Slajd 1 - JP Weber

Wrocław Agglomeration
Sector Analyses
Mechanical engineering in Poland
Lower Silesia and the Wrocław Agglomeration as a Location for Investment
Development Prospects
Investment Incentives
The Regional Labour Market
Case study – Bombardier Transportation
Case study – Alstom
The publication prepared in cooperation:
Wrocław is a unique and dynamic city, making an excellent place for investment and
business development. The Wrocław Agglomeration's assets have not only been long
appreciated by foreign investors, but they also have become a foundation for growth
and global expansion of many well known Polish companies. However, the
contemporary dynamics of change results in emergence of new needs, making
information an increasingly valuable business resource. Both foreign conglomerates
and domestic businesses seek useful information, indispensable in successful
investment related decision-making. New economic conditions require undertaking
non-standard action, which led to originating the Invest in Wrocław project
( Many risk factors can be avoided, if one has a better
understanding of sector-specific determinants and the development prospects of their
own line of business as well as related industries. This was the rationale behind
studies of the Wrocław Agglomeration's priority, strongly developing sectors,
including the following ones:
Automotive industry, Electronics, Chemical and Pharmaceutical
industry, Mechanical engineering, IT, BPO, Food industry.
We hope that the free of charge sector analyses will facilitate decision-making not
only for potential investors, but also the companies already operating in the area of
the Wrocław Agglomeration. Integration of information from different sources is
supposed to contribute to establishing co-operation between suppliers,
subcontractors and recipients from diverse lines of business related to sectors which
are priority for Wrocław's development. Due to improving market transparency and
increased ease of contact with businesses, the resulting benefits may be also
enjoyed by local administration units, and most notably local communities. By
combining all of the elements mentioned, it becomes possible for the whole Wrocław
Agglomeration region to increase its growth dynamics and attain a competitive
advantage. We hope that in this way we are redefining the standards of support for
business development.
Chapter 1I Wrocław Agglomeration Sector Analyses – Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical engineering in Poland
The degree of growth of the machine engineering sector is a yardstick of the whole country's level of development as,
apart from the fact that devices manufactured are exported, its products are widely applied in other industries.
Consequently, the condition of the mechanical engineering sector and its technological advancement impact the
development of other industries, and therefore - the entire country's growth. Since 2003, Poland has seen rapid
development of the mechanical engineering sector, with annual growth levels of 10%. The situation significantly
deteriorated with the advent of the global economic downturn, which brought about a drop in the industry's turnover in
Poland. After the period of recession, the value of production sold fell to 22.3 billion PLN in 2009. Forecasts for the
coming years, however, assumed a gradual recovery and further development of the sector. The expectations were
reflected by the statistical data for the subsequent years, according to which the value of the industry's production sold
amounted already to 23.9 billion in 2010 , to reach as much as 29.4 billion the following year. The positive, rising trend
was maintained also in 2012, whose result was the increase of production sold by about 11% up to the level of 32.7
billion. Thus, the actual growth of the mechanical engineering sector in the years 2009-2013 exceeded the previous
forecast. Detailed information with regard to the Polish mechanical engineering sector's sold production throughout
2011-2013 is provided in table 1.
