The social and psychological influence of video games

But it’s just a game! The social and
psychological influence of video games
By Lucy Noble and Jacinta Couzins
Video game use amongst
adolescents is currently a ‘hot
topic’ in current affairs both
internationally and in Australia.
The spotlight is particularly on the
increasing accessibility to
explicit violent content and the
harmful impact this has on
personal development during
Violent acts such as the Columbine
massacre has stirred a great
debate suggesting the cause was
playing violent video games for
a prolonged period of time.
The video game
industry is one of
the fastest
businesses in the
Australia, UK and
Current trends
Societal trends
The most popular and
profitable game genres are
those that have violent
The growing popularity has raised concerns about
the harmful effects of violent content and
prolonged game playing; in particular children and
The media portrays a major
contributing cause of
increased violence in
America is due to increased
exposure to violent video
gaming and other forms of
Some research suggests…..
•New games enable the player to create and
customize an avatar which resembles
themselves; it is suggested the gap between
fantasy and real life is becoming too narrow.
•People who play these sort of games
exhibit the highest level of aggression.
•Playing aggressive video games can
increase real-life aggressive tendencies.
•Researchers argue the video game shows
the learner what aggression is, how it is
performed and trigger pre existing
knowledge and emotional associations.
Some research suggests....
• The nature of gaming is time consuming; gaining rewards, praise,
power, fame, a sense of belonging and perceived self competence
leads to addiction.
• Persons who play car racing games exhibit higher risk tolerance in
critical road traffic situations.
• Negative school performance.
• Poor social relations.
Moral reasoning
• Violent video games hinder the development of moral reasoning;
suggesting the player becomes desensitized to understanding the
perspective of others.
• The player does not learn about negative consequence; but rather
rewarded and praised for violent and criminal intentions.
• In real life we learn not to do this; there are negative
consequences for violent actions, however in the game they are
learning the opposite.
• Playing violent video games is thought to increase aggressive
cognitions, emotions and behaviours; this is problematic during
adolescence due to undeveloped moral reasoning.
• Australian video game classifications is not up to date with current and
emerging media, the legislations are currently under review which has caused
debates between ministers and the gaming industry.
• Parents and ministers are more concerned with the lack of government
• The uncertainty in effects together with easy accessibility for young children
places greater responsibility on parents to monitor and control game use.
• In this day and age in the media environment, parents knowledge and
experiences of emerging media lags behind their children; this poses greater
difficulties for parents to protect and control the video game use.
Parental Mediation
-Theory• Parents are the most important socialization agent in
their child’s personal development of attitudes,
knowledge and social skills.
• There needs to be parent child discussion,
reinforcement and rule making to mediate and
control children’s media use.
• Setting rules for the content and amount of media
• Discussing undesirable aspects of the media and
desirable amounts of use.
Parental Mediation
-Reality• Children can easily access video gaming by alternative means to
purchasing at the shop; through downloading and pirating.
• Parents who restrict or limit video game may not be effective;
there is always the internet cafe, mobile phones and portable
computer devices enabling discretion about game use.
• Parents are concerned with the lack of governmental regulations
to protect young children from harmful effects.
• The uncertainty together with the children being able to access
violent and explicit games places greater responsibility on
parents to monitor and control game use.
The positive side of video
Video games teach problem solving, planning and analysis.
Can improve the player’s dexterity.
Provides the player with a realistic virtual experience.
Teaches the player to manage resources.
Provides the player with a sense of achievement.
Can improve hand-eye coordination.
Gives players a way to channel their emotions.
Enables the player to feel positive and enthusiastic.
Can teach children useful skills.
Studies on Chinese adolescents playing violent video games discovered no
association with aggression, rather a positive attitude towards violence.
Singaporean studies reported improvements in English.
Increases cognition, affect and arousal.
Playing pro social games decreases anti social tendencies and increases pro social
What does the research say?
Studies have found playing violent video games does show
a correlation to aggression, although these also prove to be
unclear, the average effect size is small and multiple sources
report the evidence is weak.
• The average age of video game players is 30 years and a
significant portion of people are aged over 45 years, and
40% of players are female.
• The research is limited, and results show only a very small
proportion of people are affected in terms of aggressive or
violent acts, suggesting there are other causal factors.
What the research shows...
• An Australian study showed that only children who were
predisposed to violence were affected by violent video
games, and a recent long term study found no relation
between playing violent video games and youth violence
and bullying.
• In USA studies have shown violent crime rates have declined
dramatically since the 1990’s among both youth and adults.
There has been an enormous increase in sales of violent
video games in the same period; concluding video game
violence is not the only causal factor of societal violence,
and there are many other factors at play.
Appel, M., and Holtz, P. (2011) Internet gaming predict problem behaviour in early adolescence. Elsevier Journal
of Adolescence 34, p 49-58.
Fisher, P., Kastenmuller, A., and Greitmeyer, T. (2010) Media violence and the self: The impact of personalized
gaming on characters in aggressive video games on aggressive behaviour. Journal of Experimental Social
Psychology 46, p 192-195.
Shin, W., Huh, J. (2011) Parental mediation of teenagers video game playing: Antecedents and consequences.
Newmedia & society 13: 6, p 945-962. Retrieved October 14, 2011 from Sagepub data base.