The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis

The Sapir-Whorf
Sampson (1980)
Elena Galkina
• Man’s language molds his perception of reality
• The world a man inhabits is a linguistic construct
• Sapir studied languages of the Pacific coast of
North America; his work was comparable to
Descriptivism but differed from Behaviorism; patterns
revealed by linguistic analysis were patterns in
speakers’ minds.
• Linguistic ‘drift’ – a long-term tendency for a
language to modify itself in some particular
direction, as the coming and going of waves on a
beach masks a steady long-term tidal movement.
• Whorf - detailed analysis of certain American
Indian languages
• The worldview is molded by language
• Analysis of reports of how fires had started –
not only physical factors are relevant but also
• Main focus on Hopi, a language of Arizona
Conclusions based on
Hopi analysis
• Only certain grammatical categories marked overtly in
languages (ex., tense in finite English verbs)
• Covert categories/cryptotypes (ex., the names of
countries and towns)
• Covert categories are more representative of the worldview of its speakers
• Animate/inanimate in Hopi (clouds)
• Sex category
• ‘Standard Average European’
• “Time, velocity and matter are not essential to the
construction of a consistent picture of the universe”
• ‘He runs fast’/ ‘He very runs’
• Max Black’s objection to Hopi’s time concept
• Ludwig Wittgenstein – a view similar to Whorf but
w/out his knowledge of exotic languages
• Interdependence of world-view and language
• Ask the speakers to see if this is correct!
• While Black attacks Whorf’s ‘hypothesis’ for
untestability he strongly supports Wittgenstein’s
untestable philosophy
• More critisism:
• Whorf’s inability to allow for the radical changes of
world-view within a given linguistic community.
• The history of science has been a history of
repeated radical changes of world-view, almost all
of which occurred within the Standard Average
European linguistic framework.
• Language of a community ↔ thought of individual
• How individual influences language?
• Sapir – individuals being ‘at the mercy of’ their
language; ‘tyrannical hold’ over their mind
• Whorf – speakers are parties to an ‘absolutely
obligatory’ agreement to conceptualize the world
in a certain way
von den Steinen and LévyBruhl
• Translating Bororó
• thought-patterns of all primitive people are similar to
thought-patterns of civilized men; ‘pre-logical’
• The distinction between Bororó and English is not a
matter of logic but of beliefs about abstract matters of
fact – each community holds certain sophisticated
theories which are only very indirectly connected with
observable reality, and these theories cannot be merely
translated but must be taught to members of other
• The deeper and more abstract are the aspects of a
‘world-view’ the more compelling the argument that
differences in world-view result form misinterpretation of
Any support?
• ‘Trivial’ hypothesis
• Plausible in its triviality – differences in the categorization
in various languages are based on concrete, observable
phenomena; the concepts are familiar to many people
• Colors – Berlin & Kay (1969) “ Basic Color Terms” – all
human languages have common pattern which is
determined by psychological structuring innate in
• Agreement – there is a relationship between the nature
of language and various languages speakers’ worldview BUT language structures and their world-views are
• ‘Universal’ colors categorization is based on similar
patterns across languages – unreliable data from 78
languages, examined only 20
• We categorize based on our language
• We allow our language to preempt the decisions
we make
• We are not “helpless prisoners” of our language