01. Sold production in the Polish mechanical enigeering industry 2011 -2013 (M PLN)
Value of production sold of the most important
manufacture in millions of PLN
Share %
Share %
Share %
Machines for agriculture and forestry
4 066
4 741
4 713
Machines for mining and construction industry
3 773
4 526
3 689
Engines and turbines, excluding aircraft, car and
motorcycle engines
3 452
3 602
3 951
Industrial cooling and ventilation devices
3 128
3 225
3 502
Bearings, gears, rack-and-pinion transmissions,
power transmission components
3 040
3 159
2 938
Mechanical engineering industry – total
29 400
32 700
33 148
Source: Own work based on: Central Statistical Office (GUS) Industrial goods manufacture in 2013
Chapter 2I Wrocław Agglomeration Sector Analyses – Mechanical Engineering
Lower Silesia and the Wrocław
Agglomeration as a Location for Investment
The Wrocław Agglomeration and Lower Silesia have a well established reputation as a region attractive to investment in
the mechanical engineering sector. The region's rich tradition stems from facts including the operation of industrial
facilities such as Wrozamet and Pafawag, which satisfied part of the domestic demand and played a key role in the
Polish industry. Currently, the sector is enjoying a period of dynamic growth through both expansion of the existing
entities and new investments. Lower Silesia's attractiveness, investment-wise, is a result of factors including the region's
good transport links, availability of well qualified engineers and the activity of numerous scientific-research units, with the
Mechanical Faculty of Wrocław University of technology at the forefront. The trend is expressed by the fact that new
facilities are being located and existing enterprises are being acquired by companies including ABB, Alstom, KGHM
Zanam, Sauer-Danfoss, Haco, or Bombardier. An important part of the sector in the region of Lower Silesia are
companies producing machines and devices for mining industries such as KGHM Zanam, Mine Masters, Boyart
Longyear, and Ruda Trading. Apart from the features indicated above, the reagion’s attractiveness also stems from the
fact that mining and copper processing (Legnica-Głogów Copper District) is well developed in Lower Silesia, while in the
area of Wałbrzych there are remnants of the industry in the historic rock and brown coal basin.
02. Revenue of chosen enterprises from mechanical engineering sector active in Lower
Source: Dunn and Bradstreet 2013. (* includes revenue from sales of products manufactured across the whole country)
Chapter 2I Wrocław Agglomeration Sector Analyses – Mechanical Engineering
Lower Silesia and the Wrocław
Agglomeration as a Location for Investment
To the most important subsegments of the mechanical engineering industry machines, engines and turbines industrial
machinery - refrigerating appliances and ventilation systems Bearings, gears, drive elements.
03. Breakdown of selected enterprises involved in the machine engineering sector
Production sector
Country of origin
Staff employed
Switchgear devices and electrical power
engineering systems
Mining machines
Generators and stators for turbine sets
GE Power Controls Polska
Controllers, sensors and switches
Legrand Polska.
Control, safety and measurement
devices, transformers
Ząbkowice Śląskie
Traction systems, railway engines,
carriages, trams and metro trains
Hydraulic systems for aviation
Measurement devices for gas and
electrical current
Steering systems and hydraulic engines
Wrocław, Bielany
USA, Denmark, Germany
Cranes and related devices
Casts for industrial machines
Dolnośląska Fabryka
Maszyn Elektrycznych
Machines and generators
Mining machines
Mining machines
Cutting tools
Jelenia Góra
Steel structures and installations
Cut-off machines for contour cutting
Helical conveyors
Chains and conveyor belts
HURAS Konstrukcja i
Budowa Maszyn
Pallet coilers and decoilers
Source: Statistic Office, EMIS Intelligence, Bisnode
Chapter 2I Wrocław Agglomeration Sector Analyses – Mechanical Engineering
Lower Silesia and the Wrocław
Agglomeration as a Location for Investment
Territorial distribution of mechanical engineering companies in Lower Silesia is shown in figure 4. The sector's
companies are concentrated mainly in the area of Wrocław - the region's biggest economic centre, as well as in other
big cities, which stems from the need to ensure an adequate quality of human resources, most notably engineers and
production workers, indispensable in large scale manufacturing operation. A significant part of the sector's companies
are based also in the area of Legnica and Głogów, and other cities belonging to the Legnica-Głogów Copper District,
which is related to the region's copper and other metal deposits, as well as the well-developed mining, smelting and
power engineering industries. Due to global economic links, employees' command of foreign languages is an important
factor for mechanical engineering companies. Additionally, as far as more advanced manufacture is concerned, other
factors of investment attractiveness become important, including the region's level of economic development or a welldeveloped social infrastructure. This is why Wrocław is continually enriching its cultural offering, testimony to which is,
for example, the city's title of the European Capital of Culture for 2016, as well as its hosting the World Games in 2017.
