deliver your opening at a pace that's not hurried.
6. Talk to the audience, making eye contact with them, using the overhead projector as a diversion
from the main attraction, namely you. This requires remembering a fair bit what you are going
to say and not reading from a script all the time.
7. Talk loudly enough to be heard above the noise of the audio / visual aid.
8. Don't rush, but keep to time and use the time available to you. A few practices beforehand will
let you know you've got the timing right.
9. Do finish on a positive and definite note. Don't just peter out. This is very important since your
final comments remain in the minds of those assessing the talk. Conclude by reminding people
of the key points or emphasizing the achievements of what you have done.
The presentation will be graded on the following grounds:
Well balanced with proper emphasis on relevant details.
Clear visuals & easy to hear
Creative thoughts
All sections adequately covered
Succinct presentation
Knowledgeable about material
Please note: The indications are provided to help you. There is not necessarily a straightforward
relationship between them and your final grade. Categories are not equally weighted and other
factors will be taken into account.
Management Decision Science