04. Geographic distribution of mechanical engineering sector companies
Source: Invest In Wrocław
Chapter 3I Wrocław Agglomeration Sector Analyses – Mechanical Engineering
Development Prospects
Poland is an attractive location for the sector's companies, with proof being the numerous investments carried out so far
by most of the global leaders including ABB, Alstom or Bombardier Transportation. The good conditions for doing
business in Poland and prospects for further growth are reflected by the fact that investors are developing their
operations and increasing their production capacity, as well as launching more innovative products such as
Bombardier's bogie frames for high speed trains.
The most significant advantages in terms of investment in the mechanical engineering sector in Poland, particularly in
the area of Wrocław, are following:
Poland's and Wrocław's favourable location at the intersection of main trade and transport routes,
access to the uniform EU market,
stable economic and political situation in Poland,
large human resources potential - around 11.4 million Poles are below 25 years of age,
exceptionally large number of university and college students - over 2 million people (130,000 in
are studying at 470 higher education institutions in Poland, which amounts to as many as 11% of the EU's total
number of students,
highly qualified human resources – approximately 150,000 staff are employed in the Polish mechanical
engineering sector,
rich tradition of the machine industry in Wrocław, well developed mining and copper processing in the
Legnica-Głogów Copper District,
area of the
access to well qualified staff with engineering background in the area of Wrocław,
exceptionally strong research and development base involving the operation of numerous R&D units, particularly
the Mechanical Faculty of Wrocław University of Technology, one of Poland's best scientific
units of this kind (the
highest, 1 grade, granted by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education),
potential employees' very good command of foreign languages; over 90% of university students know foreign
languages (impressively, Poland was ranked10th among 54 countries in the study conducted by
Education First),
competitive labour costs combined with high quality workforce,
support system within the framework of government policy favouring investment; investment incentives for
sector's projects.
It is worth pointing out that the region of Wrocław has an immense human resources potential, which may be tapped by
companies operating in the mechanical engineering sector. Lower Silesia offers an adequate number of engineers and
production workers, which facilitates not only manufacture of advanced products, but also development of an R&D base.
A particularly significant role is played in this respect by Wrocław University of Technology, which - as one of the
country's leading higher education institutions - is more and more closely collaborating with companies from the
mechanical engineering sector, most notably KGHM. Another fact of a major importance to the sector's development is
that throughout the years 2009-2013, the university carried out the project entitled "Increase in the Number of Wrocław
University of Technology Graduates of Majors of Key Importance to the Knowledge-Based Economy", which involved 9
majors commissioned by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. These included automatics and robotics,
mechatronics, or mechanical engineering and machine construction. The project also entailed students’ scholarships at
renowned foreign universities (Germany, the USA), thanks to which they could become familiar with production facilities
of manufacturers including Porsche and Mercedes.
Chapter 4I Wrocław Agglomeration Sector Analyses – Mechanical Engineering
Investment Incentives
Investors from mechanical engineering sector who consider conducting their business projects in Poland are eligible to
apply for public assistance. The most important investment incentives in the form of public assistance include the
Income tax exemption in Special Economic Zones,
Government subsidies for investments of a considerable importance to the economy,
Property tax exemption, granted on the basis of particular local governments resolutions,
Subsidies from the EU structural funds.
Investors from mechanical engineering sector have an opportunity to execute a new strategic investment project with
use of direct subsidies from the state budget, within the framework of the so-called "Long-term Support Programs„*. The
assistance is offered on the basis of the volume of newly created workplaces and the total value of investment outlay.
The maximum volume of incentive that an investment project is eligible to receive is determined by the assistance
intensity defined on the map of regional support. The maximum volume of regional support is, in turn, expressed as a
percentage of the qualified costs (i.e. project costs). The total amount of incentive granted cannot exceed the value of
qualified costs multiplied by the regional intensity index, which for Wrocław and Lower Silesia in the period of 2014 –
2020 accounts for 25%.
05. Available sources of public assistance*
Support program for investments of a major significance to the Polish
economy over the years 2011-2020
EU funds
Income tax (CIT or PIT) exemption of income generated by business
operation within a Special Economic Zone
Tax exemptions
Property tax exemptions
Subsidies for research and development
Subsidies for training
Grants and subsidies with regard to newly created workplaces
Other investment incentives
Subsidies and preferential loans from domestic sources for projects
related to environmental protection (waste management, energy
Tax incentives for research and development operation
Preferential loans for purchase or implementation of innovative
technologies - the so-called technological loan
*Detailed criteria and requirements for potential investors are defined within individual forms of public aid
Chapter 5 I Wrocław Agglomeration Sector Analyses – Mechanical Engineering
The Regional Labour Market
Wrocław's labour market is one of the fastest developing and most stable Polish regional markets. It is determined, on
the one hand, by the availability of human resources, including highly qualified engineers, and low labour costs given
employees' standard of qualifications, on the other hand - by the diversity of economy sectors present, with the
mechanical engineering industry high-ranking in importance.
In the third quarter of 2014, the unemployment rate in the Lower Silesian Voivodship amounted to 8.3%, with Wrocław
seeing the rate of 4.8%. There were slightly over 1.77 million professionally active people, accounting for 40% of the
entire population of Wrocław. The increase in the number of employed people, as against the previous year, reached 20
thousand. .
Mechanical engineering
Mechanical engineering is one of Poland's best developed industry sectors. It plays a major role in shaping the Polish
economy, with 32.7 billion PLN worth of business as of 2012. Manufacturers of machinery and devices provide 4.4% of
workplaces in the Polish industry. The average employment volume in the sector of enterprises manufacturing
machinery and devices amounted to 127 thousand people. As of the end of 2012, the value of foreign direct investors'
revenue gained from the capital invested in Poland reached over 3.4 billion PLN.
06. Manufacture of machinery and devices in 2012 roku
Manufacture of machinery and devices in 2012
Staff employed (in thousands)
Foreign direct investors' revenue gained from the capital invested in Poland in millions of PLN
3 411,6
Export in millions of PLN
17 722,1
Source: Central Statistical Office (GUS), The Statistical Yearbook of Industry 2013, National Bank of Poland data.
In 2010, companies manufacturing machinery and devices employed about 137 thousand staff. For comparison, in the
Czech Republic, the sector employs 15% staff less.
In 2008, the initiative of the Wrocław area entrepreneurs producing machinery and devices, as well as those offering
technological, distribution, consultancy and education services, and 2B2 services led to the establishment of the
CINNOMATECH cluster. The cluster delivers services in the areas of manufacture, education, R&D, and consultancy.
The cluster's important task is to support the region's economy and reinforce the competitiveness of enterprises
operating in the production line of business. Its main goals are: to create a collaboration network, improve
innovativeness of enterprises and manufacturers, as well as develop and launch innovative products and services.
Wrocław is ranked one of the biggest academic centres of Poland, next to Warsaw, Cracow and Poznań. In Wrocław
alone, ca. 130 thousand people are studying at 24 higher education institutions. In terms of students' numbers, Wrocław
is Poland's third largest academic city, following Warsaw and Cracow. It outstrips significant centres including Poznań,
Łódź, Gdańsk or Lublin. In 2013, over 34 thousand graduates left the city's universities. The key higher education
institution on the map of the city is Wrocław University of Technology (35 thousand students), providing education in
areas such as mechanics and machine construction, automatics and robotics, or mechatronics.
Chapter 5I Wrocław Agglomeration Sector Analyses – Mechanical Engineering
The Regional Labour Market
Labour costs:
Compared to other EU countries, labour costs in Poland are still some of the lowest. A Pole's average gross income
accounts for as little as 1/5 of pay received by Danish people, the Union's best paid employees, 23% of Irish people's
pay, 1/3 of Britons' and Germans' income, and 40% of what Spanish employees earn. In March 2014, the average gross
monthly salary in enterprises amounted to 4,017.8 PLN. In this period, the regions which saw the highest level of pay
were the voivodships of Mazovia (5,107.2 PLN), Pomerania (4,159.5 PLN) and Silesia (4,073.7 PLN). The residents of
the Lower Silesian voivodship employed in enterprises earn less than the domestic average, with average pay
amounting to 3,841.4 PLN. Pay in the Polish mechanical engineering sector amounts to 3,778 PLN.
In Wrocław, ordinary workers employed in the sector are paid an average 5,110 PLN; with specialists earning 5,530 PLN
and managers - 10,010 PLN
08. Total monthly pay in Wrocław's mechanical engineering sector, in PLN
First quartile
Third quartile
17 160
20 550
24 600
8 140
10 010
12 130
4 850
5 530
6 270
ordinary workers
4 490
5 110
5 760
Source: Pay reports by HRM partners 2013.
Chapter 6I Wrocław Agglomeration Sector Analyses – Mechanical Engineering
Case study– Bombardier Transportation
Bombardier Transportation is the biggest international investor operating in the Polish rail transport sector. It employs
over 1200 staff in facilities in Wrocław, Katowice, Łódź and Warsaw. The company, part of the Canadian conglomerate
Bombardier Inc., runs diverse operations including
manufacture of running gears and passenger trains, bogie frames for high speed trains, regional traffic multiple
units, trams and metro carriages,
design and manufacture of rail traffic control systems,
manufacture of electronic devices,
maintenance of railway rolling stock,
devices for rail traffic control systems.
Bombardier Transportation products are well-known and highly rated across the entire country. In Poland,
BOMBARDIER TWINDEXX double decker trains are used mainly in the region of Mazovia by the Mazovian Railways,
while the TRAXX line engines are part of the rolling stocks of LOTOS Kolej, Pol-Miedź Trans and Mazovian Railways.
Another product, the low-floor FLEXITY trams, facilitates city transport in Cracow, Gdańsk and Łódź, while traffic control
systems designed and manufactured by Bombardier Transportation are applied in the majority of Polish main rail routes
(soon, the state-of-the-art ERTMS technology Level 2, delivered by the Katowice facility, will operate at E65 WarszawaGdynia and E30 Legnica-Wrocław-Opole routes).
Locomotives TRAXX.
Chapter 6 I Wrocław Agglomeration Sector Analyses – Mechanical Engineering
Case study– Bombardier Transportation
The Wrocław facility is a continuator of the tradition of Pafawag Carriage Production Plant. Production at the facility was
launched as early as in the 30's of the 19th century, which makes it one of the oldest rolling stock production facilities in
Europe and, at the same time, Poland's oldest facility of this kind still in operation. It is worth adding that the facility,
operating till 1997 as the Wrocław National Rail Carriages Production Plant, in the 80's of the 20th century was one of
the largest manufacturers of rolling stock in Europe, as well as Poland's biggest producer of electric engines, electric
multiple units and railway carriages. The Wrocław based Bombardier's plant is one of the biggest Canadian investments
in Poland. Currently, all TRAXX line engine bodies are manufactured at the Bombardier Transportation Wrocław facility,
targeting the European and North American markets. Over recent years, TRAXX has become in Poland a synonym for
highest quality and reliability of new generation railway engines. So far, over 2,000 TRAXX engines for passenger and
cargo traffic have been sold.
Within the framework of internal collaboration within the conglomerate, the Wrocław unit also manufactures
subassemblies for other rail vehicles made by Bombardier (including bogie frames for high speed trains, regional traffic
multiple units, trams and metro carriages). In July 2000, the company was granted the certificate of integrated
management systems based on the PN-ISO 9001, PN-EN-ISO 14001 and PN-N-18001 standards. In 2001, it was
awarded the "Polish Environmental Protection Pantheon" prize. New investments and modernisation works at the
Wrocław facility followed in the subsequent years. In 2005, over 12 million PLN was spent on a modern, fully glassed
paint shop, one of Europe's most modern facilities of this kind, catering for every kind of rolling stock: engines, trams and
commuter trains. Since 2013, the Wrocław unit has been significantly developing its operation. A few new undertakings
have been underway, in relation to the Bombardier conglomerate's fulfilment of big contracts involving, among others,
manufacture of passenger train bodies for Hamburg's S-Bahn, manufacture of bodies for 450 electric engines and 200
diesel locomotives for Deutsche Bahn railways.
Chapter 7I Wrocław Agglomeration Sector Analyses – Mechanical Engineering
Case study– Alstom
For 20 years, Alstom company has been actively committed to the development of Polish economy. It employs over
3,200 staff in power engineering, transmission networks and transport. The Polish branch owns production facilities in a
few cities, including the following:
turbine production facility and casting houses in Elbląg,
generator production facility and the European Alstom centre specialising in turbogenerator development in
rolling stock production facility in Chorzów.
The production and technological base enables local manufacture of all of the most important devices, as well as
servicing in the Polish Alstom servicing centres. Since the beginning of its Polish operation, the conglomerate has
focused on quick technological development, thanks to which Alstom is a leader on the Polish market, delivering turnkey
projects for coal fuelled power stations, while serving as the Original Equipment Manufacturer of 95% of the power
engineering base installed. Over 320 medium-sized and large steam and gas turbines installed in power stations
worldwide were manufactured in Alstom Power's Polish production plants, mainly in Wrocław. Cast steel and cast iron
foundries located in Elbląg supply casts to other Alstom facilities all over the world. Additionally, Alstom carries out
numerous key projects in the area of power engineering infrastructure, whose execution also involves Polish companies.
Over recent years, the enterprise has commissioned companies including Polimex, Rafako, Energomontaż Południe,
Budimex or Remak to perform contract works. Almost 90% of the conglomerate's production output in the area of power
engineering is exported. As far as the transport section is concerned, the volume is as high as 100%.
The conglomerate's operation in Wrocław dates back to the year 2000, when the Alstom Power Genarators company,
headquartered in the capital of Lower Silesia, was established. Already a year later, ALSTOM Power Generators Sp. z
o.o. (Wrocław) and ALSTOM Power Sp. z o.o. (Elbląg) merged. As a result, ALSTOM Power Sp. z o.o. came into being
- a company specializing in manufacture of power engineering infrastructure. Its headquarters are located in Warsaw,
whereas the main branch and the production facility are in Wrocław. In the subsequent years, the Wrocław plant saw
consistent increase in the manufacture of generators, whose range, including both devices for small power plants and
very large ones - exceeding 400 tons in weight, kept broadening. Generators from the Wrocław facility began reaching
global buyers, located in countries such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the USA or China. Moreover, a European Alstom centre
specialising in development of turbogenerators was launched in the city. For many years now, the facility has delivered
generators applied in Alstom's biggest global projects, e.g. development of a nuclear power plant in Sweden,
modernisation of the Turów power plant, as well as construction of the new blocks at the Bełchatów and Opole power
Establishing of ALSTOM Power Generators in Wrocławiu
Merger of ALSTOM Power Generators Sp. z o.o. and Power Sp. z o.o.
Finishing the contract for modernisation of PGE Turów plant
Delivery of a turnkey project entailing an engine room and cooling stack for Patnow II and Łagisza plant
Commissioning of new block for Bełchatów plant
Signing a contract for carbon blocks construction in Opole II plant
Chapter 7I Wrocław Agglomeration Sector Analyses – Mechanical Engineering
Case study– Alstom
Foundation of the ALSTOM Power Sp. z o.o. company (headquartered in Elbląg)
Foundation of the ALSTOM Power Generators Sp. z o.o. company (headquartered in Wrocław)
Merger of ALSTOM Power Generators Sp. z o.o. (Wrocław) and ALSTOM Power Sp. z o.o. (Elbląg). Since the merger,
the company has operated as ALSTOM Power Sp. z o.o., with headquarters in Warsaw and a branch in Wrocław
1995 – 2005
Alstom Power's turnkey modernisation of blocks 1-6 of the PGE Turów power plant
1997 – 2010
Alstom Transport's delivery of trams for a few Polish cities and metro carriages for the Warsaw metro
2000 – 2008
Delivery of a turnkey project entailing an engine room for the Pątnów II power plant
2005 – 2009
Alstom Power's turnkey project entailing an engine room together with a cooling stack for the PKE Łagisza power plant
Establishment of a new branch - ALSTOM Power Sp. z o.o. in Katowice (Alstom Grid)
In September, Alstom handed over a new 858 MW block at the Bełchatów power plant - the largest power generation
block in the history of Polish power engineering
Contract for delivery of 20 high speed Pendolino trains for PKP Intercity, along with development of the servicing base
and the manufacturer's 17 years’ after-sales service in Poland.
Foundation of the ALSTOM Renewable Poland Sp. z o.o. company (headquartered in Elbląg)
Contract for construction of coal blocks at Opole II Power Plant, worth approximately 1.25 billion EUR. Alstom, as the
main contractor, will deliver devices including generators, steam turbines and boilers. Alstom's seven design offices are
involved in the construction of blocks 5 and 6; the conglomerate is also managing the entire project. According to the
schedule, the handing over of block 5 is planned for 2018, while the start-up of block 6 will take place in 2019. The
undertaking is Poland's and EU's biggest infrastructure investment.
Author of the study:
within the framework of „Mozart” 2013/2014 - the Municipal Program of Support for the Partnership of Higher Education,
conducted as Partnership:
The Invest in Wrocław team comprises professionals hailing from the Agency of
Wrocław Agglomeration Development and JP Weber. The experts, boasting
extensive knowledge of the region, investment locations, conditions of investing and
doing business in Poland, will effectively support investment projects and provide all
necessary information.
You are welcome to visit the portal
For over 12 years, JP Weber has been supporting international investors in their
Poland based investment-related operations and their day-to-day tax and accounts
related, as well as legal dealings. We employ over 60 investment and tax advisers, as
well as lawyers operating from our Wrocław and Warsaw offices. We provide
services to both large global conglomerates and SMB sector enterprises planning
their business activity in Poland and we support Polish companies in looking for
strategic investors and in their international expansion. We support decision-makers
in transactions and day-to-day handling of their businesses, guaranteeing an
individual client-oriented as well as comprehensive approach to the Polish market's
business. You are welcome to visit our website
When planning to start business operation in the area of the Wrocław agglomeration,
every company is eligible to receive support from the Agency of Wrocław
Agglomeration Development, responsible for supporting foreign investment activity.
Already since 2005, the Agency has been providing assistance to foreign investors in
the area of planning and conducting comprehensive investment processes, also by
ensuring post-investment care. The dedicated team of specialists supports investors
at every stage, making sure that the whole investment process is carried through fast
and effectively. You are welcome to visit
HRK is one of the largest human resources management consultancy organisations
operating in Poland. We offer comprehensive services for investors in the area of
human resources management by supporting them in their recruitment projects, as
well as in professional potential research and development, career path building and
employer branding. Under the brand of HRK Payroll Consulting, we deliver services
with regard to payroll administration and personnel documentation management. As
part of IRC Executive Search and Bernard Hodes Global Networks international
networks of globally active employer branding experts, we deliver projects across the
whole country and abroad. You are welcome to visit our website
Jarosław Ignacy, Ph.D.
Doctor of economic sciences, specialising in strategic management and lecturer at
the Department of Strategic Management of Wrocław's University of Economics. He
has combined his academic activity with collaboration with business as an adviser
and consultant for many years, having authored numerous strategies, studies and
expert opinions for the needs of companies, institutions and local government units.
Participant and expert member of many research projects in Poland and countries of
the European Union, linked to various aspects of entrepreneurship, strategic
management and New Public Management.
The following sources of information were used for the purposes of the study:
1) Statistical data and sector studies of the Central Statistical Office (GUS).
2) Data, analyses and sector presentations of PAIiIZ (Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency).
3) Data and information of the Wrocław Agglomeration Development Agency.
4) Data of EMIS Intelligence.
5) Analyses, forecasts and information from the Ministry of Economy.
6) Information from the websites of Bombardier and Alstom companies.
7) Generally available press information (including Bankier, Forsal, Gazeta Prawna, Puls Biznesu,, and with regard to the development of Bombardier and Alstom companies.
8) "Wrocław Driven by Knowledge" publication – the Wrocław Agglomeration Development Agency/Knight Frank.
9) Publications of the Organisation of Economic Co-operation and Development and the World Bank.
Agencja Rozwoju Aglomeracji Wrocławskiej SA
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